<br /> 1 , r..`
<br /> , . . . „:_�____
<br /> ,,.•.�.,•.:..:.• ,.:..,.•:.,,.. . � ..
<br /> � .�(U�,rK,�1 r�Y .�nuianit��-� --_-----_-- ------
<br /> ... . ' -.'—-
<br /> _"rl •�. . - . _ ..__���..•..rr�X7X F_7?47�arii�.:.::L-�=---_____�--.
<br /> -- substa�vlafly a��uivalent rnoa�gagc iii�uu�!:nc creuliimi Itittf�n�+ai�by Bnrrowzr�7 t�1ttitin�r��r�tcovcmbc�p;d or cc:at�.`i to
<br /> ane•twclfih of tha yeatly nta�tgega P
<br /> I�z?n r.ffcct.I�c r�i^s'w11!nccept,u�nnd�•etai��th.�a p:ay111f:�IlS 1S n loss rescrve 6n Itet� of mnnFaca ins�rance. ss rexti�u
<br /> pay��xntti n�y�x�lungee l i�fal b��an inxurGrlu�js�ro�l byt.l.cru�er ega n�beeamcslavAilable Iiis�ot�tui��,ednl3urr�,wcr��liallfE��r ,� —
<br /> that l.cndcr r�yui��etia Pr4 Y
<br /> ths promium�requ3red ta roaintain mong�ge insurenco in e�'t'cct�ar to pravid�u loss rerscrve,antil the rcquirement ar nwngage
<br /> in�urnnce ttxly!n acconlance with any writtan agran�ent betwxn Hnrrower ar�d I.encler or applirablC I�w.
<br /> 9. {����. i,cndGr or its�getat may make rc�.un�able cntxfaq apon and inspectlons of the Property. Lender shell givc �
<br /> 8c�rtower na�:e�t the time�f or prior to an insper.don Fpacityi�8 rc�sc►ru►bie c.�use for the inspectiort.
<br /> wA. �enckm�tlan.Tha pea�cYds uf uny award or cla�m foe damages, direst ar canseguenti�l, in cam�octiun with any
<br /> condemrwtion or oiher t�king ot'Any purt of thc 1'ru�►ty. o�fui•cot:vcynncc tn llen nf rnndcmnatian, urc Nerclry nssigned aru! __
<br /> sh�ll t►o pala ta L�sKicr.
<br /> In thc eve+�t of a totcl txking of the Propttty,tfir,proceods ahall be applitd to the sums securcd by this 5ocudry nstrumcn,
<br /> whether or not then due,with any excess paid to 9orrower. ln the event of a partial taking�f the Property in�vitict�the fa3r
<br /> nuvket value af t4tie P��apertY immodiAtely before the taking is equal to or gcrate�than the�►rwunt of th�sums seca►red by this
<br /> 5ecurity Instrurroent immaiiat:{y befot�e tha taking,unlCSS Borrower and I.er.der vthorwise agree in writi►�g,thc sums stcurod by
<br /> this Sxurity Instrunxrtt shall be reduced by the amount of th� pmccxds multiplied by ti�e fallowing frnction: (n) d�e �otal
<br /> anwunt of the sums sccured i�nmediascly bcforG thc faking,�avtdcd lsY (b)the fair market value of the Proparty inlmal�ately _
<br /> bcforc the taking. Any balanc,� shall be paid to Borcower. In the event of a parcial taking of the Praperty in wi�ich tl�e fi�ir
<br /> market value of ttse Properiy irnmediately b�fore the taking is less thnn the antount of the sums sccurc�d immecliqtely befare the
<br /> taking,unlass Aorrow�er nnd t.ender otherY►isz agrce in writing or unless a�ist.i,c�hle law otherwisc provldcs.
<br /> thc pracceds shall
<br /> A
<br /> bG applial to the sums securod by this Securiry InsUurneat whether or noc r�re surns ac'e then ue.
