---, _
<br /> . , `'�' ;;
<br /> - .::'.::'1!' . T —
<br /> .. �.j`,}' . , . , .i . . .
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<br /> '� �.\��. . �� ,l�y� , y .Y;'�
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<br /> :.,..,�.. � _ .- ��.
<br /> ,....�,�.�.�' .. , . .. ... . . .•�wwr.r ... -.-:.. _..'.---- -
<br /> - .i .-Pr.'YAi.-... :..i._. .. . . . .... .. ... . . . . . . .....__.._.
<br /> .:1.._'""_.l"""._.__ - - � . �
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<br /> �p•,
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<br /> • 1t3. ��PPOtJCf'C HI�,le3 f� R6l��t9. If BoRawa rtaote cwUth aondkbnn, 8orrow�r ahtN h�ve th� rlpht to heu�s ''" '`"r`r"
<br /> enforccm�nt o1 thl3 ��cuNty+ Inetrumenl diacontlnuod at eny tlme prbr to tho earlbr oh (�)6 dey� (or �uah othw p�rbd as tpp�CebFO I '
<br /> Is1� ra�y ep:,a�y tor rc iotat�n�nt) b�foro qsl��4 lho Prop�ty pursuent to �ny power ot enb contained 6i th�� £souriry Inntrvn�;,nt; or l _
<br /> (G) H,Uy Gf n jud,7�r�t entorotnp th�a C�su�ky �new►nent• Those oondkbns ora Ihot Borrower. (p) paya Lcnd:.r nI� eum� e+hfuh Ih��
<br /> wouW b� du� under thls &ourky Inttrumont r►nd th�Noto Qa N no scr.eMratbn had ocourtsd; (b)curos any clNeuk of Qny aticer
<br /> oovanant or aproem�nte; (o) pay4 aN e�nw� Incurted h anforohp thk 8�curky In�UUm�nt, fnotudinp, but not Nrr.?�d to, nasonabi� _
<br /> �ttomay�'tw3; md (d)tak�s euoh aotbn aa I.�nd�r meY nuo��bN rsquke to��wn th�t th�fMn o}thk 3�curRyr Inewmw�t,I.sndw� „' .,,,.�
<br /> '' iipht� h th�PropKtY�nd Hortow�'s obfip�tlon to p�y th� wm�t�cund by thM S�curMy�ntWmmt �hall conthw unoh�nyxJ. Upan � :�,ti; ,..z�`
<br /> rolnat�ten�nt by Borrowa, lhta &ecurkyr Instrument�nd ths obNpatton� �acund h�nby ehtN nrtiah tuNyr Ml�tlw as Y no acc�Mrttbn e . '�?Y�:;�,;�,
<br /> • ht�accurrW. Howswr,thk rlpht to nk��t�i�ohaH no1�ppt,�h p�c�►a o!ccc�'�tatlon unc'�r g�rc�reph 17, ' .
<br /> to. iCal�nf Not�: Chanas of l.an SKVICif. TIN Not� Ot � Wrt6ll Int�t h tM Not� (topfthK wNh thM B�CU�ky ,. �-�
<br />_ -_ _._ .� . . .. ...- --� . - '�-�•,` �
<br /> InsWmer►t)may b� eold one or more tMn wkhout prior nofi�o fo 6a�3w�. A G:b ntrp rCUS!e► e onenL�" "'��"'"j �^��"'Z ="t�!' V — ._--
<br /> �., "Lan S�vicK") that ooM�au mon4hy paym�nts dw undw th� Not� and thM S�ourky In�trurtNnt. Th�n allo m�►y M on� at man � , "7Y
<br /> ohanpas ol ttw Loan&�rukw unrolnted ta e oeb ot th�Nota. It tMn N�ohanp�ot th�Lwn 3avfcK, Borrower wYl b�OM�n wrkt�^ I� ._ „;` ;n�°�
<br /> not{ce of thc oh�np�In acoordanc�wkh panpnph 14 abovr end �ppNcabN law. Th� notfc�wiM stat�th� ntm� �nd addns�ot tha W •ra�ti.-:
<br /> :�%-
<br /> new Loan&wv�K and th�addnts to whbh paym�nta should b�mad�. Th�noti��wfq ako oont�ln�ny oth�r hform�tton ngu(nd by � .: ._;,.__
<br /> �PAYCtb�kw. • r- ,-.•`'' :-.
<br /> 20. Haz�rdous SulrataelCE�. Bortower sh�M not caua w Ra�mk th� pnwna�, us�, dbpoul, stonp�,or n7�at1� of anY •� t•'• �� " " ° -
<br /> hh ..WCtln Ghe Pro�ty that .��w�"�}-r��'..=�R�;,:--
<br /> Huardaue Sub�unca on ar in th�Prop�ty. 9orrow�r�hall not do,na aMow snYSn��ta da,anyt 0 '�.. 9 ,•�� ;, ...
