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<br /> .-- �. _ - - - _' _ -
<br /> -- - _.� +'�'r =_
<br /> � f _ • � ,,_ r.f•: _ -
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<br /> � �i' . . • . _ ' `,``` -_ . '
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<br /> ... �5c-'__ya .. _,. ' . .. .-. ' . . t ..7``.' A .� .- . . __ ' . ' . c..
<br /> .. . . . . . . . . . . .. �C _ ..� . . � . . . _ " � ,•������C���� . . `.
<br /> . �n or ai�takin�of any pact of the PrnpertY•or��veynr►oe in tieu ai condem�ti
<br /> _.._� sh�itbep�idtni.ender. � - .xoceedc sh�li be a.ppfied ta ttic_sum� secured bY chis Security ' � _ --
<br />_ --- -- -..__.___z-�- ,��� ' tl�rrkra�acv..tLe�--- r-- ..._. . ._ _ _�_ ,.,,;�
<br /> i�.=�--..�.
<br /> whetlrer or not then due.with any e�ccecs p�id m Bom�swei Ta tT��►tcat3�-�S'� _ -- �
<br /> Instnaneo4 ��eeli�teSy befae t6e taking is eqt�.al m pr Breat�r than thc acauunt of the wms
<br /> wLich the fair m�rket vaiue ofthe Hnp�Y�
<br /> setutod by thp Sccurity i�sttumene im�nediuely befa�o e11e t�lcin�g•��enount uf the pcoceed�mutt p ed by��tfte fu lowi� .
<br /> � � the suR�s s�urcd by this Sccurity Insuumeat shall be redu�ed y
<br /> ��_f�}�������cucec►.imc�di�tely befotr the taking.divided by t�)the fait market value of thc -
<br /> pf'�Perty ira�dia�elY beforc the t3lcing. Any 6alance sRal1 be paid w Borrowcr. to the evstiie c��pa�ti�t�ng of the -
<br /> , . In which tl�e fair m�ulcet value of the PropertY immediateig befoce the taf�ing is Ir.:ti d�aa tt�r amount of the surtta
<br /> p[opeRY_ . In wririn�oe untess appl'�cabte law -
<br /> � secund immaiiate[y befart the t�lcing,untesti Borrower and lxnder ottien+ise�gme
<br /> ����,i�,��p�,c st�il be apptied to the�um+secured by this Security Irotrumenc wRetf�er c►r cwc the sums�ce -
<br /> • tC�ert due.
<br /> . If tGe Pt�perry is'a6andoned bY.Hon°wer,or if.aftec mtice by Lende�co Barower that the cacdem�ut7'zrs to maice .
<br /> �a�d ac settie a cl�m for dama�es.B�rtower faiLs to respond ta[.ender within 30 days after tHe d�te thornx'sc��Q��
<br /> Lender is audwriT.eO to rnitect artd appiy the ptaceeds,at iu upt[at.eithecµ�restoratioa or repair of tfie PropenY .
<br /> swns secuced bY this Security In.�[rumetu.whether or not t h e n due. lication c�E ruceeds w principal sh�1l not extend a
<br /> � Unkss Lender apsl Borrowec aherwise agtre in writing,ang aPP 1 a�d 2 orc�nge the:unounc of such payr►ients. ---
<br />-- pastpone the dae d3te of tho monthlY PaYmeats referted to in par�aphsa Waiver. ExtensIQn of the ame for puyment or , ---
<br /> 11. Barrower Nat Rekased: �orbearanct B9 I e�� -
<br /> modifx�uioi�of amoni7atian af the surns secured by t1►is Sec"rity Inswment bnan[ed 6y Lender ta any sacressor�n�rttercst _
<br /> - ¢f Samwer sAall not operate to retease the li�bility o i�on8�s 80�°n eaeest ar nfuse to e tend time�fur aymencor =-=_
<br /> slull not be requited w cammence proceeding.s ugain4_ Y =_
<br /> t:. dhe�wist modify amonv�na►nf[he sums secured b f��e�����pn exerc�ing any rigti��t or�remedY�sl�all pot b�e a =___
<br />- _ Barrower or Bort+nwer's successo�in y���y _ --.
<br />- - waivetoforp�cii�detlie exercise of an rigAt �covenants and aF.rcements af this _
<br />-_ 12. Succe�ars ad A�S�ud,7oiat wod Seversi Lisbility;Ca-si�eca. �s�ons of -----
<br />, Security insttument shals covenant�and agreements hall be joint�and seLverdalr Any Borrower who ca�signs e�Security ==m._ --
<br /> p��caph 17, Borrower t and conve that �
<br /> r o �n ��y�,ri�y tnsttument anl to mort a e,gran )
<br /> y SS - �_
<br /> " tnstiument 6ut does not ezecute tl�e Nate: laT��� 8 the sums - .,���
<br /> porrower's interest in the Ptopert3+under the tertns of this Securiry Instn►ment: (bl is rtot pe�rsonally o6ligated to pay
<br /> secured h this Security tnstnrment;and(c)agrees that Lende�and ar►y other Borrawer may agree to extend.modify.forbear t�t�
<br />' . . ment ar thc I�ate without that Bomawer's �;;�,,�„�
<br /> Y .
