<br />~ ~xrtticut afthe ~~ ~ A~ cwf 1~r~t ~~~f`a~`t ~lrvw~st {~rt~r of~tta ~'a~rtb~a~~t
<br />Q~artcrairSect;~m ~ ly. Te~s~iip I I ~artl~,, l~angc 9 ~%est, afthe 6`ei I'.~:., subject to the road art
<br />the I~ast side nfs~id. t~r•~t, bung a reetang~lar~ of Iand d6Z..5 Best, cast and ~rest, and ~'SY8 fe'~,
<br />and south ~rn.d be~r~ the fir~et~ises d~escr~i.bcd i.n ~artk 9'8 of dccc~ ,l~e~ords, e ~Ot~~ Hail
<br />County. Nebraska.
<br />"he locataarz of ~7e ~we~rr.ises (h~tuding at~,:tn~s) ~vithirr rye Pro~art~r i~ mars iaartic~arl~
<br />described ar~d delri~at+~d ps fallaws:
<br />~~~
<br />tat p-~ ~f ~c ~au~we~ ~ta~ B:IC [I~ ~ior~i~~t ~r e~f i.o~ ~i, 'Tbw~i~ 11 2~rtt~,
<br />mange 9 l~+est ctf the ~~ Pxineipal h~+e:ridla~ H.~I Ccuaty, ~Iehra~ka, being morn particularly
<br />drt'bcd as frxllcn~rs;
<br />I~ttrrring to the G~ster tsf said gedian ~i, a ~ iatch it~c-tt girt ford; ice east+~rfy
<br />S $9°~$'~" ~„ Leal t~ ut~a .~i1~ ~f ~$ ~s~t t6.et rter 0,~ sa1C1 0Ct3C-r1 2.1,i 43~+~~ ~'+,~ ice
<br />r+t~thta"~y N +~0~3Y'3~" Iwy 66.9Y f~ to ie~le ~'oi~a# of lnn~1 fcr the desc~ T,x Sty;
<br />thG~~ nbr'f~Ci`l~'' ~ ~~~'~~"" ~,. ~~.~ ~C; t~1L'~~ S,0'1C:C~'~~-' ~i ~~°5~{l'~~"~ ~s ~~P«~il ~1t,
<br />!}fenrx sotxtherl~ S (I~°t~`05"" ~'. 50.E ~r4t; reams xtorthwe:t'tet'ly'~3 $~°5~'S~'°'~, .fit}. f tt1
<br />the I?oint of 19egir~rng far the d~seribed Lcaasc it~e.
<br />~at;eti!ng a taital calcaulaated area of ~50t1 square feet, rn or $~ss:
<br />_Ea~em~nt.
<br />An ~ IFSa~nat t~ f~cr. in vsri,dtfi, lo~fod i~ tit 't cif the S~uth,~c ter n=1`
<br />?~crrthea~t Q'-er of ~ti.~rt ~ 1, ~'a~~~~ ~ 1 I~or~ ~ ~ meat of the ~i1~ prr~ipal
<br />IV1e~~an, Hall Cata~ty; Nebraska, the cer~'t~rline being t~rc particular`ty tfescra`bed a~ fdila~v~~
<br />I~efcrarianag to the Northeast comes of,~ai.d .ease Sile; tiac'a~cc sauthc~riy 5 05`EI~'t~5" ~'', 43:$D tit,
<br />tv the Pc~iaat of He~im~,tng for the reaia~Ii~ of tlae d.esct~`t~ed caaaentertt; the svuthcast~~rly~ $
<br />~~°"~$'~~" E, ~,~W«~~ ~~t; ~)v ea~:tC~~y ~~6~~`~~' ~, ~~.~ fE~t, ~~ ilfmlll~C~~T~ ~
<br />6S°i~.S'15" ~, Cr4,~7 fe~t~ re~'iet°T~ 1~ $~°~C~'3$" E~ ~~4.15 feeet, ter the ~''oint ~x~`liyte~i~ierec
<br />an Wiest. rigttt~a~ vva~ line of ~ 5~eet, alter be~$ il>ic Poaknt of Teatn~taaatit~ far
<br />cet}i~e:,of ~~ c~b~d ~.t.
<br />~t-lity EasamC
<br />Art [Jtility Fasennaatt S feet in v~idth~ lo~atcd in khal part afthc ~ur~t;ithwc~st Quarter c~l"~e
<br />Narthea~t Quarter of°~eeti~ ,~1, ~Z'a~vv~~i~ ~ ~ I+1't~~, ~~ ~ Wept oftt~e Cr°' Princ-ipel
<br />IMidia~, ~Il. ~~y; Nebaras~, atl~ c~t~ bein,$ ~tcxce partlc~larly de~ribed as talla~wr~:
<br />~ef$t~ tCH the rti~, CCt~r1~l" rsi' ~~ a.'!>w; tlle~x swia~uta'ly~' ~ ~~a~~'Q~" , ~.~ ~e~,
<br />the f''oint of ~inusing fear the ~eeitter~ine off' ~~ deribead eas~tent* them sout~t~y
<br />`/''7Q4~~UQB"48'"~v~~,,, .~ylyy8~~,yFy..+y48yr~pf~eetr th~a~nwe~~~uega~~{st~errfy'N 8?'°47'1i~~i"E, 48.I~$y,~fee~ty; tlpy, ccyyynayr~~tla~y{t'er'ly~.~Nq'~~yw~~}~,ry
<br />`~~/~~~yQyPya~~~~yyl"g~yi~~~~"y"T~ey• r~`4MV~ N~1Ni~+~pWYi 'N~WiA'lVi~~ ~,~,~}~~~~{'~17+~ ~M1' ~~~aV'~ ~Wi~ i4~:1 `~4 ~V~~ fJ`', ~y[4 Rii~lJ.l[i~.lVkf:
<br />~~ ~~~%~' ~JiR'i•i MikA.4 ~i ~ ~~J ~ ~~I~'.L'~l l..
<br />