<br /> ��
<br /> ., ,,..... , .
<br /> . �. „ ,
<br /> . „
<br /> , •
<br /> . �.
<br /> ..
<br /> . ...--- � — �� -�-- -- - ___ __ _ - - — _
<br /> .,�;�.�. . ....»...........:, .. ... ., „ . _ � .. _
<br /> . • ... ' r ' ._ ,.� -. _ ,_ ... ...... .... . . . .. . _ . .
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<br /> ..._� .,�..m•� ._ .... �.. --. -__... ,....a- � -- —n' - . . ....- '- ' .r,�,-�
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<br /> .r• -,�.�:_�
<br /> • - ^+f�,=`+'�=_-
<br /> . 18. BorrO�ter'a Rla�:t � Reinf�iain. �i 6orrov;ar m�wi� c��wi cc���,�a��� ecrros:� �hay h�� the r�ht to he.b .. ,
<br /> enforccm�nt a�thta 5�curtty Inatrumsnt d!�aontinued o! eny tlri�prtar to tha eertMx ot: (A) 6 d9yn (ar auoh other period ae ��pHcabfe
<br /> 1��1 r�i�y op�aly tor re(n�t�ter���nt) h�taro e�b ot tho Prop=riy purcoent to eny pae:cr of enE�aont�Fncd t+i thls &�curity Instninent; or
<br /> (b) �ntry of � judQmont ontoroinp lhis S�curky Intmimsnt.i nat� aanditbns or� ii��it Eoruwa: (a) p�y:, laid�nN ouma tlhl�h thtn
<br /> wautd b� du� und�r IhM S�curity Inst�um�nt �nd lh� Not� �e N no �ccsMntbn htd occurred; (b)cun� �ny dMtuk o}�ny othxr �
<br /> � oown�nt or aprMnHnt�; (�) pay� aM �n� Incumd N sntoroinp ¢hM 8�o�rky InsWm�nt, InoludYsp, twt nat NmR�d to, naonebw �
<br /> �ttom�yo'hK; and(a1)F�1cM euoh�atbn e�L�rrdor mny r�aonibf�r nr�uk�to auur�that th�N�n of thb&aurky In�trum�nt,I.sndwe �
<br /> rlpht� h tha Prop�rty �nd 8orrovwre obNpatbn to pay tl»tuma i�cund t�y thN O�curlly IasWm�nt �haM oonthw unohanp�d. Upon .
<br /> nhtut�rrwnR by Borrowu, thfa �curity inshument�nd th�obNp�tbns uound lianby�h�N nnuh fuly �ffwtlw ae M no accYNntMn . 1
<br /> � htd occumd. HowwK,thM ripht to retnRtata�haN not apply �ths cap of accsivatbn under p�npnph 17• �S _
<br /> ie. a�ia :,i::Criv� v�:.�� :.��.��� e��tw... � us� e. . r..,�W �n�.erat In 1Fu NnL�ftoa�thr wkh thV S�CUtkV � ---- - ---
<br /> - - __�---� — f _..�
<br /> • Instru�rwnt�rtuy W notd on�or mors tkt»e wkhout priar not�e to BoTOw�r. A eab may rKUk In�oh�np h th��ntky(known as ths .
