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<br /> --- -�` � h. -----��.�..�. . :_Yr��r's-L�_��:�.__ - — -
<br /> ' , LMl�iri. aaeo+Mec�11 accupy,sita6ii�b:and u�e the Propeery at HaroweR•s princi---- p�1 m�ence¢ u�n- ,
<br /> - - -"�_ < . ,t1a�e�ecatio.cru�senaity taq�um�t aoa slwu c�o�ue co«xupy die Propeidr{►ea�raMrer's princlpd re�ide�oe
<br /> - _��� ��.��������y,y�tx�der dAenvise a�o�in wripnj.`w�icb caase�stµli�wt be
<br /> -- � �n1�6dd.a uelas exkaa�ia��ao�eadst M6ieh ue 6�Yood BoiroMe��s ca�rd.&xro�ver sli�t�
<br /> - _ '�' ��7 .ar the d1o�r t�e Ptopetty to de0eciota�e.a c�om�t WaKe oa the Pcape�ty.Ba�rco�rer�u11
<br /> v�-' - .�,d�nie impait Pcape�t7►•- - . •
<br /> '— --`� . bs is�eC�ak d any tu�kipae acdas ar p�oceedio�..vhe�ber avtt or crimi�ui.is be�d�t urtxnder s�aod ta�h��
<br /> - -- --- `cautdtr�itiafa�eiau�aEd�ePrapeet9orud�riumMeri�llYimp�irt6elieaciaoedbythisSeeuritYl�aumeoc
<br />_ " - � urcuriry i�e�e�t.Horc�ver may c�e sn�6 a defaait a�d rein�tat�,�s Prov�ded in pra�np�l8,dy ca�a dk�►a .
<br /> , ptooeedin�to be�ed�s talini t6�t.in I�eader's jaod fiith dete�min�tioa.Precludes forfeinue of the Bocro�rer''s
<br /> -' ia�e�t ip�e Piop�tty or a�er aweri�l impairmeot of tbe litn ccr�ed by tLis SceurdY�°r�'s�►
<br /> it"� ` iooae�t.Bort�o�ver�ll�dsabaiadefavitif8a�u+�er.du�ini!betan�PPlic�ti�a°Ps�o�•�vemf�re�id�Yfatseorin�onar�oe
<br /> 4�? �Ct 1fi1�111lOb t0 Id�AdEf(Ol G1�lOd W Q[�1dG IC�dR�!iLjl I�C[1i11Af61�)iII C�00�ivllTf 1�iC TOYt -
<br /> � OYj�CEd�I i�lp Np1E�jOC�lt�llj,bt���O.1iGjf[CfC��$BOf[OWiC[�S�IICy Of t�IC Pl0'�Gt[y 1S
<br /> L'"'' , � s priocip�taidmoe.lf tbis Savri�Y In��ma�c is an alatehdd.Hotm�vec sh�ll campty wltb a11 the pran►isions of tbe tease-
<br /> '� ,. . If Ho�a�ac�es fae titk to the Ympetty,the leaebold�nd t6e fee tkle�ull not merga uWess t.�ender agras ta ihe =_ -
<br /> t�_ _-,�,�- merfer in�d Leaier's 1t�Mt i tYe le�pe�t7. If Hotrower f�s m pe�fa�the cavmaats and�groemenls !:`-
<br /> ,'�'�` ,. 7• . a f i e�t I.e n d e r's t i g b t s i n t u e P r u p e t t y "r-=_
<br /> ,_-�'`,i-_-_�:�.�; artl�is a S d a t maY s�u f i c�a d Y � - -:
<br /> . ='� :�:::-., caaaiinod bn thes Securic�t 1�, for�coMema��an or far�re or w enfaice Lws a re�Wation+?.then i�ender '��-:--.
<br /> f ., °. �y to the�atae of dw Pc+opestY ud Lendec's dgbts in the F�+uperty. ' '.-,,
<br /> �-a� (wcb s s poceediuf is ,pld� ��s • �.
