.,.;�i... . ;-w,!wvw�f�.ww�qrw�ten.� --'�_� - -
<br /> A1Yr � _� 1 - . . . _
<br /> �'ID'11'NK41YN�+�^ •' v . �rr � __
<br /> �: r_
<br /> ''���I� ri '�" A� rs.�.L's.�d+%+15.:l�'BSr��i: – - •.... �r�� ��s+ �_
<br /> . �.:� �
<br /> ' �..- .A�}.�.�tf_YL'�T�ffiit'.YCGS.�vl�i'.i'� _ _ _i.,..r..,.�.. . �. .
<br /> _ _ ,..�,�_.,�_.� - sL�WR►trrl�ws7a:.c::-�— ---
<br />.�_. R1�Y� —
<br /> _ ��� vwww��wi�-..•...�--�..".'�__"_"_"__"_"____.____..____.-._ _".
<br /> �.__�i. _ . ._.
<br /> . . . 9. Iwipei.-tlan. Len�iee or ics Agent u�xy uu�S[C 1Y�011iwIC u�u ic�u�,�a�ru't:�1tt�E,M.ttt;,-.�aP t„�P.��;,,:3+.[.enAet�bAll giv6
<br /> Eiomuwor naticc dt We tlme of or pdor to an I�upectIsn spa:ltyfng ceawnnh,".r,caut�n fox thn lnapoction.
<br /> • 10. Cnndemnagton. 7't�e pratcds of nny nward or claim for dam,�gen, dlrect ar consequential,In com�ection wlth any s
<br /> sondeimlasian ur other taking of any pa»of tba Froperty,or for co�evayar,n�in 8:u of cnndemitatlon,arr;itereby a9signed and -
<br /> sliall irc paid to Lcncie.r. �
<br /> iu the evcat oi n tatal tr_!cix�B of Qi��I��ru�Nzty,Nie prar���i�elinll I;r;cj�3�l.:d r.�il?f3 GllCP9 fCCIlFW fI S)J/EI)I(3�CCLlFIIjI Ifl�lPi!iitClll� [
<br /> whether or not then due, �vlth tuiy eacGSS pald to lkirrawer.In��ir,r.vent of�pactial takinB o1F the�ro�rty in whlc��tho fair _
<br /> markCt va;Ja sf the Propeidy ii�iately befo�t4e talcing le et�unl¢o oe gteatcr th�an thr,amaunt o�tho sumu aecureA by thl�
<br /> Sscuaity Q��atrument imznn�iit►ta�y�+efore the taking. unlese l3nrrowur and Lendar o!herwlsa agcoe in writfng,the eums eeci�rad by� _
<br /> thin Securtty InatrumeGt n�«�1 bn r�tlnstQ by the omaunt of the proceed�tnult�plic�l by t1�o fo�tawing fractton:(�)the ror.al amouRt
<br /> of tho suma �uect immalintal�►bniinc;.�r,tti'�i�tY��Nttrir.d by(b)thc fdr mark�t v�lue of tho Propecty Immalluely before tho
<br /> tnktnII. Any balnnr,e �sMnll bn pttid ta Rc►rr.mvrr.Iri titfl zniont of a paRial takxt�g o.f thc Propecty in whtch the falr market vduo of
<br /> ti�a ��c�h,►.y (s,iui:,dls�tr.0y bofpr�: den u<<�tt� i�lc��1°rritii�!ha a�rrsvnt nf tt,r,.;�nm�en=�irt+1 imm!�ldntcly i�cfore the trking,uAic�e � �-
<br /> Sonowac and Lendtlr otherwina agrco ia wri r�g or nalcr�;a�pQlicabic 14w othcnviae provldea.the pYOa,exL shill be eppliad to the Q
<br /> sum�sxurad by thln Sr,cur�r,/[us:tumflnt whnil►pror.nnt:ilte eume ara then dw:. �
<br /> I� thn Proparty is nbnndnnc�t by Ift�r�n��ur,pi�If.,s�tcr liaticc by Lsn�r to Bonawcr tL1at tbe condemnor offere to make an
<br /> aw&td or sctttc a claim fi�r demnBas, �3nm�wcr fnilu to respond to Lendr.r wlthfum 30 rlrayo after the dAte the aatIcc ie given,
<br /> Ler�dar is autl�orizcd t�collr,ct and ar l�r tl►n p►acc.adt!,.��t itx optlon,eiWer to rGStorula�n os repair of tho Praaerty or to the sum� �
<br /> sxund by thIa Securir�U►e�t�vtnant.w�nti�nr on nnt tttMt tt.uc.
