<br /> „ ...�,� ., . . ! -
<br /> ' .,..�.� „ , -
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<br /> __`�_ .._.._..--------�---�------ -- � --- ---._._�.._._-- - — - - 3 .� � -
<br /> �vit�..• .,, • .�...a�.+�r --- cra.. "Nd; -- - sa�_�r,r,r�.msrrv,�-�=-
<br /> ' � 1' . .. .itr c r— ._... -... ...-r—r.c_..__.
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<br /> - . ---�--
<br /> ' �._ { • 9�. ?ransfor u4 4Ci� P��pe�'ty or a Bcneflalel IntQrest In Borrower. if au ar eny pan ot tho Property or
<br /> • uny Intcre�t In It 19 sold or trnnaterred (or H e beneflclal Interest in Borrowcr Is sold or transferred end 6orrower Is not e naturel �r Y,,
<br /> I . rycroon) w�thout Londer'3 prlor writton oonsent, Lcndor may,ai Its optlon,requlro Immodinto pnyment In fuli ot nu sums securad by I
<br /> lhls 9ocurity Inslrumant. However, thls aptlon �hall not be exercisod hy l.cnder tl oxercl�o Is prohlbitod by tederal Inw na ol tho
<br /> • dato 01 this Securlty Instrument.
<br /> It Londer exerclsess this optlon. Lettder shall plve Borrower notice ot acceterntlon. Tho noticu ahAll pravlde u perlod o1 not ,..
<br /> loss than 30 days Irom tha date the notice Is delivored ar malled wfthin whlch Borrower must pay all sums secured by thls ;t,.'
<br /> t Securlty Instrument. II Borrower tnlls to pay thoso sums prlor to the explretlon o1 this perlod, Lender may Invoko any remedles f
<br /> ' ` permlttod by thls Socurity Inetrument without iurther notice or de.mand on Bortower. �' •,�1�=�
<br /> y y�4��_�J 98. BOYYOWeP'6 WIAF�4 f0 �°:01�1�4::$O. It Borrower mert9 certeln conditlons, Bonower shnll have lhe right to havo -�
<br /> -.` '•-._— entorcement vi lRie on�aniiy i�io'uu�uoiu :�w:.'v�:�GCL't.� 3! °"� �Imn nrfnr tn ihH P.ed�@� O}: �8) 5 f�flY3 (0( 9UCh other period fiS � _�;�_�
<br /> �'�''�, applicabla law mey specly tar relnstatement) be}ore seie o}the Praperry pursuant to any power oi sele contained in thi5 Sacuiry � ��`;
<br /> � �' InatrumeM; or (b) entry o1 n Judgment entorcing thls Secudty Instn�ment. Those condfpons are that Borrower. (e) pays Lender all � �k'`�:,.
<br /> ''�� sums whlch than vroutd ba duo under this 3ecurlty Instrument and the Note as If no acceleretlon hed occurted; (b) cures eny q-
<br /> ��4 defauit of any other covenant or agreemunts; (o) pays all nxponses incuned In eniorcing thls Security Instrument. Including, but � �
<br /> �1'`:
<br /> '�� not Ilmltad to, reasonable attomeys'fees; and (d) takos such actlon es Lender may reasonably roqulre to assure that the Ilen of �,'
<br /> : -�, thls Security Instrumant, Lender's rights In the Property and Borrowei s obligntlon to pay the sums secured by thls Secudly � `__
<br /> .�" " Inst�urnent shall continue unchanged. Upon refnatetement by Borrower, thls Secudry instrument end the obiigstlons secured `
<br />_.�.� �+ ----
<br /> hereby shnll romaln fully effective es If no acceleretlon hnd occurred. However,thls iight to relnstata shell not apply In the case —_
<br /> :w��'�� �,':�-�•+' of acceleratlon under paregreph 17. M--��
<br /> _�4� �.: 19. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer. The Note or a a pxrtlal Interest In the Note (together w(th thls «__
<br /> Security Instrument) may ba sold one or more tlmes without pdor notice to Borrower.A sale may result In a change In the entity �` —
<br /> w'?."; � �.�, lknown es the 'Loan Servicer') that callects monthly payments due under the Note and thls Secudty Instrument. There also may _
<br /> �� �•'�!.• be one or more chenges of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale ol tho Note. It thero Is a change ol the Loan Servicer, __ _
<br /> ',4�',�`J��;;: Bortower will be given wdtten notice of the change In accordance wlth paragreph 14 above and applicabte Iaw. The notice wlll �_
<br /> '�••t�r�' ' state tho name and eddress of the new Loan Servlcer and tho address to whlch payments should be msde. The notice wlll also
<br /> �;�,_,•. � �;;;; contain any other Informetlon requlrad by applicable law.
<br /> .,arrµx:�:tic.�:•! .