<br /> lf ttx PropertY is abandaned.by Borrower.or if. after ratice by Le�r��r,�13anower that the candemnor offers co malco an
<br /> awud'or seetie a c�P.3im.f�r, ct�'.r.ra�c:�= �°rr�wer fails to rapc►nd to L�'�'�r�����ys after the date th�notice is given,
<br /> Lcat:rr�s::t°a��..'',r,�!e��xrl;Geti.�c a��a;�v etae�TO-.:eeds,at its option.ent��rc r.�r,�y�:�.rv�t�rn��:;i:pair o8 t��Pcopeny or to the sums .._
<br /> securr.d!hyr ttti:s a�rnrit��r fi1:�,�ru.netr.r...�vlh.°t�.'�r.err.r.rcN:ettitn due. h�l nat eatend o+r
<br /> CJi�lie:ss Ti.tnrJ'�ir�rT i.Wz��ry�re�r orJ�.�l,jn:�:,� ��raa� "r.0�G.Trr�a.�,srz� �1PIr.�al�i:c�n vG ��nu:a'�5 GaT�;�'](7:tt�CR�T.Y� S. ,
<br /> ^� � � �li����C�:'��1;cy v��':rr.s;i!r.�i.ae�.rcr��.s 11 anrrf•;:.�c�a�'�fi;��,�e�m��ncr1 a��:w�IFa�i�n�:�.
<br /> �x•r;S�^a;c�xt+�JSr�firrc r�li,...�+1:;16v��u.��7�f�tq.
<br /> P.�I:.i��nvr}�m'�i�cr�rz��i�rt!;.►I��mGQ�rar�rncc 3:3�Mcim��hir':�?p¢e� �Ge�¢�R L�tC�r{i�wMU�i�vua4>�so*6t��n�1r,�fr�¢�tf 13�z��i��ic.at�; y..
<br /> of u�eur�y:r�5;r�:i„n at�,d�,:�Lms seciizri�,��.�:.�M1-�,S��u����,,rs'tii.fsti,�.rr�J.��rr"s����eu�w�n qu�ieri�3�. �.ic��c�r;�,�0a'yU'�'����;�%!r.���+.ired ta...;,,;,,.'�,;:
<br /> not c�p�ratt:to,Q�1zs�s.�=�x�lial�il�ry of thc o g�Yt . �;, t ,•
<br /> comnk:ace�+roc�eslinss.�gainct any sucassor ian ain�:reat�Ur.r�fu�,a 1ca�z�:;}3��ii�rnp,�'os me�a�;W,��,�'��f Yi�1i����T'.'�p1��}'r°�.
<br /> of the:anm� soctirvtl"�y this Secunty Instrurnent by ret�san of�)'�h �u�medy�.��I1�ur�a�;�tivAiWtr bf�a Z�i�e�lvr�,p tUf�a; . --
<br /> sur.aess�rs n'r 3nterest;�y forbeapance by Lencior ln exercising ei►Y g . �
<br /> . cxercise of v.ny righF:di��cmcdy. � Saund;Jatnt and Severa!Liability, Cm-aigne�. 'Ibe oovenafits•�nd aKrecnxncs of dzs
<br /> 12. Saccaears t�pd Asslq�.. �
<br /> Security Insuument�`hall timvensu►ts and asreemcn��11 be o nt and sevc�raL My��io�owcrsuwhotco-sig phisisi��o�
<br /> i�wa"�'�`� -?. �sTt_.:�. _ _ .. �a anA oottYGV tliHt
<br /> instnirr�ent but docs not exocute the Note: (a) is.eo-signing ttUs�ecvriry Insi�u�i��i c„�ly ta sr'r:o°a-. �°if' —
<br /> 'ecv
<br /> $omnwer's inuoest in d�c Propercy under the te�nu uf this Secutiry Instrument;(b) ic not personAlly o!►fiQated ta y thc sums
<br /> Recutnd by tl�is Sec+�rit�Insmuncnt;and(�)aBreey that L.ender And any othcr Borrawer may agrc�to extencf,modi y.
