. _�
<br /> — A_�_ - t;--- .. - .- .- . . - -_ _ _ �. - =---
<br /> ,_ _ -
<br /> ":. _���R_ , ._� � _�.C�,>'T'.'SF.Jr� �,L� ' � -._..... ___ _ . _ .__ _ _ . ___� ..s..;_�`_� �
<br /> � .' ,C � ^ — ` 4 . •4. ' ( - ' �. . . l'i� .:y.
<br /> _.. - ------- -�::a-_r�t .c'!--V` • -- - -- � - _ -- - -
<br /> • . - . - _ .. ,- - ._ . -+.._.,�.:�.. r�i�*--.- . . . - [
<br /> � � . � . . 92- f . �
<br /> ' � _ut�oeN�ov�NAt�fs. Don�..a f.ader aoNe.�.t tmd K�as fdlows: F ���
<br /> - -�_- _ - — ` -- '--- _ ' u ..d..wr,iw ..ti— -
<br /> _ i� � ---- i����-`}'." =- __
<br /> aed tate c, d�e u�r tt�e Nate.
<br /> — tba prsecip�t a[aod ialerhE at tAe dcbt aridenc�d Q7►.tbe Naieaod aoY P�Y� �S --
<br /> - = _: F�is 1�C Tia�s�1M Z�wRa�t�. Subjec�ta appliabk law or w s writtee waiver by 1ieoder.Horrower s1aU _
<br /> -- pqr to L e e d a r a�t l�a,d�y m o n t 5 l Y Q a Y m e a t s�r c d u e uoder t6e Natc.nadY tLe Note is p�d in fuli,a snm("Fynds°'?for: � -
<br /> --- __= ts�YnriY mcaaod a�ees:n�eati+Mhiah mig amit�pdoritY o�rer t�is Seauiry fasttumeat�s Iiea uo the Pragecry:@)YearlY - _
<br /> — �lwdwid PYmeatr a i�'a�d�on tbe Pcopeny..if aayr:t�)Y�IY�d or pc�op�etty inptraact P�a�as.td}yarIY.
<br /> - uood ioa�soe pmaium�,if aay�(e)Yacty moetts�e im�uaooe p�emiva�s.if aoy;aod tfl m7►�P�Y�67i�*�
<br />. �+�� ' to Ira�der.ia soceM���P�'�°f P�+P�8,in lien�tht pyrneffi of moct�sge iffiurmot p�emiums.Theu
<br /> - i�ue c�ikd"F.tcro�Uaas_"Isnder msy.at any time,oolkct aod bold F u n d s ie an aroo�at n o t w e�e c e e d d m m a x u n u m
<br /> my
<br /> amou�+t a bnde�for s tode�aUY rel�d a�o�E��°m*7�'Q�N����s acrew accbuac wider tiie federat Rat
<br />- � Fs�r Sealea�nE Prooedunes Act of 1�374 as aoeaded frdm time ta time, 12 U.S.C. ¢260I a r�q. t"RFSPA"}.unkss
<br /> � a�o�hee 4�v�t aQplies w t6e Fuodt sas s ksier amo�at.If so.Leader m�y.at any time.cdket aod 6old Funds iu an
<br /> amoaat mt to e�ceed the later amamt.I�eades wsy aUa�oe d�e amoimt of Funds du�on tbe 6�sis of�vrteat d�ts snd
<br /> ,'; re�6ie e.stimatrs af e�q�eodi�ua of fiidue F.�cno+�►.Items or atber�rise ia acco�d�rjce with appiieabk law-
<br /> 3-.. . ?6y Fuods tb�ii�e 5eid in�u imtiortiao wrbase deposi�.ar�i�c�d bY a fedetal�ency.i�uumentalitY,a e�cY
<br /> - •�->- Cu�ciadi�Lmda.if Lendes�aucb an�imti�aau)ot in�nY Fodeti�t 8ome Loa�►Hmk. Lender s6�11 appty th Funds m <
<br /> � ' ;�"�;` •�� � aod the Fmids,annwily anatyzirig the asctaw _
<br /> P�y t6e Esc�+aw Iteaa.i.eader may not ctnrge Hotr�wer fa 6oWmg �PDtY�B
<br />' _. aocoaat,ar verit�rit�tLe F.tctvw ILems,aoiess Lender prys$oirowa i�teaest oo tbe Fmds�applicabk 1aw Parmics L�ode� _
<br /> �� -= Y tequi�e Bocmwer w a on7tsme ch�r�e far an� .�ceat esnte __
<br />• -' -r��� to mtir�e sacb s cl�r�e.Harvever,La�der m� P�Y . ��_
<br /> :�--�_• Isadaziaca000etiaavrid�diislam,�kssapp�icablelsWPuvidesa�e�'sse �
<br /> ' . `�;:;.; t�iepa�tms scvioe wed b�► to Borrower an interest a amip�C. -
<br /> " it m�de oe�pplicable Isw roquires iaienest to be p�id,I�et�der shaU�ac be requiced P�Y Borrow y
<br /> shtll be aa the Futds.i.eader sl�il ��,�._-
<br /> • ` ;�,�",,�, • oe ihe Fmrds.Hoimwer aod knder.may sg[ee it►wripog.however,tb�t�ptest F� :: ,:"'_-
<br /> ��'.:.,�, �.;.';'?�:``;;'�; , g�to Bo�io�a,Mit6ouc ch�r�e•sia annaai a000urntio�of tl�Fands,shoWinBc�adi�s�nd debits to die Fimds aod dre purpo�e
<br /> . °�: , .<<� for wbicb acfi debitto tbe Fw�ds was made.Tbc Fimd�ac+t pledged as addition�l socuritY for aD sw�secuc�ed by tdis Sewrity .��:;:*:�:� _I -
<br /> .� .
