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<br /> S. 1��as+,rd or 1'ro�r.rty inxw�n�:e. ��reswex st�.3{t �:ecp Ihc iniprnven�iuts s►uw cxistiul3 a�• i�crcaRce crcctcd niti t���
<br /> Pniperty insurai agsa�t loss by firc,hiwuds i�x:lad�:a1 within the ter�n "extendcd coverage" a�Mi any athcr ha�eu�s9s, inciuding -
<br /> flcx►ds or[lc+r�dir�g,�'ur whir.h S.e�Kicr reciuircs lnsurance. Th�s insurancr shalf bc nmintained in tha an��unts nnd for d►e pertals
<br /> thAt Lenk�rcyulrr.s. The iruurun�:e carrler prcrviding thr insufaiar.�:sh.ill he�tiosen by Burrawer subject to l.ender's apl�roval
<br /> which �i'��.not be unreasorwbly withhesid. It Bormwer fwits to maint�,in a►veirnpe d�:riboct above, l.erder may, rt Lender's
<br /> oN.tcn.o4tein cc�t�era^o tn�m►�f�A I_r�xier's riWhts in th�z I'tnperty in accardun�.n,witi�paragruph 7.
<br /> hll irrsut�nce poiieies nnd cenew�is�shx11 ba accept�ble to Lenckr aew�shali inclucfe a staixlArd moKKage clausc. I.�rdei•
<br /> shaU Isava the d�ht to Ix�td th��,►o1iC�����►xwxlg•1f[.cndcr requires.Hc�rn�wer slwll promptly giva to d.�^rr.kr ell receipes of
<br /> p�xacf p,r�r.r�iums and rencwul ratices.In tt►c evc�t of loss,I3orrower shxll givG pmmpk notice ro�he insuraiKe eturier and I.cnder.
<br /> l.erxkr m�y maka prcwf of los:�ii�mt mTde pmmp�ly by Bormwer.
<br /> L1utrss l.er�der aur�kiacr�wer i�ti►c��'isc aEm.�in wticing,insurance procccds sh.�ll be applitd to restoration or repair of the
<br /> prr�erty deu�god,iC thp re5toratinn or repair is.e�onnmicAlty feaslble ar�d Le�er's ser.u�ity is nAt lessencd.lf tM:rt.sto��.ion or
<br /> rcpxir is nat economically fea�ibla or.I.ei�der's sccurity wex�IQ be la:��rr.d.the insuranee prcx�e�ls sh:at!b.apgized ta ttx:sums
<br /> secum.,d by this r..ocuriry Iostrument, w6Frtt�er or rwt tlkn due, with any exceRS paid to Bonower. If Borrow�r abarulons ttM
<br /> Yropen;r,or dors rwc unswes wiQ�in 30 days a notic�fram I.ender that the inau.rn�►rc c�urcicr has offererl to sattle u claim, tt�;.n
<br /> Lx�cicr nuy colFect thc nisurance S�racr.cds• Ler.�lex msy usc tt�pr�cecds ta rep�iT n� restorc the PropeKY or ta �y sum9
<br /> sesural by this Sa:urit}•Irutrume+�t,whaher or not th.n due.Tt�30�d�,y period will b�girt when the no�ice is given.
<br /> Unless Le�iex•a+xi 8�►rrower otlucrwlse agnx in wdting, anY a�►I+cation of pmcer.ds to principal sF►all not oatend o�
<br /> postQc►ne ine due d�rca o:.tit���a�x�iY�-ym.'s�:s tefsrm!t� in�.�ra;,�e�^hs a r�Y1 2 or chanae the amount of the n+�yrrien�s- If
<br /> ucder prq$niph 21 tha Praperty is acx��airod 6y I.a�der.Hurmwc.�'s right to any insunur.c pvlieies ancl p:oceals n�wltir�g frr►nn
<br /> dEm�t��to the Propert�r p�or to ttk acquisitinn shall pass ta f.cr►de•r to the extent af the sums secure.d by this S�cudry Ir.axxw�oc�x
<br /> imnmli,ately}►rior ta It►t�.aCyuisition. �. .
