<br /> - G ._�"�.j - - `4' � . _� _ _ — —
<br /> r z ' t 4
<br /> ,W' ��
<br /> . _ - _. ,-1: - ..c_• � _ ___...- -_ _ c-r__ ' '__"� �t. '.�-e _�_--. �_
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<br /> _ - - 'i � - . _- - r..-- -'_--"_ - - - r
<br /> _ �(�_.��'��xs�� - � :._ _ ... - 1. � . �• `� ' . � .c.<- . . _ `. � . .' • ' ,
<br /> _ - --:��_=:� - r.- � , .-_--- � _._�-- - -- . _ . :gg„__ = _ . �� �
<br /> < < . . . �.� ��aa��� .
<br /> • � � . . AClQ�IOWLBDGffi+IENT OP `�2EED� OF TRQST ..- . • ` � .�
<br /> . . .. ' � � - � ' . ` . - _ i.
<br /> , � . � _
<br /> = --. . ..TAZS--BE�OYtE�SIGNINC:.Y,.---�--�--�--,-- __---- --�-__ -_ _ ,- -
<br /> -- ---- ,
<br /> -- -- -- -z � <
<br /> � _ - ` : - Tr�stor.,understands. t4�at�th�-���� that;Trustor is ahout — --
<br /> � � to execute `is a Deea of Trust. �nd not a motqaqe aAd that the � _
<br /> power of aa2�_providea for in the Deed of Trust provides� sub- -, `
<br /> stantially c�.iffereat rigl►ts and opliga�ions to Trustar �han a � . � ;
<br /> � mortgage in the event of a de€ault or breach cf abltgaticin under
<br /> � the .Dee� of Trust, includinq, but not lfmited to, the Lender`s
<br /> right to have the Prupexty so�d by the Trustee withont any �
<br /> �udicial proceedinq. Trustor represents and warrants .that this
<br /> � � � acknowledqement was executed bp Trustor before the executio� _of
<br /> � the Deed of Trust. � '
<br />_-_ ' " ` rf,� �, ����.. �
<br />- . � , �
<br /> _ _ � . °-mau�►a� c�t:�m � • � _�=,
<br /> -".�• . . �.
<br /> � DEED OF TAQST
<br />_-._ (Short Forn4) - �
<br /> • KNOW ALL tiEN HY T�SE PRESEI+STS: that crai.a M. � tS�� A. PSatrl�ew •
<br /> � ` •' � ' , hereinafter referred Co as the _
<br /> ; ` nTrustor; to secure a Note beariag even date herewith far�the " ' . _
<br /> n� ..,- principal amount of ��� ane Thousavci and noh00 -- - - _-
<br /> � • � Dallars (S 41,OOO.a4 ) payable to the order of i�ob b MarY Gloe =___
<br /> , :_� � gR 2 Bo,�c�25p V,'food River NE 68883 (address), ---
<br /> hereinafter referred ta as the Beneficfary , providing for
<br /> payment of the entfre psi�scipal balance, tegether with '�aterest
<br /> � "� ` ��..' at the rate of six and a �ai€percent (6.5 �) �er annnm, $m �-anthly
<br /> � °-' installments of Three ��red F1�.ftlir-sev+�n � 25/100 --�` .-`=.-�-- _
<br />, - , `, �allars t�357.25� ) each until � 2� ,..��.�''�xc� : . ��=_-_-
<br /> - � ��'��� tY�e ,all principal and interest pravided for by tTa'is hats' -�=—_-
<br /> , . , :;.'•. :_;. '�,`.r ,� • , ��T,:::;.�
<br />�' ,, ��� '"•� shall .E�aEre. been paid, da hereby grant and convey unto Sin ,. _-
<br /> ��• '�' � � iKayer � Attornep at Law, whose address is Z02 � �r , � ��'��. �-
<br /> ����`�,'.�� Gra d Islaisd, I� 68801 , the "Trustee", the €o�loF�ing °°
<br /> ��:
<br /> r� _{ : , t . � c---'_•
<br /> descriloed property: -
<br /> , �� .:, -- -
<br /> � '�. Lot Fburteen f 4�), fn Argo =,eaocxl Subdivision oanprising a .
<br /> �*�`� , gart of the Saut1��.f tS�) of Secttan Five l�)r ���P . . .
<br /> z:£�.,�-- � ��p� ��, g,�e ;�n (10), West of the 6th P.M., in � . -
<br /> , . -!;���..�rly���� Ha.Ll OoUllt�(r +��ds�Cd . F �
<br /> �:A�.� . . . . . . . -
<br /> � •,�; ��� � TO HAVE AND TO HOLtZ �F:e sariie, toqether wlth all appurte- � �. -�
<br /> �;•%�,�� -� , nances, in trnst nevertt���ess, and in case of default in the ,
<br />� payment of said Note or any part thereof or intezest thereon or .. �
<br /> - • ir� the performan�e of any covenant hereinafter set forth, then -=
<br /> f the Trustee sha1L have the power to sell the above-described ( .:
<br /> � ��,_� . property, and upon request af the Beneficiary, the Trustee shall `?��'�s��
<br /> ..,_.,- �• .
<br /> �•��'� ' :�� . £ile fos record in the Register oE Deeds' Of�ice of Hall .
<br /> � � � • " ' County, Nebraska, a Notice of Default, setting forth that a � �
<br /> • ��;,.;�,K�;:� ,=. � , � b r e a c h o f a n obl l gation, for v�hich the said property was conveyed ' ,
<br /> - �. . �.,. , as security, ha� vccurred, anci setting forth the nature of auch � �
<br /> , ���,�.•�'' . bseach and the �rustee's election to sell the property to satisfy ;�
<br /> • � -�� �� the obligation; and after the lapse of not less than one (1) ; .
<br /> .., .,�,�.:t.�:. � � .
<br /> • ,;. �;:>.. month, the Trustee shall give �7ritten notice of the time and .
<br /> -"_"�:. _ place of sale which may be between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at the '
<br /> ' � : - • premises, or at the 11a11 County Courthause,. and particularly ';;�.,;`�;,,_ �
<br /> . . - descsibing the property to be sold; said Notice to be �ublished ,�+�.����� .:
<br /> in a newspaper of a qeneral circulation in Nall County, Nebraska, .� � �
<br /> � once a week for Eive (5) consecutive weeks,�last publication .
<br /> � . . -' � to be at least ten �10) c3ays but not more than thisty (30) c�ays
<br /> �' -"�-' - � priar to the sale; and the Trustee shall then sell said property
<br /> � -- - - - - at the time and plac� designate�i in the Notice, in the manner . _ .
<br /> � � ' provided by law in effect at the time of filing said Notice, ana � �
<br /> ' . . • • - public auction to tha highest bfdder Eor cash and shall deltver �
<br /> � to such purchaser a ae�a to the property sold, consistent with
<br /> � � � - the law i� effect at that time. Additionally, Trustnr hereby . � �
<br /> � reguests that Trustee shall mail Tsustor a copy of any Noti�ce af . -
<br /> �-- �------ -= =-.-- IIe€anit.aad.rlettae of Sale heres�ader_ upan def�ttlt addressed to _. _ ._�._ _..-_
<br /> . . . • -- -. ._. _ . - - .. - - -. _ , _. �
<br /> ... .. , ` � � �..
<br /> . ,.
<br />