07/28/2010 15: Al 308-773-2224 EARMEP,S STATE BANK PAGE 06/07
<br />201005837
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<br />(Continued} Pag® 6
<br />Deed of Trust Oven iT a provieien df this Daed of Trust may be found to be Invalid or unenforceable.
<br />5ucceesera end Aaslgna. Subject td any Ilmitationa stated in this Deed of Trust en transfer of Trustor'e interest, this Dead df Trust
<br />shall Ifs binding upon and inufd td the benefit of the parties, their successors and assigns. If ownership df the Property becamas
<br />veemd In a person pthar than Trustor, Lander, wkhdut notice td Trustor, may deal with Truatdr's suviceaaers wkh referenve td this
<br />Deed aT Trust and the Indebtednaae by way of fnrbearanCe dr extension without releasing Trustor from the vbllgatinns df this Daed of
<br />Trust or liabltiry under the IndebtednoSS.
<br />Time Is of the Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance o} this Deed d} Trust.
<br />Woiver of Homaetead Exemption. Trustor hereby releases and wolves all rights end benefits of the homestead exemption laws df the
<br />State df Nebrasko as tv ell Indabtedhasa secured by this Daed of Trust.
<br />DEFINITIONS, The fallowing words shall have the following meanings when used in this Dead of Trust.
<br />6eneffdarv. The wad ^f3eneficlarv" means Bank of Clerks, and its successors and assigns.
<br />Eerrower. Tha word '8drrbwer" means Jon w_ Fltchhdrn and Kelly 5. Fkchnern end incwdes all cv-signers and co-makers signing the
<br />Nme and all their sucdesaers end raraigns.
<br />Peed of Trust. The words "Deed of Trust" mean this Deed df Trust among Truster, Lender, and Trustee, and includes wkhdut
<br />limitation all assignment end securky fntarast prdviaiens relating to the Personal Property and Rents.
<br />Envlronmentel Lawa. The words "Environmental Lawa" mean env end all state, federal and Ideal statutes, regulations and ordinances
<br />relating to the prptectinn of human health pr the environment, including wkhdut limitation the Comprehensive Environmental
<br />Response, Compensation, and Llabllity Act df 1990, as amended, 4~2 U.S,C, Section 9601, et seq. I"CERCLA"), the Superiund
<br />Amendmema antl Roatlthvrizatian Act df 1986, Puh. L. Nv. 99-499 I"&ARA"), the Maxardvua Materials Tranapartativn Act, 49 U,S.C.
<br />Secddn 1801, et seq., the Resource Canservetion and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C, Sactldn 6901, et seq., yr other applicable state ar
<br />federal laws, rules, ar regulations adopted pursuerk thereto.
<br />Event eT befault. Tha words "Event Of DefauK" mean any of the events df default set forth in this Dead of Trust in the events df
<br />defauh secsinn o}this bead of Trust.
<br />Guaranty. The ward "Guaranty" means the gueronty from guarantor, endorser, surety, dr accvmmndetinn party td Lender, including
<br />without limitation a guaranty of ell dr part df the Nate.
<br />Ha:ardeus Subsgncea. Tha words "Wazardvus Substances" moan materials that, because df their quentkY, concentration dr
<br />physical, Chemical dr infectious charecteristies, may cause or pose a present or pdtentlal hazard to human health or the envlydnment
<br />when improperly usetl, created, stored, dispnsod vf, generated. manufactured, transported or otherwise handled. Tha words
<br />"Hexerdeus Substances" are used in their very broadest same and Include wkhdut limitatldn any end ell hazardous or toxic
<br />substanoea, materials dr weals as defined by nr listed under the Environmental Lawa. Tha form "Hazardous Substances" alas
<br />includes, wkhdut limhatldn, petroleum end petroleum bv-products dr any }ractien thereof and asbestos-
<br />Impravaments. The word "Improvements" moans all existing and future improvements, buildings, structures, mobile homes affixed do
<br />the Reel Property, facllltles, additions, replacements and glees conatructldn on the Rael Property.
<br />Indebtedness. The ward "Indebtedness" means all prlndipel, interest, end other amounts, coats and expenses payable under the Note
<br />or Related bacumanta, together wkh etl renewals df, extensions oi, mediflcatldns of, consolidations df and substitutiena for the Note
<br />or Related pdcumenta and any amounts expended nr etlvenced by Lender td discharge Trvstdr'a nbligatiens dr expenses incurred by
<br />Trustee dr Lender to enferee Trustor's obligations under this Daed df Trust, together with interest nn avch amdurlts as provided in this
<br />Dead of Trust. Specifically, wlthdv[ limkatinn, Indebtedness Includes the future advances set forth in the Future Advances vrovieien
<br />df this Deed of Trust, ingather with all interest thereon.
<br />Lander. The word "Lender" means Bank of Clerks, its successors end assigns. Tha wards "successors or assigns" mean any person
<br />dr company That acquires any interest in the Nate,
<br />Nne, me word "Note" means the promissory note dated July 28, 2010, in the original principal amount of Sy1,000.00
<br />from Borrower m Lender, together with all renewals nf, extensions df, mddlficatidns Df, refinanCings df, Consolidations of, and
<br />substitutldns fnr the promissory note vt agreement.
<br />Personal Property. The words "Peravnal Property" mean ell equipment, fixtures, and ether articles of personal property now or
<br />hereafter awned by truster, and now er hereafter attached nr affixed td the Roal Property; together whh ell accasaldns, pans, and
<br />eddkians td, all replacements nf, end all aubatitutlans for, any df such prdpftrty; end tegethar with all proaaeds (including without
<br />limkatien all insurance proceeds end rotunda of premiums) from any sale dr other diepdekion df the Property.
<br />Property. The word "Property" means collectively the Real Property and the Personal Property
<br />Real Property. Tha wards "Real Property" mean the real property, interests and rights, as further described in this bead of Trust.
<br />Related paeumenta. The wards "Related Documents" mean all promissory notes, crook agreements, Ivan agreements, envlydnmental
<br />agreements, guerentias, security agreements, mortgages, deeds of trust, aeeurity deeds, collateral mortgages, and ell ether
<br />Instruments, agreements end dadumants, whether now nr hereater existing, executed in cdnneetlvn with the Indebtedness.
<br />Rents. The word "Rents" means all present and Future rants, revenues, income, issues, rdyahles, profits, and other benefits derived
<br />tram the Property.
<br />Trustee. Tha ward "Trustee" means bank of Clarks, whd6e address la 301 N. Groan, P.D. 6dx 126, Clarks, N@ fiSfi2fi-0726 and any
<br />substitute dr euccesadr trusmes.
<br />Trustor. The ward "Trustor" means Jen W. Fkehhdrn, Kelly 6, Fltchhorn, Tlttany A. Nagel and Vincent R. Nagel,
<br />ITS TERMS.
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