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<br />`~ ~ ~ ~ QUITCLAIM DEED
<br />~ 201005849
<br />Douglas D. Axford, a Married Man and D~.ane L. Axford,
<br />His Wife
<br />Grantor, whether one or more,
<br />in consideration of Lave and Affection
<br />receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, quitclaims and
<br />conveys to Douglas D. Axford and Diane L. Axford, Husband and Wife
<br />as JTWROS ,Grantee,
<br />the following described real estate (as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. § 76-201) in
<br />Ha11 County, Nebraska:
<br />The Easterly 240 feet of a strip of land in the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SW 1/4NE1/4)
<br />and of Lot Two (2) an Island in SF;ction Thirteen (13), Tnwnshfp Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9}, West
<br />of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, running with paraNel sides from south to north through said
<br />premises, twenty-six and one half (26 1/2) rods wide, bounded as follows #o wit: Qn the south side by the
<br />half section line running along the south line of said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter
<br />(SW1/4NE1/4} and on the west side by a line Twenty-seven (27) rods east of and parallel with the west
<br />fine of said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SWII4NE1/4) and an the north side by the north
<br />channel of the Platte River, commonly called the"Wood River", and on the east side by a line Twenty-six
<br />and one-half (2B 1/2) rods west of and running parallel with the east line of said Southwest Quarter of the
<br />Northeast Quarter (SW11aNE1/4) and Lot Two (2), subject to the right-of way over a strip of land at the
<br />south end thereof, one (1 } rod wide reserved by Edward Baasch, and the west Twenty-seven (27} rods of
<br />the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SW 114N E9l4) and the west Twenty-seven {27) rods of
<br />Lat Two (2) on Island, all in Section Thirteen (13}, Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9}, West of
<br />the 6th P.M., F-)CCEPTING therefrom that portion known as Axford Subdivision recorded April 16, 1996 as
<br />Instrument #96-'102803, now known as Axford Second Subdivision recorded March 15, 2005, as
<br />Instrument #200502223; and EXCEPTING therefrom that portion known as Pomona Farms Subdivision
<br />recorded December 8, 2003, as Instrument #200315798, records of Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Executed:. ~4ugus. t=..1 ~... ? 1 ........... ,~ .... .
<br />(Do las D, Axford)
<br />..l,~. P.1 ~ . ..... ................ .
<br />(Diane L. Axford)
<br />State of..... ~~~f~,rb SK.~._ ................... .
<br />County of.... `'"I d: ~~ ................ .
<br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on... August ..1,9.,.. 2Q).0 , , , , , , , , ,, , , , ,
<br />by.. - - - . I~ouglas..D.... Axford . & . Diane..I~.... A~f.Qr ..... ........................ .
<br />Q r,,(~{
<br />6f~ERARI~TMY-81~laatNe6n~W ~ . ..............Notary Pu li .................... .
<br />t~1IRA MCELROY
<br />W~ ~.~w, zs, xota
<br />