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<br /> r,.,�, . ......u�uwdatificN.�77G81fJ::if �, r�teri- � _
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<br /> ��%13etiF -ib�a.�:z^.4ti"d'l'Lp'4.a.4V:?R�•61' I!1".��:.i�=�z"..+._,.�2�++•� _ . �'-
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<br /> • V'�� ��`9"•IE.����� r
<br /> • 16.Horrmver'i Copy. Barrawcr hhall lx: ven onc contormcd r,�py of U►�Nate and of�his Sccudty Instrumen�
<br /> 17.Te�fer ot Ihe Praprrty or w Re 1 Ie�te�ss!G�Borrower, If e1D or any part of tho PrujKxty or sny iai�st;st in io fs
<br /> ro{d or mrt�ferrod(ar if a beneficiitl intaeat in Barowc,�i�soW or u�uiaferrcd a�d Batnwu!s nat a na,turalpere�n)without
<br /> Ixndr.r's pricw writkx�conae+u,�d�x may.at its optic„s.ro4airc ammodieio payment in fu1D af ell sum9 sacurod 6y ti�is Socurity
<br /> lnttourt►an�Ho�vex,chi�option ttu�U aot bo exaclxd by I.endtr if exerclse�a prohibiucl 6y Eakr�l law n�ot�tha dato of this
<br /> 5cxutIty�Inuc�menG
<br /> If t.en�ier exercied ti�la�ptinn�Yx�'�tfe��fu�ll Siva ticw�.uw:,:itiu"►icc of:eccek;�aila�.'R�e�otice:�tall�travid:u r.rtctd of nnt icss �
<br /> ttun 30 dayx from the data tho nodc�e it delivaed�r ma�lcd wlthln which Bomowex must pay atl s�securo�6y this Security
<br /> Instrumau,lf Bomowrr f�iU w p�y tTnde n�ums pr�w.t�e.4�CPkatbn nf thie perk�d.L,ender may invoice Any comodia9�xmuuod
<br /> by thi4 Secutity InuaumeatryWw�ut�`Wcthi�.mti6�q���p►�M� Rotmwe�.
<br /> c M
<br /> 1�.!lorroxer's Ri�Mt tb R�te.u►lf..,�tra�r eeia�in condItan�, 8arrowrr shaU havo tho right w have
<br /> enfarcernant oP this Sacurtty� Interol[1�NMcdipAOt►1i�a�od,.�G dma prior w tho eadlu af: (A) 5 days (ar such aher p�d as
<br /> �glicabk�I�w mf�y spaify farrein�bAana�eYbcfere�ie af P1�xxtY Q�uant co any powcr oF sale cantainod in thi�s 5ec►trl��
<br /> In�umrnt;a(b)a�iiy oi a Judgme�►t enforcing this SxutIry Instrumen� se ccmaldons usa ihat Aorn►wr.r:(a) ys I�r AI� _
<br /> sumi whlch tha�w�ould be due under thia Socurity insttumant�nd Iha Nota as if no acce«kration tu�d occ�(6)cures any
<br /> ddtault�f�ny ahd��covaumtr a egr�cnx�ts:(c)pnya W exponsan incunod!n c�nforcing this Stc�uity Instrumcnt,includ,ng but
<br /> ix►t litnitod to,reataa�nbla�auomoya'fees:and(d)tak�es such pcdan aa I.cnda may rea►sonably requtrc w assure lhat tl,o lien af�is
<br /> Sacuci.ry In�tcument, I.c+xisr'e nghts in tho Prnpezty �nd Botmwet'; oblEgtetk�re w pay thc sums secuted by this Securin�
<br /> I��t so�ll CattLttie unchwngcd. Upon relnstatement by at�cmvra� this Sec gty Insuomcnt and the oeb�lily�thecasaof
<br /> ��t�fL�.�xdvo as if no aocckration had ax+uccxl.How�ver.thfs d i�t w ceinstuo shail not
<br /> 19.S�le oPI�Iote:�ie��e oii.iwr�6rR�kr�. Tha r3nic �r p �ti�l i�t�cst in ths Ie'atc (Wges�,syith lhis Qsc�1s,Y
<br /> Inatcumau)may be eoW nne a more tim�wlthaut prior notica w Bormwat.�`,sak may rc�ult in a chpnge m tha entity(lu�c�wn
<br /> an the"E.rom Suvicer")d�et collect�munthly ppXtr►anu duo undet the Idote a�(i�Securitg►insttument'itkce�L�o m�y be cx�,�r
<br /> moeL chnges of�ha I.oan Scrviccr i�nrGaAtell ta a sab oY the I�Tote.If theze i�e change of the Losn Savka.Hormwac wa��be
<br /> givex�wrr6na�notioe of tho chen�a in occflrd�x wit1�p�t�ph ld Abo�a end�ppllcabl�law.'It�o notic�wW swo thn nnmc An�!�
<br /> �ddrws of d�e new I.an Servi�ex and the ackiresa w wh�ch psymant�ehouW be madt.Ttre noticc wW v�o c:ontain axsy t�br .
