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<br /> . . �� . . - . . . (1'Yar~rr.dlr�r.wo��Raleaw> •.. ��, -
<br /> • 19 �
<br /> 'F!lISADlUSTiUiF�J17ER10ERItaMidetlit 3�d "�qrot. �' {� �- ' -9�2--+ , �
<br /> - ��. .! -n.l.n.w»►..w..wti�f�+�14t..ww...-i].wit�-�iq�:_{�G��e&��_�ft1!"S�tf '�
<br />.— . .�_ . . . . . ��jl�ii-7Q-t�`�li��r�3���- ■r �w�—�- c - — —.
<br /> _. . .. _-t�t�e�ryoPtbeti�etd�tei�ve�b7�e�91�(�"�"ltoaen�teHO�roM�'sAdjustabie�ateNote(t6e°Note")tai10� <
<br /> • VNi05 i i.OiAlt A�OCIATIQM OF ORAND ISL�ND NE�RA�SKA(tbre"LaodK'7 0[thr�nr d�e ap3 corai�i t6e
<br /> • pROpatTdva�a�ediat�eSeC�7�atllaeaoedaa � . < i ` � : .
<br /> • � I709 N Taylor Grand Isla�d Ne 688�3
<br /> . _ . � tPcavestyAdm�ess) . _ .
<br /> 'iY��Mtt e�ddr l����`t irr elr�s 1��f i�Mirt tMs a�i 4�4 . ,
<br /> ���b.�i4!�M aM�trt�e�wM s7i�Iwa�ttale caid■��K�R!Me tt�e a�i ,
<br /> , is�e�i�ira�i�e�rfri�weMeliwt� .
<br /> ADDr1iONA�-ODYENAMS.Ia admtioa w the cweatnts aad aQeemam a�fde in t!e SeeadtY imtntmm�Horto�a aed Leades
<br /> fmtbarcavemotaad+�Fxasfo0o� .
<br /> A. A�TI�lST�A1E MiD�IOI�IlHt.Y lAYI�I�
<br /> 76c Note provides for aR IniWi ina�rs�rue oi a �l�i_Sxtian 4 of tDe Nac�cwidn for cha�esin tAe i�terest ate aod the
<br /> - raontbl7rD�yn�s.as foUows: � � •
<br /> � - - � .
<br /> ,f.,',,IK{FF�`RA7EANDMONlHLYPAYMF•1VT'�[�rilY(iES • ` . -
<br /> _``:, -°;i�:=;WW!�D��e+ _:;.::::;•:j; .
<br /> � =<<�� °'��nteia�lpaymaycl�tq,eonthe�ds�b[;,'� MeY ,ts93 ,a.dasenaia.ye� -
<br /> ���:�`�,`,_.manthstbaearta.Fad��ec'aa►wl�myinoerest�equ�dc�an�enca0eda°C1�o;sD�te." ' .
<br /> __ . �F,':� ' , , rS:`•..��...... . �::!?..F:: , ...i:i5�� ;.`-.
<br /> ' � (n �fiefMes ,, �.,;,.;t . ,,,,.°�..��... . . .s4ee�LS er�eyidd ..,:,:
<br /> ;,:. Be�fminsxiththefustC'h�nge0ata,my#�,�ia��De6a.sedqramL.sta.The"Tmie�"isthe av onUaitedSbd�:"•� �
<br /> TrasmY secarttia adjusted�o a consant a�ac►uuy'a�'C�u"�aiade�+�'�y tlie Fe�caC�erve Boud.78e most�eat teda�t`��.
<br /> - 'sv�ilsbkas of tAe due45 days betore ach Chan6�.�fs callt�tbe"Cu���•" - �_:�.:::`� . . :` . . �'. ..
<br /> = It the Inda�is ao fonier availabk,tdc Nase Holder will cboose a ae�c:ii�ex�fiic6 it'tii�d upon mrnparable infmnaBon.The ,l�tt. .:.'"•:';..••'
<br />-.�'„ Holda�ri0�tremeaodceofthiscdaa. . -�,�'•- . - .
<br /> `.:': -
<br /> ::,�. :� - ``-`
<br />--' (� Cr1e�MC�e� � S ( hr & nP }wlf) .
<br />-�i�, 8etae each C6�o{e Drte.tAe Nae Holda a6U cakul�te!nY aex iaterat nte bY addio��.�--��. � 4 O�R -
<br /> r.. yp�u��3�S_,�i)to tde Currrnt Iadac and roaddin8 to tbe neami 1/8th ot tA�i,�bject to t1x limits stacad in 5ectba�N)balow.
<br />.;:'�. �f i0YlidCd SIIOOYIIt M��C IDY DOM!iUtKtSC T.7i�Lfllp7 tSClk7Lt C�QL�a[G
<br /> -�` 1T�e NdtSolder w�71 tba►determi��amounl of tt�e moathly p�t that vratd bc saificiCnYfix*eD�►Y in ft�D tht yrincipd I ani�
<br /> ''``��
<br /> expectad to o�neoo tlist CA�e Due ia subsua�tnIIY eqaal D�sY�ts bY the�ic5r dauat mY aeav Iate�ctr�:e.'Phe resutt of this cakuiacioo
<br /> w3A bethenav amoaat of mymonthiYDaY�+�- �
<br /> � m) u�ibo.r.�eRSlwAecM.ses ;
<br /> '` The interat rate 1 am rcquicod to pay at the first Ch�nge Date wiU not be 8ruta than 10•� �➢4 or (ess than ��°
<br /> ��Q, qi,Therqfca,my interat raee will neva be increZSed or Qeca�ed on any sinZle Change iJate by morc thul'*+��1Pr n �
<br /> _ �,�„°�� trom tAe rate of interest 1 have been paying for We P���B�ive months.'llee minlmurt#iutrrest�ate on tuis ta�n vn'lt nevc 6c =
<br /> n +R�and the muimwn intaat rate vn71 never be p�eata than ��-n � gb.
