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<br /> _ . . , . . � • . � , _
<br /> � � - ` . , -�SASr . the --�ndersigued.`--=Willfa�o. .�T. :,Marshall��III_,___ ° _ -
<br /> � ..�. Fresfdestt a�d representati.ve, of_ �ive Points Ba�ak_ of<.�ra�
<br /> - " � - � Island., Ha�.l County. Nebraska, . n '���r.� o€ tlie N�hraska � �
<br /> =--.��: �:-= - -State Ba�- ]�ss�ciation�_as. -Zrustee .under_the_A�a of_ Trust ....
<br /> _ '_. '—_'..-Y;-':.-�.-:,-_
<br /> - � ` �dated l�arch 28tih. 1991 executed by" Rona�ld Lavern Zook a�k�a t;,:y-:;:. :..,� .
<br /> ;
<br /> � � Aonal.c� L�sr:�ouk. and Farancene 1C. Sook. as'=,Trusto�. �in wbich -'�'�;�;`�:-'�'�`?J.'�
<br /> -u;:-�;:_:._�.�:.:
<br /> . Five Pa�u�s Bank o� Grand Islaiad, Nebx�s,lc�►s :�s'..>na�ed;:;:as .t.�k;•.
<br /> B�neficia�, and the underatqned as�. ��ee,_:;`.�ii�c3�-�:tit�s . .
<br /> - . .` ,=e�orded . in. tl�e o�fice Qf. the Req�,ster =��o� Deei�"s of Hall
<br /> � Cannty, •Nebxaska, as Docunient He�. 91-IQI772, anci ' :
<br /> � • �F.liS, the undersigned `has iceceived from the, Five �°
<br /> -- - - P�3ea�s Ba�t1c of �rand Island, �Nebraska, writ�en. :rec�ues� to-- -- -----
<br /> � seconvey ,ieafting tbat the abligation, �ecure d by $uc h Dee d ��
<br /> < of Trast' has been satiefie8 aad requesting� the undersfqned
<br /> Trustee to s�convey the, lsust property tQ the peraon or
<br /> ' ' p�rsons entit2ett thereto= , � � �_ .. . .
<br /> � � � � - NON, T�EREFORE, i.n bccordar�ce with suah sequest and th� � . ,..
<br /> � � "` provisions of such Deed o�, Trast. and_ the Nebraaka Trust -
<br /> Deeda Act, the underaigned, as Tsustee, does hereby , � �
<br /> � reconvey, without �variesnty, to the persoa or persoas
<br /> � ea�tf.t2ed thereto, thc estate nQW held �by -said _Trnstee ; . .
<br /> theseunder in. and to the following clescribed reai pzoperty:
<br /> � Lof Fifty-'Three (53f, WolEe•s Subdivision, fa the City
<br /> of Grand Is1a�d, Hall County, Nebraslca.
<br /> IN WITNESS WAEREOF, the undersiqned has executed this
<br /> Deed af Re�g.y.a,nce at Grand Island: Nebraska, on April• .
<br /> �, 19�;.;;,li1T,s`.`' ' .
<br /> ...»....,�,��,,,..� .
<br /> . `'` ''��. � ,'', BIVE POIN�'�S SANR �
<br /> . . .�;� • - 'f•
<br /> : � . � � Trustee .
<br /> �,,L ' �''���`'.i" ' By• '
<br /> `�,��-'' �oo»n' QS`,�• ,
<br /> *. �t1' e•r �5.� o � ,
<br /> STATE OP� �l`���'� . �.
<br /> . . ) ss � �
<br /> GAUNTY OF AALL '� )
<br /> Tbe foregoing Deec� of Reconveyanre was acknowledged
<br /> �Bte�ore me on Aprii /� , 199Z by William W. Marshall III,
<br /> .F��tesfdent and Representative of Five Points Hank, Trustee.�:
<br /> , �1 �/�li •
<br /> . ����U11 Not y Public �
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