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<br /> 7UC�Ei'I1EFi V'lITH all tho Improvementa now or Perc:after erectad on tho property, snd ell 2aaemente, a�purtenencee, and _`=_Y r,�
<br /> • fixtures now or herearier a part o1 the property.Atl re �uc.ments and APdi'ttlyona shall nlso be covereJ Dy this.;..curiry Inatrument
<br /> AIt of tho forogolnp 13 ro(errcd to In thls Sucurity Inatrument ae tho 'Pro e
<br /> BORROWER COVENANTS that porrowcr le lawfully selzod o1 iho ost�tu hcrcby convoYCd und hn3 tho rlght to grant and
<br /> convny tho Property nnd fhnt the Property Is unencumbered, oxceNt ior encumbranoes o1 record 8orrower warrants and wl`.�
<br /> qetend generelry the title to tho Property against all cialms nnd demands,subJect to uny encurnbrancaa ot record. ',
<br /> '` ZHIS 3EGURIIV IN3TRUMENT combinosBeC�t�rmin trum nt coveri g rle laproportynd nore•uN(orm covenants with Ilmfteci�� �fi'� ,
<br /> varintione by Jurlsdlctlon to constltute a uni(orm ry
<br /> UNIFOflM COVENANTS. Bortower and Lender covena�t end agroe as follows: .� ,
<br /> -� ' 1. Poymen4 of Princlpal and Interest; Prepayment and Lato 4harges.Borrower ahall promptiy pay when� ��,�'
<br /> ' du6 tho�rl i�ipal ot and Interest an the deb:evldanced by tho Noto r�nd any propnyment�nd luto charges due under the Nota. �
<br /> � .+� a... T�vos and Insu�eltOd. SubJect to applicable law or to a wrfiten vrelver by Landor, Dorrower shnll pny�,�+j �y
<br />—•_"::L ' i.• �M��M� •r. _ ..
<br /> -��� to Lende� on the day monthly paymente eru dUd 11lt d'ci t h a F J o 1 6, u m n t n e i v n i d i e �,e i d t�� �',�. » =='° ��F11°`�a��ear. leasehol� �,,,-_.
<br /> �- taxes end asaessmente whlch may urialn prlodry over t el�s S�C�a�oi►P�Pe�In ura ce premeums;P(d)yyeady flood Insurance� �'';�;,
<br /> .l;___ ,� payments or ground rents on the Properly, i} eny; (c) y riy =_
<br /> = premlums, it any; (e) yearly mortc�age Insurance premlums,if eny; and (�any suma payable by Borrower to Lender In accordance
<br /> ' wlth tho provislons ot parugrePh B, In Ileu ot tho payment of mortgage Insursnce premiuma. Those Items are called 'Escrow ___
<br /> u
<br /> ' f" Items.' Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds In an amuunt not to exceed ihe maxlmum amount a lender tor a =-
<br /> � fedemlly related mortgage loan may requlre for BoROwer's escro�v account under tho federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures __
<br /> Acc of 187A aa anie�ded from time to tlme, 12 U.S.C.�2801 et seq. ("RESPA'), untess another law thet applles to the Funds �
<br /> " sets a lesser amount. If so, Lender mey, at any time, collect and hold Funds In an amount nol lu exceed tho Ics�er amount. E_:----
<br /> 4 Lender may ostimala the amount ot Funds due on the basis of current datn and reasonable estimates of expendltures ot future
<br /> *°;� Escrow Items or othenvise In accordance wlth applicable law. �� _.
<br />"+`a�r:.�nr�t: The Funds shall be held in an institutlon whose deposits ero Insurod by u federal agency, Ins the Funlds t r ati he�Escrow �n�-
<br />�=�``�;;�;'�'..';`, Lender, If Lender Is such an Institutlon) or In any Federal Homo Loen Bank. Lender ehail apply P Y
<br /> , ._., ,e,. v v� s G:_- . _
<br /> �:..,, .� Items. Lender may not charge Bon•ower tor holding and applying the Fundc, ennuall enal n the escrow account, or ve�'ifying ry
<br /> the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower Interest on tha Funds and applicablo Inw permits Lender to make such a `_
<br /> - �:'r•c! charge. However, Lender may requlre 8ortower to pay a one-time charge tor an independent resl estate tex reporting service �_
<br /> �t� '`'t ,� used by Lender In connection with thls loan, untoss applicahle law provides othenvlse. Unless an ag�eement is mHde or —�
<br /> .,�;� • applicable law roquires Interest to be pald, Lender shall not be required to pay Bonower eny interest or earnings on tho Funds.
<br /> ----- Borrower and Lender may agree In wriling, however, lhat Interest shull be pald on the Funds. Lender shali gtv� to Borrower, __._.
<br /> without charge, an ennual accountfng of ihe Fw��s, showing crcdits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for whlch each
<br />,,.�;;�.:�:�.`� ---
<br />�.±.`,'.�� deb�tlf the Funds heldeby L nderhexceed tho amounts pertn tteid to Ibe he d byrappUcablo Iew,rLe der shall acc untato Borrower
<br />--.�.:A1..4
<br /> �µ•`:- for the exceas Funds In accordanco wfth tha requirementa of epplicable law. If the smount o1 the Funds held by Lender at any
<br /> -�-��` time Is not sufiicient to pay the Escrow Items when duo, Lender may so notity BoROVrer in wdtfng, and, in such case Borrower
<br /> � sheil pay to Lender the amount nocessary to make up the deflclency. Borrower shau make up the doticlency In no more than
<br />_
<br />