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<br /> - '1�0[i�i�R Wt'Ffi ail lhe Impuven�eets row a ha�idc eroct�d m We popetty.aed a!1 �: „
<br /> � �ed fup�res nu�c+t IKratla s prt d t6e pca�peity: All�.maxx aad additiaas stnit atso 6e cave:e�d by this Saagi�► . -
<br /> ---
<br /> ---�_.^�^.o„e.u. ae.�i,__�.is�et'e�rsdminthisSecuritv_inst�mact6e"Pto�►" __ - -
<br /> ----==--_---- �.._�__..__�_.__-__�_��._...
<br /> _ ___ ._ ._
<br /> -• BpdtRQW�it COV'E�1a1�PfS 1l�t BamWrer is iawfuriy seised of tbe estaze 8e�eby carveyed and6`as�Tie ngTiiTo �
<br /> aad oonvey the Propetty ard th�t ttie PropeRy is tma�pimbaed.except for encambcatrces of r+ocad Barowcr warnats and
<br /> �nli defmd generalty the titk to the Ptopesty agains�t alY cl�mg and demaad-s.subjecc m any encum�of tecard. _
<br /> 'l�IIS S�CURA`Y INSTItl3\�EN'f'combi�res tmifarm mven�nts for nuiaiat use and noR-uaifo�m covemnts witti
<br /> Umimd vui�tioos 6y j�u�an to consritute a umfam socvriry ms�mcnt cmain8 n�ai p�apc�ty ` - -
<br /> UNIIaDRM O�V4NAI�CfS. Barowesand Lender covea�nt aod agi+ce as fotbws: vrAeu dne the
<br /> � 1. Pay�t dPri�ttpd aod I�tersat:�rep�lae�t sd Lste Eia�es. Bnnower shai!Pmm�lY P�Y
<br /> priacipal of aod iatets�aan tht.deM evidenced by tbe Note and�nY P�P�Y�t and tate ch:rges due under the Note. �
<br /> . 2. F�wistar,�zes a�T�Subjert to applicable 1aw o�w a wnttan waiva 6y Irnda Bot�nwer shaU ps�y ta
<br /> l.snder on:tht dsy moatfiig FsYmeats ane due nnder the Note,w�a't the Nate is p�id in full.a sum C'Funds"1 for:(a3 y�Y.
<br /> taxes aad�whiCA'maY�P��3!aver this Security Instrument as a lien an the Ptu�aty:tbI 9qrIY k�sebold
<br /> pa or, t�eMS�;un�dK Pt�optityT if an!": (�) Y�Y �a'P'�P�Y�P�iums: td?,Y�Y,�
<br /> � • `��• if an .and(�aay sums paYabie by Botrowtr w
<br /> - i�wuaoc,e p�mi�mas�d any;:te)YeulY matg�ge insuiance Pneanums* Y'
<br /> = Lende�ia�c�ad�nre with.tht pav�sims of.p�agraph 8.in�liw of th�psyment of moctgage�inwrancc prem�ums. Td�se
<br />�= i�ems arc plled"E,s�ro�Items." �Ler�dee nay;°at any arne,coile�x uad twid FuMs m an�nwunc t�at W eaceed the ma�amum -----
<br />- - smou�t a teader for a fodaalZY�etated moccgsg�toan t�ay rega�+?-far Barowers escmw aa�ount:vndec tbes'taderat Real.l _ - -
<br /> = Estate Seu�t Ptocedoaas Act of 1974 as amended from time to tune.l2 U.S.G$2601 et stq.("RESQA�°t,aniess a�thec
<br /> - �aw thzt apQtie.s to tbe�in¢s�sets a lesser anaunt If so,l.ender may.at any dtae,cuUect aod hold Funds in an amount not to -
<br /> -- Gxcoed tbe tessec tinou�. Lender mry esdmate t6e anauM of Fvnds due an the basis of cuRent data aad rea.saoabk —
<br />-___ � �of expenditu�es of fat�e Escrow Items os atherwise in acao�dance with applicable law. • _—
<br /> - - The Fiunds shaU be 6etd in w iastitution whose depos�ts an insured by a federal ag�eacy;instrumqntaliry,or emity ---
<br /> - � tincluding Lender,if l.ender is such an institudon3 or in any Fedenl Home Loan Banic. I.ender shall aPP�Y��t�w - �.
<br /> _�� the Fscrow Items. Leader may na charge Boaau:�for tatding and appty+ng ihe Fur�ds,annualty anatY�8 =�-_�
<br /> ^` • aocount,or verifying the Escruw ltems.untess Len3tr paYs Barower�ntec�est on the Funds and applicabte law pennits ---
<br /> S.!'Yr�
<br /> Lmdet to maYe such a•charge. However.Lendar¢ray tequir�e FotroWer to pay a one-time charge far au�mdependent real �;�
<br /> -. . . estate taa reporting serviceused by Lender in�nneciion witlF this loan,unless apPlicable law provides�ise. lTaless an ..���=;--
<br /> agnement is made or applicabte law requins imetest to be paid,Lcnder shall not be requiied t�Qay Hormwer any interest or ����r;�.-
<br /> eamings an d�e Funds. Bormwer and Lender may�ee in wridng.however,that inucest shait[�paid on the Funds. L.ender -`��.
