_ .,�..,,., _ _-.,�.. . ,
<br /> �l ..�. • . � � . . .. -- -, ' . ,. ' ' -^s�{ " _._i.____-
<br /> j�....A.�:+++'_c, . - . . i � . ''; ti wy..�}\`����� Y.•�"��SY:}s.. _r�I x �!�`' a1. _' . ._�_....
<br /> . .__ ._ _ _.. __ .._. . . . —
<br />. -. ��, �"' .. 1,,,..,�M:W,^.�T'Y�.'��.. � � c - _ �.._rv... _. --_"_-
<br /> ..... -- �,�..�,���t.StwFba . . . ..............,...' .... ..... . .. . .,
<br />_�:+ ......... �. _
<br /> __�
<br /> .� �,p�oE9�t��n of�,endes'� R!@h�in ths Prt��erty �) BOR6WBf ra�� co Rartorm cna oou.nanss �nd .or.eP►wnea �
<br /> c�ntgk�ad bi thE3 Escur}ry InaM�ment,or there b n fepul procoMYiO th�t maY�fOnlHCanlN�thot l.ende�s rl�ht�In th�FropKty(suofi we
<br /> n pror.�:�:��In b:s!ceuptoy,prob�t3,t�r aand:rnutia� ar toi�SM.ure or to enforco lawe or r��k�tbnb),th� Lendor r�wy do�nd poy f3Y
<br /> s:l:at�:Y b ne:�_�r M �oleoQ the vs�� ot th� PtoRnty end Und�6 e�hte fn tho PrepeRy. I.Andura �aib�e r�wy incwGa �ay�z�
<br /> , Rn
<br /> .:.�1 �ny sum� aour�tl by a INn whbh hu prbrky av�r thk S�curky IntWmw►t, �ppearinp In couR, p�YMeD r��onabf�dttom�y'�f�a�d � ,
<br /> --..� �nt�hp nn lh�l�rop�ty to rta�lc�ropfin. A�tharQh LandK m�Y W�s�atfon und�r this pueflraph 7,L.�d:r dcsa not h;ve to do ao. � �
<br /> Rny �urwunt� dl�burs�d by I.end�r undsr LhN p�nOraph 7 th�N beaome addkbnal dM�t of Bflrtaw�r acurod by thM Fit�ourky e '
<br /> Insimm�nt. UnMa� Horrowa �nd UntNr apr� to othK bnnr of p�yrtNnt, thNa arnount� �hsN b�er ht�! Prom th� daM of �_
<br />;,�-
<br /> �.• dlebur�M'Nnt at lh�Not�nts and ahaM W pay�bk,wNh htarott,upon notb�from L�n�to Bortoww rpietathq psymmt. � �?=
<br /> d.l�iart���� In�ennc�►. If Unds► r�yuk�ci moi'� 4�:ur'.ne� az a condY(an nt rnr'clnp th� fo�n ±�CUred by lhi� � �_
<br /> , S�curkv Inshum�nR 8arow�r �haM paY tt� One»Ium� n�Win�d to rtwlnlaln th� moRp�p� hiunu►ca In �INot. I}� tor �nY nason� the _
<br /> _�.�.� �«.t.�r w .JV�M � -
<br /> _..:'.� •�- - -
<br /> �� �IQ(tWO� Infufi�IC�coW�/W t�qtl��d oy 1.Miu'ii wil+iiG Gt t.w::.t:. p et�"t� �`fror.�r cne�y:r ,•n�M�...�..�,..�y.�.o..,.. .._._... �� _.
<br /> a�;{� cowra� suba4ntt�Ny �qulwMnt to ths mortp� bwrana prwlousH � Mhot, at � eo�t substantleNy oquhnbnt to th� oott to � E�`
<br />._ .� Bortowir of th� mortpipo In:urena� P�wiousy In �fNot� kom �n �k�nab mortp�p� intunr approv�d bY l.�ndK. Q �ub�tw►t�ly � n�
<br /> � pulvaiw�t mortp�p� inouru►c�covK� k not�vaM�bw,Bortow�stwll pay to Lvndu otah month a wm �qwl to on�tw�Mth ol tt�e _
<br /> :•'�: y�eAy mortaep� Inwrona Pnmlum bNrW P+�Id bY Barow�r wMn th�Inaunnos cowr�rPud or c�awd to b�h sfhot. Unde wlk -�
<br /> �ccopt�u��nd nlain th� WY�t� at �bes r�s�vr In N�u of malp�p� inwnnc�. Lou r�sww P�Y�t� mty no bnp�ba °
<br />_ rpukrd, rt 111� option Of Undsr. Y mott(�p�Etsunnc�oawnpe(in tM amount�nd for th� parbd th�t UndK nquirM�CNO+rkbd bY -
<br />•-y� �n fnsunr �pprowd by L�ncfK �b Woort� av�iMbM md M uoi�:�wd. 6a���� :h:� �y th� F^�n�m� r�!�rec to m+�int�in =
<br /> _� mort� Inwra�x;s h MNot, or to pro+rid� •bs�ns�rw, untM the nquYwfNnt fo► mort� htunncs �ntM in �ccord�nc�wRh Ny
<br /> wrkbn�ptwrt�t b�twNn Borrow�r�nd L�nd1r a appf�abM iaw.
