_.: z�.� .-.. .. ..-. � i_r
<br /> =-c`_'r•__.:. . ' _ _ ' .' ' _'' _ ' .�t_ _ .
<br /> _ ." " ' ' �� -'
<br /> .-.' ' *.,-" , 3 ,(
<br /> � . . ��.c:� .:ax� _ `--- — . .r� '��.' �-°- -
<br /> _ _ __ tt�`-` _ _ .. . . _'� . .. . "' . . . .•_ . `..- ..
<br /> - �� _4'. . . � � � � � . � 9Z=--��d�:� ,: ��� �.
<br /> : � • t�.15ra.der.[uKlk+�leet��r:tsdici�l t.teint i��.e�.�e�e.!f yu ac aay pict of tlre�evpacy or a.Y Leaaic ie`it _ �
<br /> • �s loid or aaasfarod(or ii a beoefiaai inserast io BoRa�er u�old or naosfueied�d liori+�er is aot a ntauat perea�)�ioat ;
<br /> ' Lsader's ptior wriueo coteeet. Ix�miY� �t irs op�, iam�ed�tt payment'ie fiil1 of alI•sWt►s sdc�tad bY`il�is` .
<br /> Sewrity lnsutimmt,Hmir�e.wu,this optidn smil mt be exentisod�t�der iie:enpse is proh�bited bp feder�lav as of tht d�te :
<br />— ---�bi.c_.ceswat�C.C�nstmmmt.�-----�-- -- ' -- •--=--�- ' � —�
<br /> (f l�ender e�cetrises this option,Len�er shall give Bormwer uonoe.o eratron. -- —
<br /> kst t�n 30 days fmm the dote the c�otiioe�is deliveted or mailed wit5in whicA BoErawer a�ust pay�II ssaas secnrod bY Uus
<br /> Soaerity Ia�numeot.IP gonower fu'ts to pay dxse sums paor w tBe oxpirition of this period,Lender may iavake aayr nntedias
<br /> - pe�mitted by Wrs Sewrity tastniment witbout further mtia or deamud an Boaowcr.:
<br /> ia. Eaiowe�s.Rigl�t to Rdatitata If Borrower moets ceRain oondidons, Borrawer s6aU have the right w iwve
<br /> enfoiama�t of this Sxurity L►sussment disoontlntsod at any timc prior io the�r oL (a}9 days(or suc�otder pCrind a�
<br /> s �ppliabk taw�m�Y specifl►for ninstat�et)bafore sale of the �p pacsuaat m�Y Power af sale eootainod in dus ,
<br /> Seairity I�trument;or(b3 e�aY of a judgiment cnfoc�ing tbis Socuri y�I�wmmet��Those aaoditiaas ue ttvt l�enmwer':(a}pys
<br /> l.a�det al!�which then would be due wWer this Security Insuument atd the Nate as if no�ccxtentioo had aautred:ps)
<br />_-y cunx any default uf any,dher oovenants or ag�ements; (c)PaYs aU a�peases iawtt+ed in eafoning this Soa�rity Insttummt,
<br />-.�:�: induding.but nat timited.to.reasorr�6le�ttomeys'faes;and(d)takes s�ch actan as ltoder may t+easonabty m�uirt.to�ssune
<br />:`�=� - tdal the tkn af this Security insWment,l.e��der's rights in the Propetty aad Borrowu's.obli8�"�.PaY t6e suo�s sacuted by -
<br /> this Sawrity Lutrument shail continue unch�aged. Upon reinstatement by Hormwer,.this Soa4dty IastrurnaK aod the ,
<br /> - - obligatw�s savred hercby shail ren�ain fulty effative ac�f na aoc�3on fwd oocuried.Abwever;tT►is right to reinstate sbs�
<br />-- not app1Y in the case of aoakr�tion under par�graph IT; ; �., '.�:;>:::.'.:. - . : , �
<br /> i9.Sak ot Notr,-CAao6e ot La�n Se+rrku.Ttr�..�rce qs:a��.:4a3 interess ia t6e Nae(togaher with this Seauicy
<br />_ ` [astrument)may 6C sold one or macc times witlwut prior iidt�cc to Bor�ctr.k salc may r+esult in a c6aage�n the a�ity(lmown
<br /> `` - as the't.wn 5etvii�r')that collects month��"paYrtxnts due under tbe .�aad tdis Sesuiity Insuornent.TLere also may be one
<br /> or mo�changes of the Loan Senricer unrei�t�w a sale of th�Note.Tf�6ere is a c1�i�ge of tlre Loan Servicer,Botmwer w�ll be