<br /> � as�y do a�d Qay fa MhatRwa�is naxss�9 P�� �� � �
<br /> '° ,;`.'°-::1 i;•�= actioas n�Y�PY�mY����'s iie��6�s priority uver tbis Socurity►�.�PP�na • • -
<br />� �;;�!.d °;a���:.°; p�i,p�e�o�e atW�r+•kes aod eo�eriu�an tti�.Ptvpe�ty ta m�c cepaurs-AltHawgh l.eoder may hloe acoiat uader , �;%.'
<br /> . ::;r• .����:2�:�'�"��i;u..'•:; , fflli aOCS o0t�►G���• : ;.'..;::..;. ,
<br /> - ����OOIRS d{ibll[8CQ bj►T.Cf1�ET Wlt1Cl�118 pAT�$hQb'��fi��Cc.p43..`.�!lN3i�f�Cbt Of HO[[OWCr 80C1��.�� �'~:�".
<br /> �, ',' , ;;.,, , $OCIQII�/�LS�.QdES4 BOI[OWCt�l•C�C!i$[GC 4'.3 CdIC�tEfA13 Of p1jfII1C31R;�YWOYAL4 Sbijl bCi[�IfC�� " ��•.'`.` ' - _
<br />_-.�._ __�.� . '�1t�C O���illG NOtE t1�6 A��11G�411th�S�..P��_l7�d4���1"�'qdCi t0 BMMWCf ttOQ�1C�1$ . � c;;��:?;,.. ;-
<br /> .._ . . _ _._., .: . _;ro•' '
<br /> ._ , . • • � ,. .. � ..,-';- .'... . ��'• ,.� .. - ' `I„��,� . ' r�
<br /> � . .s, ��Ideeasce. If l,en�ernquired moriBaSe iasurance As a condinon of malnngthcto�n sa�oed.by t� ' i ,. � --
<br /> � Sec i�on�,Bormaer�Il pty tbe ptemit�s nq�acod w a�iiauin rhe mortg�8���ia effoct.ff.far aa�i , { T<��s.
<br />. �� . cea�,t�e matg�ge i�araaoe covera8a neqc�d b3►I.ender l�es or ceases to De in e,ffect,Borrower shall pay tHe pn�ni�uas' ;` `.:'., , �`';�:-.
<br /> ';�..
<br /> ' , roqu�ed w uMain cwrenge s�a�tally oquiv�knt to the muctgage in:ur�nce previou�lY ia effect.at a cost sabsta�ll7�. < <`r.<<� . , '�t�t
<br /> - • equiv�katta8�e co�t W Barower of d�e matgage imurmoe pre�►iausty ia ef�ect.fiom an aherasu t�t��� �'�
<br /> ' ' by Leoder.If subs�lalty oqnivaleat mortgAge insunnce coversge is not av�filabk,Horrower a1W1 pay to I.ender each awath ;
<br />• . . . ' a sum cqu�l m one-nrelfl6 of tbe yarly mortgsge iawraace�remiura 6eia�P�id b!+Borrower when the iaswance coverAB� r :- . .
<br /> cqu 1
<br /> , � ` lapsed or ceasod to be in effoct.LeMer w�i1 eccept.os�wd raaiu tlkse paymenta s�a losg reseave in 1iw of m�St ' � .
<br /> inwp�ace.Lass resecve psymeata may rw loager be reqairod,at the option uf Lender,if mortgage insnrance wverage(in � .
<br /> ' the amount and for the period that 1-ender requires)provideA by an insurer approved by Lender again becomes available i � . t
<br /> a�d�s oMained, gorrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain moRgage insurance ln effect.or to provide a loss :-
<br /> . : • . reserve.until the requirertxnt for mortgAge insurance ends in accordance with any written agreement between Barrawer : . .-a
<br /> and Lender or applicable law., � " . , -
<br /> • " 9. Inspactlou• l.endcr or its agent may make reasonable entrics upr�n and inspections of the Property.Lender shall �
<br /> ,. give Borrower notice at the time of or prior ta an inspeccion specifyiag reasonable cau�e far the iaspechon. . ? , .
<br /> • 10. CaidemaaHon• 77x Proceeds of any award or claim for damages,direct or cansequential.in cormection with ,
<br /> • . any condemnation orother taking of any pan of the Praperty.ov fov wnveyance in lieu of condemnatian.are hereby assigcied . . .
