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<br /> ,�i (70NStDERA1i01�1 of the full/l��� <
<br /> . EEDERAL S�AVII�IG,S AND LA�AN�+1SS�CIAT[ON OF LINC�IN,a.United States Coiporatlon.hereb�releases
<br /> ,. . . _ ,
<br /> �-- =tl�e nia�ge�qe n�ade by► ` - - � - _
<br /> � � `iifl3iaa L. Gaoaon and_Esit� I. Qaanon, husb�nd and �rife,
<br /> , ' �ta �aid�FIRST FEDERAE. SAVaVGS AND I�AN ASSOCtA3ION OF UiVCULrt:�s the fotbwing descr�bed
<br /> . ;•:.::�:..
<br /> �. Lot Siu 6), ia Virdea Sul�div3iioa in the Ci of Grand Ia1��.Ha11 Coun i
<br /> - ' . �!b=i:ki '
<br /> { , , ., ' •
<br /> Docnaent ' 79-
<br />- — which is recorded tn Book 7�[ of Rea�F.state Mortgages/as�i�aa�Number.4�Q2�/on Mic�o4itm Rall
<br />_ � Nun�b¢t a ,page ?Q of the records of ���� � ` _
<br /> �•
<br /> County,Nebraska.and aiso releases the assigr�ment of rents which is recorded in Book�� of Page.sL— �
<br /> _ , , . , , . ��w�
<br /> � af the records of � County,Nebraska. �;��:-
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<br /> .,IA�IISi�R.-_.0011NTY. �`' :�� , me, the understgned. a Notary Public in and for said ;. �:'� -'_�:= -
<br /> � County personalty catrie J� L: i?. Roschewski • of First F¢dera!Savings ''';�'�'. :,''"'`
<br /> , � ation of Lirrcoln ta�iri�� ersanaily known to be the preside�nt and ident�cal � ' ��!'�---
<br /> - . �and L'°an A�+'r� � e his volunta act �� `, � "
<br /> � person whcise name is affixed to ti�.P.�1:�ave release and acknowledged the execution tE�ereof to b sy ` .
<br /> aRd d¢ed as such oHicerT:�nd the cr�`untary aciar_d deed of the said First Federat Savings and Lvan Rssociation i
<br /> V , _,.. � �cf Lncoln. ,
<br /> ' �"-`�-�"f"`''-"'' " —,Nebraska.in said,County tHe day and year last � � �
<br /> � ��:�:=��� �� Wim¢ss my hand and�Iotarial��Eal a* Lincoln
<br /> ���1i!i.t...(Y. h� � . .
<br /> =� ' '. above wrltten. � j � � - �-
<br /> ��-;'� rYl 28 .19 93 � ,Notary Publlc
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