<br /> infarmalion roqnired by applicabk 4w.
<br /> 2Q.Hwtrdor�S��fasar. Borrowa ahall not e�u�e ar pamit the �re,9aeco� nse. diapos�l� sWn�Be, a rel�aee of�ny
<br /> Haa�dou=Subet�nocf an or iut the Propaty.Bormwa ah�p not do.nor�lltiw,trnyone e!x to do.�nydiin��ft'ecdng tho Pm�ty
<br /> tlut i�in Wblae+a�of�ny Envi�rwnma�wl Lxw.'It�o procoding two�rnta�es s�u�ll notapply to 1ho prr,xnco�use�aP ston�gc on tho
<br /> prupecty of anaU qur►tid�s af I�ccbus Substances th�t�'o Qeaanlly rxognixed to be a�pcapriw�o to n�xmwl resWmw�l ue�s
<br /> end!o�rair►oen�uce of tha PropertY• d� cW�, danaed, lawsuit or od�a e�tturi bY any
<br /> Borroker ah�ll �promptlY Siva I.cndei writta� itiotice of ary inv �
<br /> . __� � .�...�..�Miy�n�n ii�,W_,nw.tv ��Hw�rt�yr�e Cut►�t�+rr_.n►Fi�yit�rtment�l I.�w
<br /> • �OY�T�if11t tl�cr.��y a�`n'j .i'S�i.•'i.w.y�.s r-�v ...
<br /> ' of whiGh Bcxm*+ws�ri9�cw�know�8orrowa louna.a i�.wdfiad LJ'�nY SovanmaiW a�ngu�la�ocy auihority,du�t any '.
<br /> r�rnoval a dhcr rexnediwioe of any SuMtanco affocNng the�ty is necau�ry.Barower ahall promptty ake Ni ''
<br /> nocdeu�.r t�r�aiLl actlo�in x�cdanr�rwith Enviranmentpl L�►w. .. .
<br /> Ari.a��ed in thia p�gr�ph?A, "�JCarardous Substrnca" arr,tlqse eubepnee�def'meii;ns•�toaic a h�r�r�o�m euba�y�ocs by
<br /> Envircx�inannl Law �nd tbe folbWing subaqnoes: g�aline. kero�e. Mt�r flummabit rit axk; pe,tta�kxun �rud�uc:l'� axic
<br /> pcaticidea�ad habic:ides.voWifc salvrnts.mataiats cont�iniag asbcs�a+or��;nwWc�hs�de.aad ndio�ctiv�nqM�!ol.i.As ueed ur•;,• .'
<br /> this 20."Rnvirontneaitsl Law"nncens fedad i�NS arr�ls�vs c�f dK,;�tuixficeon�vhao tl►e Prnp��r�y�i�bc�Med dut ra�S''
<br /> b be�ili�� .�dy or es�virot�maical pra�octjon. .
