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<br /> '1'1►c 1'm�tl�a hlr+lt Ix� heid i�i un insliwtit:si wt�oye dc��►sits c�rc i�;h�u'�.d by n fcdcral u�cncy, u�strunicntaliiy. ur cntity
<br /> (Irr.ln�llu�s I�cn�lcv.H��,cr�t�.�r Ir:�uch��u In:.tit�+tfon)or ira nny��cdcral Hnn;r,inr,�n[}t+t�k.I.t:ntl�:r shuU up�tly dtr.Fant.ls to�;►y din llA�
<br /> 1?scruw It��iti. ll.�ulc�• iu:iy nri cha��bc�'ua�ru1��c►•foj•lio!diu��c��t�l i!pt�lyiiqsydtc i'iuidr:,nnnunity iu�ulyilnl;tltc c�cro�v nccn�int.nr
<br /> vcrifyiug thr,L�craw itcmr�,unlr.ss I.endsr pay�13annwtr intcrest an Qir,i•undw uiid applicablc law permits l.c:�u.lce�o mukc`�ucl► f"�
<br /> n churgc. Hawcvr.r.l.,ei�lcr nmy rcquire Bnnower to pay a onc-Nme chnrp,c fc►r nn ii�dc}s�endent rcal cstatc tax rcpaiting scrvico
<br /> useri by Ix�xler in cnnnec�ion wli h this toan, unless applicUble law peuvides ot��erw�se• UIIICSS QIl D$tCCI1lClli IH IILIIdC or
<br /> applicablc Inw requires lntere�t to bc paid. Lendcr siin!! not b�requirc;d to pay,Aorrawcr any intcrest ur enmings an�he Tuexi:�.
<br /> Bc�rrowcr and Lendcr nu�y agrex�n writing,however, that inttrest shell be paid an tlie Fuixls. [.cnder shall�ivf'oWBoC�r�OCach
<br /> withaut charge. nn unnual xmunting of the Funds, showing credits ancl deblts to the Fu�x1s nnd�1�e purpo•
<br /> deblt to tl�r:Funds was made,►he�unds nre glalgad ws additianal suurity for nll snrx!s secured by this S�urity Insu�amcnt.
<br /> If tt►�Funds held by I.encSer er.csed the amounts pernflttecl to ha rald by applicable taw. l.ender shall acco��nt to 63orn�wer
<br /> fur thc cxcess Funds in accordanee wlth the requ'rronxnts of applicabla law. If the a�nnunt of the Funds held by Lerxter at any
<br /> timR:is not suffictent to pay ths�scr�w ltems when dur..Lender muy so notify i�o►�rower in writ9ng,and,in such case Bcnrawsr
<br /> sl�zl! puy to Lender the amau�et necessary to rualce up the deSiciency. Borrower shall make up th�deficiency in no►nore than
<br /> twelve monthly paymsnts. at Lender's sc►tu discretion.
<br /> Upon pa.yment in full of ull sums socured by this Security Iastrument. l.ender shall prorr�tly refund ta Borra�wer nny
<br /> �unds held by Let�er.If, undcr parag�a�I�21,Lendcr shall acquire or sell the Property. I,ender,pnor to thr,acquisitinn or sale
<br /> of the Property,shall appAy any Funds held by l.ender ui d�e time of acquisition or salc us a credit ngainst the sums secureJ by
<br /> this 5c.�curity Instrument.
<br /> 3.Application of Ps+►ym�r�ts.Unless applicable law providcs otherwise,all paymr.nts received by Lender under paragrap s
<br /> 1 arul 2 sl�sll be applisd: first. to nny prepoyment chargcs due undcr the Note:second. to atnounts paynble under paragmph 2;
<br /> third.to interost doe; fourth,tn principal due;a1and I��to�u s�n�h cl���uefa��impositions attributxble to the PmpercY
<br /> 4.Chorges;Lien+• �oRO:ver shall pay �o�Qr round rents, if any. &�rrower shhsi!!I pi;�
<br /> ���hich may nttain priuriry ovor chis 5ecurity Instniment, end leas�hold pay B
<br /> t�'he,se obligations in the mxnner ptovided in paragraQh 2,ar if not[�aid in that tnans+_+:r.Bc►rrower st�all twy them on ti►ne diroctly
<br /> zo the person owed payment.Honower shall promptly Turnish to Lender ell notices af nn-�ounts to be paid under tlyia paragrapb•
<br /> Tf IBorro�rer makes these payments diret�8y,Horrowcr shall promptly furni�sh to I,erw3.r receipts evidencing the p�yments.
