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<br /> - �`- _ -'-� � - - - . -- w�ep pa.rer bf aale o'od�ibed i�dr�`-- .
<br /> . Uefoot s�k af tl�e Propac�.P�
<br /> y ��c�at�d�) �, �ic��re t�t�onoaer. W� -
<br /> 1sw nr spoci�► 3U4�e `
<br /> � ���a(by��7►��f�e���� and tf�e�To�e`as�if ao�� - . .
<br /> . ' �ouid be due uadet t6��Y� .
<br /> p�I,sades all..swas rrhict�then ��a��c)W3h���P��ia ea[d�sia�d�is Sec�ily ` .
<br /> - �-= ___.�—--- deTaut�ofa� . ����such_�t�oo as L�d��Y��`
<br /> - • ,. Inau�..iec �.t,�ndtrle a�tts ia thr Ar�pertY - -- —
<br /> � naqui�e w assnce th�t the lieaof�sball cauinu� �8� �P�'��`�` �=�s Secu�itY ----
<br /> suim sec�ed bY this Src�itY����ce�in fWfY eRecuve as ef no acx�krxion hsd occ�ured. However A6is '
<br /> : I�st�umet�t aod tAe,okli�,�t'w�s _ ;
<br /> si�ht to�eir�ta�e sball naupply m tbe c�se oiacrekr�tiuo undet Pai�ghD�����in th�Notc lta8�with this Sec�Y :
<br /> - 1! Safe d Nrte:Ci��d iwn�Seerker. 7bc Nate ac a p�.
<br /> [nsan��)�Y 6e sold one or marc 6mes vrritbout prior notice w Borrovrtc A s�te may nsult in a ct�nge ie tl�e�tit�t _� ..
<br /> due ucKitr t!rc Nata and this Security f�inm�nt=-71���Q
<br /> . qmovm as the°i.aart Servicef"}d�at coUecrs monti�Y WY� � to�a Savioer,_ .
<br /> mry be ooe or inore ci�nges oi dtie 4o�n Se�v��er uncet�ed to a s�ie of the Isote. if ti�tn is a cb�r►Ee�law. The notice
<br /> 14�iwve aad�pl.
<br /> Bamwer w�i be given writkn aoiice aE the cfw����"'�� sbould 6�made. '1be naic�wrU
<br /> vrilt state tLc n�tne 9ad a�ldress of�6e new I.oa�Setvker and tl�e ad�ress to wUish paYmeas .
<br /> ��yt���iafonn�tioa rtquired bl'aPPticabie taw. oc tele�e of y►Y
<br /> �ces, Bamwer sh�li not puse or penn�t the Pcesencc.use.dispos�l,swra8�.,
<br /> Boaower str�il na doy aoc�Ibw�nyau etse ta dn.auylh�ng sffectio6 d�e �
<br /> °� ��b�ces on or in the P�vpMY• Law. 71�e �ng tMro sentcnc�es�If rt�t aPPiY to thc p�•use.or
<br /> _� pmperty tdat is in vialana�a of aey Fa�vimoment�l P�� � ized to be appmp[iak to m�t .
<br /> a a Su6stanoes that ace general�Y` ogn
<br /> � stqagcon thc PmpertY bf s�n�ll quaMities of ii�za�daus :
<br /> • residential+�ses and w maintenaace of the[�roPertY•. �. an.ciaim,demaz�k 3avvsuit a other_action bSf u►Y �
<br />-_- - Bart+ower shall piompdY F&ve l.ender wriuen nvuce of any irnestigati and any Hazacdous Substance or EnviroriaseNal
<br />-- govemme�al a c�Su��aY�y°{�v�"�invotving the PrnpertY y ova�menlal ot reB�Y
<br /> l.a� of wfiict� Barowec i�as actual lwowkdge. If Borrower learns.ar is notified b aay 8 �s nocesciry,Bp�wc�.
