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<br /> �- �T-- �+.- — ' — .— ".._—'_ . —— T .
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<br /> _, ,.v�.�: �� .� � . � . . , - . � . :92=/a���. ._.
<br /> � -:; ��iYlZH�R t�e�.aaw ar haal�a a+e�ed as tbe popaty.asd a1i a�e�a�s.�.� ;' ,.: ..
<br /> � �es�ow a�s prt o�the papatg..All�i�icdoe�ts.aod sdditio�s �lt al�o 6e,ovrete� b�r �t Sb�i�7 .
<br /> � 1d�t�dmeK.All,�We fane�oiu�is tefa�d�o iu tbis Sxutity Iaeuum���a�riY•�� ` �
<br /> / . HpR1tOVYFR CQYENAl�TS Wat Bono+�er is ta�rfnll�►sa�e�of t��st�te 6erob1►cnavaYat�d Ivs the ri�ht w�oE�aed. ._
<br /> �� . Ncacraotsma++� - - ._.---
<br /> — __� -- __ _�-----�-T-==_-- ._. �- - • �F� _
<br /> . de{ead Eeoenlly the 4itk to ttte PmpenY�.?!11 claims add de�t�ods,subject w any a�m�of�soord. T � -
<br /> � ,''fHLS S�CIIRITY INSTRlJMENT cambioes unifqi�n oovai�s for n�ioaatuse and eon-aoifar�u oovea�ds vvit�limited ' ° �
<br /> vui�tians 6y ju�isdictian to contitiitWte a unifotm socariry insdwnert covering neal p�opeitY- .
<br /> - -U1yIFdRM C�VENANfS,Soaawu apo lender oa�reoaat aod ag�ze as foUows:
<br /> - b pl�jnnt o[Pti�eipl a�d isfe�e�;Repayie�t ad Iste CM� Barowa s�iait`PromptlY P�►wtim�re t�c . _ ,
<br /> principal of aad iptenest oo the debt evideaoed by the Noto aad�Y P�Y��late cl�arges dne nnder the Note. .
<br /> 2.F'�for Tasn�d im�'awee.Subjat w agplica6k law or to a written waiver by Lender,Sormvvec sh�ll pry to
<br /> �_ tiader ao Me day e�oathlY WYm�s a�+�due aada thc Nate.und7 the Nate is p�id in full,a sum('Funds")for.ts)Y�Y�
<br /> aod assemnmts rvhicfi ndy auain pnority over tLis Sowrity I�umnaot as a Ges an tUe PmQeny;ro)Y�Y�P�Y�s . �
<br /> � ,- ` or gtaiqd i�ts on the Property,if aay;{c)ydrly bar9rd nr pinpefty iawraa�Premiau�s;(�9e�rly►ttood iaWraoce Pr'emwus+
<br /> if anryr= (e)YeadY mo�t8�iawianoe pamiu��„if�ay:ud(t�adY swas i►aYabk M+Bor��rer w l.ender,ia a000Nanoa with
<br />= the p�ovisians of.pua�ap6 S.in fiai of tbe payment of mnrtgage iru�uanoc pmniums.Tlkse iams ace calkd'Escrow Itan4.'
<br /> _- Ireader�Y,at aay time,colkct and hofd FuwLs in aa amwnt noi to a�coed.the muitrxun artnur�t a feader fos'a foder�Uy
<br /> -=- rei�ted m�rt�taan nrsY require for Bormwer's escrow�coau�t underthe fcdaa}Real Estate SatluneM Procedurcs Act of
<br /> 1974 as�a�aidod fi�nan tuae to time, 12 U.S.C.Sxtian 2601 a seq.,�RESPA'.unless�not6er law tbat applies w!be Funds
<br />- sets a lesser•a�aounc If so, 1�eeda*maY,at aay timc;coQect aad hoTd Fands in an artiaunt not to exoeed thc tessu u�wupt-
<br /> - Lendei may�nnnte the aawuat of Fands due oa th�ba�is of cument data,aod teasonable sstimates of expendituiss of fadue
<br /> -- Escmw Itetat a atlKrwise in a000rd�nce with appticable law. ' : - .�
<br />— � The Fuods sl�all be heid in an iastiwtion vrhose deposits ace insnied.�iy a foder�l agenc.y, m�meMatity, or entity —
<br />-= �acluding.I.ender.if I�ender is s�ch an iastiation?or in any Feder�l Hane Laaie Baok.Leoder sd11 appty the Funds to pay the :.--
<br />_° = Fscmw Iteuis.Lender may uot charge Borrdwer for lalding aed appiying the Fnnds,annually�a�nlyzing d�e asccow aomuat,or __
<br />=` -_ verifying the F.se�ow itemc,unless l.ender pays Borruwer intaca oo the FuMs and applical�l�taw petmits Leuder to m�ice sueb �„��--
<br /> - - :�e.Hcwvevex,l.end`er may requite Bormwet.to p�y a ot�time charge for an independent tral estate ta�c reporting serviee .. , �!;���r--;.r;
<br /> •, qsed Dy I.er�der In coimection with this tow, ��s applicable law provides othenvise. Uatess aa a�+xment is m�ade or _�v._:,rs�
<br /> • - � appliqble law ra�ui�es umterest to be paid,Leaders�ai!•not be toquitpd W pay Bomower any intenst or c�ngs oa the Fuads. �"K�r
<br /> ��':`;�--
<br /> r'� Bormwer and I.ender may agme ia writing.however.that iatecest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender st�all give to Borrower. ----
<br /> ��=.