<br />= given wriaen rsotice of the change in accordaa�.with paragtapb 14 above and appticable.lavrr.The notioe wi11 state the name aod .. _--
<br />-, . add�ess of the eew i.aon.Set'vicer and the�s to wbich payrixats should 6o madc;'!�e aoti�e a+ill also caorttain any otber =
<br />- , inforn�tion tequired 6y ap�licabte iaw.. ` . �. � _:. . ' ,�.;, . _ ..,,-,, , ;
<br /> �. 2�. Hsardons SabsWaees. Sor:aulei.st�all.ua�i�use ar permit d�e presure,use;`di'spostl:,storage, or nlease of�aY ��_�_
<br /> . Nva�dous Substances an or in the �r�ty..$artu�':sl�all nat do, nor allovr anyona�clse:So:�Qo, anythmg �ffecting tUe ` �=`--
<br /> - •'' PropeRy lhat is in violatian of any Envu�ir�nenta�I.ao��1 Y�e p r a x d iag two set�teences s h�U,b g 4�:a P P�t o t h e p ro s e n c e,a s e,ac ": ���_
<br /> ,,•: _ s t o r a g e o n t h e P r o p e r t y o f s m a U q u a n t i t i e s a+�H a z a r G d u s Su b s t a n c c s that are generall y�reoo g n i z e d;6�be appmpriate to normat . ( �-.;�
<br /> . r .i �y:
<br /> %,.- .�.r. � residential uses and to maintenance of the Property. , .. ., � �.•. � � � +'
<br /> � "�;`�F��
<br /> °._ ., ,;,,,.,,,#�,:.� . . B o a o w e r s h a il p r o m p tl y��g i ve l.ender written��l any investig�tia�,.ctrdin�.`Q�aOd;:la�suit Qr otl�ec action by atry .. � ,�- -�!
<br /> �-�.';.::�;;;�,. • govemmental ar regulatary ageacY or private party inval�:irg the Property and any;f�a7ardcjqs Sa�tsfancc or Enviro n m e n t a i L a w �,{!�,v�;� ' '��
<br /> " '�,�:;-'j'�..';:s`?�y"�'"t '� of which Borrower has actual�cnmwledgc. lf Boma►wer learns,or is natified by any govetn�tta!or re6ulatary autAority,t!� ;rlt" �
<br />. ,.... _..�'�._�Y4 Cl:t..3 . . �.
<br /> � any rcrtioval ar ott�cr rc�nediati�Jr,�f any Hazardons Snbstance affecttng tl�e Ptaperty is aec�ssary,�onower shaU promptiy take f,, � � �.
<br /> •'r; - ;�;,';tY , t . -..,..
<br /> .� -a� .t�t;. all neccssary remedial actians are akcarda.�re with Enviranmental Law.
<br /> :�'i,�,�';. `f� �` As used in this ParaSra�h 1A.-"Haaardous 5ubstances'are those substances defined as.tri�j ;oi hazardous substances by t�:; r Y ' .? �
<br />- ''�, •�.�.;.:. Emironmental Law aad ti�e:fallowin�sa6�ances: gasoline, kerosene. other fl�nut�able or 4b�c petroleum products, toxic �`�.,.f .,
<br /> �n
<br /> � ; � '.,.�'�.t:' • �cides and herbicides.valati?e solveats;materials wMaining as6estos or fornwlcte6yde ard�,�'Adi.oactive macerials.As nsed in '%',`x,.�:`.
<br /> �'�'�` >1 ' .� � ' P�, f A �s tocaled that �i;,' `"r �•s
<br /> . ��;.�.��!Ja��' . this paragraph 20. "Environmcntal La�ir' mean9 fcdcral laws and taws nf the jurisQicti,oA wtlete the Property �,,. .
<br /> �tz:c` •+" c
<br /> .�`�;� -�-- �5 relate to health.safety or envimnmental protection. • r� �1�":',`�F. .
<br /> � •' NON-UNIFORM COY�NANTS.Rorrower and l.ender further covenant and agrec.as follows:�� . ' �� .� � �' "
<br /> � -=- . . �•` . . 21.Accekration:Ranedies.Lender shall give t�Wke to Borruwa�xior to��ocderalloo taifovriag Bote+aRer's M�eac14 . �f_�.<,-,;:�� . ''��`: �.