<br /> Uulass I�ndar and 1?�ortin�vvr othnru�ine:nBreo iu Evr�ting.any appltcation of px�cee8s ro pclactgal Eh�l[wt extend or pnstpono _
<br /> tho du�dato of tbo month�y pa;�xR�:ta tAfi;rmd tu in,�►�iYi;ltraphs 1 anr12 or change the am�rvnt�.f such prymr.nte.
<br /> tl. BQ[CnW4T NOt I�L'ti4AAP,i�� '�"Jb'�1Y11I'9(If17t B jt��,�a;�ekr Not r�Waives.Eatenaion oY the ti»xs for payment or madl�ir.ntl�nn of
<br /> A1DQ[t1.i.diilDtl Uf t17R S'J11]A 6"CUl1:�.b�r 2t��:1 L�E'EU[7!yIt1Y'�it?1113CIIt g[dA2fliS by I.CIIdCi i0 Dily SUCCCSSQS lIE IRtCICSt O�BOICQWOT S�IA�I qOt
<br /> aperata ta c�t�AS� tha tiabili:t;r af t1�e_ ariIIi.rinL d'iurua►wer or Rorrawer s st�ccs:�sors m intcrcat.I.ender sh��ll n�t be rt�uirod eo
<br /> commence pr�oeedi��s againe,� an�f s�►a^.c��n iil�ihu;nst or cefuse to extc�►(1 iimz for payment or othe�nvise mndify amotiiztulan
<br /> of the sums aecur�d by thin Secur`ty.•ttiN��'uncnt by reason of any den�and mndc by Wr,orig[aal�orrowcr or B�nowor's
<br /> succonsmrs in intexes2. l�uy fuabua*zabe �sy L'ender ia cxcr�cising any right or nmedy shall aot be a wniver of or puclude the
<br /> ez�ss�f s�y:3�i or�.�,urd�r.
<br /> rj�. �;u�c��,a��} ��g� i��;Yand; Jar�nt and Sev�rul Lfabil�tya ��igners. The covenants and Agrecmants of thin
<br />� ;1�cV.r�ty ln.g2r�t;mr;m 4'htt�fl bin�'�a�� beacfit ibe succcsaors and assigns of l.ender and Borrowec,sufi�ect W the provlsione of —
<br /> �u*a�T�� �?,'��az;,awr,r'a c��crr•cxnis ttnd agrccments shall be o�nt �cl several. My Borrowet v��o�c4-signta tius Security .
<br /> -j Na
<br /> � �s:�s�acnt b�r, c�oe� mot �;�xca:ee t'he Nate: (a)n�co-s9gz�ing tb3s 5ccurity�nst�rument only to ax�rtgug�,�rant aad wnvo�,r that
<br /> . Fi�rr,aw�r's'intiexrat in cae' t�+npex,ry under the term�of this Saaurity lnatrusn.nt;(b)ia;not persoQally obligated ta pAy zbe suma .
<br /> s�cur,.c1 d�y �chfa 5���f7�,t u�.�stts��nent;.nnd(e)A�ees that Lenc3er nnd any other 8orrow�er mqy agrx to extead.modify,��rbtar or �—
<br /> mab;e any accnmma�lntion.n sa.:th aogsud zo the torm�of this Security Inauument'or tho Note with�ut that Bomower'�coasent.
<br /> 13. Losn CBnr��c�..��:t�tle loaa secured by thi�Seciuity Instrumens is mibjcct to a law which scts mnximum loan char6ea.and
<br /> thnt lr�w ia fint�liy imarr,at�eted so that tha Iatr.�st or otber loa�n cbarge�r,ol.lected or to be collected in connectioa wtth thc loan
<br /> eac>nod tlta pormitttxl]i�nits,thea:(a)any such loui charge shall be xaiucclt hy the amount n�cesauy t�roduce the charae to the
<br /> pemiittod llmit; �nd�•(�a) anY surna alreadY collected from Bonower whfch easoeded p+:rmitted liu�its wil!Do cefundecl eo
<br /> �rrniv�c. �.end�r mt�y chaoec to au�ice thie�efund by reducing the principal owod undor the Nata Ar by making a durct payment
<br /> ' ��� gnrm►.�nr_ iP.a��fund rednces princinsl.thr:roduction wiA be tceated+u a partial yprepnyn�st wltLout ueY Pt'�D�Y��'az
<br /> ' underr Uin Nntn.