<br /> <{;�ti.:�.
<br /> ' � � ' �D�'°�' ` ` sobca]dty�ppiic�utetaw,i.er�decsttaUacxourxmEorivwer .
<br /> .. . .. . tft6eFmWsfd�tbrl�end�e�rraadd�eamouotspamiued �-°'� . _ _
<br /> . ' . . • , for t6e e�s Ftmds�axoMaaca�rtFe the tequiremmasts of appl�ble law.Lf tbe amouat of ihc Funds beld lsy Leoder at ;. �� , -
<br /> � . � ,ny tune is stoe:urf etea�to pay�he Fsc:ow Iums wheaaae.La�may so nobfyr aorcowa ia wr;png,am,io s�cn case � ;
<br /> .',�.` ' � Borcow�er sbaU paY to L�der the aiaoaiu r�axssu!►to mtke ap d�e de6eiencY.Boaower sh�ll malce np t h e d e fi e i e n e y in � . , :
<br /> �,,.; ( ..�,��}��q�/�y�nts,ai I.endu's sole d�scndon. � E . .
<br /> ,,l,r'/`4. .,( . �.. m IIIMC�I�/��A/�i�Yri'us�waaj t�J"'� r .. ..
<br /> .-i::< , v�.�jI10CIK LL[{Uu Of�St1�S SOC�Ca��115$CC1t[!tY Iltitf0�11CA[.j.EIIdEI 8���[OQI�Y[Cf{tlld W BOtIOWC! �
<br /> "...r'` � ' .a6Jl FO�i��l j.�Cp4�CY.�.11AdET�'�2�s�.Elldf:[E��I11LC O�SEu 1�1C P[OpCR�t,l.COdCfr�10[1Q�k.'�'Q��14 " .
<br /> .� . si�ll aPP1Y�Y��veld 6y Lendec at tbe time of acquisidon or sale as a crodit against We sums � ,
<br /> � or 9aie o€dre Pcopetty, --
<br /> � -- . . , • � � �• ' � .,. ��
<br /> !!lCplOd t�lit�1lilly i '
<br /> 3. o(Pl��e�ats. Unlesg applia+�ble Is►w provides wl�wise.aU psymeats received bY Lender w�der ,
<br /> � � , pua�r�i�s lAwd�2 sb�ill be applied:fust,to a�►Y Fre�►Yment charges due under tl�e Nae;second.w amaunts psyable aader , .��
<br /> ` . pangapb 2;third,w intenst due;fouith,to prineipal dae;and 1ast,to any tate charges due under ttje Note. ,. �':,.�
<br /> � 4. Cde�es;Lieao. Borrower shall pay aU taaes.aASessmeats,chuges,fines.and imposidoac aan�utable to tlsc ; , .�
<br /> . : pm�xty whicb may atta�n Priority over this Securiry Instrument.aAd ltasehold payments or graund renta,if any.Bormvva : �.
<br /> ' ' " sh�11 p�Y these obligaauns in tbe manr�er provided ia p�r�graph 2,or if not paid in that m�nner,Borrower shaU pay them � '. '..
