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<br /> � � �. �1� � ��y� �» C: 1fM �� �ti
<br /> �i Qn CJ �` � r�7 `�j r.-�., � � � a:.. Y.
<br /> � � N � 47 �� � � � �
<br /> � ,, C� ..� wQ'1 � � C7
<br /> r � ny � � � � �
<br /> � Q rry �o � r �,. ..� g
<br /> � v� �`� CO ae W "�
<br /> � �`'�.. � �
<br /> � � � �
<br /> � T�FEA OF R�CON �IJCE
<br /> TY:�T� DEED i.e da4�i:t�s :��:d �r�ut�d: t.},�:i,� _�� daX of May, "'��
<br /> � .T.�•�G , I,�y,a JohrY �. McL'exr�;,'r�.°LY:;,:c���.����ry,:�P�r al� r��:�r.. �Tr��.�Le�, �nd ie with C��.
<br /> .r.efE^.�c��;e: ta �eed o�. .'t;'..�-u$'� �����t��f.�e�in . 7��r.�.a.L�� ;. Depu�, PeraonaZ �
<br /> � Rep�es�;�r.Lt�ative of the 13�>.;'r_4�e aiE�,;�;�I1ri �:�+�3.r�e�ri�3r.s:w��. �r.� ia Benefi-
<br /> ciary, •a:�.�. xHT Inc., a �rki����t�aeka corporF,.t�4��n, #.� `��lator and John H.
<br /> McAexmotti� A�Gcaxl'xe�► at Law, i.a.T.rixa�ee�. �
<br /> � • �
<br /> wH�REAfi, 'F:'�rv��tor, for vaa��i::f;�Pa��,,e cansidera��i�an and f�n or�e� t�c��
<br /> eecure to Beneficia�-s;��_ pa�y�m�:rt.�'G of �a�Zuab�e caneiderd�ianr d.f:c� .
<br /> , execute a Lteed c�£ Tru�,��, �h�.ci�..:��,�a £il�a� on Novetnber 15, 1994, ancl
<br /> � , identified as Documer7'L %�]'e�.• �,;',�-kt-109155, canveying to Truet�e,
<br />. .. �x�u�t�e's succeeeore or ������'f��„ a certaa�a �ascel a£ real �etate
<br /> c3e�crib�d in ea3.d Deed a� f���li�oiin�, to-*+vi�:
<br /> �... , .
<br /> .;.� .� :,�•:�..`. � �
<br /> .. A tract of land cafn;��ieing a`paz�����01�� Lote One (1) and '�wo ,
<br /> (2) �.n Fractional ;S��c�ion N:lne��e� i�.9) and a part ot the � }
<br /> Southwe�t �,Quarter c�� the North�s� �uaxtex� (9wi�NW3�) aad
<br /> a part of,�t:h� Nox"t�awee� Qiz�x���r ti� �,titie �ou"t�awaez tivarr er �
<br /> t1�iW�w',i) ��a�. Secr.io�a,:Ttiventy.. (�Ol ��;���:1 in Tc�wnehip Eleti�n , . ';,,,,�;
<br /> ` �� t (11) North� Raxxg�:�I�;'i�,� (9) Weet o�,��e 6th P.M. in C,rand ,
<br /> '� Ie�:and, x�1i Cottn:�� Neb�a�ka, m�re p�rtir.ularly de- ;�;�:
<br /> '� '� a�rib�d a� folldw��z°, �egitiza3:r�g at the northwes� r.vrner of. � �.��� :':��,
<br /> '�':`•� , � eaid Lot�7�'�a�a'..,t�) t ���$nce gau���terly along the w�st line of
<br /> �;,,�,:.,
<br /> � . said x,clt T4�a": (2) ,:•��,�d3et���� of Two Huncired Se�•enty-one �. .
<br /> • , ' and Si�ty-nine H�i��l:-cedthe (271.65y FeeC to the nor�herly
<br /> " 2.i�.e, of Secoizd Stl��eG; thence northeaeterly along eaid
<br /> ,'�'' � .� nr�r��hsrly 7.ine oE S�cond Street, a diatan�c� of Thirty-
<br /> � � �ev�n and Figh�y-three Hu�dredChe (37.83�9 ���t; therxCG
<br /> ' n4rther�y along a Ifne Thaxty-khr�e (�3.0) Fe�z ea�st of
<br /> and parallel tn r,he We�t � �ine of sai� Lca� x'wo (2y , a
<br /> � � diatanc� of Thfrt�c�five t3�.0) FQ6�; thence deflscting
<br /> , �_ . r.�ght �UB;�►�1'04'� :ari�d runn3:rig south�anterly � CI��kA11C� ot ,
<br /> . Forty`-an�,�:�'�xt� F t�x.� !Sent�� '��t�i1.41 �'e�t fio ��+icd northerly.
<br /> ��'`�'� line o� �er;prid��t�c�pt�:,,';:th�!iice noxtheaoterly along eaid
<br /> northerly line.�:;o��:;'„��ati'�'ti�;:. StrPe�.; a �distar�ce o£ 1Four
<br /> l�u�ndred Sixty�on�. �arid Seven TenC����� (4s1.7) Feet to the
<br /> , north l.ine nf eai+t� SouthNest Quax�er (SW3f) of Seation
<br /> Twenty (20). ; t1'ience wee�erly along`�hs rxorth line of said
<br /> Sc�uthwe�t �uart�r (SW�?,��:`a dietan�e ef Thxee HundrGd
<br />�: Eighty-�.wo an3 N�,ne Tentl��' (382 .9D F'eet to tkie Southeae: -
<br /> corn�r af esid �;flr` �one (1? : thence n�artherly alarx� th�
<br />_ . eaet li�e cf r�a�.d;�G,t�ti Qne (1� , a di.�ta�ce o� One I�u,zdred
<br /> e : . Sixreex� and 5ev�enty-thxes Huxidredth� (X15.73) Feet to �he
<br /> = � � gautherly. 7��.ne o� the unxon �acific R�ailroad; tik�erxae.
<br /> - eouthw�s�n�;ly ���ma�� �a�.�l.��outhe�],Y line c� the Una�on
<br /> � ` k*�c;a.�ic� Ra3.].ro�r1�`��, dist�n�e cf. .�rl� Hundred �'iue �r�d �
<br /> - Ni.nety-thx�e �Fur�ia'L��dthe (].05.93) �'��L• ta the weat 13.ne of
<br /> �aid I,ati '�i� (1) : thenc�,;��ouxherl��"alor�, �aa.d west ].a.r��
<br /> af Loti �r�c=:�� (1} , a di�s�:���iae af Sixt� a�.nd Six�y-�lv�e
<br /> � Hundx�edthi�.>'(60.65) Feet `�a �he �r�.ac�: o� be�inning. �
<br /> ' and the �aitl �um af man.ey hae been €u�ly pa:�d to 8eneficiary, �nd
<br /> ' L�en�fa.c�.c�xy 3aart� rec�uee�efl th�.0 the eseate ac���d�*�red by th� eaid Deed
<br /> r,f Truet to �'rrustee xn the eai:� g�•rca�h:r��s� her��n�iofore mer�tioned �nci
<br /> descri.bed ba x�ow rel�:ased �:a a�'su Ty��.n�.a�.
<br /> THE�F'�'3:�:L•:, the und�raigned Tr.u�s�ea c�oe� hercby rel�ase, cpnvey
<br /> and qu�.talaim iaui�o aaxd Truetor a11 �ight, tit�:le, xn�exeat, �laim
<br /> amd deman� whatsoever which Truer�e had acr�uired in �nd througi:� Ch�:
<br />