<br /> kssdun (�.� �
<br /> � (q FlletlheDrledCW�es
<br /> ' ' My ae�v interest rate wiU becomeetfeaive on adi Churge D�te.l w➢11 paY the unouot of my new matah�Y CiY�t��on the lir.� -
<br /> ' monthIY pay�neat da[e afcer the Ch�nge Datewuil theamount ot my moathlY Fay�t cfi�n�es�a(n• . -
<br /> � ' (FI NNiteMC�fRs
<br /> ?deNoteHolderwill mailardeliver to{aea notice6etorecach ClungeDate.The noUc�wiU advtse me o!: -
<br /> (i) thenewinteratrateonmYta�tna�oftheChan�eDatr, ,
<br /> � (ii) the amouat otmy monthly ga'mknt foitowinj IheChaa�e trate:
<br /> - .�• ;� � (ii� a�ry addiHomlmaetera whiclr theNae HoWer 1s required todisctose:and
<br /> (iv) �fieaQdrasottheassxlaLUnY�co�dwntacta�ardinsaey�uesdonsaboutthesdjustmentnotla.
<br /> /. CIiA�(.'f8:UENS
<br /> Ueiform Covea�nt 4 olthe Secudty instrument Is amrnded to rad as(oQows:
<br /> �,(�p;1kr,gorro�ver sh�i)pay a0 taxp;a�asment+.and otAer charges.tines.and imposltions attdbutabk ro the ProDer[y whict►ra�y -
<br /> � �tWn�priority arer this Secudty ln�trument.and Iwehotd payments oPg�ound ree[�.if any,in the mamier prwide0 vnderpara{nDh 2 hereot
<br /> . .,, a,if rtot paiA ia such manner.by Horro�ver makins payment,wheu due,directty to the p�yee thereoG Horrower ahall prompclY furelsh Lender
<br /> all notias o!anwunts due under 1hi�par�raph,and in the event liorrower shall maice piymeet directty.Hotrower shaU promptty fumish to
<br /> ' Leedee realpt�evidenciag sush payments. Bortowct shall p�omptty discharge any Iten which has prlority wer this See�.�rity In�ttument;
<br /> tqw�ver,9ortower sh�l)not be requlr�i[o dlscharge any such lien so long as 8orrorrer:(a)shati agae in w�iting to the payment of the
<br /> � - obiipNon secured by auch liee in�he massncr acceptabic to tender,(by shall in good taith contat sucfi Nen by.or dePead a�iast.enforcement oF
<br /> . �•
<br /> ...,�r°' sah Ikn in.le�)proeeedingc whieb in the apinionot Lender npente roprcticnt tbe enfoecement ot the Ilen ar foHeilnre ohhe Property or sey
<br /> _ _; ; prt thereot:ar(¢)st�alt secure fwrn the holder of such tien an agreement in.a focm a�tisfactory to Lender su6ardiaating such lien to thi�
<br /> � • Serwity Iestrummt.
<br /> ti LenQer Qeterml�that ail or any pan ot tha Properey is subject to a lien which maY anain a prlodty over this Securtiy tattrumms.
<br /> �� ' ; „ , Lender abal!Eire gorrower a nalce identifying such flen.Bonower s1f�U aatisty such lite or take ane or moie of the actioat aet forth abvv�
<br /> - - -. _'_�•_'_:.. c �rlthlntmday�oftdegivingottheoodce.
<br /> . " aie�tx�..�:...,��
<br /> . :�,�,�sr:��_.._T: . C N077CE '
<br /> ��Y�.�• �
<br /> . F ,.-:�i. UaiformCavenanll4ot�e5ecurityt�trumentisamendedtareadastollaws:
<br /> ' y°-''� • 11. NWte.�xcept foe arty notiae requirad nnder appllcabfa taw to be girrn ia anothet manaer,(at any aodce to gorrowe provided for in this
<br /> '`" ���`� , Secudty Imwment sAaU be alvm by deliveting ie or Dy mtillna it Ey first clatg mall to Borrower at the 1'ropetty Addtess o�u such otl�er addres�
<br /> ��.'I;�..._•.:'.. 'a. . .
<br /> ,�=a.-�,•-�-�-::� m 8orcorru ma�r dqi�eate 6Y aatice to Lmder as otwided nerein�and(b)aoY noticY to 6eadee shall be given 6y tirst clus mti1 ta Lmder's
<br /> —; -. ---- -� aadra�statM hereie or to such other addra+a�Leadet tn�Y dai8aate Dy aodce to 8oncswer asprovidcd derein..Any aotia provlded far in tf�is .
<br /> , =-'�= ,::;.� SecurltYtnstrumentstutlEtdeemeQtohavebeeeElv�toBonavraorLeaderwttengiveninthamnnncrdesignatedtfa�eirt. -
<br /> , ,�. .
<br /> _ . . � .
<br /> -,_ . .. �. :. - ,
<br /> � � • _;4:. '. .. r.�� _ .. . .._ _ .. . _ .. _ . . .. .__ . .. _ .. . . ... . _ . _ _ . . .. . _ . .
<br /> .. ��:r' �� , . _ _ - . . . .
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<br /> • �-z%,�d',�; '
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