<br />- aytUo►ity.tiwt any remnval a otf�cr rernediaaon af any Ha�ardous Substanct affxting tbe P1�openY�
<br /> . shall p�aPPUY tak�aU rixessarY rc�n�diai actions in accotdarce uritb Envimamrntal Law. toxic `
<br /> As usea in aus r�rastaph.20•"F!'z'rd°"s su4stan�are those su�n�a�eo uc pet�mieom '��t�b�►
<br /> - Frnironmeiital Law artd tix following svbstanc�es: Sasoline.kerosene. vs mater�ats. As •
<br /> ' ���5 and herbicides,volatile solvents.m�terials containing asbestos or fortnaWehyde.aml*�+�'
<br /> _ use�tn this paYagr.►Ph 20."Er►vironmental Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdicaoa wi�e the Pcope�'�s locued
<br /> ' Wat relat�ro heal�h.saferg oc eauira�met�t�1 P�tection. �s follmrs-- _ -
<br />._ �,�' NON-UNIFORM COVEl�ANfS. Bocrower and Leader further cov@nant and aSree tion tdbwfa8 BoRURer's __-
<br /> " Z!. 'Accdaation:.Re�edies. 1.ender shnll gi�'e notice ta BorroWer prlor tv xaekra _ �-
<br /> • g �
<br /> F�i: I�s t r o m e a t tbat aot prior tnaccekration under Pua�P�1? �`
<br />- -�' 6repcb of aey coveeaat or a���°t in t�S a�u�t y wr e d t o c u r e t b e ---
<br />� � _ b k I s►w p c o r W e s utherw�el. 'f6e autice s6a1!spec�fY: (a)tUe defaait;tbt the ��ctian�detautt must be �`--�
<br /> � ::.��: unkssapqica
<br /> defaal�(c)a d,�te,nW ksc tUxn 30 days trom t6e date the notke is Slven to Bocrower.by �iT�-,
<br /> ` cared:aad(d)t6at tail�re tn curc We detauN oa or b�arc t6e ds�te sp�c� ,�1D����her'mform Barru a� 6- _
<br /> t6e sums secured bp this Security',Instrumeat and sate of the PropeMY fied in �
<br />'=:-, , x` tie r�Yt W reiastate atter accelemtioo�ad the rigdt ta 6ring a coart Action to 2��noa�e�cisteaee of x default or
<br /> �a �"`'
<br /> - -�;� an'dher defease ot Horrower to accder�immedia� If t6e deff 1)ot aU�secured b.�v tl�'Secarity i�mdrun�ent �� -
<br /> _ �-=�t t6e aatice.l.eader at its oPtioa ms►9�eqa VR3'� b a icable bw . "�_`�=i -
<br /> withaut turtLer demand and may invoke the power ot sate and an! dhes remedies permitted 9 � h Zl. r•�s=.r�
<br /> i . "::�:.`.
<br /> Lepdes slwii be entitled to coikct all expenses incacred irt pursuing the cemedtKS ProviACd ;�this pntaB�P
<br /> � ' iactuding,but noi limited to.reasonabk uttomeys'tees and costs of titk evidenc� ,_
<br /> . ,� � � i!t6e power ot sale is invoked.Tr of svch�inatice in the manner presc'�tbed bY aPpl"�cabk Ia ht hBor�er�nd ta - l_
<br /> ` p r o p e r t y i s l o c s�t e d a n d s h a l l m a i l c o p�� 1'r c a b l e t a w.T r u s t e e s h a l l g i v e p u blic .,;`. ;-�
<br /> ������S����by ppplicable law After the time requ ire d b y a p p
<br /> ,z tM in "'�`:�--
<br /> ` ;- �otice ot sale to t h e pe r s o n sbl'�c auctbn�to the h ghest blAder�atpl e talrtee and p ce and u n d er t h e te�n s�o�er. y..;��'
<br /> �' "'�� sball sell t6e Property at pu sale o�all a any - :a f-�t�
<br /> . = t����snk in o�t or moee parcets aad in aa}�ordev'n'ustee determines. Ti'�5t ��P°���� �nder a iRs �=s�,�
<br />' �"�•".� parcel of the Properly 6y publie announcemeM at the tune and placr at any p 9• _ '�*"' `�--
<br /> :, �- �- ,
<br />>�`'�'': :�•r` :i. � designee mstY Purc6ase tl�e Prope�ty at any sale. _
<br /> �;`' '. Upon receipt ot payment of the prece bid,71ru�tee sha��deliver to the puvchuser Trustee's deed conveyinR the ,. �
<br /> ��.�' •,,;� Proper/y. The recitals in the Trustee's de�+d sh�ll 6e prima farie e�idqac�of t6e truth ot the�tatemcnts made therein. ..
<br /> !`� Trustee shat��pply 1he praceeds of the sste in the following arder: �3t t�r att costs and cxpen�o�exercising the power �,`r�__
<br /> . �t , +:,r,.
<br />_ - � • , � �f.i.;�r .
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