<br /> a In vbktion at any EnvMonmK►tal Law. Tha pnc�dhp hvo sanUnc�s ohaN not appy te ►h� pnanc�, uH, a etanp� on th� �;-. '�
<br /> PropKty of srrKN quNtkl�s af HaYardous SubsW�ca that w penwafy naopni�d tc b��PP�oP�t�co nomxi nsldK►tl�l usa�nd to
<br /> • mahbn�na of ths Prop�rty. �
<br /> � Borrow�r eh�ll prort►P�b Olw L�nd�r wrkf�ci notic�of�ny Inw�tipatbn.al�Yn�d�rtwnd�iawwk vr oth�r eotion by my gowmm�ntnl , : ,� ��,�
<br /> . or ropuiatory�poncY a P�h P�Y hvohrtiy th�Prop�fiy �d ony Fi�rdaat�bntsr�r�er Envlronmental I.�,w of whbh Bortowrx h4� , _ __
<br /> , wtutl knowMd�. If Borrow�r M�ms,o► k notMwd by any pDVMnmMtla�o►npulatory authaky, that any ranoval or othar nrtNdktbn e ___—.
<br /> � of �nY Hawdout Substanu �ff�att� tl» Propwty k nsc�aarY� Bo�row�r shaM promptl� Wc� eN nsc�swy nmud�l aatlas� h � ,�f_u:x
<br /> �caordanc�wRh Envtonmonttl law. ' ''�
<br /> i� As u�ad h thk panpnph 20, 'Huardou� bLbstartcK' �» thoa �ubstenas dMtrwd a� toxb a hmrdou� �ubstancM bY '•�£�
<br /> � EnvlronrtwaWl Law and tha foibwiip subsiancd:: Waok�o, kero��,other IMrmubM or toxb pstroNum products, toxla p�etfeid�s and ..
<br /> h�rbiatdss�vo�tW soNw�ti� matKqM oontahhy ub�tor or torm�id�hyd�. �nd ndioaatlw mat�ink. As utad h thte puapr�Ph 20� _ .._
<br /> "EnvlronmK►41 Law' me�ns I�d�ral kws �nd i�v�n ol th� JurMdbtton wh�n th� Propwty t� bort�ai thtt ►N�t� ta hsakh, s�Mty or _�_v
<br /> �' �r►virc�mK+tal protsatbn. �, �'�•�
<br /> � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTB. BoROw�r�nd UndK lutthu aov�rtv►t�nd e�prN as Mlbws: .--
<br /> 21. Acceler�tlon; R�medlts. L�ndsr �t�ali �Iw noUca to Borrow�r prlor to �caelentbn f�lbwinp ;;�;
<br /> Borrower's bretch of �ny covenant or 4preement in this Security Instrument (but not prlor t,o -
<br /> - -- --_�__ _�_._..� .� ....�... ....,n�.�+�. �w orovidaa otherwise). The e�oUce oi�ll op�aity:
<br /> — -- -.�.� acceisr�u6� �cnua. p..wy..�... .. .....� .r�..�.-- ---- �� - _
<br /> � (a) the detault; (b) the �etlon �equU�d tp eure the defsuit; (c) e d�ts, not leas than 30 daya trom tne __
<br /> i+. date the noUce is piven to Borrower� by whlch th� defauit mu�t be cured; �nd (d) thst hilure to cure
<br /> the defeuft on or betore the d�t�s �pecifled in the notice may resul�In��ceel�t�b�O�i�m
<br /> . secured by tht� Seaurity instrument end wle of the P�operly. �
<br /> � Borrower of the ripht 4o reinstete �fter �oceler�tlon u�d th� ripht to brinp � court�etton to ��sert tt�
<br /> non-exlatence ot• defwit or �ny oih�► d�fanis of 8orrower to �ccelention �nd s�l�. N the dshult la
<br /> '� � not cured on or bstore th� date �paolAod In ths notic�� Land�r at It� optlon may nquire Imm�disb
<br />- - •� p�ymant In tul! ot dl aums secur�d luy tl�Is �cuHfy Inst►umtnt wlthout turth�r demand Md may
<br /> �- �nvofce the pow�r of wle �nd �ny oth�r r�medi�a permitted by �ppllcable law. Lend�r Mwll b�
<br /> entlUed to collect sli e�en�e� incurred In ps�rwinp ti� r�m�dles provided In this para9raph 71�
<br /> - Mctudinp� but not Ilmft�d to, ru�onable �ttornsys' f��s and cwt,s o!tlUs �vOd�nce.
