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<br /> _ °.-,;_,� _- �: � � . � . -- ' � � �92_ ���9�� . �
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<br /> _ ^ � `17.1'rw�teri[Hie �ea�a�elici�i I�x'at i�eore�aweG-if al!a putof tLe P�aQatY oraay.iete�ia ic _ ;-
<br /> �� is ioid or tna�kei�ed(or if a�iaeerest in BorinMa is soW����in�it fo�dl��t�cdj�
<br /> t,p�er•a peior�rtitlee�. txa�ei ma9�at its apc�an. rdqui
<br /> � • ia�tsue�nt-Ha�wtver.tWs optiop�hdl aot 6e exemsed by Letider if exsrrise is pcohibited by tade�I Isv►�a�of the dMe� .
<br /> .
<br /> _M. _-.�iLS�r� ___.�—��-.5.�..-�. . � '
<br />. _ . -_ — . -- ._ .)..-�--___ _ a+__-f_�fL.=-:�Z-�_r.�_.z3-4nj.a_�i���._...— __—.
<br /> � I l�nsder exee�cisa thi:pgtion.l.ender shatE give Bonowa nauc+e o auce � i�no�����-s�•��....._:-
<br /> _-- ;-kss t�n`-3p d�ysirom tf�e-dettthc notk�is d�liverad or mttted within vuhich Bosmwer must.Fax ali autng sau�ed by t�is ,
<br /> Seauity Imtrument.U Bormwer fails top�y t1Mae sums ptior to tLe eapic9tioa of this peiiad.Leoder�s►ay invote u�irmedies .
<br /> paeraed tWs Seairity Instrument witboue fanlxr notia or demud on Borrovr�.
<br /> _ �,_�mr�'� Ri�t.io�ttte. If Borrower mats certain eonditions. Bormwer sha]! bave tl�e dght w t�ave
<br /> eafonce�snt of this Security Ia4t�t disoontinued at aay dme pri�r ar the eulier o! t�)s�(or s�te osber pe�ud.as .
<br /> for reiastatemeat)befare ssde of dse propeRY`Pa=suuu ta ang pnwer of sate com�ined In_this
<br /> +�p�pticabk,fa�v�r apeci$► 17ase coadiaoas are th�t Borrnwer.(a?paYs
<br /> Security Iost�un�ent;a(b)tnuy of a judgrnent enfot�cing this SeeuritY.Msuument.
<br /> I,mder alt su�ra which ttkn woutd be dae a�der tiils Setunty I.utrumeot and the Nate as if ta aoceteratldn Aad ocxur�ed;tb)
<br /> ,ames any defadt of,ay othet�covenmts or�gcoa�:(c)pays alf exP�s i�eed in enfurcing_tbis.Socur►tY In�,
<br /> including,tiut noc limited w,reasonabte auomrys':fas:�nd(d)tskes such action as I.ender may ra.wnabtY nquin w assure
<br /> that tLe liea of�his Secarity Inst�umeot.t.ender's ngh U n the��Barmwer's obtigatiaa to pay ttte sums secund bY
<br /> this Security U�tcumax s6�i1 a�te unci�n8ed- Pon Bormwer, this Seainty insutane� apd the
<br /> oblig�tions secured bereby shall remain fully effxtive as if no acodenUioa I�d accurred. However.this tight w oeinstate sbaU. -. ., .
<br /> � not 9PP�1�in the c�se of ao�decation wider para8rap617. .
<br /> -- i�S�Te a[N���L°p° Sarksr.The Note or a pazpat interest u►t6e Note(wgeWer with tbis Security .
<br /> �eoa1�map�e sotd cwe or more tiaxs witlauc prior.roliac to Bnmower.A sale may resalt in a chan8e u►tbe entity(kuovm .
<br /> - as ttie'�,o�Sa�cdA ti�t couects moe►thiY P�Yments due uade�ti�Nott and ti�is Security Insaumen�17�erc atso may be oae
<br /> � or moze ci�nges oftbe E�n SeNxc��celat��°a sate of tbe Note.If there is a change of the I.oan Sesvioer,Borrower w�l ba
<br /> given writtas�atica o�the c6a�Se u�a�tda���14 above and applicahte l�w.Tde notice will state the aame�m►d
<br /> � �ddness af the new Loan ServiceF�t5e address co which yayments shoutd be made.TlK po[ice will also watain�any ahet.
<br /> � � ` � infor�mtio�n requiied appUcab[e i�:� .� sto e or alea�e'af'any-: ` -
<br /> `ZF Haacdoos�qDstsaC�s:,t3E�awer slt�ll not caase ot pamit the preseoce.ase,dispasal, ra8 • , �
<br /> - Har�u3a�s_Substances on or in s'�e @@'ivuperty. Borrower si��do aor altow a�rone eLse w do. anything affochri�`t1�e
<br /> that is in violation of ar}'��iranrt�rotallaw.The.�'��''���sball aotapply to the prcsenoe.ase.:or .