<br /> - 20. Hazare�ous Substances. Rorrower shull not cause or pertnit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or releuso of
<br />�'�.'r..,�_. �' any Hezardous Substanco� on or in the Property. Bortower shatl not do, nor allow anyone else to do, enything attecting the �
<br /> ' ''�C .�T
<br /> _��>"�•�� r Property thet Is In vlolatlon ot eny Envlronmental Law. 1'he preceding two sentences ahsll not apply to the presence, use, or
<br /> :�"f�,rwt � storugo on the Property of small quantitles of Hazardoua Substances that ure generalty recognized to be appropdate to normal
<br /> �;r�%:--.: `• restdentiul uses ond to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> -��".��� Borrower shall promplty give Lender wdtten notice ot any Investlgatlon, clalm, demand, lewsult or other actlon by any �•--
<br /> ��;a�•�' �'
<br /> ��?'.t.�';.�__ govemmental or regulatory agency or prlvatn party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substence or Environmental Law of
<br /> -�=-�:�.<.'z d`�•' whlch Bonower has ectuo! knowledge. If Bortower leams, or is notlfied by any gcvemmental or regulatory autho�iry, that any
<br /> ����='� removel or other remedlation ot any Hazurdoua Substance afieciinp FroNeriy {s rasassary, Sora•r:� �h'-" �r�•"•"•P�l, r-!'•° °��
<br /> -�'���'.,�;
<br /> `"=":�.�. , necessary remodlal actlons In accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> �.-�,,,�a,,;,�'���a`•' As used In thla peragreph 20, `Hazardous Substences" are thoso substences deftned as toxlo or hazardous substances by
<br /> -�°'�irc:i
<br /> -__=_,=,m.c�� Envlronmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products, tox a
<br />� � pesticides end herblcides, volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or fortnaldehyde, and radiosctive matedals. As used In
<br />—"'�'�=''�'�� paragraph 20, 'Environmentel Law" means federal laws and laws of the Judsdictlon where the Property Is located that relnto to
<br /> __��
<br /> -��.� health, setety or environmental protectlon.
<br /> --�_.��� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covensnt and agreo as ioliowa:
<br /> �`'���� 2i. Accelsration; Remedles. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prlor to acceleratlon
<br /> ^ �:•f��� following Bor�awer's breach af eny covenant or agreoment in thls Security Instrument (but not
<br /> °� - prior to a�celeratlon under paragraph 17 unless applicable law provides otherwise). The notice
<br /> - - ehall specify: (a) the defa�clt; (b) the actlon requlred ta cur� the defs+ult; (c) a date� not less than
<br /> -""'°�-� 30 dAys from th0 dete the notice Is glven to Bo�rower, by which the default must be cured; and -
<br /> --- (d) that fallure to curs the default on or betore the date specifled in the notice may resuit dn
<br /> -W-�" acceieration of tho auma aecured by thla Security Instrument and sale of the Properly. The notice
<br /> ehall further Inform Borrower of the right to relnstate aitor acceleration and the right to bring a
<br /> —= - - court actlon to assert the non-exlstence of a default or any other defense of BAr�ower to
<br /> � -- accelaration and sale. IE tho defaul4 fs not cured on or beforo the date epecffisd in the natice,
<br /> .�-�,� Londer ut fts option may require Immediate payment In full of all suma soaursd by thls Security
<br /> "`�~- Inatrument withovt further demand and may (nvoko tho power of sale and any other remedles
<br /> . ---- permitted by applicable la�x. Lender shall be entltlAd to collect all expenses Incurred in pursulhg =
<br /> - the remedles provided In thle paragraph 21, Including, but not Ilmited to, reasonable attorneye'
<br /> -== 4aes and costs of tttlo evidence.
<br /> -----= If the power of sale is invoked� Trustee shall �ecord a notice ofi default in each county In
<br /> - _�=u��'y�� which any part of 4he Property Is lucated and ehall niall coples of such notice in the manne�
<br /> -��-�"�'�°==-:_' prescribed by appltcable law to Borrower and to the othor persons prescribed by applicabie law.
<br /> _,;w,,,'.��- After the time roqulred by applicable law, Trustee ahall glve public notice of sale to the pe�suns
<br /> -�����•;`�.'��. � and In the manner prescribed by applicable law.Trustee. without demand on Borrower, shall sell
<br /> ..._'.f1Y)1{�:TnLI�>
<br /> = -• •�-�<•' the Property at publlc auctlon to tho highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms _
<br />-�"�'�����r�'� designated In the notice of sale In one or more parcels end in any order Trustee dete�mines.
<br /> "'`�'��_•``=='`��: 4 Truetee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the Property by public announcement at 4he �,
<br /> (. . , r.
<br /> .. time and place of any previously scheduled �ale. l,ender nr ite designoe may purchase the ___
<br /> -`'�;--;� ` Property ot eny eale. _-
<br /> �;:.-._.;, ..
<br /> ••� ' Upon recelpt of payment of the price bid� Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustoe'a --
<br /> _. .. . -
<br /> '."-<_ . .__-.._—.. . .• �.""�__I_ J��.� �L��� L� .��lw����wla a�{aswwa w�
<br /> :......., �,.-�-:-'s-: .
<br /> -- ,_r: 1 dded conveying the Property. 1119 �OCIiA18 III ine �ruateto o uoov ar�ao vo r......o .�...o o.....o....o ...
<br /> �°•^=• - the truth of the statements made therein. Trustee shall epply the proceeds of tho sale In 4he :�:
<br /> -. �� following order: (a) to all costa and expenses of exercising the power of sale, and the sale, �.
<br /> � including the payment of the Trustee's fesa actually incur�ed� not to exceed three
<br /> �'o of the princlpal amount ot the .
<br /> � note at tho time of the declaratton of default, and reasonable attorney's fees as permitted by lew; ' '
<br /> (b) to all sums securod by this Security Instrumont; and (c) any excesn to the person �r pe�sons
<br /> {egally enti4led to it.
<br /> ..ti;� ����°�— `
<br /> - F1316.LM�(3/9G) Puge 4 01 5
<br /> •9G277
<br />