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<br /> . •�Ia�ttwnait sluit biaa ud 6enfit tht s�iooes�ors iad a�8�of La�der aod Boimwer. subject w tlu pro+►isioai of
<br /> , . P�r�apli 9.6. Borroirer`s anien�uts aad �aments sdall 6a joiaE aad seve�. Any Haaiowa wl�u�casignt tbis Secunty = . �--_—_._
<br /> -_ _.-.,,...�.,,,�--
<br /> __ --=`=t�It�� - � -- � _ .. . a�r.���5� � "�t�-
<br /> �•s int�e�t in thE�X�mder_tbe tem�s`of this Savricy Inswment:ro)is mt pe�son�ity ubligatod to pay the sums
<br /> �saurod by��Ais Sontrity Ia�mtT atd(cl agrees that Le�er and aby otUer Horrower aiay agiee-co ex[��foc�u ot`- -- -
<br /> ' mnice�ry►acwrm�with negard to tbe temss of d�is SeauitY Instcument or ttfe Note withour that Borrowds rnnsent.
<br /> . .13.Ndiae.�ATry no�ia ta 8ormwa p�uvide�id for in this Sacurity�Iasuu�ent s6all be givea by detivering it or by mailing _
<br /> it by first clzss maii untess�pplaxbk lavv rtquires ase of another method.T6c m�ice sbat!be diroctod to the Property Addcess
<br /> � or a�ry otha sddirss Bom�wer designates by nPti►a to I.e�er. Atry natice w L,ender s6al1 be givea by first clus mW to .
<br /> Leoder's addcess stated i�eceia or any address t,ender designates by mtice w Bomoaer.My natia.pmvided for in tAis Searlty
<br /> '� �t shaU be dee�ned to bave been givm to Bacrower or t�ades wbea givtn ac provided in this powg�. -
<br /> 14. Coveiutnj Larv;Serera�t9. lttis Socurity Instntmeoit sintt be_goveri�by faktal.taw and the law of the
<br /> j�uisdiction ia which the property is locate�. in the event tf�t any provision or clause of this Security Inswment or the Nate ,
<br /> _ caaflicts with applic�ble taw,suc6 cardtict sbail�ot affxt othec pcuvisioas of d�is 5ecority Insuument or_We Natc widch can be
<br /> - givea effxt wittwut t!w mntlicticig pmvision.7'a this end the pmvisiong of this Socurity iactnjment and tbe�Note ue declarod
<br /> - to be sever�ble. � �
<br /> _- � , . -
<br /> _ . Li.Bocruwee's Copy.Bomawer shalt be given one confoimed qoPY of this Sxurity Nsuumen� , ---
<br /> = - If.�ased ot Ret�t�.Bomnwer arrcoadiGonzlly stsssigns and hausfers to Lecder.aU the rents and nvenues of.the , _-
<br />_ pcpperty. Bomnwer autswrius I�der or I.ender's agaus to collect the�pts utd reven�esaad fierehy dirocts eacfi tenant af the __�_
<br /> -.- pmperty tfl pay dte rents to Lender or Lender's agents.Hnwever.prior w Lender's e�otice ta�B6rrower of Borrawec's b�+ach of
<br />- • any cavenant or agreement in the Security Insuvmei�t.Borrawer st�all coltect and reexive alt rents ard reverqies of the Pmpecty ��" r�,�z=,�
<br /> aower.�Tius aui of�+a�.s eonstit�tes an absolutc.�ssiSnment a�d mt aa F_� L.. --_
<br /> as trust� fac the 6enefit of I:ender and 80 8� , � �
<br /> assigrunent for addirional saurity only. , r� ��
<br /> . . . ���_-_:
<br /> : If I.ender gives nodce of br�ach.to Borrower.Ea)all mnu received by Boriower shall be held by Sori�nwer as trustx fos - -
<br /> . . ba�efieof,Letsder ady.to be applieQ to the sums secured by tt�e Sec�riry Iastnttnea�(b3l.euder shaU 6e etrt�ed to collect and �`��`�4`
<br /> �"�`-_,
<br /> receive aII c�the rerus of the Propecty; and (c)each tenant of tl�e Property"sbaq paY all rents due anct"iiapaid to Lender nr -
<br />_ . 1.enders�t on Lender's written demand to the tenant. . . ' a�„��s;;
<br /> . Borrower has noC exearted any pcior acsignnxnt of the rents and I�as not and.wilt not pecfarm any aettbat woutd prevent . . ���-
<br /> -� Lender from exercisirig its rights under this paragraph I6. , -�_--`'"�
<br /> .�:,;a�-.•,"���
<br /> ,,.:
<br /> , ,� >.°--
<br /> Lender shaU not be required to emer upon.take wrmol of or maintain the Property before or after giving notice of breacb _�s.:.y,-''.�z." �
<br /> ' #� to Borrower. Nowever. L.ender or a judicially appointed receiver may da so at any time there is a breach. Any appllcadon of �°;-_.�:�;��_
<br /> ° nnts shall not cure ar waive any defaalt or invalidate any other right or remedy of Lender.Thu assignn�ent of rents of the _=_
<br />' � - Property st�Jl temunate when the debt secured by the Security Instrument is paid in full. '�,.�r,::r:_
<br /> Y' NON-[JNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrawe�and I.snder further covenant artd ag,ree as follows: -� � �•:,�;;`
<br /> ' 17.Foreclosare Procatare.It Lender reqnires immediate payment ln Cull u�der paragraph 9,I.ender m�y invoke the. . ••"�":'�;:�__=
<br /> . ��_�,..�
<br /> puwer ot sate and any other remedies permitted by applicabte law. I.etrde� shail 6e entitied to coiled atl expenses
<br /> � '' incurrod in parsuirig tbe remedles a�nder this p�r.�raPh 17,including,bot nat Hmited to,reasonabte�ttorneys'tees and �_
<br /> '� costs ot titk evidence. �
<br /> <s .�-=.,_
<br /> . : �-, `<:
<br /> �, : '.�f .
<br /> � � U tLe.puwer at sale is invaked,Tn�stee shall record a r�Mice ot default in each caaety in whicb noy poet ot tix ...�:,,_.:�".;:
<br />= t•� , propMy is lacated aad sliaall mail copies at such noHce in the ma�mer prescctbed by appllcable taw to�orsawer airtd to �:',.
<br /> the athtr peiso�W'4scr16ed by applicable law.Af�s 1he Nme r�oquired by applicable law,Trastee shall ir�ve pubiic ootke . :�.r='-�. -
<br /> .. ?.,
<br /> .� . : ;. _
<br /> �� oi sak w the perso�s�aid ln the manner p r e s c d b�e d by appikable law.Trustee, without demand on B�'ower,shall sell -
<br />- ' = the Pa+oppty at public aaction ta the.hip,hest biddee s►t t6e time aad pface and nnder the terms deslp,n9ted ia the natf�e ot • .
<br /> snte in.oec mr more p�ra�s Aud in any order Trustee dMenninc�.Trustee may patpone sate oi all oe any parcel�ot tde .
<br /> u
<br /> _ . .�`rr 1�, Property 6y public�nnouacemene at t6e time and place ot any previausly scheduled sale. l.ender ar its designee�rwy '
<br /> `4')`." . � . .
<br /> . purchase the Propnty at aoy eale. .
<br /> -- --. - ��NtNEI vaQe 9 0�6 _. _ .
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