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<br /> � P1AClL' lt I.ot On� �I?i ou ,liain3at►di aad�th• SoutbfasL Quatt�s ot tb� :
<br /> � 1Rorth�s�t Qnast�i�t6E1f4i1EiJ41, +tua tlae East hsl! o� th� SodtHsast Q+�ast�x
<br /> ts�/�B=2/4)- of S�ction Tvsnty (20), in Toraship liint �9) .Nortb, a�ag�
<br /> =I�f�a t�i? 1��st pt the•6tb B.M.• Hs�]. Connty. ti�braaka SZC=��!G Tg$a����"
<br /> � � 1► R�ata�gnlar tr�at of l.aad loaatad• in� th� Bovttbaas� aorass o�::ssc.�l;�u• -
<br /> sv�at3 t�Q?.- ZsMaship Ni�e �4); Rorth•. AaAq� Ei�av.en. ��1�Iifi W:s'st o! •:Ithi• 6Ch
<br /> p�!!.� . Hwll��< ConnLp�. pabraalca,.,.so�ee,�.p�`itiiaa�ssip� dsaa'ribed ss followss
<br /> :� seginnfug at, tY�i�� 9outbeast co=aes�o��sat#.aa• Tws�uty► t20? =t a point ia ..the. --
<br /> - atilldTs o�_ tha bigbtsa� ru�i�3s�oitfi'Ysad�:�ontb, th.eacs ia s liorth�rlY.
<br /> d�.zaction 290 fs�t, ibenas WestsrL��a�y����t anqles a distaace of 14$ �e�tR
<br /> th�aas in s southerly dir,�a�io�.�.t�t_�,.�'gZat'i+�i�9�es s distaace o� 290 f�st ta
<br /> an3bs� o�at.�s��i�',i3,�s.o! said sactiaa TMeaty t 2g).
<br /> th• ��at�r ot th• hiqhwsy�:; � ��:;,;.- aqies 148 lest to tba poia� v� .
<br /> . thanc� 3a su ssst�rly' dir c.�t�oa ; ���c.v'� � � � , �
<br /> b►sg#an3ng. � '� ' -r- tL= - , '
<br /> .. ` �i�=' t:: �.�� i ; ��.,`� ,I'� �t• ot
<br /> P]►RCE�� 2i The Sou�is�►est �uar'£}es a��£ ,e�:��ohuthssat ;Qnartar (sAi/�sr1/ 3.
<br /> ' `xthi�'Raaga:,�lavan t11} west��o� the
<br /> - Seatioa Twvaty. t201. TOMAd_h_���si3� �. - : .�, � �t . . , .
<br /> _ 6th P.M., l�a�3;.County. .t�ieb���ki.• ... . . . � _
<br /> . ., �, �. ..:,., _... . :,
<br />=_ ; ,. .. ' : . ._ . .;�,:. �.::.
<br /> PARCSL 3s The� Nor�heast Qtiar�c�,',e€�the'�on±�IIiwest .¢aar�e= tN`El/4SW1/4) ana
<br /> ��:
<br /> ths tiozth.eest Quarter of' tbe� svo�hnne . Qg�s�er� .TNwi/�SE1/42±�a�d Lots
<br /> Noaberad T��$e {3) aad '8iz..��:f:..<i�:'�eotiori ��enty E20)R '�Q�+nship Nine (9)
<br /> liosth. Rmnq� 8levelt �11)_..:ii'+ia�t vf �tbe�,,,f�,gP.:M., Ball �cran,�y•:� Nebzaska
<br /> SXCEPTIt1�i 'THEREFROI3 b Tzact of •laud-''iii ��he Sou�hWest aoraer of the
<br /> - South�rast Quartar of ths tlosthee►at .¢uurter tSiii/4tiE1/4) o! Seation Twenty
<br />���=�� (20), ToKash3p pine (9) Horth, Rmaqe Elevea (1�.) West o! tbs 6th P.M., Hall
<br /> - Countp, Nebza�ka aore partianiarip desaribed ss lolloi►ss Startiaq at the
<br /> Southwast aornex o! the SouthWest Quarter o! the Noxtheaeti Quarter
<br /> �SW1/42iE1/4) o� esid Seotion Twenty (20�, this Also being the Southwest -
<br /> vorasr o! Lot 3 ot. the Oriqinal aoverament 8urvey, thenoe North on the
<br />= �=y propssty �eaas line a distanae of 19S feet, thence Eastierly on the ara o� a -
<br />-�--� true airale aurva Whose radius ia 834 feeti a 8istanae oi' 450 !'eet, thenao
<br />- -- st right Aagies to the taagent of the aurve et this poin� to the riqhti, a
<br /> ' distaace o! 40 laet, theace southwesterly ta the point of begianing.
<br /> P1IRCEL 4s The Nostheast Quartez (NE]./4) of Section TWenty Nine tx9) � '
<br /> - Toxasbip tiine (9) North, Range Eleven (11) West� oP the 6th P.M., �ial1
<br /> Couaty. Nebraska EXCBPTINa TSEAEP,ROM 1� Tract af land more pas�ioularly
<br /> -'���s�: desvribed ns followa: Startirtg at a poin� 20?.�1 feet south og the Hal Y
<br /> g�ptioaal oorner looste8 betWees� Seations 28 ama� 29, �oanship 9 North�
<br /> T'•,�;�� Rang,a 21 west o! the 6th 1�.M., ¢eexl Countg, Neb�aska, theaae Weat Z33.0
<br /> � laet at �i1° to the East Seotioaai �ine of Seatiion 29� thence south 240.0
<br /> � leet passllel to eaid Ea�t sectional 11ne tihence Eaet 233.0 8eet to the
<br /> � • Eaet lins ot said Section� thenae north 240.0 Peet to tihe point oP
<br /> � `" t.'� begivaing• exaepting the east 33.0 Sset theseo! !or highway•
<br />"1�;.: � ,..,� -
<br />- �`��' p�1RCEL Ss The Southwest Qnar�es (SWl/4) of Sect�osa Yhirty ' Dsse (31),
<br /> ..�:�;:'��,. ��.
<br />- Towaship Nine (9) North• Range Eleven tli) we9t o= t�e 6tb P.M., tial
<br /> - . . =' County� Nebra�ka.
<br />- . ��' Schodule�_—Pa9e-Z-�--No. T-GI-6a�3
<br /> ' : 033•fdl9-00<0/a ----�-......... ........ :. . .-�------ - . -...� .-.,__.
<br /> ...._....._....._ . . . - ..
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