<br /> forbear or
<br /> ��lce ar�y�oconurwdxuons with regard to fhe tem�s of this Security InatrumeM or!he Noto wtthc�ut ttwt Sarrower'�con+e�t•
<br /> 13. Lo�a CM�. If the loan secureA by this Socurity Insintnxnt is sub sc►to a law which iets mucimum lan cha�a�.
<br /> ud thrt I�w js firuiily iMecpretod so.th�t the intarest oR dher loa�s chargC+�lectod or to ba collectod in canna�tion wl�h the
<br /> lam excaed ths permitted I�mits�thm: (a)+u►y such Iwu�char�e shdl be roduced by the�maunt �ta.sod limft�wirl!ibe f d�d�to
<br /> to the pemtittcd limit:rud(b)�ny rum�already rnllected from Borrowct which ezceoded Remd
<br /> Narsower. i.e�der m�y choo�e tu m�ke d►is tetiuxl hy reduc{r►S the pdncip�l owa�d under the IVwo a ���a�n
<br /> P'FY� tm Botrowe�r. If � refund raivas prfnciprl. the reduction w{II in trr.�od �u a p�uti�l p�rpY
<br /> �Yp�px�ge u�du�he Note.
<br /> Y�.Notk�.Ar�y notia to Bormwer providod for in thia Security rnstcurnent sh�ll be givrn by deltverin�it oc by tn R6 .
<br /> it.bY fir�t clsn�m�il unk��pQlicabio law roquinoticx to�'.�i►de�r` A�n�ia Aa����'t�ia.tdbe���atpkr�r;fi�rtl�sc r�w�l�t� . .
<br /> �
<br /> crr xny alrer�ddre�e Bosrn►,�r dc�ian�s bY y b notioe.tr,llunowtx. Any e�olfia• tiri3sled for in this
<br /> I�cnder's adctteas st�tod herein or arry other�ddraa l.er►dcr dt�ig/�tes Y � ,
<br /> 5avrity Ir►strumau shalf tie cSoemod to l+ivc�5�nt o�krtru��rsh I�I be ga�va��r�nai by�f�ederal !sw and�tf�r liw of the •
<br /> 15.Ganssi� 1.�w; Sc+Yrtf�ty Y
<br /> juri9dic,t�iott in}vhi��thc PropetcY is Iosated. In.the evcr»that any provision or c[ausa af this Secvrity InatrumaK a che Not�
<br /> + viswns of this Socurity 1'nstcurr�an or tl�e Note whicri�n b�e
<br /> conflicts with applteaWe tiw,such cor►tiict shali tiwt affl�c other ixb. .
<br /> givcn effoct wiWout the conllictis�provision.To this end�tbe prov�s�ans of thi�Socuriry Y�tstn�ma�t a�d�Note are declued
<br /> W be scverable. uf tl►e Noto and of this 5�curity Instnunerx•
<br /> �14.Linrrower's Copy.�orro�wer shall be g3vtn one c�trCucri�Cd ooPY
<br /> 1�'.7Cneder�01 the pnnpeirty or�He.�et'fe�l Intes+eet in'Bnt�rorvcr If all or any{MUt o�F e!�Prag�ecty or zay intesr.ac i�it .
<br /> is sold or transferr�d'(or if a ba�fici�!e�tc�rst in Bormw�r is sald or tr�hsf�rrcd sux�i�mon ful!a6��n�s s�md b5 th3�
<br /> I�ender's pcior wr�ftCn consent. l.ender may. At its option.. raluin itrlrnediace Px�
<br /> 5xurity Tr�ument.Hawevcr,this option shall not be cxercisod by I.enda if eaereise is Qr�hibite�l by federa�iaw xs of the data
<br /> of this Security Instrument.
<br /> If Lendcnr cttSrelscs ti�is option,I.ander shsll give Borrower e�otice of accelcration.The noti:.c sh�l!provide a ptric►d o not
<br /> Itss cha�►30 dxys f.rom the dste the notice is delivered oc mailod witllin which Borrow�r must pay all sums securod by this
<br /> Sxurity in�tcumei>�t. If Borrower fa:ls to pay these sums p�ior to the ex�irzdcrn of thi�period.l.ecxlcr au�y invoke any rcmodizs
<br /> permiltod by this S�ecurity Instrumenf withaut further ncKi�x ar demand an B�rrower. .