<br /> or make any accommodarions w�th regard ta the tenns of this Security n.stru ,. :yTr
<br /> consent. �`!
<br /> �::�.
<br /> . • � �p C6arges, tf the loan secured by this Security lnstrument is subject to a law whicb sets maximum toan ,},�,���
<br /> 4 ` '
<br />_ ��tg�s�arid that law is finally inierpreted so that the interest or ather loan charges callected or to be collected in c o��
<br /> with the loan exceed che permitted limits,then: (a)any such loan charge shalt 6e reduced by the amoun�U��m�tS will be -
<br /> the charge to the pe�'�itted limit;and 46)any sums al�eady callected from Bomnwer whicb exceeded pe -
<br /> - mfunded toBarr�vrrer- I.ender may�chu d reduces�nncipal.heb�ctucfion wi 16e treat�ed'aW part�l P P Ym�t w thout an} , ,
<br /> dimct payu�ir�t Ym Sa:rower. If a P ° _ ._� �;
<br /> prepayment chatge under the I�tote..
<br /> - 14. Notices. �r�y notice to Borrower pr�y��d for in this Security lnsuument�hall 6e given by delivering it oc by � ^�:+=��
<br />. . �.`�:� -'�^F r -��:
<br /> • . mailing it by fir�t cl�s mail unless applicablc law s�:quires ase of another method.The notice shall be directed to the Praperty .. ,a:.�«�
<br /> ` Address or any other address Borrower designutes by no[ice to Lender. Any notiee to Lender�hal1 t�e given by first class Vx:: �"
<br /> y mail to Lender s address stnted heseir or any other address Letider desi�nates by natice to Raaower. Any notice provided for � - •., ���
<br /> : ,:.s„-
<br /> ,,,U
<br /> in this Security Innrumcnt sha([ bz.deemed ca have bcen ;ven to Borrawer or L.cnder when given as provided in this �.':Y ',.,:_•,� _
<br /> _. � a
<br /> :- Pa*�Ph• �f� -
<br /> -� I5. Governiag Law:Severability. This Security Inttrument shatl be govemed by fe�ieral law and the law of the r yYr �
<br /> . ._'"� jusisdiction i�which tts�Property is focuted. l�ti►r�vent that any provision os clause of this Security Insuument or the Nate . ,
<br /> ° � conflicts with applieab�Faw,such conflici sha6a not affect ather provisians of this Security lnstrument or t[�e NotB which can 3�1; �=r ;fy `
<br /> .;�� be given cffect withau*t-hr e�ntlictiag provision. Ta thiy end xtle provisian4 of this Security instrument and the Note are , : � �r,`„-��_
<br /> � declaredtobesevera�fe. - '�� ''�;'--
<br /> or�+,�k•.r shall be given one conformed copy of the Nate and af this Security Instrument. ,�,,. --
<br /> 16. Borrowe�''sCopy. � rt ar an iaterest in :_ .;.:?.• '`_;
<br /> ^' 17. 7�an�fcr d t3ie Propeety ar a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. If all ar any part af�t�e Pro(x y Y 1=; ,:;.,__
<br /> � L�" it is sald or transf€r�d(or ii a lxneficiui intcrest in BarrUwcr is sald or tr:u►sferrcd and Borrower is not a natural person) _Y_�__
<br /> . Y-�- . _�.—
<br /> without Leaderti p6or written cansen t,L e n d e r m a y.a t i t r a p t i o n.r e yuire immcdiate pa yment i�full of w[E.�:umy+ecured by � _
<br /> �. this Security Instrument. However.ihiv aption rhull not he exercisrd by l.ender if cxercise iv prohibited a�'iedera l!uw as o f � ��__
<br /> ��t� thedateafthisSecurity Instrument. _ ���'����'
<br /> If Lender exereises this option.l.endet shatl give Borroa'er notice of acccleration. The notice�ha?�.rnravide a pc:tiad of ; �*�-��'��y.
<br /> .'`.�ji;f;��;;���:
<br /> not less than 3 0 d ays fiom the date the no�ice i.�:tivcreJ ur maited within u C�ch Hurrower mutit pay a[[�1��-�secured by thiti � t,r�. ;. .
<br /> ����� � Security Instrum°nn_ tf Boaawcr fails u�pa} t�ycsc.sums prior to the e�;::�atiun of this pericxi. Leri�:�'rz�.ay invo ke an y :, , ,
<br /> ,:�:.����:�.L.•... . � •� .�
<br /> '=�.�.��'�,-`.� remii8. BorroKer's Right to�Reinstate.c If Bnrro�ver�mc cnw�certa i�c ndion aBon wcr �h.dl have ine righl to havc
<br /> , •J � .q ,
<br /> enfarcement of this Security In+trument di.cominued at.my aiscie priur to the earlier��f: {a�5 day�(ur�ucli oth�r pericxl uc __ ;�;
<br /> �.% _. • , . =,
<br /> „ , �:�s.: �
<br /> ,.- _ � '�•'�'�'
<br /> . �, !�-�• Single Family..i'annk S1adYnddk�lac l'`1FONS11�tiTR1:S1EtiT•-1�nifurm t'u�cnanl. 9J90 q�u,t�•�r.Jb pqee�+ , .�
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