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<br />- - Tru�t -Ueed !n,the tollnwtaR deecc.#b�d,prewises but;anly +�s tn �uch pre�►isase
<br /> '*Fir=the.r assigaed ta Firet Federal �Saviu�s�and Loan Association of Osaha (n/k/a) � '
<br /> - ' Heritaga Federsl Savings Bank of.:'O�aba;.:ic`ecoxded Septeaber 2, 1986 i.p Instrwent
<br />=� �86-104967.af the Mortgage $ecords: , . ��
<br /> -_ , . :<� , .. • . '�':
<br /> �;" � _ +k*gu�t�er as�3gned to Heritage Pederal Saq#ngs Baak of 0■alia, recorded Msrch 30,
<br /> . 197� �n�Doc. �90-101696.vf the Mortgage Recorde of Hall Count�, Nebrasks.**�
<br /> . Lot Seven (7), in Block 1wo (2), Capital Heights Foustb Subdivision, Hal]. '
<br /> ' Couutq. Nebraska
<br /> �;.= .
<br /> ��rther asaigaed to Conaesvative Savings Baak by asaignneat dated August 16,
<br /> � � . 1990 assd recordcd in Iastrument �i90-i05737.
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