<br /> of any oovenant or�ent in thls Saurity Insteument (6ut not prior to:aooelerAtlon under pnr9grapL j7 uNess °. `:�;1.'��:.� . �, .f'--f
<br /> ' - ' �pplicable Ixw provides othenvise).'17�e natire sfiall speci[y: ts►)the default.N3 tlie adion reqnlred to car+e the defaWt: � ...'{:�:t,. ,�
<br /> F�..'.:5:�.(_. ••� �� .-
<br /> ' (c)a date,not tess thna 30 days trom the date the nMice i.g Rivm to Borrower.6y wUicb the detaatt must be cured;and �_; , . , --:'�_ `
<br /> . c
<br /> •• (�that tsulure to cure the detaull oa or before the dAte�pecitied In the notice mwy result in aocderatton of t6e sams . :,. �
<br /> ,I�N?:;.�-„ _ i _ _
<br /> : ,,;r_ , serneed by this Secndty Instrameat and s�le ot tbe Piopetty. 'i7�c nMia sh�l!turther iniorn�Borrowes ot the rfgl�t to �
<br /> A
<br /> � : , r ,�1����;;:1�;:' . . nin�late afta Accekration and!he�igb►t W br1�a oourt rctlon to s�trt t11�:p9�i�exbtenEe o[a ddaplt or swY athn' h ` .. —
<br /> r�`t�.:•';:' ." ' defen4e of Borrower to acceleratbn a�d sak. it the default is not carcd on or`bet4l'e the date specitled ia tUe notloe. r
<br /> :1 r�y'�:.p.. . ;..
<br /> ; .'��w•:....;`a . -- I�ender,at its opNon.nwy re9uira immcdjsUe pwymeM ta tuU ot aU sums se�vt�eit by this Security I�ornt�vitUout ._
<br /> - further deewed and may invoke the power ot sWe Aad any other remedies permit�ed by app1ica6k law.l�endc.s sha1)be .� �'��
<br /> . . incurred in tsui the remedies rovlded in 16is p�cagrapL 2I.indudte8,bat nd limited �` � .
<br /> ; ',i,f" e a t i t k d t o c o Q e c 3 a l l e x p e�e s p u e 8 P . .
<br /> . . �,,r. _ . . t0�1l�SOIIY�C a{tOHIlyB�tCe9 Atld COSf3 Ol��tIE'eVIdCItCC. . . ..<
<br /> � ' �- U d�e powe�ot ss�le is invoked,Tn�sta shall record a natice ot defaWt ia er�c6 ma� iui whkb any part ot the . . ,:„,�...
<br /> .. , ',;'- •. s I I m all rn tes oi such notice In the manner presc�lbo.d by applicable law to Boreowelr aed to �. .,' .=T�'
<br /> �: Y►nperiy is lacated and.ha p ' . ,
<br /> , `;-:'"�;:' .�. tbe dha�perso�b Pnscrihed by applicable Inw.After f6e time required by Appl[caf�e law,'Frustee stwU gi�e publlc notke � � :.�:,�;�,;,
<br /> � ' J��'- � � of s�le to the ptrsnn9 and in the mAm�er peesc�3bed by applicabte taw. Trusttr.without denwnd on Borrowa�,sball sell '
<br /> ..`�`"'-. ri�.,, � ..•'.r.s. .
<br /> ... _ tbe PrapKrty at publk aucHon to ihe 61p,hest bidder at the time 9nd place and wid�'the terms deslgnftal in the notice of � �
<br /> '•:' . ��.`,::; � sde in one oe aiore�rcels and in any order Teu4tse detennlne.a.Trostee may{�astpone sAle ot.alt or any p�reel ot tl�e ' . • .
<br /> ,. ,��,";..,:; property bY public�nnauncement at the time and pl�ce o!any previously sched}�ted saIe. l.ender or its dcsigna may } ' � � �
<br /> ::;!,•.r;; :. pur�a�e tl�e Yroperty pt�y sale. _ ,
<br /> ,. , .
<br /> ., ' � . • Fomt 3028 8J90 � •
<br /> �';� ' Naqe 9 of 9 ,
<br /> '�1�: . . ' � . � , ..
<br /> . :`';.i,�:�,' ' . MC3019�NEl5 . .. �
<br /> i •:I5(. , . �
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