<br /> _.�"""�' "Loan 6�vlc�t') thtt ooN�otc monthy p�ym�nts dw untNr Qh�Not� and tnM 8�curky Inetrum�nt. Th�ro afao m+ty U� on�or mon N � >
<br /> � "'°" ohanpw� of tha Lan S«vbK unn4ted to a uM of tb Not�. it th�n N� ahmp�of th�Lom &enrfcer. Borcow�r wIN W phr�n wrktm „�� •�,jP,
<br /> " notfc�s�f tM ohanQi in accordanc�wkh par��ph 14 abovo and �pplic�bM 4tw. Th�notfco wW�tat� th�n� and addr�� ot th� ,'..;,-�
<br /> naw Loan Sarvlcor nnd tha addrn�to whl�h peyrn�nts should b�rtwde. T'h�notia wW ako oontatn any oth�►htortnttbn nquind by = _
<br /> „ �PPWc�bis ftw. , �-
<br /> ' �Ef.. !':�.�G'G1^�"' C�d�ofa�nw�, @ORO�ILM 6h�N nOt C�uM� M �MfRiR tlt� p�C�. ut�� dl6poaa4 btO�W�r 0� fiktt�O} �ny . ,",�, _
<br /> Hrardaus bl�bstanc�s on or tn th� Prop�ty. Borrow�r �h�M not do,na aMow anyona�ka to do, anyth(np afMotinp th�PropMty thtt �a:.:;�°
<br /> le (n vbl�tton af �ny Envkonmmtal taw. � pncodho two �nt�n�w sh�N not apRy to th� pns�nco, ua, or storap� on ttw '"`'�_��
<br /> � ProMrty of smaM quantkiM cf Hawdou�Subttanc�s that w y�►snly ncoCnlsd to b� a�propri�b to normal nsldmtial uwt and to ;,,�,;�', --
<br />- � '- mainbnuica of ths P�opMty. ',i;Tl `-
<br /> ~ Borrow�r shaM prompty plw I.�ndM w►kbn notic�of�ny hwstlpatlon, o�im, dMfNrtd, kweuR or other�otlon by my QtiwmmN�tal -- -
<br /> ' or ropuintory apanoY or prMlN P�Y h�wMp th�PropKtY�nd Yny Hanrdous Sub�t�nc�or Envlronm�nt�I Law of whfcN Berresw�r iw� ;-"�-�
<br />'' ` aatual knowMdp�. If Boirow�r IMms, or k notMNd by any gowmm�nh�or npuktory wthaRy, that�ny nmovel or other wrtNdktlon .,��y -�'
<br /> '� � of �ny Hmrdoue Subst�nw atF�atiny th� PropKty is n�c�ewY. Bortaw�r shtN prorr�tti tak� aN nec�ssuy r�rNdlal �ations h t�.
<br /> '5 �ccord�nGS wkh Environm�ntal Law. _'! = '"
<br />� "�y�. At Used In thk panpnph 20. "Hanrdous Substonas' w IhOa fwbttsnc�s dNinYd at tOxb or ha�irdou� WbttenCN by
<br /> �, Environm�ntal Lsw end th�(olbwhp subst�nas: puotin�,kixot�w,ottar Mrrtrn�bM nr toxio p�trobum producW, Eoxia �i`wt��lGa cnd _4.'v_ - -
<br /> h�rbbW�s, vo�tiM totrants,mat�rtal� aon4hinp atbtstoY or formdd�hyd�, �nd ndbaativ� rtwt�laN. Af us�d h thN p�npnph 20, � _:
<br />- "Envtronm�n41 Law" mwn /�donl laws �nd kws of th�jurkdbtlon wh�n th� PropM+,y Mt bcat�d th�t ni�b to heakh, uiNy or --
<br />_� , 'f M1vYOnm�nLl proUotbn. _='�-
<br />_� � NOt�-UNIFORM COVENANTB. Borrow�r and I.�ndK furth�t oown�r►t�nd WrM as loyovw: •_---
<br />- . 21. Accet�ratbn; Remsdies. L�nder ahdi �iv� no�c� b eorrow�r priRx to �ccelKatbn tolbwln� ,,�"II'�"