<br /> d
<br /> - ' If th� power of MI� is Invak�d. T►ust�� �11 r�cord • noUce of d�tault In �ach county In whlch
<br />-'. �„...�;,,�. .�� �ny p�t of the Property 1� beated �nd N�atl mail eeptes of �uch rioUa� in th� maonar pr�ib�d by
<br /> _. ;... �;, epplicable law to Borrower and to ths other penons pr�icribed by rpplicabb law. Att�r th� tlm�
<br /> � requlred bY �pPllc�able I�w,Trustee ahall piv� publie noUc� of al� �o th� pK�on��nd in th� m�nn�
<br />: . preacribed by �pplicabl� law• Truate�� wlthout dema�d on Borrowsr� �hat� ae�� 1h� Preperh►n pubile -
<br />= aucUon to the htaheat bldder �t the Ume �nd plsc� �d undsr th� t�rms d�Npnattd In the notic� of
<br /> . aals In on� or mor� porceN and In �ny order Trustee dsterminea. Truste� m�y poatpons aU� ot sll _
<br /> ti . � or �ny parc�i of ths property by publlc �nnoUnc�msnt �t tf� Um� and pi�c� ot �ny prevlousiy = =
<br /> � �ohsdul�d �al�.LendK or fts deW�ne� may purchsw th� Prop�rtS►�t�Y�o•
<br /> i_,,x�::: : � Upon r�c�ipt of paym�nt of th� prlc� bid� Trust�� �II d�liv�r b tPN purchss�r Truatw'� dNd �,
<br /> - conveylny th� Prop�rty. Th� recit�is in tt� Tru��'� d�ed Nwll M prirrN hais �vld�nc� oQ ttM fruth ��_
<br /> � of ths �tetemente mad• tlwreln. Tru�� Mwil apply th� proceed� oE th� als Ire th� lolbwtn� ord�r: _ ___ =��_
<br />- � �� (a) to alt costs md e��nses�t sxercislnq the pow�r of �als� snd t1w �sl�, includlnp the pt�ymmZ of ��°°m�
<br /> ths Trustae'� f��a scWally incurred. rat�o �xcs�d !3% af th� principal eenoant of ti�s noU ;`�;�,��R';
<br /> �t the Ume of the dacl��tbn ot default, �nd rea�onab�e �ttornsy'�tees p p�rmltNd by law; (b)b �I� ,-
<br /> �uma secured by thl� Security Inatrument; �nd (c) any �xcess to th� p�r�on or povrons log�liy � :�
<br /> , 'Y��'=: `..�'
<br /> enUUed to It ,„^ .
<br /> ' ��. Reconveyanc�. Upon paym�r►t ot�M wmc acund by thk S�curity Instnim�nt,�.«�d.r sn�r nqws�rn,ac«eo naonwy -��.;�,:,, r"M�s^��
<br />— th�PropKty�nd th�N wR�nd�r thb S�curily InsWm�nt md �N nota widwialny d�bt s�cuncE by thk Sacurity {nitrum�nt to TrustM. .....;, .;: -
<br />— TruetN dhaN noo�wy tM Prop�ty wkhout wa�r�nty�nd wkhout oh�to tM p�rson Or p�rsons MWWY M��kMd to k. SuOh p�rton or .
<br /> p�rsons�h�N pay my noordatlon oosts. , .•
<br /> �3. SubstlWte Trustee. L�nd�r, at R� optbn, rt�y kom tYrw to tim� romow TrustN md �ppoht a wccasor duitN to ��
<br /> � ' �ny TrustM �ppoNl�d h�nund�r by �n httrumont roaord�d h tM county in whfch thit 3�curNy Instnim�nt k ncord�d. Wkhout � �'
<br /> - ---.._..---- -...-------=• ...........,. M�aW �luY y W+ tn .11 th� Ntl�.oov� �nd dutla conN�nd upon Trusbo h«rin u►d by .�
<br /> - - _-- _ convq��.,.v. ...��...,....,. '
<br />— I�ppBCabM Ilw. ' .
<br /> ' Z4. Requ�tt br Noticei. eaROwa roquesb thit copMS of th�notfc� of drhuR�na wb t»amt to sarow�r's�d�nts „
<br /> whlah k tha P�op�rty Addnat. ' ,
<br /> ' 26. Rlders to tida �curity In�trument If on� or mor� r{d�r� aro �CUt�d by F3orrow�r �nd r�COrd�d top�lhK wNh {; „
<br /> � � thk S�curiry Instrum�nt,the covMU�ri end�pre�rtNnts of�aoh eueh HdK shaN b� Irtcorpontad tnto and sh�M sm�nd�nd wppWrnnt
<br /> th�co+ronants�nd�«nNnts of this S�curky imbum�nt as If ttw Adx(s)w�n a put of Mk Security Imhurr�it.
<br /> �- -� Porm�021 v/i0
<br /> .. • F1020.LMa(Sy�) P�p�4 0l 6 .,
<br /> _f
<br /> 196
<br />