<br /> &�rc�+rcr shnll ptomp►ly dischugc;Ei^�g�li�n which has priority over this 5ecurity Iastrumer4a�enlcss Borrowcr: (a)agrees in
<br /> writing c0.r,hn Wayment of the abUgatiun:s��cural by the lien in a manr�er acceptable¢a I.ender;4t�1 cont�sta in good fwth th�•):i�en
<br /> by, cr 4�tiien;ls�pgainst enforcemcnt of�t�n� lien in, le�al proceedic�os whicli in tltc lxnder's ��inlon operate to prcven.t'�e
<br /> enrvrcecr��ni�•of�Ix lien;or(s)secures from the holder of the lien an agreemeSt�s���ECt to a lie►�whichsmayr•�ttniu priori¢y�c�ver
<br /> this 5:�u:�iay fnfitru�nent.. Rf Uender determines that arny part of thc Property '.
<br /> this Sect�ir>:Instnur3ent, �Laxler a�ay give Barrawcr n.notir.e idendfying tiic i�2�e. �'�wcr shall sutisfy the lien or teke onie or
<br /> more o�the uctions s�t fa¢l�above within 10 days of tl�e giving of notice.
<br /> �, }},�y1ZA-S� PY �`�ip�Y I���• �0rrower sh�ll keep ehe improvements nUw existi or h}er�fler erccted o� a�e
<br /> iproperty insu�eci sga9n`q1.1os�i bTy��fir f iea�ia���D,�s aTlann�This insurunce sha11 beeannintalned in thoaa�r�swc sit���f�nc�pe dodg
<br /> • r.a.�,���Y tlnndii�, for � � � .�r i.��,rr�wer subiect to 1Lcnder s apgroval
<br /> • that I.endei requir�s.Thc insurunct carrier proviai�anc insurw�sf�al■�ct:n� ,, ----
<br /> which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Tf Borrower fails to muincain r.overagc dcscribcd above. Le►uler may,at i.ender's
<br /> option,obtain covcrage to protect l..endc.r's ri�lits in tha Property in acoordence W<<��P�'�S►'�+}�h�' �
<br /> All insurance polieies and renewals shall be accaptable to Lender��o�r hall pmmp�ti ly Aive tn I.gerder all Sroa1'�p��
<br /> shxtl ht�ve the right to hold the policies and renewals. If l.�nder requires,
<br /> p�id prcmiums and renGwal noticcs•In the cvcnt of Yoss.Borrower ahall give prompt notice to tfio insurancc c�rrier and L��der•
<br /> Ixrdtr may m�lce praof ut'loss if not rt�e�le prompdy by Barrower.
<br /> U�p��,�der�nd 8orrower othe�wlse egra in wnt�ng.insuru�ce pro:oedg sh�tl be applied to restoration ur rcp�ir of!he
<br /> p�nY�n��d, if th�reicarruion ar repAir is eoonomic�lty feasiblG�d L,ender's sxudty i�not lessened.If the�aw�j�u�
<br /> repair is no�ecaarnkally fexsible or Gender's security would!►e Iesscnod,the insur�►ce prncmals shaU be aPP���tO�s�
<br /> securod by thi� Security Instcument.whetF�er nr not dxn due, wlth any excess prid to Bomower. lf Borrower abuixlonc the
<br /> p�ny���doe,y not u�swer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the tnwranc�enmer has offerod to sett�t N I�irro. �
<br /> L,endcr nuy wlltict the insurArioe procads. i,ender may use the pt+oca�ls to mpair or n:stoc+e the PropenY, PAY
<br /> xcvi+ed Dy this Sxunty Inatrument.whcther or not then due.The 30•d�y prnnd w�!l�btgin,wlion the notice is given.
<br /> Untess Lender m►d Borrowcr otltierwise agrce in writing, anY aPPlicattan of pnx�oedd ta princip�l stull rat extencl or
<br /> poFtpatie the due dale of the mo�ihlY paYmcnt�referrod to in paragr+►phs. 1 and 2 or.ch�ngc d}e amount of thc�l�n�from
<br /> ���p�nBraph 21 tl�e propeny is acquirod by Lender,Horrower's nght to anp insumna polnc�es and p�+ocoeAs B
<br /> �,yg��the p�+opody prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent.af�thn sun�s stcurod by this Security Instrumenc
<br /> ima�rodutely pnor to the acquisition. �y�.��'s�,qia Applkadon>I�da�aolds.
<br /> 6.OcneP�n�,R�err�tlan.Maiolen�nce and Protection oi the Fnnreri��;, .