<br />'-,. sto�rage on the Propecc}of small quantities of Hazardotts 5ubstances thac a�,b'�iera�iy raognized to be appropnate ta uom�at . -
<br /> . resideMial uscs aad to�ef the PropeAy. . , . • , �-
<br />'�'• Bo►tower shall p�csmptly give Lender wsitten ntiticc af an}�invest�gatioir'elaim.demand:iawsnit-or othec actioa by_any..,:�:.`�: .�._
<br /> _�_ �f
<br /> govemtaeataf or regulatory a8enc�'or Private parcy involving th,�PtopertY and anY Hazar�dous Substance or Environa�nta.IaM+ .; _ -.'��_
<br />- of wluch Horrowec 6as actual k��fedge.If Borrower leams.or•is notified by uny govemmental or negulawry auuwriy..that � �-�_
<br /> - any remnval or other ce�ediatioa�€.aay Hazardous Substance atfecting the Presperty is.neqessar�r.Borcawer shaii pcaq�tiY� -- � _
<br /> ,.:r � _ . al1 aocess a i Y nc�lia!a�ie�ns in a�urdance with Environmental Iaw. �. � �' =-
<br /> As asoa in i�is p a i a g r a�f►2 t t..'Hazar doos Sa b s t a n o e s"a r e t h o s e s u B s t a a a s d e f t n e�a c t�c i c.M l i a i a M o u s substances b Y
<br /> _= -- p.nvlmm�eutal Law aixi the foltoaing substances: gasoline. kerosene,aiher ffammabte ar toxPc pe�mtewn products, toxic
<br /> pestieides aad herbicides.volatile soivents,materials cantaining;a s h e s�tas or fo m�a l d e h y d c,a�f c a d i o a c t i v e m a t eriatc.As��sed in �_
<br />_-- � 20, "Environmenta! Law" mean.s federal laws snd laws af the jurisdictian where the Property is lacated that _
<br /> . relate�to�h�W.safety or environmental protection. � °-_---
<br /> NO3V-UMFORM COVENAN7'S.Borrower and Lender further cavenaat and agee ac follows: �_
<br /> 21.Acederation;Rem e d t e s.I.e n d er s h a l l g i v e n o t k e t o B a m n w a p r b r t a a c c e l e r w t b n t o l b w b g�R°�e 17 u��s � �
<br /> �� ai nny coven�nt or aSreentent fa this S�ecurity InStn�ment (but not Prlor to acceleratbn ander p�raS�Pb
<br /> othtrwise).The notice slwtl specify: (a)the defautt;(6)the pction reqaired to cure the de[ault: �"=`
<br /> applicabk law provides ````;
<br /> ' � �� ���a date,not IessUwn 30 dAys icom the date the notice is given to Borraw•er,by wfiicd the de�stult mt�st be cucid;and ,:;.�;,_.
<br /> ,� (t�tdat laiture to cure the detault on ar before the dute spedfled tn the nMke m�y result In accelerstlaa of the sums ..
<br /> sa�ured by th�Savrlty Instrumeet and ssde at tDe Properoy.Thc notke sl�l!furtbee laform Bormv�er ot t6e ri�ht to ,_,•r,.
<br /> retn�p�e s�tter aoalerirtion and the rlght to Drtng s�court action ta asccri the tan�xist�pt a default or any MAa'
<br /> � - detense ot Bonv�rer to acceteration And�s+le. lt the defAUlt i9 not cureA an or betore the date specitied in �he notice+ _
<br /> � �:_ I,teder,at its option,may requin immediate pnymeat in foll at all sum.q secu�ed by this Sewrtty 1�men1 wi�hou� - _
<br /> - tu�he�demAad aad may invoke tLe power of sale and any oifher remedies permItted by applkab�e 1aw•l.ender shall be
<br /> entitled to collect all expenses incar�+ed in pursuing the remedles provided in this para�aph Z1.incTudln�,but not Iimite�i
<br />� to,reasoiwbk attorneys'fees and onsts of titk evidence. rt oi the � '
<br /> � Ir thepower oP s�te is i�o(ced,Trustee shall record a noNce oi detault in each county in which smy pa • -
<br /> ` �'' p�.opecty!s bcated aad sMal1 aia3t coples ot such notice in the manner prescribed by applicable 1aw to Borrower and to ,:"
<br />':,i ; .: �' ��other personq prescr�6cd by s�sf9ca6 fe taw.A l ter I he t ime reyu i r e d b y a p p l i c A 6 t e t aa,Trustee SNaU give p ublic nMice
<br /> ��. ot sak to the persoas and ia the m�anner prescribed by appiica6te faw.Trustee.withomt demand on Bornower.sball sell �.=
<br />= t�p�p�y pt p�t-a��qw�t�r,he h,t�l�est bidder�t the time and place and under t1�e teems designated ln the notice ot ,.,.:
<br /> � sAk in one o�mo�s pucc��fi s�ny order Trustee determines.Trustce ma�postpone s�le at all or any parcei ot the .s�
<br /> • ��:;,., property by pubtic�nnoa�ent at the time a�l place oi any previously schedule�s�le. 1Rnder or Its designee may
<br /> '
<br /> pm+cl�se the Property at any safe ' �
<br />'_ �F , �
<br /> � •'' , i ' _
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