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<br /> . � � _ . � t�"��'7 ,
<br /> of ihc same d�te aid oavering t6e Prupetty descn'6ed in the Secmigr�lastrument atd located i� . - . _
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<br /> , - tr►nam��1
<br /> Tlre Pioperty iacludes,but is nnt limited to,a paroel of laad improved with a dwelliag,togdlkr wttTi ather sach � ` .-:
<br /> Fsreds and"a�in co�an�s aa4 fncilities.a4 descn"bed in DECLARA?ION OF COVEtiAIiTS 1tECORDE�,IN $QQI�;;�_�
<br /> ' 2B� IPAGB 604, HALt CO1R{TY. I1EHxASICA. (the••D�ocl�atioa 7r;;-.:;� `, ,''-"
<br /> 'I1�Pia�atg is�Put of a pl�no0d unit tleve�apmeot imown ag �` • .. ,
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<br /> .'t� �`%:ati�,g�!h?ua�la�mana �.�aitas and�+i�,�dic PUD��":O'vr:�'���;4sociat�on'�.and the asca,.•:.r. .,.�..;�
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<br /> '� . . ., �•� ;� �.
<br /> � < �ENAN�S:�#ri�addition to the aov�L. svd,ag�cs.;made�4n the S� lnsdumer� ..
<br /> "` =` ��}�ei:aai►�der fatther coveit�nt az�'ag�c�s��-•, � :.'� ::'.: . : - . . .',
<br /> ��: _ . �r � :.A.PU`UObl�ioss:,:&prr+4wec�.�*�at4�E�orctnuecs.��:aiv�teqttt��T �,�fnstituecil�. .'
<br /> _ ''��. • 33��tnents.Tt�e"Consd�pnCU� � .riT�,,,�c��rat�on;fi�artidcs af��z;.�qtatu�.^;;�rasn��
<br /> '1' `cic'�aiiY equivalea�t Aa�:»�h a��ct:�s;f�r:;.Q��ecs`��lssociation;.and�(ii���ai�'�'�"g�aa�s-�r'�tec raies;'��. . - ... .
<br /> ' . � '�,. ngut�tioru of the Ownc�s Ass6aaita.r;..H�er shall promP�Y�+Y•wf�en due.all dues and assessmzncs im{wseQ
<br /> - j111f4U�flt tP t�1C COIL4tIt11CaL DOCIi[IIClICS:"
<br /> B.H�z�rd'Iasur�noe.Sa long as the Owaers Associatioq maintains,wlth a generally aooepted insut�trcc . . , .
<br /> caMer.a••mastcr"or"blar�lca"policy insuring the Property which is satlsfactory to Lender and afiich providcs�
<br /> lnsurancc coverage in the amounts.for the periads.and agalnst thc hazards I.c�xfer requires, including firc add
<br /> hazards iticluded within the tem►"extended caverage,"the:n:
<br /> (i) Lender waives the provislon in llniform G+venant 2 for thc monthly payment to Lender af
<br /> ane-hvelfth af the yeariy premium insiallments far hazard insurance on the Property;an�1 .
<br /> (ii) Borrower s obligation under Uniform Covenant 5 to maint�in ha7arQ insurance caverage on
<br /> � the Prope�ty ia deemed satisfied to the extcnt that the required coveragc is pravidcd by the Uwncrs A.tisociatlan
<br /> poliry.
<br /> Botrower shall give Lender prompt notice of any lapse in required hazard insurance coverage pravided by
<br /> 1he mastec or blanket palicy. _
<br /> In thc cvant of a distributian of Iwzard insurance pracceds in lIeu of restoratian or rcpair following a loss to =
<br /> the Property, or to eammon arcas ancl facilities of the PUD. any procceds payable to Borrawer are hereby
<br /> assigneA and shaU be paid to Lender. Lcnder shall apply the procceds to thc sums sccured by the Serudty -
<br /> lnsttumcni.with any eacess paid to Borrowcr. '" -
<br /> C. Publk Li�bility Ingurat�ce. Barrowcr shall take such action. as may be rcasonabte to insure that thc' -
<br /> . Owncrs Association maintains a pubtic liabiliry insurance policy acccptablc irf far.±�, amoant, and extent of =
<br /> coverugc ta l.ender. � _
<br /> MULI7STATE PUD RIOER-Single Famiiy- Fsrod�MalFraddi�Mac UNiFORM IEYSTHUMENT Form 3150 9/90
<br /> vayo�or z
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