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<br /> . . . 96_ '�U9�1
<br /> k�REPAR&D DY,WF3IRTJ REC01t�FsA, M1�II, �'p: Atecorcde�! HSaok 156, Y'uga
<br /> TLT�,� I�l�GOI� TR.AGdCINC 1l�y� 'l9. 1996. 9:��D A.L�4. W
<br /> n��I t2Y��:(�I2C)�:�113 Zf.v�'t�I2'1�L`PS:�N �
<br /> 3b7 L. t?�,IV� AIiF;. 9TE �QQ
<br /> BtiRAANK. CA 915(32 .
<br /> (8].8? 84Q-003� �
<br /> Ru�. of Daeds. 16td 51111ov Co.
<br /> RFCON #: MxA-O�A9�I�ibO LQAN N0: 1936599e INV�E�{"C' NO:
<br /> R. 1C�NT' R.ADKR, Artor.ney at Law, admi�ted to practirQ in th� State of.
<br /> �'sbrAeka, 2�v�.mg an a�fice at 13?.7 "H" S�reet, �ixi�.t� 200, Li�.coZn, Nebra�ka
<br /> 68509 ie here,by app��.nted euccEaraor Trur�tee ux�c�ar the Truet Deed executed by
<br /> DI1lNN 9]1�DD�ta, A 9x�t3i�C P�R90�T, ae Txvetore ia which Haraeat 8wn1� 2t�bo;e.�lea�,
<br /> NAtional 11,��soci�Ciau is namQd �e Beneficiary and �osx��t H�alic �T�bra�lr.a�n
<br /> N�tional 11��oais�l.oa ae Truetee, dat�d , and filed for record an 3R�� ��.
<br /> 19Q9, Inst# 89�10�655, Haok , Page , rerec:r�xded Oa� OZ 19e9� Ine�#
<br /> 89-].05�9�, AocrJ� , Page in the ofEica o� t�s�e Regieter o� ��ede u� .��t,L .
<br /> � .�oR1fi'1'7r G�ouney; , t��braeka. The� true� proporty a�fected ie ].e�al].y deecz��.k��d as'��,- _
<br /> ; �olla�: .��� �
<br /> .�o�r �wa c�� , a�A x�o t�). �t vn�vie�saxu �s�, �►xx ��sT�ca�t �o ssa ���r o� ,
<br />'. �`RAND I6L�1NU� Yil;�i• HALL COUNTY, N�HR$91CA ��� -� �
<br /> .r , .
<br /> Ni r�ti eaa�e, St�tie �avf,aQs saa�t ,� �,;�.
<br /> � � '��
<br /> . Carols J. �r ",F GbR�DR{�.� .; ::�,
<br />° Yiae pre��id�ti � SE�, . . ..
<br />'` uidfi�a� S�uk, .��a�t� 9svir�gs �aak .. . �,,.
<br /> Corporate Ackuc�wledggnnent ST1�TB OF Ok1aLp� _�P RFORATE �SB1#L? ,, �;,,
<br /> _., cov�rxz �� a�pu�aia�o► 9 �,�..-
<br /> _n _ �
<br />�� qr� lfay 0� t99��32i�fore me. Che undaxe�igaed Notary Publ�.c, pCra�a3nally appeared ':�:,'•.
<br />'� �he alouv� riamecY, Gro7.� J. D3olrao� ae Che via� prM�idrn�, gereona�lly knA�n
<br /> ' to me ar praved to me oa th� ba►ei� o� ea�tie�actoxy evi�ence ta be the
<br />;� p�rson(e) xer.uted the W�.Chin inetrument dn behalf of the cnrpora►tion
<br />= therei ed }�.�a,d o�r�.edged to me tha�t thR corporation ex�cul�Qd i.t.
<br />� i�vI S riat�:s, tlicial seal.
<br />- -,.•� �
<br /> .t,D�a�tna 8�� . 1i0T�t PQDLIC _ Sep.��.*�;'��''� �;;; .
<br /> �, , , `.;
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<br />=�;::$TATE OF' NSHItAS1CA ) � �' .
<br />�:�_.:+C'OUNTY .OF I,I�IdC.�`�i:c'�8R ?se.
<br /> =% .
<br /> -_ Txie ua�,��si��.�;�,� be3nq £ire� du�y� ewor�, s�ya t1�a►t he �.e th� Succeeeoz
<br /> , �rust�:z��fe:rxed to abrnre and tha� h� hae eent a� copp af the above ��
<br /> �+.faregoi:�ng by r��ular U�ited 3tatee ma31, �ith �qetage prepald.,,.to LhQ � ' �
<br /> �`';`3:,aat-know�a �c�'f4�� of Che Truetee befng rep3.�cr��3. ae require�;� ��
<br /> ''�;�2CCion 76-103�� �f the Nebraeka R iee � ���n , � ,
<br /> , ,
<br /> � . .
<br /> � R. Kent Ra �.�lttorn.ey at Lasr �
<br /> ,i.; . . .,. .
<br /> :;::��BSCRIBBD anc�:. �rr'i�rn Co befor� � his��c�c��r f �lg�
<br /> ,,-�: "� 1 tl d 1�..J .
<br /> .y�,`'- ' '-
<br /> . .. ,. ���weT�r�s�moiKe�,�,, Natary ��ubi c-C ��� on
<br /> 1 ' ���E��ir.iun 8 aE��. SxP res:
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