<br /> NUN-rJl�PORM G�Vg1�TAN'1'S.Ban�owrr�a�d Lenda tiather cove�u�ud�gt�ee at folbws:
<br /> 21.Aooekrstio�i itewedins.t.eoder RhaY Live ootta b ltarrowtr prbr to aocekratio�Iblbwt�j aarraa+er's bce�at
<br /> as� e�e�wrt o� �treem�d�t iN tl�fa �ec�rit� Irtr�e�t (bnt �ot prio�r to �ooder��foa� rwfar �rs«ra�i 17 aeie�s
<br /> �e�6ie hw Kovidser,�tt#c+nrJMe).'�'l�CS�wtke�q apeeif�j•(�y tre dc!'�pq73(M�rie actter r'e4drei b t�pre t4�AehNk;(e)
<br /> a dsMy�ot fes tWe�30 diYf[kan tLe e4te tiie�otics M�to Rorro�wer.lir wNkle tMe defwk��t be r�:+A3•�-�!(�)
<br /> d�t�►�i b ca�t 1Me ielaNt oMi o�belee+e tYe dke�acilied i�tl�i+otiot w��r�ewik.i��aceMrstio�of tl�e w�as�eerabd
<br /> ry nd.see�nricr t..au.eNt.�a ade or tke rr�opert�.�rl�e r�d4ce�I tp�t�ar IJor*i��Bon�aw�er of,tlwt rl�t a;r�e
<br /> af��r�ooeNrstio�a�d ttie ri�it eo brt��Same!M.�tio�Eo a�t fl�e.#inm�ddM�ce af R defi�lt qt�ni�otier del�e t�f ,
<br /> �arrswer!a seetleratio��l ade.If[ie d�'sU�A f�sot cured aM or h�ef�a!�e,�e dsle�peeif'fed i�die'lYUtioe.i.esder,�t ib
<br /> q�io�..A�req�ne ba��e�iace�r.�ne.t 6h�ib11 a�1 aa«u�.AeG.rca sy e�s�wrte�x«�,w�ert wlqw�g rYa�tM�x,de.u.a
<br /> nd��irvoke tMe pan�r d s�le+u�d sdy otber reafedia�,pai�►llted by�ppMaNe iRw I.aMer�aM Ue e+rNde��o eorect
<br /> �11 eye�s t�t�rrad iR a�iq tLe reaaediea p'avidec�bt.+th�t p+�ra�rapi�X,iaei�di�.M�t twt Itrked Eo�nuoowNe
<br /> atiorMeys'1'tM��r.+�t af titie ev�ttenca - ..
<br /> U tYe pu+rer'nt�a�a i� iNVOkwl,7'n�stee�aLaY �recotd• nMkR QE���f'.►rit iM pKL oo�� i� w�icb u� p�rt ot tl�e
<br /> piro�erty i�loatat�%t�ll q�wi��apieY q�src6 notloe M t1�o�l�naa'�ri�ed b��ePPl�ble IRw to Borrow�e�r's�d�a ti� '
<br /> W���r�cr�b7 aPpl�'�1bk hw.Attew t6e t�e:ttti�u3red b��pplicibk Mw��'IYwtee��i�ve publk�otke o�
<br /> wle to tbe ptr�o��ed ie tl�e��aaer�prrscr�brd by�pp�ib'Ic���►.Trodee,witro�t d�a�w!ar llon+na+er.�Np9f�tha
<br /> lro�erty�t�Irik arc�!o tMe Mi�Yat 5idder�ac t6e tiaqe aaii p4ioe ati°�1�kr d�e�sna dat�wtN iN t�e wetic+e eE e�ie
<br /> Far�,�t'�1e f��o
<br /> �-it9�9YC�I�a��1.a� r�yu amro :,��.cr:....._._._...
<br /> . � � .! 3 . .�
<br />