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<br /> '` '[�1SAD1t1STAS[FRA7ERiDEltis�ietiis -�,-dq,d APfiII-_ 1!42, � _ .
<br /> — - - -- � �
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<br /> a�d i��wd 3�o a�o �F���rai�o a���'�� • " - —
<br /> . . bon�oN'3 dtre�t�tep�n�lr tic�_�w!�(���~yH��'9 ta�eciRe�rapwer's A�d�$yiu��6rte�ate Nat itle"NoO�"�w�IOIIE -
<br /> . �— � ��u�!!�A�Y�HMJ�TI�1/�MtiMw/ �\���� !PI���{s����'
<br /> - �����Wfi�cw�+�7����Mf�l� . . . . . . �
<br /> . � , �tt�a �c �an�ct�c+a, cRa� �.at+u, t� ss�� .. _ . _ . _ �
<br /> , . c�h�� . - . _
<br /> :- '` �nr...le�.�w..r.�wws+.�vs:cR e�t�.�.�t..i�a.+.s■..Y+y
<br /> , fqw�.'ltiirtdeai»�isl�rsw�1�(Meiwtnleaseryesta4MtY�ef�/ .
<br /> _ airMil�l■��i�s�ut�elclr!/p. .
<br /> AODfl70NAL QOVE1�fA1�'I'S.In ad8itla�w tbe oove�ua�d aaa�en�s made ia�tbe Secmi��t[ma�.�ro�rer sed t.e�des
<br /> firtreroore�ntard+it��atfoliows: ' .
<br /> -" � A. IN1FiF8'i�ATE ANQ 1MODiI�B lAY�MCAANt78 ' � , _
<br /> -' 'TThe Kae pruride,s fa as fakW isaac rue of 9.Q �li:Sa���6£tl�e Ntote pravides t�c�in the incaesc rau aad ttie ,
<br /> -`�" reoat6i�r p�ym��at[oatowx � - .
<br /> - l IM3rJ�E.'STRAT$ANDMONTNLYPAYMENTCHANGFS . � . .�- - . --
<br /> -_ � W CIr�Dwir h1AY .:' :"�,;Ig�� .sados t6u aay evas
<br /> � TLeiptaatp�etwdDprymsyd�aaf�oathefustdsyot
<br /> _ - 72 maothsthecafter.Eacbdateonwlnd�myiataatruecauld�iserikdi•'(�an�eDrtG"'::�
<br /> p)• Treidts •`, . `:" = �
<br /> - - $�qaia�wltbthe�fintCban�eDnte.myintaatrate�tleDasedoaaaisde�c.7'Ge"IrWa"ist6ewaklYavaa�Yu�donUnitedStates '� , F�,-°°_
<br /> . T�nsuq►towuitia�diysted to a caastant aartartty!of 1 Yur.is mide avai'lable b9 t6e Federal'ResaveBoarQ.me awst terrnt Indeac fi�re . L.��,r
<br /> u -���-
<br /> av�ifaWeatofthedue<Sdayabetoree�chChanyelk�teisaUedtbe"C�rreattnde�." ��::.�
<br /> if tUe Ieda�ts no lon�ei svaiFabie.�the Note HMde►wIU�oose s r�index�r�6 is based upon compQabie infacmation.'fhe Note �.�'-
<br /> ..� HdderwNSivemeaotioeoftl�scboice. '� "`�?'?`-
<br /> . ,; �:��__
<br /> � `� tCD t'at�+iMw�dCr� . � • TW� AC�t] ONE HA1..f
<br /> ��:�=_-
<br /> Hefaeakh Chfo�e D�te.tlie Note Holda wIU wkal�ce mY ue�im�st racebY addius � ------
<br /> pp�s r 2•'r'•� �)ta the Clu�rnt Index aad ca+odiai tatl�cuea+�t 1/8th oi.l�..sub3�t�i i�ar�mits stated iA Seetlao KA�f�ela�r. ��_�-:
<br /> _ '!'bisrauidcQ��themyaewlntecatnteundltbenextCh�aR�' " •: • -':,"`�'-. ' �
<br /> n t
<br /> � T6e Note Hafdd+�16m determine tbe saaa�t oE the moathlY D�eat�:v�s�1d be saifidmt io nD�Y ii�.f'n1I the�Iady�i 1 sm � ��-
<br /> • • ',�. ea�ecte0 to oMe oa ti+itc�o�e D�te In substan�iaBY oqo�l psYments bi'sIx mACUrlty cTue a�my nnr intercst rate.Tl�e nsiilt of tlds,s�uiatloa , ��'��-,_ -
<br /> • m ���.
<br /> wlUbethetiew�awaatofmymonthtgpay�en� , . . �-�:{• ,,t��..
<br /> _ -_%�,�
<br /> : (D) jJ�M.Mt�lerealts�eC9�w�s 10.0 - � or.kss thaa � _
<br /> ' �The intaat rue � am capiired fo pay st ttie flnt Ctunge Dau wi11 na 6n graur thu► {���`�'Y�v
<br />.. •a �.'C6xeaRa.my inarat rste wiU nera 6e incrasod or daTr�sed on any sintle Chanse Date by m�e�� .m'- `
<br /> ,,a.,
<br /> 2.0 ��rateoPinter�stlluvebeenpsyia�torthepreadia;twelvemonths.Themialmumintaatmt�arir�us1oaeMriUnevabe �>�==::_.._
<br /> les�tBtn 6•0 �'►Andthem�cimumintaatnuewfllncvabeRaterthan 13.0 �A. '��•'.,�:�-•-_
<br /> .=' , ' (B EffiedMeDWNCM�s .=_
<br /> � -� My neM laterac c�:will become effocttve on ach ChanBe Due.I will�sy tt+e amount of my new monthiy psyma�bqinnln6 on t6e ttrat :._�..�
<br /> .:j�;�
<br /> . 3--- mon�hlyy�ymentd�tea�z:�heChmjelA�teuntihhewnountofmymonthlYpaymenrd�i��n• '. A f-_
<br /> . ` , (� NNkedC�e� ..