<br /> and shall be paid to lxndec. ,
<br /> � . • ]n the event of a totn!t�lcing of the Froperry.the praceeds shall6e applied to the sums secured by this Security tnurument. :
<br /> ' ' � . whether or not then due,with any excess paid to Borrower./n the event of a partta!talcing of the Properiy in which the
<br /> '� '. fair mukct value of the Property immediatety before the taking is equal to ar greater than thc amount of the suras securcd
<br /> • . . • by this Security lnstrument immediately befarc the taking.unless Borrower and L.ender atherwise agree in writing,ttic sums
<br /> �.: �, socured by this Secudty Instrument shall be reQuced by the amount of the praceeds multiplied by the following fractian: . ;
<br /> - • � (a)the Wt�l amount of the sums,secured immediately before thc taking.divlded by(b)ehe fair market value of the Property +' . ,
<br /> � • � imm�diateIy before t6e taking.A�r batance sha11 be paid to Barrowcr. ln the event of a partial talting of thc Propeity in
<br /> ` � which t1�e fair muka vatue of the Property immediate3y before the taking is tess than the amount of the sums secureQ im-
<br /> e
<br /> modiately before tHe taicing.untess Barrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing ar unless applicable Is►w otheswise pro- �
<br /> vides,the proceeds shall be applied to the sums securcd by this 5ecusity(nstrument whcthcr or not tde sums are thcm due. .
<br /> � � • If the Propetcy is abandoned by Bosrower.or is.after norice hy Lcnder to Borrower that the condemnor offers to ,
<br /> ' i , - make an awar3 or settle a claim Yor damages.Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the da�e the notice
<br /> . is glven,Lendet is authorized to coliect and apply the procecds,at its option,either to restoratiozr or rcpair of the Property ;
<br /> ' ot to the sums suured by triis Secority Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> ' • • Untess l.ender and Borrower otherwise a�ree in wrltiag.any apptication nf prixeeds to principal shall not extend ,
<br /> � ,' . " ' or postpone tt�e due date of the monahly payments referred to in paragraphs l and 2 or change thc amount of such payments•
<br /> 11. Bor+�ower No1 Reka9ed: Forbearance Sy Lteder Not a Waiver. Extensi�n of the timc fot payment�v
<br /> '' modlflcation of amoeti7atlon oi the sums secured by thls Security lnsmtment granted by Lender to any successor in interest . .
<br /> of�orcower shall ttot operato to retease the liability af the original Bnrrower or Borr�wer's successors in intetest. l.cnder
<br /> shall nat be requit'ed to cammente praceedings against any successor in interest or refl�se to extend time for payment or ,
<br /> . otltetwise modify amordzation of the sums sccured by this Security lnstrument by teason of any demand m�de by the origin�l
<br /> . gorrower or Batrower's successors in interest.My forbearance by Lender in ozercising any right or remedy sha11 na be ,
<br /> • � � s waiver a€mr prulnde the eaercise of any right or remedy. � '
<br /> . j u� ��ed A�eigna goued;Jo1nt and&resal l�biltty:Ct}signers. The cnvenants and agreements of
<br /> _ _ ,� _ . . _ � -sl�is Security Instrumea��shall birtd and bene�t the successors and a�signs of lxnder and Barrawer.subject to the provisions ,
<br /> .� �f parsgaph 17.Borrawer's covenants and agreement�shall be joint and several.Ai�y Eonower who cas7�ns Qsis Security
<br /> . , . , :,:�,s�,l7:!dces eot executa the Notc:(�)is r,o-slgning tltis 5ecutity.Inswment anly to modgagc.grant and convey that
<br /> � ; ( , '&irrovv�''s in'.�rest in 4i�Properry under the terms of this Secutity lnstrument: (b)is not pctsomally obligated tv pay the .
<br /> • s�i$sc�;�,•��Sy t53s Secutlty lnshument;and(c)agrees that Leitder and any other 8nrrower m�y agree td extend.modify. . • .
<br /> ...�,c,r�ce any arcommodalions with regard to theter�ns of this 5ecurity tnstrument nr the No2e without titat Bnrrower's - �
<br /> ' " '. _ . . .��� ,. . � ���EMe!!C!#..!!M_f0ago3o15F4R'e?j ..
<br /> _ �__..—_ -�
<br /> . , _ ._.�.�_
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