<br /> 6.(:kriu�ex�',Prr�c�►ation,Ab►in2tttal�e+iuY�(�[otecti0�q of the�'rupertYi Bon'owdr's I.orn Ap�tio+�i Leasd�old�,
<br /> B�rm��tx�it11 orcupy,establish,a�:[;ii's�e z4�o'Ahtip�ray as Boxn►ti�..r's�ri�ncipsl nsidere�e:wi�h.in sixty cixys aRer t�e exeti-i:Lic�of
<br /> thic Sa�e�nity Instmment a��d r,hali cx,ntemUa.•td'�ricrl�PY the ProP:�ty�v�Ormwer's principnk residence gur at least or.r,y�r.wr.�4Cx
<br /> the ehdG'�or.oecup�ney.unitss d.eaKkr uther�+iao�g�u'x in writlr+�,wheeh eonsent�stWl ncK he unrcasc�n+biy vri�.hhel�l.s�rC'viileas
<br /> txtaaus,t�ng cf�+cumst� �xist which r+ro bey�c.via ldorsowcr's oontrol. Borrowcr shall nat drstroy, danwge or impair the �
<br /> property+,'Atlow tha Propsrty to dsteriorate. or c�ommit waste on tho E'ropercy. Borrower shall k�e 3n ekfwlt if any forfeiture � . t
<br /> s�ction ar�nica�ding, whdher civil�r�minal, is b�gun that in Laxler's good fsuth aud�r.nt ocwid result in forfsiturc uf the
<br /> !'fOPG►Ljr or oU+ctri`ISc rir+cic`i�aj�;f la.�� �:�1xle�t:r�°i�h,r„}�i'_c C�e n�ritv Inctrt:re�enL oY L t a[i r'.s's seari ty i n t e t e s t. a o rn o w r r m�y
<br /> �. eure such a d�efs�ult aord ca�nstate.as prt��fdcci us pa��g,captt 1$,by eausi�g ttr.+at�tion�►r proeer��ng to t�e dismissod vrith�rulina
<br /> ��chst, in l.ender's�t►at3;;�n�th detetmination. pret:luc ics f o r feitur� o f t F+e H ormwe+•'s i n t e r e s t i n t t�c�er4 y or other'�ial
<br /> '� :. 3mpairn�cnR of tho lic�'f,,i:r;�itod by thic Sncu�it}t;'Insicn�nent or[.otdu's tsccurity inttrest. aorrowcr ,s��':�lsci bc in�'defwlt if
<br /> ' . ���� Horrowezy.ducing the to�it�ap¢IicaRicm prncess.SaW�'rna�eeis�lly fa�se,or'snaocwAtx infnnnation or�st�teme�ts;to Lu�dec(�:�ai�ed
<br /> bo prosidir7�;x,�xkc arich any m�tsrini.an��uon)in Cbunecuu�,?�u,it'�the lou�ev)dencod�f the+Notc. incluJing,Met ni�3a'siritod
<br /> ea,rcpri�ir��qiluons a?1�F�►��B�rrtl�vc:a�'s cxxuparyry:;Qf the Prsap�ra�r�a principal r�idetxe. U this Security Instn�r�at�x�s bn a
<br /> 1���1. �r�+r�w�;,:5ti�`�1 comply with all tS�e pxci�!isiotrs nf��tt lea.u. If 8orr�wer�equires fa titio to fhe Pn*,diy. ttK : .
<br /> ' {e�etwki uid tlie fceiytill�±s,hall not nxrge unfess�it�er agras to the merger in writing: ..
