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<br /> 7Y)f3I;TH r1�,i2 VViTH e!l tho irreprc►vrmentn now ar l�ere.�tter erxtod rny tho pra�crty, end �.11 ea�em�nts,
<br /> nj,W�rtcn�tecm3,nbn�f.ixturr.�naw�r ltereyfinx n�nrR�tit tha�sn�xray.AU replacr,mentn ertd addatian9 ohnll als�i t�cavered
<br /> Uy thte Soc�trity 1r�etri�ment.Ail ot tho tose�ain�tn rcierral ta m th.i�Socurity Yntitrumcnt�thc+"�'rn�erty." ��
<br /> kiURRCDII'l��1(.''�V�NANTS tlu�t l3�rrorrer�e INwNily ee#eed oF tho e8t�te haroby conveyed end ha�ti���el�►t ta
<br /> Rr�nt and c:pn�dY tt►�a Pr+aporty�nd ttut the�'er,parey i�un�es►cumh�red. ezcapt�or an�umbr�nc=a�t recnrd, �3orrowcr
<br /> warr�nte�nd wlli datarrd�ei�o�ally tho 3ltlo to the Propec4y��situ�t all el�ime�nd dom�ad�.�ubjoct tu any en.GCnbraacee
<br /> oirecord,
<br /> T3-iI5 S1ECU�ITY II�TSTI�UMFIV'T cambina+�nitorm covcn�nta tar n�ttonol us�and non-uniCorm covoncnte with
<br /> 1;�»ited eari�tiatu�by'utiedictAari to canetituta�unit"orm narurity iiwieur�z��i4�ve�iiiY i•;:a{p�u�;,rty. �
<br /> t1N1FORM CO��NAIJTS.�r�^ower�nd 1.,er►der covoruint�nd�p�eo se folloN�: when duo
<br /> 1.p�ymeat ot prtar#�!�ad Ira4ere�t;Ftepa�ym�a�t�aA�.ete Ch�rRe�.�rrowor bh�l1 prc�mptly p�y
<br /> tt►a principal�t and tnterant on the dsbt ovidenced by the Knto�roA any prsp�ymcu�t Mn�l�te char�ee due unRar tha Nau.
<br /> a. Pund��'ar T�Yes tnd Ytt�ti►r�nco. Subja;t ta��lic.�ble l�w ar to�writton Heiv�r by Lender�iiorrowa'9hdl
<br /> y td I�ar►dor on the d,iy rnonthly pymenta aro alue under tl►e Note,unttl the Nnte ia p�icl In tull,s sum ("�n+1e")for:
<br /> �q)yeurly Wces and sr�exment�wh'sch msy�tt�in priarity aver thia So�curity Inetrument as a li�on tha PropertY; (b)
<br /> eNr1y Iwsahoid pymentei ar�mmund ronts on the Pmperty,it�n�;(c) yarly hs�rd or pxoperty inaurance premiume;
<br /> �d)�3�ar1y tlood ineunnce premlume,it u�y;(o)yarly mort��Qe nsunnoo rremiume,it eny;a�d(i)u�y m�me p�yable
<br /> by liorroker to Lencier,in rccocdanco Nlth the gxovir,l�ne oi par�Rrrph 8,In lIeu of tho payment ot mortg,e�e ineuranoe
<br /> premiuma.'TI�eAe ito,me aro cdled"Eecmrv Iteme."I.endor m�y,at any ttme�collxt and hold Fuada in an�m�unt nut
<br /> ta oxveed the maxtmum �mnunt a lend�tar a fe�darally relatod mort��o losn mmy roquira for I�orrc,Nar'a eecroN
<br /> �ccount imder the teder�l R�al Estate Settlemont Pnx�odures Act nf 1974�s amenck�iram time to timo. 12 U.�.C.
<br /> y�tio�2�C�tl1 e!�. l"�PA"1�unles�a�nathor ln�t1��t tppl{as t�a the Fuade ento a leoeer amount.It eo.Irendar m�y� _
<br /> a�g�r tinta,oolloct�.nd h�i�9.I:�unde tn an emn��n.x ar�t nu ex��od tho leeeer amount.I.tnda!mAy escjm�to tho amuui�i a?
<br /> Nunde due cyn.tiar�1�iR�C c��r.r.r,nt ds.t�,enr3,r.aanr�ae�:L:eatimatoe o4 eipenditwYa oi futuro Eeat�nw Iteme or otherkiAe in
<br /> �ccorduioa��r3t3s�n�il.i.ca1�1�:in:w.
<br /> The Fun�.v�M91 bo 15�1rt iit+w,iau4r.rrr�a:fln Mh�ee depos�te ue ineurr,d by a federal�genay��.natrumentality�nr c�ra.r�i.r,y
<br /> (includin�La►dee,if Les�rJisr.P1�su�h�n iastttation)or in�ny Fedor+�l Hamo I�oan&nk.Lender sh�11�pp1y the Fut�tv�
<br /> p�y the FecroM Iteme.I.a�r may not chuge Bc,rtower tor holdin� end t+�Iyie�the Funde.�nnwr.l�anmiyra�t�tt�e
<br /> o6cro�v++000unt. or veriiyia�t!»L+ecroN Iteme�unlc+wae Lender paYe Borrowec�.rr.tr.rest on the F�mda uad:e:�ticsblm i�w
<br /> parmita I�en�der to m�ke n�ch a chu�a. Hoxevec� L,erde�' mty sequise �lott'�K�t to p�Y a one-t�m:m r1.1�r.�e P.r,n;'�.n
<br /> ;nde�nt ral�state tu mtiortin�Bervice ueed by I.ender in cotinoction�ith this Iw�cr���r�J.ee�applecsT�i:e fa�r p��ridl�
<br /> otherwiee.Unlaee�n��meat ie mark or�pplicable laM ruquires intoreet to be paid,�,�n'a2►�E twt'be raquered t°
<br /> P�Y��xer any intuaq'�ar arninp on the Fun�s.BorcoMa utd L�ssidsr may��rree in a�rct�.ag.l��oamr�that tntereet
<br /> � .11,R�.;d an the Fund�.�andor atsall¢ive to Botro�vet,without char�o.en sanu�l accw�.m.tr"n,�o,t tt14A�,�t►oMIn�
<br /> �--+--
<br /> cro�iiita and dabite to the Pwids a�nd the pwpoee for which e�ch debit to the l�unde�vas me�,n ua a�ranoa�ptowcR+�
<br /> addit�oaal securitY for�ll eumg eocurod by thie Security It�rtrument.