<br /> `��"
<br /> ThoNaetIolderwWm�ilorde2ivertomesnoticebetoreeacAChangeDate.ThenoticewiUadvlsemeof: • .. =°_
<br /> ' (� thenewinteastrateonmytoanasottheChan�eDace; ��"•'�
<br /> ,,,�
<br />_ • ��, (ii) t6eaawuntofmymontlilypaymentfoltowlnstheChan�eDaer. . . . .�. .. �: ;-t�-
<br />- ;� �''`. � (�ii) any addtdoaal maaers which ihe No�e HotQer is requlred to disclose:and • ,.
<br /> � (iv) tdcaddress ot the associ�ttan you could contact reaardln;any questions about the aQiust:nrnt rtoti�r. � � • -r
<br /> . . ' _. � . .
<br />, _ ,-. , �. t�iARCFB:L[EN9 ,
<br /> �_��. '; Uniform Covenant 4 of the5ccurity Instrummt is amended to�cad as follows: � , ,
<br /> . :°'� 1.C�rles;,I1e�.Borrower sh�ll yay all taxes,auessments.and otAer cha�ges.fines,z.^�i�u�.�'t:ons attributabte to the Ptoperty whkh msy , .
<br /> atWn a Drlority mee 5ti's Savdty ln�trument.aad leuehotd paymrnU ot gound rerRS::fary.in the rranrter provided unQer Dua�raph 2 hereaf � '
<br /> a.iP ci;c paidln sac6 aanner.bY HotGCwe�making payment.when duc,directly to the psyce thereof.Borrawer�haU promptlY turalsh l,ender �
<br /> ' �' all aor.�s of amounts Que unda this paragraph.and in the event liorrower shall make payrt►mt direc�ly.Bwrawer ehall promptly futtdsh to ; . .
<br /> • -,�; �.� 1,en0er tecelDts evldenclna such payt'ents. 8orrower st�l!promptty dlscharge any Ilen whlch has yriorlty over Ihb Security lnstrument; ; • .
<br /> � � '?',� howerer.Borrower shaU not be required to dlschuge any such lien so long as Horrower. (a)shall aera ia wdHea to the p�ylnern of the �',.
<br /> � �' •� oDltsadon securcd by sucfi lirn in the mnnner acceptabte to Lcnda;lb)shalt in good faith contest such dm by.or detend aaainst ento�ceaKnt ot � .
<br /> . �:?�;.�} s�c$!irn 1n,kp1 pro:eedin�whkh 1n Ihe opinion of Lender operacc ea prevent thc enforcement of the lien or fo[feiture at tht P[opertY w aey �-
<br /> { �.��.. ' p�rr¢Leceof;or(¢)sh�11 secure from the holder of such lien an aprc�ent in a form saUsfactory to 4ender subordinating such lien to Ihl� '
<br /> '�;�.�;:;�;` Se�+ra�tn�trument. � '
<br /> .-�� : - tl Lender deecrmines thae all or aay part ot the Propeny is subject to a tien which may attaln a priodty over�6L+SecuritY lastrument. �
<br /> ,,:,�-�_.-- ,. .
<br /> _,� _�.;; . Lender shalt�ive 8orrower a notice identifyin8 such titn.BorraA•er shall satisfy suet�fren or fake one or mare of the scUons set forth abore
<br /> _ - -- -. . . , . wlttdn�rn diysof tfie aivina of the notice. � . - _ . - . ---
<br /> ..�,.,,
<br /> :s, _' C. IVMYCE . I
<br /> „ ...•
<br /> _-�"` -:. `,` i'..� . Ue�farmCo+renantt4attheSecudeYlmtrumrntuamenQedtomdasfoltows: •
<br /> ' �: +� � � 11. NNlee.Ezcepl for any aotice requlreQ undet appticable law to be given in anolher manner.(a)any nodce to gorrawer pravided fot ia tttt9
<br /> ' - 5ecurhy tastrument ahall be�iven by detivutna 1t or by mail�lt 6y tirst class m�it to Borrowu ae the Property Address or at such otAer addr�s `
<br /> - -- -- .. r�Batrawer m�y dGignate t►�aoskr ta Eesedee as A���e1n.aad(b�anY notiee to t,ender xha}I b�r Eivm by tlru class mail to LNtdet's. -- -i_--. -,_--_ _-
<br /> � address statM hueln or to such other addreu as Lender may daigoate by noNce to Bonowu a9 provided herein,Any notice�rovided for in 1Ns �- �
<br /> � Seeurily Insttument shall beQeemM to have becn glvm to Borrowv or l.ender when given In the maaner deslgaatod herein. � • , :
<br /> .. , ' .
<br /> . . ;.
<br /> -- - - . _ _._ ... _ .. ._ . �
<br /> ..: • .- - ,- . - . , .
<br /> „ ' � __ �
<br /> , ...
<br /> • .�. .. .�.:
<br />