<br /> �';,�!cM�tian ot-�der'a Ri�in ahe Propecty'IC Bc•noKrGr ixiis Eo perform the aovenants and�greemerKS rnM�oed in
<br /> this 5cx�h5zy Tnsuumax, or ttrcrc 6s;a'�l�gd prt�cealing that izyy 3:�ni6cantly afToct I.etx�e:'s�i�hts in the Pr�operty (such ae a
<br /> procoedi�In ba►iwptcy.pro'batm� ������Ancfemnacion or iflrfeiiru�x or co rnforce taws cn:rcgul.9ciom).thrn Lender may do and
<br /> P�Y f�r��'et'is necessarY to protr.ct the vrlus�af the Fn►pe�ty and I.e�dtr's righte in t�Property. Lendar's�ctio� m�y
<br /> anclxk p�yi�8 �Y �tcns s�ecurad by d lien whiq3p.�as pniority ov�x this Socurity In.gtrumrnt. �uinE in oouct. PRYi�
<br /> r�epn�bk pttwvicys'•Ytes uad e�terip$�n the Pa?opetty to mAke.cep�irs. Although Le�xier may isko scdon under tlti�}yragnp6 .
<br /> , .
<br /> 2.I�d�}:�cY'�opF nc�Jhave to dn�v.,�;:., �.; �;,.� , " .;,''.
<br /> � ' ,�;i�,N�,;pMlounts disbunKd t+y'�er�t�(iir under this pstragra}iAi.;�7.,�hsl1 �Additio�a! ckM of �xtuwer sec�l+J±�.'Shi� ;,Y,.
<br /> Sea�rity ir�sitwuxtN. Untess Borrov►er�nd Lendtr:agrx to at�ic�'terin.s of pwy+t�'�ent, ¢hese ari�ounts a6a19�Rfe�t intenea�t`�'i�iiti tbe !;:'�.;,.
<br /> .�.;.�,
<br /> �. ` d+Me of disburoernent�t IhG NoSo rAta ar�d shaU r3SC��eyable� with intsrest,;�tp�A rwtf�e fro�n i,eod�r�c�;�'nrrowu rapesting ,„
<br /> WS'�• '. '�.. . i;.:�� .. .
<br /> �!.Mort�e Ju�nranor.if S.��i�i1Ur roquir�od rn��tg�Be insuex�}ce�s a condition of r�rdc,3t�.the tos�n socural by this 5ncuriry
<br /> Instnuuau� BorrowRr shsaG pxy the'�inyniums rec�uired to mx�ntxic�the nnc�rtgvge ir�.wera�nc:e:in offec.t. If, for any rr.axm. the
<br /> �,�,, .,� mortgy,ge ina�nwoe�'r.�,xge emquiraf by Lendex0i�}�9CS or ceases to be i�s e�fi'ac4�;Iiarrowcr shaU p�y iY�e.premiums aoquined to
<br /> ;�` ;",' obuin oover�ge:a�ti;i�lly oquivnle�nt ro the riYt�rd��8e insiirance previ�cYS�j�,sin.�t�'oct.at a cost substbnci�liy equivalem to thc ,.
<br /> ' i';.{;�: Cil6t IU�O�TLlWtt Of!}IC IllOft$Y$C 1l15U[ARCC Q:�CViuU3�Y 9t1 CtftCt� from R�+a1YEunsxe mortgaga ir�surcr 3p�vcd by I.e►rier. If
<br /> ' substac�a,i�y.aq�i►ivxl�nt rnortgagc insurance ooveraga is not�t-si:@mbie,Borrower s1ta11 pay to LeiKler caclt month a s�.�.{':4►cai to
<br /> onrtwe�� of thc yearly mortgage insur�u►cc:pnemium beir�pai3 by Bo►row�r when t6c�n��u,tance ooverot�e l�psed�bi ti::rsed tu
<br /> ,`''�t,� be in etCect.Lend�:r s+iH�,�ccept,use and rets:n fltxsz payments as a loss resr.rve in lieu c�f mortgage.ins�xnncc. Loss neserve
<br /> '�;> � , � Furtn 3b28 tif90
<br /> " ' Pp�SdO
<br /> , • . `�..
<br />