<br /> � �� Borrower'� braach o4 �ny covenant or �r�em�nt In thla S�c+iriry Instrum�ent (iwt not prlor �o `�-
<br />�.` - ` lCCEI��U011 Ulldlr K/ �Apll 7/ YQt� 11ppl�ciiDi� /t1� �7�V��YO� Vw��iiwj. T.w.:r:.�� �.�.'�!1 ��+Ii�; ��.:'++�.�+�•
<br />� �' � (o) th� defwlt; (b) tph� a�ctbn rsquk�d to cur� th� d�twlt; (c) � d�b� not lus tiwn 30 daya trom tho �f='�'
<br />- ! d�ta 4h� notic� ta �Iven ta Borrow�r� by which th� d�iault muat be cur�d; Nod (d) that hllur� b cun � '
<br /> the defaui4 on or befon the dab apeclfl�d In tM noUce m�y re�ult In �ccN�rNbn oi tM wms - --
<br />�::�. . � recured by this S�curHy Ir�trument *nd �ab of th� Prop�rty. Th� noUc� Nwll turthK Inio�m -
<br /> � � �orrower of the �Ipht t�o rNnstate �Rsr accN�radon �nd t1w ripht w brinp • co�:�t�ctlon to s�rt tM ��
<br /> t" `� � non-exisunce ot � d�huR or �ny otlwr d�t�nM ot Bo+rraw�r to �cc�I�rNbn �nd �N. If t!w d�fauR i�
<br />_?�-�rr.-...�.�' not cu��d on or b�tor� th� dat� �p�cMad In th� notk�� L�ndx �t It� o�fb� m�y r�quk� Immsdl�t�
<br />=1'.�..°�;.•'�:y;;: : p�rym�nt In tull of �il wm� wcur�d by this S�curth► In�trum�nt rfltNout iurtt� d�m�nd �nd may
<br />�-
<br /> r-'"•°��'�•,^°.y':. IDYOkO tIN pOwK O? �N �nd �ny oth�r nm�dNa p�rmftt�d by �pptkabl� I�w. I.�nd�r NMN b�
<br /> ti` r � �`�-�^ entitl�d to collect �II e�on�a Incur��d in punutnp the ►�msd{u provid�d In tMs parpraph 21�
<br /> ';.;:,...�:.:°`'",1 Includlnp� but not Iimited to. rea�onabl� �ttorn�ya' fe�s and co�nf 4iUs �v9d�nc�.
<br />-���:'�::.:::' 6f fhe power ot a!e N Invoked� YrustN �twll ��s:ad • notic� of d�hult In ach oounty In whlch �_
<br />�::;,:t'„�,,,,`";;;,ti. sny part of the Properiy la Iec�ted ond �h�ll mall copl�a ot wch notice In tlf� m�nn�r prs�ibed by
<br /> �.,-��';��- �PPlicabt� law to Borrow�r �nd W tha oth�r p�nona prucrib�d bl► �aplicabt� law. Aft� thr ttm� -
<br />_'���'°="�. , rsquked bY �pplic�Ws law, Truatee �twlt piw publla notics of sN� b t!w pKeons and In th� manner _
<br /> �s�;�'�, pre�crib�d bY�pplM.ebl� law. Tru�e� withou3 d�m�nd on Borrow�r� afall �atl the Prop�rtf► �t publ{a
<br /> wotbn to tha hlpMit blddrr �t the tirrN �nd pl�ce �nd undK tht t�►m� d�n�d In t�e notic� of _
<br /> '��-�?''-.� �at� In on� or mor� p�rcNs �nd in any ord�r Tru� d�t�rminN. Truat�a �►poMpon� al� �f Ni
<br /> --��`� � or �y p�rcll of th� Prop�rtY bY public �nnounc�m�nt �t th� t1m� �nd pt�� of �ny pnviouMy `�
<br /> =���"�",`�� �cherduf�d s�N. LRnd�r or tts d�atqn�� may ptircl� ttN Prop�rty at�ny�N.