<br /> lA. IVc�, �Any notice to�omower provided for�n this Savrlry iastrumant ah�ll ba�iva�by deliv n�it or by auilin�it
<br /> • by 8rat e1n�a m�ll ualeN applicable Ixw nqulra we of�aother n�ett►od.T6o nmtke�h�Jl be dlrocted to t�b�e}Propecty Addre�or
<br /> : �ny otl�dr edd►Ya Borro,wer dai�nue�by notice to L,endor.My aotioe w Laider thall be�lvea by Rrst sla�nW�to Leader'�
<br /> .� .dd� a�mad hexsin ar �ny oRher bdrea l.aider dai�nata by aotic�a w Borrower.Aay aosioe providod for in thle Seaufs�j
<br /> [nrt�uuMnt�ahtill bo doemed to have boea iven to BorrowYr ur Lender wlsea stvai a p�+nv6ded in thb
<br /> 1S. (3a�o� Liw=Se�a�bUity.�te Securi[y In�trun�eat�11 be Qoven►ed by(eder�i bnv tl�e lsw of tho jurLdietbu
<br /> ' in whloh Qia Proptttiy i�locatr.d.ln the eveat t6u wy provtrion or cl�we of thi�Sxucity Lwuumeat ur tlua Note caatlkti with
<br /> Y applloablG U►��a wch conflist sh�Ii not aftect aher proviaions of tbit Securlsy I�stcumeat or tbe ti�te whicfi caa be giara effect
<br /> � w;tlwut dw c+ontiicxia� prnvulon. To thia end the pmvisIoa� of thie Seeurity Ia�tcument aud tlee Noto�re doetared to be
<br /> , wvr.rnbin.
<br /> 4 16��nn�rsr's Copy.Borrc►wer sb�be givea one conYormed co�ry af tt�e Note wd of this Securi�ty Instrua�oat. -
<br /> 17� 'I�an�l+er o�the�ipertr Ar�Beadici�l Litueot tu Bonnwa�.If a11 or u�y F�t of the PropeYty or�.ny iatere�t in It i�
<br /> ; wkl or u�nrftYmd (or if a b�uefici�l intemt in Rar�ower la sold or mnsfemd�rsd Bormwer is oot a tucttu�l pection)w�tL�out _
<br /> Lpxldr'a pd�in wdaea con�eat.Lsader nnay.at ita opttoa.require immedi_�4 pryrxat in full af�li�ums s:.curod 6y th t�r -
<br /> �, WuiwnGnt. li�awever, WIs optian ahaU not bo cxerc�aod by Leader if exorcise is prohibltad by feder�l ln,w ss of the+�ate of th�
<br /> 5ocud.ty In�uviveat.
<br /> IP Lanilar,�xerc�x� thi� �I on. Le�er ahAll give Bomoarer notia of�oelerulon.Tt�e iaHoe�IwU pmvide a period of aot
<br /> � lens tlun 30 viqy� trom the due the ndice ie dsliverod or mailed withia whic�Botrowa m�u�t ptry dt aums eocu�d by tLia
<br /> ': Secu�uty•U�r��uweat. If Borroaer f�lle to pag thae auma prior to the exp3r,ar:ion of this period�I.eadar may iflvoko�ny nmodia
<br /> �� pczxnittad tr��tlt3a Seswrity Instttur�eat wit6aut fanher noi�x or dem�nd oa:Cutirrowu.
<br /> ; i�. Burrsi�xr's Af�t to 1Rei+��te.If Borcower mats art�in coaditiona,Barro�xx ahal!have the r�ght to have c��forcement
<br /> of Rh�i�Soa��it�r%ast�ument dtaccmtfnned at�ny tIme p�ior ta tlx e�vlier ot�:��J S�l�y�(�r such other period as applfcable 1aw m�y
<br /> �ppc�i{�� fnr c+a'vict�tement)before snle of the Pro,perty purauant to auy power oB aala c�ontained in thia 5eeurity rnacumeat;or(b)
<br /> � cnu�r of n jud�}ai�t cnfonciag thi�Security Instrumeat.'Itiose oonBIt�onn ero tl:at Borcower.(�y aye I�ender�Il auuu wblch then
<br /> wau:st�bn dua uudcr thia Sasurity Jnstrumcat aad tho Note as if n�uccclorarion hod oocumd;�i)cuns any default of any odier
<br /> av��tll or ar�rrxment�; (c) psye all capenses incurnd in enfaering thfe Socuri�r Inatrumeat,includ(ng,but not limitcd to�
<br /> r�r,�c�uoblu wtnn►cys' fee�; and (d) taka �uch aotion as�:nder may reasonahly tes�uirc to assure that the lien of thls Socur�ty
<br /> Irtrituux�t, l,tndor's rights in the Fropecty and Borrowor's obl3gntton to pay tha mima savred by this SecuriEy Instr�mart ehall
<br /> , cm�tinun wEah�opad. Upoa reimuuemrnt by Borror��er.t�[a Sr,curlty Instrumcni�vi the oblig4tiona secw�ed hereby aholl remain
<br /> . }Wly effi�.livr;As it'ao accelerution had occnmed.However,this r�ght to relnstatu ahalt not appIy in thc case of aocclerat3on under
<br /> , prsagrn�h 17.