<br /> Hom�wer s�t�ll occupy. euRblish.cwd use the Property�t3orco��pSa sower's�prinapsl�r�:slden e f4 satReuu�ne year after
<br /> �is�cu�cy Inuniment and shall conainue to occupy ProP� Y
<br /> �he dste Af occup�wcy, aar.tess I.ender othe►wise agrus in wnting,w�ich cuacent sfwl!notbe unreasonably withhdd.or unitss
<br /> extenuatin8 circumstornres e�cist whtch are b�yunc� Bormwer's rnntrol. Aun+��?w�cor ��r�1 be Ui�de�tfau�if any fuc�f'�ture
<br /> p�Ky� al�flw ttne property to deteriorate, or commit waste on the Properiy•
<br /> action cr proceeding,whether c►vil or�criminal.is begun that in i.rnder's g�wd fuid�judgmer.t could resul�in forfeiture of the
<br /> property or otherwise materially ii�ai�c the li�n crceted by thls Sec�uu$Ini tho acti n ar proaafing t b�e dismisseA with a rul!ing
<br /> cun such a default and reinstate,as providod in paragraph 18.by S or other m�terisl
<br /> that, ia Lcnder's goori fnitl�determinntion. preclude.v forfeiturc of tho 8ono�vtr's intetest in the Property
<br /> impairrnent of the liera crcated by this Security Instrument or Lender's secu�ity intcrest. Borrower sli�ll also bc in default if
<br /> Borrowec,during thc loan npplication process,gave materially false ar����to inFormaxion ar statements to Lender(or fQiled
<br /> tu�rovid��.eader with nny materiul information)in connection wiQ�tho loan evidenced by tlie Note,including.bu!nat ltmiud
<br /> to.representations coneem�ng liorrower's occupancy of the 1'ropetty as a principal residen�:. If t8[s Security Instrument is on a
<br /> lcasehold, Borrower shall camply �vidt all thc pruv�sions of the leasa. If&�rrowcr acyuires foe title to the Pruperty. the
<br /> leasehol�{�cx3:ho fa titie shall not merge unless Lexeder If A�orro cr fails to pe fo�rm d�e covenants and agreements contafnnd in
<br /> 7.Protectlo�ot I.eader's Rig4ts in the Property.
<br /> tlus Sccurity It►�trumcnt,or thcre i9 a legal procooding d�at may signifisantty affxi Lendet'F riShts in the Properiy (such as a
<br /> prqctedia►g�n ban�ru{rtcy,probate,for condcmnation or forfeiture ar to enfotre laws or reg�l�tio�s).tbea Lender may do�nd
<br /> y for whatevcr is ncxessary to protect tl�e va(ae of the Property und i.ender's rights in the PropertYa in�nr coutt�paying
<br /> Pi..._�_ �_.... e....�.,�„_ �,�r.Yl hv u lim whtch l�as Driority over this 5ocurity Instrumcnt, a.ppc 8
<br /> irnauu� �,a��..D �.�,,----- ------- ,.
<br /> --�•-- ...,.���h:.,.,�.�.o.,�.
<br /> �easonablc attomeys fixs and entenng on thc Property to inuke rcpuirs.AItIlOU�i.enaer mu7�°"°'°''°"„°""�.".."r"'°"�--
<br /> 7�Ler�der d�es not hae�e to do so.
<br /> pny amow�ts dilsbursed by Lcnder undcr this puragraph 7 shal� bec�rn= adclition�l dcbt uf Borrower sccured by this
<br /> Scxu�ita�Qnstrument, Unless Borrowcr nnd Lender agree to othcr terms of puyment. these umounts shali bcnr intcrest fran the
<br /> clate aE wi�bws�mcnt at the Note rnte aivi sfu�ll be pnynble. �v3tb intcrest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower roqucsdng.
<br /> ��y�n�' e insurnnce us a conclitlon of mnking the loan srcuc+ecl by tl�is 5ecuriry
<br /> S.blortg�c 1c�Nn►nce.(�'Lc'ndcr required inortBug
<br /> Instrunxnt. }3orrnwsx st,all pay the p�cmiu�ns s�s}�urcd tu m�lntaiva thc mort�uge insuranc� in cffcct. i1�� for uny reason, the
<br /> mortgage insun�nce cvveraBe ret�uira�d by Le.nder�lr,�»ses or ceuses tu be in effect,Borrower shall.pay.�e.premiun�s required to
<br /> obtain�overn8e substantinlly equiv:ilent to the mortgagc i�isur.ance previously in effect,ut ii sost snbsu+atially equivalcnt to thc
<br /> cest ru'�oxtower of x3�e mongage insur:ince previously in eii�s,�e. from�n alternate mor.t��,�e insurer approved by Lettder. If
<br /> P��o�4 Fotm 3025 9rso
<br />