<br /> virithout'�acge,az�annual accouating of ihe Funds, sfioaring i�c�edits and debits to the Funds aaA the putpose far whic6 each �ir�?a;"R._
<br /> �.�-.;. �-
<br />' ' yvas m�de.'1'he Funds are ledged as additional security for all sumg secured by this Sacarity IAStiument. . - •: �"�'�=�'
<br /> ��.� debit to�hc Fands P m P�°'.�v-"
<br />:.. ,�-� tf the Funds Metd by Lender eaceed the ait�ounts pem�iued to be held hy:applicabte law.Lender s1�a11 accouut to Borrower . . ��.::�."..-
<br /> for tbe eaceess Fands in accordance with the Rquiremeats of applicable law:If fbe�nount af the Functs held by l.ender at.aay ' :;..";� s��a:`
<br /> � time is not su�cient w pay the Escrow Itesa9 wden due,Lendet may so�tify Borrower in writiag,and,in such case Borrower, . . :��.�;..�
<br /> .�= esa
<br /> � " shall pay to L,endcr tl�e amount n�ssarY to make up tbe dcficiency. Bormwer shal!malce. the defici in no more than -,"•`F`•�+�
<br /> '�; �P �Y -� a'r���" :
<br /> • tarelve monthly paymeats,_at l.erder's sole discretion. - �` ���
<br />_' � '- Upon p�yment:�r fuU of al] sams sexured by this Securi�InsirumenG.l.ender shall promptly rcfund to Borrower any , . �_
<br /> -� � -= Pnnds held by Lender.if,uMer paragaph 21.l.erder shall acquin or sell ihe PcopeAy.l.ender.prior ta tl�e acquisition or sale . _
<br /> � ' af the ptopecty,shafl apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition ar sale as a credit agaicast the sums secured by _
<br /> ,
<br /> ' this S�riry Iastrument. . . �, -
<br /> . 3.Appliaition ot Pl�yments.Unless applicabte laar pravides othcrwise,aU payments received by�.e�der under pa�agrephs • � _
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be appli�:first.to any prepayme�t chargcs due under the Nqte: second,to amaunts paya!�1e under paragaph Z; �:���
<br /> . thltd,ta interest du�:�`aurth.to principal due;and last.to a�late c harges due u n der t h e Note. � � -• -
<br /> . _ 4.Ctu�ges;Liens.Barrowcr shall pty'aFi taaes.asscssmcnts,charges,fines and impasitions attributable to the Property ' �. .' _
<br /> w}�{�h may attain priority aver this Security Instrument. and leasehold paymen�c ar gratr.�n:�ts. if any. Borrower shal!pay : • . .�;
<br /> these obf"rgations in thc m�nner providcd in patagrapb 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay ther.�on time direcdy . ,. ,-_
<br /> • - to the person owed payment.Borrower shall pro:.�tiy fumish to l.ender all.natiees af amounis to he paid under this paragraph. . � - �
<br /> •s If Borrowcr malccs thesc paymcnts directly,Bot'r�wcr shall prompdy fumish ta 1.�.�ndcr rereipts evidencing the payments. _:_�
<br /> ` � '�' Borrowcr shall promptly discharge any licn which h�s priority over this Security Instrumcnt unless Borrower:(a)agrces in , _
<br /> . writing to ihe paymcnt of the obtigatian securcd by thc lien ia��manner acceptable to Lendcr:(b)contesls in good faith the tien •
<br /> � by, or defends against enforcement at thc licn in, lega{ pro�xdinss which in thc Lcndcr's apinion operate to prevenl the }
<br /> � ;, enforccmene of the lien:or(c)sccures from!he holder ot the tien an agreement�tisfactory ta Lender subordinating the lien to l. .
<br /> �;: :,. t..:�: . .
<br /> �, - . - this Socurity/nstrument.If Lendet detertnines that aiy part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain prioriry over �.
<br /> . . :r : i•'::...ii`;- .� � .
<br />• ., .;�=.Y- 's�._•�:, this Security]nstrument.Lender may give Bonower a n�tice identifying thc lien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien ar ts�tce one or
<br />• . . •�-'�'`-'2 more of the actions set fortA abovc within 10 days of the giving of naticc. . �
<br /> � , ..�'c��� , +SOrm 3028 9/90 i , .
<br /> . � ��r� vage 4 0l 6 . . . .
<br /> - ' i. '
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