<br /> . sh�l►give to Borcoarer,without charge,an armaa:aa�nting af the Funds.showing ccedits anddelms�'&e Funds aad ihe '=��
<br /> � � i purpose for which each debit to the Funds was mac3a..The Funds ac�e pledged ag additional sewrit}t fer al£avms secuned by ir`,�,�'�M-
<br /> ,L.�.:,_-..
<br /> � this Securiry LLCprumen� . --- _
<br /> If the Funds held by Lcnder excesd tbe amounts pe�i to be held by applicabi� taw,Txader shall account,to• _ ----
<br /> ' Bomower for the excess Funds in accordarice witt�the requitea��nts of applicabk law. If the amrutatt.�of the Funds hetd 6y -
<br /> ' Lender at any tirtie is nat su�cieat to pay the Escrow Items when due.l.ender may so notifjz.$oa�o�rer in,�writing,and.irt =_ =-
<br /> such case Bomuwer shaU pay to Lender the amauat necessary to make up tLe deficiency. B'orrtiR°r�st+niA:muYe ap the
<br /> � deficiency in no more than twelve monthly paymea�,at I.ende�'s sote discretion. • ��"�•`'�
<br /> �.b�r
<br /> � ,�: UPon Payrt�ent ia full of all sums secured 6�.this Security Insnumrnt,Lender st�ali PmmptlY refund to Boirower any �°.�=a�`���u�(��
<br /> i ^f-.pt�.a.'t•Y�."
<br /> ' -� Funds hetd by Lender. If.under p�ragraph 21.Lendet shall acquire or sell tl�e Praperty.l.ender.prior to the acquisition or �;'.'•,'t,;F:-;.„
<br /> •f�. sale of the Pro p e rt y.shail•apply any Funds held by l.ender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums ,
<br /> � `' -' securcd by thls Secuniy inswment � �°� . '�}r ,'
<br /> � �*" 3. Applic�tion ot Payments. Untess a�piicable law provides otherwise, aU payments received by Lender under { �-`•�`�'+-
<br /> :j paragraphs 1 and 2 shali be applied:first.to any�repayment charges due under the Nate;second,to amounts payable under ( � -.����.,'�
<br /> paragraph 2;third.to interest due:founh.to prineipal due:and las�to any late charges due under the Note. -�?;-x�
<br /> 4. Chaeges; Liena Borrower shall pay ali taaes.assessments.chazges. fines anA impositions atai6utable co the
<br /> plropotty which may attain priority over this Securiry Instrument,and teasehold payments or gound renu,ii any. Barower • `�
<br /> �' shall pay these abligadons in tfie manncr provided in paragaph 2,or if not paid in ihat manner.Horcower shall pay them on ��"`
<br /> .� �' . time d'rrectty to the person owed payment. Borroa�'r shall promptly fumish ta L�ader all notices of amounts to 6e paid under '
<br /> � ; this parar�raph. If Barrpwer makes these payments directly.Borrower shall pmmptly fumish to Le»der recelpis evidencin8 _
<br />_ , ..� the pay2r�ents. ., :
<br /> Basrower shall promptly dischazge uny lien which has priority over this Security lnstrument untess Hnrrower.(a)agrees
<br />. � ' •} in writing to the payrt�ent of the o61ig�:ion secured by the lien in a manner acceptable ta Lender:(b)cantests in good fatth the '�:"'°"� .
<br /> lien by.or defends against eM'orcenrent of the lien in.icgal proceedings whicb in the Lender's optnian operate to preveat the � -' 4'� -
<br />•- • enforcement of the lien;ar(c)secures fram thc halder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien �''�`�� `'. .
<br /> w this Security lnstrument. If Lender determines that any paR oP the Property is subject to a Ilen which may attain priadry • ,
<br /> ' over this Security lnsuume�:s,f.er:d�t may give Barrawer a notice idenfifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy thc lien or take ,
<br /> arte vr c�of the actions see f6rtb abvve within 10 days of the givirg of nodce.' •
<br /> ' , ,;;'r� °.�,, .. 5. H�zard or PraptrEy Ie�ranc� Borrower shall kee�s th$improvements naw cxisting or hereafter erected on the .
<br /> '.�.� �.-�• Properrj insured against toss by fire,hazards inc'.uded within ihe term"catended wverage"and any other hazards.lncluding .
<br /> ' , . ,��: '_ ftoods or flooding, for which l.ender reyuires i�sueance. 'f'his insumnce shall�be mttintalned in the amount�and for the .
<br /> � Fam3o?� vf��rruee 2�,jb ppgesl � . - --.
<br /> . � . .
<br /> � .
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