<br /> 19. $�lu o� IU¢ite; Cfiange o[ Loan Servicer. Tho Nota or a purtiai intcrest �i thc Nete(togcthor witlt thla Securlr�
<br /> , Li�auuuat)•�mr��•i�b sold one or more ttmee without prior notica to Bonower.A s�lo u�y rault in a change ln the eatity(imown
<br /> as tlto "I.�naa�S��dcer")that col[ects mnnthiy��y�nente due uuder tho Note And thle 5ocurity Instiument There�Iso�Ue oao
<br /> or nrvm ebmogr�s af tha Losn Servicer unrelat to a salo of tho Note.If Wera is a chonge of tha Loan Ssrvicer.Borrower wlli bo
<br /> � g[v�rn wtitteur nntice of the change in eccondance with pnragraph 14 abave and lica6lo law.The notic,e wilt state t6o name u►d
<br /> r.ddr� of��lin��ew Loan Serviar aad tho addres�to wbtcb pAymcnte ahoul�mado.'rhn notice will alsu contsiu any other
<br /> infonn�tina�tu.�ut�1 by applicabl�s luw.
<br /> • 20. �straunr�aas Sub�ne�s. Borcower shatl not cuu�ce or permtt the pnsenoe, usc�dlsEws�l.ntorage�or telwuo of aay
<br /> ff____.___L_�/__r J_ 1��._�___ _�__�_ J_ LI__ _v.��.-_.t_w..__�.
<br /> " HflLUfQO➢S :iDtIDQC1oCJ CTit�t In iuC a'IVYcti �t���c�otm�c nua uv�nvi ww�ma�vuv ci�c w uv�dtijuutt�(witw'tmg tuo r[vpa[tr �
<br /> tt�r� is in v4ulu�tbu of any Environuient�l.aw.The preceding two sentences shall not apply to tho pm,�enet,use,or storaga on _
<br /> Wd PcupEny uE�small quantltics of�Iazat�ouo Snbatanccs tkat an�gcacrally rccognizcd to bc appmpiiatc to noi�l rcaidenita] -
<br /> us�.y wsd ta m�nien.ancx uf the Property.
<br />- Qonrx��,� �1�ssil prasn�tly givc Lcudcr avrltten notica oF any i�Nes.igatio��cl�icu,dc�nd.laws�it cr athce:�ctiqs�by any '
<br /> �u�v..r�rv�tn� a�r regulatary ag�.ney or�Srivatc pany tnvnlvtug thc Propert�r:u�d any E�azaa+Qous Substancc ar L�avironmcntN Lstw -
<br /> og +,v2�icli �orrawtr hav actu:il �,nowludge. if Borrower l..arns,or is trottflerl by a�gayetnmcntal or ragulatory:►uthorlry,that
<br />� any rcmovst �7a other remediation ef an�k]nzasdous Substanco affecting thti Pcape� is necessary,�onawer shall promptly tuke
<br /> �11 necrasa;��tt�;ratdi�ti aciions in acs:urs]�Ujcc�vith�nvimnntcntal Law.
<br /> An us�1 9:n ��!'zis puragraph 20, "FYau�rdrr�s 5ubstwces" nr� th�se substtaices defined as to7ic or hazacdous substnnces by
<br />' � L�nv'�:r�ran�.n�n3 i.c��.i� and the �ollowing snbstanees: g�soline, kerosene. othor flammable ot toxio p�tmleum p�roducts,touie -
<br /> {xk,�3ic_iclr.� ar�rl kcrbicides,volatile ealvents,mnterials containing asbcstos or formaldebyde. and rndioactivc mnieriuts,/Is usal in
<br /> this purngraph 20, "iEnvironmentuV Luw" mc,�uis fcdcral laws and lawa of thc jurisdlction where the Property is locAtcd that nlata
<br /> tu healtL,safosy or c.�vironmentai protcction.
<br /> ' Form 3088 9/80 Wage 3 of I pagra) _
<br />