<br /> If the Funda h�1d by Lemdet e=coad tha�mout►te petmitted to ba held by appiicabler rmAr�II��t.!�t tt+�
<br /> Bormwer for tho wccaen Puade tn aoeordu�ce with the requiromeata ot appllcablo la�r.If tt►e ane�t of:tJna Fam+r�;,I;�'kSf .
<br /> by I.,ender at aay ame ie nat suiticieat to p�y tha F�+cro�Itame�hea due�Lender m�y eo not%t��arc�,:v,r�d'iri�wr�vi�;o
<br /> ae�d,in such eavo Bc�rroNOr e�hell pay to I�endar the.m!r.►ouat noc�eary�to mRko up the dettciency.�7�4�:,�'n�l!,rn�lcb'
<br /> up tttie deficicncy 9n no moro th�n twelve monttdy pn�mnente,�t Irondor's eole diocration. �
<br /> Upou pAymcnt ia tull of ul aume�ccurod by ttue Sxurity Iaetrument,Londer etutl promptly retund to Horrow�r'
<br /> anr Ftusds h�ld by Lender. Ie, undqx��,�t+graiph 21. Londer shall �oqutro or sell the['eolpatty� I,auler� Prla to�t➢te
<br /> �oquisition or dale oi ttia Praperf,y.�hb�l9 ipply any.Fui�ds held by Leader�►t the time of a�c��rie+t�on or e�le ae a credit
<br /> spinat tYia eume eecurod by tl►ih'`aecurety�netrumeqt.
<br /> 3.Applicatioa af����neat�.Unleee applic�blo tew providee other�v3ee,atl pRymonte raooived by I�a�der under
<br /> p�ra�raphe 1 end 2 eh�ll bo upplied:firet.to uiy pra�x�ymont cl�tgan due undec the Note;eeoond.to�snounte P�Y�b�1e
<br /> under pr�ragreph 2;t3ilrd,to inYenet due;faucth,ta pnacipd due;and lest,to auy 1Rte char�es due uader tho Note.
<br /> 4. Ch�r�es�Liens, Bv,rrowa�1 pRy all tuoe�aexssments,a1►erf���iqoa and imp�o�itloa�s 4ttributable to th�
<br /> ,.'��ttFerty�vt�ich may atta�a.prtority over thie Socit�'rJ Inetrument,�nd le��ioSd p�ymonts or �round ronte, fi uiqc. .
<br /> �:�II�A�iC10XOf E�I Q�y► �o�i�atiotus in tho maaner..�'lovided in Para�Ph 2�ca:c it not�id in that n1��atuer.Bors'opd,W,;', �:
<br /> ;stiaYl p�y tt►om a.�time �rdatly to the pereon owed�payment.Borrotvar shalt p:a�m�tly furnieh to I.Qt►Ki�r atl nott�'t�
<br /> sihaunta to be p�id ur�dor this part�raph.I�Borrowtlr makae thrso pRyments t�ia�ectSy,}3o{ro�a sh#]l�'����amp�tly tumis�i
<br /> to I.eader roceipte avldencin�the pa�marete. . � ��., �: ., ,
<br /> Borrowet sluEl pc+omptly diechnrgu a�liaa Nluch}us prtodty over�his Socwity la�r�meut vmle�esa Horrower:(a)
<br /> � ;:'��t�eoe�n rvritin�to the papmeat o4�#li�obl��ation�RCeurod by the lict►in s m��naer aeceptaWe to f.endari(b)oontee�ia
<br /> ,�g�od idth the��en by�a'r e�Ctends agaihst eni'orceriaen�t ut the lien in, legYl pt�ocxediage which in ttic�.�►dor'e op�nion
<br /> '.:�specate ta prevent the enforcemant of the lien;or(a�eocures�rnm the hnlder ot the 1ien;.�n��roe+met�t eatisf�ctw'Y to
<br /> I,ender subordinitin�the lien w ihin�eourity Inatr�ment.If L�ndcr deterrr�ines t�at an,y„past of the Pmperty ie s��bjxt
<br /> to a lien�hic3a may att�in priorlty�over thie Seaudty Instcument,Lender m�y give Borroaet�natioe idantifYin�the
<br /> :;1;en,jiorrower sha(I e�+*.?ei�r,the lien or teke one or moro oi the aatiobs set forth nbovo Nithia 10 days.o!the dvinj oi
<br /> ' ,��►otioe. , .
<br /> � iwM �0i� �(�/^9t
<br />— " �, •.w a.a v inttta�:
<br /> _- �—I!W'k�lina a^�o� . ,.�i.1Y:'�
<br />- (:. � ,. . . �'�h.
<br /> - ' . . . ' _�� ......
<br />