<br /> ag, Borrower's Ri$ht tm Reinslate. if Borrower maets certain cor►ditions, Borrower shall havc the ri�3�¢ to i�.�+ve
<br /> enforcement of this Sxunty [•n:.T►vmcnt discontinued at uny time ptior ro thc earlier of: (a)S Wac�of sale contair�in tt►is
<br /> applicnble Iaw may spocify for rei��statement) bcfora sale of tho PropertY pursuant to any po
<br /> Secur�ty Ir►Nlumau;or(b)cntry of a judgment enforci�ng this Secutity Instrument.`['hoso conditions are tlu+t Bomower:(aj pqs
<br /> I,endet al! sums which then would be due under tnis Socuriry Inst�meX��t�u�nlenfo cing thisi Secuc��'cy i�st�ment�
<br /> cures any Je�ault of�ny other covenant�or agaxmcnts; (c)pay
<br /> ietult�Jeng. twt nut limited to.reaso�wble attomeys' fees;and(d)takes such actian as Lcnder maY n:asonably require to aswre
<br /> that thc litn ot'this Sa.�urity InstettmeasYLe�c�'sa�Ehti t�rei���n+attd by I3orcuwcrbl�chis U5+:c¢�pty.I Ytru►nen�and he
<br /> , �Illi �CCU11[5' IilSfiIIRlCfll anun winai.w ........'.a--- -r--� .
<br /> diligations secw�l hereby�hall rem+un fnlly effectiv�as if no accelerutioin had occu*cal• HoW�ver,I10is ngn[c4 reim-iaic an5ii
<br /> nut al�ly i��tkv c•ase of s�cccl�ration undcr paragr�ph 17.
<br /> 1g. Sa{e a[Nute; C1our►ge of�.oan Servicer. TKe Nr+ce oc d �a�7i�1 intcrrst in t9cc Note (together witl� this Security
<br /> [�n<�2rc�ment)may bc sold v�;or murc tinics witFcout priur r�oticc to lionnwcr.A sale n�ay result in a ctiuuge in tl�e entity(known
<br /> �i�cnv"iaan 5ervicer"�t��nt�.�ti:cts monthl�payment�due�mci�r the Not��nd dnic Security Instn�nxnt.'Che��e al:,o may bc:anP
<br /> �r�wr tten nnaice�of"�e.cha»ge n t cen ti�rnat.tw'�th p�go ph l4�HOVC BfKI A a ?icablc 1.1 '�1nQ��:lr,ervw 11 s��th�name.t��
<br /> - ��e�
<br /> pc!dre�ss of tlie new Lo�n 5K:vlser and tA,a s��l�ess to�aulzi���n paynxnts'sf�ould mtxJe.`��h��atia;.•.aviil also cont�in any ather
<br /> aiila�ation required by apo:i�isu�nlc Inw. ' ,
<br /> 2�. Hazardous 5ubss�r�rs:t�. Borrowcr shatl noi s�e�::ar�xrmit thc pr�e:nae., uss. dispas�:: starage.�o�•�-�lcase of sr',}!
<br /> Hazaidaus 5ubsta�ces on or in die Property. tiorrower sy�ll not dfl, nor allcsw•�u���or�x ��c°�o'.dn. anything affectin�;t?E�:s�
<br /> Pn�perty that�s in violutian of any Environmcntal Law• 'Ct►o Pre:,�ir.�;cwo sent��nces shuii�oi.:�i�SP3Y to the presenoe.us-�r.�t�r
<br /> stors�e on thG PcvisenY of small quantitics uf Hazardous Substxnces Pr�ac a��o gGnerally recogciue.i eo be appropriute to n�rti!i�u
<br /> i�esidentic�!uscs and to maintenuncc of tne Property.
<br /> - 'Pme3ot� Form 3028 9190
<br /> . . _ . .. . . . . . _ . . _ __._---. . _._._ ._.
<br />