<br /> - � -�''�"" Upon rec�ipt of paym�nt of th� price b id. Truste� M►�i l d�I W�r b t M purc h s s K T�u�'� d e�d
<br /> �"'. -'� conv�yinp ttw Prop�rty. The recitals In the Tru�'�t dsad MMI! bs prim� facl�wid�nc� of tla truth _
<br /> .;�.�T�....� ot ti� stat�m�nto mad� ther�in. T�ust�� ahall �pPly ths proce�ds of ti�e s�le in tlw tolbwin� adw:
<br /> ..�..�: -- _
<br /> -_:-`�'� � (�) to all cosh�nd ��ense�of �xsrcialnp tlfe powsr of ad�. �e�d the �al�� includtnp 4M paymeret of _
<br /> _ ��.�{":":: U�e Y�uste�'a tee��ctu�t�y inaurr�d. not to �xce�d 3 �i af tM pr:nclpM �nwunt of tiw noW =_
<br /> "'�' '� � �t th� tim� of tlw declar�tioR of dsfault, and �ea�onabl� �tEornoy'� h�s M p�rmitt�d by law; (b) b �1! -
<br /> . w�ria wcur�d by thls Secu�ity Inatrumsnt; and (c) sny �xc�N b tfi� A�raon or p�r�ana I+t�aiht - - _—_-
<br /> .. �nt(U�d to fL ��=----- --
<br /> �2. FieCODYpyi11G. Upon p�ymmt ot�11 wrta i�cund by tbM S�curky Instrummt,l.�ndK�hal nq�Htt TrottM to nconwy .=:--_---_=
<br /> S�Y
<br /> �}..-—
<br /> �� tM Prop«ty ind�haN wmnd�r thM Socurky MitnxrNnt md d nobo rvi�r�ct�yi d�bt s�cund by lhis S�curky Intlnxr�t to Trusb». ��;,,_�;__�___
<br /> �� Tru�iM shd nconwy the Prap�rty wkhout wtrrnty and wkhout ohup�to tM pK'ton a p�nons NQ�Ily�ntki�d to R. Such p�rson or �`""-�_-"_-
<br /> pN�i0t1�{hiN(Ky Ny IrCOfdlti0fl CQitt. ,ry";°;°:rr.v.._-.
<br /> . A�:-��.6:'K.'z��
<br /> _ _7.z���AZ..
<br /> !'!4)h_
<br /> `ti``� ..'1,...,
<br /> 43. SubWtub Trustea. L.�n�Mr, �t k� option,may kan tkrn to tMrN nr�ow T�ut� �nd �ppotnt a suocessor duslN to „ _ _
<br /> � ,,�R•`�- �ny TrustN �ppotnt�d h�rwndK by �n hatrum�nt nocad�d h tIN county h which thf� S�curNy Instrum�nt M noad�d. Wlthout ,
<br /> ---- � -- . . _ ...�_.,.._ __..._ � ....W - •..w..,,Tn..�.. h...h .nA hv � .. :.:
<br /> �-._..--_- - ' - "- -
<br /> OQlIVhf�flC� Of LfW PfOpMIy� fUC4YfiOf IIusiw itlet tu4iwa �v�w trw tRwr M�•••• �••• •••••••� •�••••• 'r�•.
<br /> .� ..__.� ..��. _._ _, ---- --, _,_
<br /> �RPMcabN law. , „ ,
<br /> Z4. Request Mr Notieea. eorrowx nAu�ate that eopte� af tl»notb�s ol drleuk�nd eaM b1 t�nt to Barrow�t addreta
<br /> ' whbh b ttw Prop�ty AddPUS.
<br /> 26�. Rid�ro to thl�S�curity Instrument II or�� or mon ridKt us �cubd by fBorrow�r�nd ncord�d toprth�r wlth
<br /> thk Securlty MtWm�nt,th�aownants�nd pr�n�nts of�aoh woh rid�►shaN b� inaorpor�t�d hto�red ehaM ur�nd�nd wppiemmt -
<br /> „ th�oown�ntt�nd�p�n�nb o}thls bYc�erlly Inttrumont u M tha rld�(y w�n a p�rt of thM S�curity InsUum�nt. '
<br /> � Form 90Zi�/QO
<br /> o • ��
<br /> Ft0».LMa(4/W) P�p�4 0l 6 ..
<br /> � ' .
<br /> — �t0 �
<br />