<br /> on time dtrocdY to tUe persoa owed p►yment.Bonow�r shall PromptlY furaish to Lender�Il notices of araounts to be poid ; . ,-
<br /> . ,' , :,.• .• �-
<br /> tmder tLis p�r�grsph.If Barower maices these pryrnaKs dinctty,Borrower s1�lt p�vmptty fumi�to l�kr mxipts evidenctn8 -
<br /> ' . � �� Borr�r 81WI promptlY disclwrge stry tieA aLicli bas prios�ry over this Securlry lnsuument unless Borrower. (a) , • . ;-
<br /> . . � s�roea In wrlttng to the payment of�he obtigaion secured by the lien In a manner accepable co I�ender:N)conusts in good �,rt
<br /> � ` � faith the lien by,ar defends agaia�t enforcemeat of the lien in,legal proceeding�which in the Leader's opinion oQerau to '
<br /> � pre.went the eaforcement of the tien:or(c)setures fr�the holdes vf the lien a�agrament saUsfactory to Lender subor- � �
<br /> • '. diattlns tha Ikn w this Security Inswment.If Len&r detennines that atty p�tt�¢the PropertY is aubje�t to a lien wtich ; ::`,��: �
<br /> ' �y�p�city a�rer this Sec,vrity In�trument,Le�der may give Borrawer a Aaaa iden6fying the liea.8orrower st�aii j „ . ;,"
<br /> ' aatttfy the lien or t�ke oae or more.of the actions set forth above within 10 days af the givimg of notice. �-''�'""W'
<br /> . � S. Ht�ard or.Yropetty Iaarrapce. Bonower s h a U kap t h e i m p rovemen t s now eais ting o r h e r e�f t e r e r e c t e d o c� ` , ,
<br /> � the Prapea7►lnsural�inat 2oss by fire, Auards u�ctuded within the term"e�r�rded caverage"and any other haTards, : .
<br /> . �,;,. ' . iucludioa tloods ar floading,for which l.ender requ'ues insurance. This insuracsre shall be maintained in the amounts and ; , . ..
<br /> : . � � c , _ •
<br /> for t1�e period�th�t Lender requires.The insurance carrier providing the insurarce ahall be chosen by Boaower subjec�to
<br /> Lender'a�proval which shall not be unreasonably withlkld.If Borrower Pails to maintain cuverage described above.Lend�r
<br /> � miy,at Lender's option,oMaln eoverage to protect Lender's dghts in the Prape�ty in accaadance with paragraph 7. ,
<br /> /�11 inaurance policks u�d renewala shall be acceptabte to Lender and shall include a standard mortgage clause.Lereder ,
<br /> ' . � ah�11 fiave the righE to hold the policies and renewaLs�,lf Lender requiras,Borrawer s1�a11 promptiy glve to Leacfer all receipts . "
<br /> - of pdd premlums and renewal nocices.ln the cvent of loss,Bonower shall give y+rompt nodce to the insurance Carrier and , _
<br /> . Lender. Lender may malce proof of toss if not mada promptly by Bonower.
<br /> �,_, Unles�Lender aad Horrower aherwise agree in writing.insutance proceeds shall be apNlled to restoration or repair . � •
<br /> � . � of the property damaged,if tt�c restoration or repair is economlcally feasible aad Lender's security la nw lessened.If ttse •
<br /> ' � nstor�don or repais is not economieally feasible or l.ender's security would he le�sened.the lnsurance proceeds shall be .
<br /> � � applied to the sums sacured by Uils Sccurlty tnstrument,whether or not then dve.with any excess paid ta Borrawer.lf Bonower
<br /> ' ab�ndp�ttte ProperGy,or does nat answer within 30 duys a notice from l.ee�#er that the iasurance carrier has offered ta
<br /> � settIe a et�im,then Lender may collect the insurance proceeds.Lender may us�L�e proceeds to repair or restore the Prapen} �
<br /> ' � • � oc to p�y sum+seaured by this Sec�r."ty lnsuurnent.whether or not tlfen due.7'he 30-day per�ad will begln when the rcaei�.°
<br /> • is g,iven. . • .
<br /> , Unles�Lender and Borrawet oQrtrwist agrea in writing.any applicatirm of proceeds tn principat slyall not caetend . . .
<br /> - - • ' oc postpom the due date of the monthly payments referred to iii paragraphs 1 and Z or ch�nge the amour.t c:`ihe payments. �
<br /> � . '� Ilunder patagaph 21 tLe Froperty is acquired by l.eader,Bonower's right tn any insurance policies wtd prareeds resulting .
<br /> .. ' , :: � from damsge to the Fraperty prior to the acquisition shall pass to I.ender to the eztene of the$vms secured by this Security
<br /> ;
<br /> InsWmeet imnxd3�tely ptlor to the acquisidon. �
<br /> ' . � _ '
<br /> �Fote1]12� !!!1 /pa%c I af S pvges) .
<br /> , . - • - - - � --- - - _ .. .
<br /> - - - — — - - � .
<br /> . • ' . �
<br /> . � . -
<br /> • -• , .. • , -- - - - -
<br /> . - _ ..- -- _ _ .
<br /> .,. . .._ ... . .. _ --- .
<br />