<br /> ,---- �.Impectibn. l.�n� a ks �prnt nrY m�ta r�u°n�6M �^VMs upan �nd hsp�atbm of th� PropNty. Lw►dar�haN pM
<br /> enrrow�r notxe�t tha ttm�al a p►ior to�n Insp�ctbn ep�eKY�W�s�����a�ti�t�°"•
<br />::'�� 10. CondemnaUon. 7t►� proc�+d� of �ny aw�rd oe ai�ia i� �a:G::. dir.at or cnrre�ua►tkJ. En connrstbn wAh �r►y �
<br /> - CondMlx►atkn or oth�r fakinp ot�ny p�rt of ttN PtoMrty�or kx oonvoymC�In If1u o!oondMrx��tfon�w h�nby Itsafpn�rl ond shaM b�
<br /> `•� � pafd to L�ntkr.
<br /> S�.
<br /> In th�w�n4 of a total taktnp of ths Rropwty,th�proc�ds shaN b� appli�d to th� surru acund by thM S�cu ntWrtwn�
<br />�y;�, wh�thK or not ttNn dw.wNh �r►y�s p�W to Bartow�r. M th�w�►t of�partYl 4Ycir►p� of th� PropNty h whbh th�h!r rtMri��t
<br />�-_-- vai�w oi fni Fru���r r���:;�y ls..-'cro :!:e ta�5�p b r.;!�!I to a p�t� then th. �nwunt of th� sumf wcund by thM S�curily `
<br /> ,.�v� Instrument YnrtNdhMy b�fon th� t�kYtip, unM�s Borrow�r ind UndK othKwtw �prM h MR1ty►C� th�swnt s�cund by thk 8�curky
<br /> _-- MaUummt �haM W nduc�d by th� �rwunt of tM procs�d� multiplKd by tM toyowin� k�ctlon: (a)th� totd �rnount M th� �w�u
<br />_ _ sscund hxn�dl�qy Mlon th�WcNQ� dfvid�d bY(b) th� hfr m�rtcst wlw of th� Prop«ty hwn�dlaMly bMas th�Wcinp. My b�Uno�
<br /> --- sh�N b� pNd to Borroww. In tM �t of s part�f Wchp of th� Prop�Ay b whfch tM Mt m�rlc«wlw of th�Pro(�Ay Imm�drMy
<br />-_- bMo��tt�hlcinp R Is�t t1w� tM �rnount of thr eurn�s�cun�d hxrwdhM�Y bMo� tM hk9np. unbat Bortow�r�nd Lend�oM�wW
<br /> _.� �prM h wdtinp a unNss appNcabb f�w oMwwk� P�o+�� ttN P� etyN b� �PPN�d to th� sumt s�cund bY thM S�curRy
<br /> M1sMJIMnt wt1�t�Nr o�not tn�surtw iri inw�i�.
<br />._,._� It tl�Prop�ty N�b�ndaNd by Borrowet a R��1Nr notta�by Lmd�r to Barow�r that tha cond�nna otN+s to mrn an aw�M a
<br /> -= Nltb�cWm for d�rtMp�s� dorrowK kIM to nst�ond to l.nrid�r wllfi(n 30 dal�s�fqr th�d�M tt»nufle� M pA�n�UnA�r fs wthoda�d
<br />- i� to cot�ct snd rpply tM procMds��t Rs optb^. Mth�►to rKtontion or npaY of th�Proputy mr to th� sum� sacwrd by tha 8�curky
<br /> - instrummt.wh�th�r or not th�n dw. -
<br /> UnNs�Land�r and BoROw�r oM�wiN �fn wrltirW� �nY�PP���P��o P+�M�I�h�N not acMnd w po�lpoeN th�
<br /> - - dw dM�d tM monthb WY�a nf�r�ed w h pwpnph�1 �nd 2 a oh�th�rna►nt of wch psynNnb.
<br /> - 19. Borrow�r Not iiNafwd: Forb�'anc� 8y L.�nd�r 1�1ot a Waiwr. �a.n•�on ot �n� t� � r�Y� a
<br /> - moaM�cttion a.n+orcriauon a th.wms..avnd br enk s.curllr��M�u+wnt�►Md by t.ond.r eo.nr wa�s+�or In InlNwe ot e«rower
<br /> sh�nat opKaM to nM�M tlo�wbNRY of tM wipt�l Bo�ro+w�r a Borrowws wooKSOro h hiMa�G L�nd�r�hNN no!b�nquin0 to
<br /> carrn«io.o�«�cs•whst.ny sucas.a tn int�at a nM,..a aa�,d dm.+o�Paym�nt a an�wt�.moditr+moRi�la+ a�h.
<br /> wms wc�nd by thls S�curRY Inshwr�a�t by nuon of �nY dmw�d m�d� by tM or'�hal Borrower or Borrowws wcas� h
<br /> inMewL My forbMr�nca by l.�ndK b �kinp my �ipht or nrtMdY�h�M not b�a wrsMr o1 or PnoWd�th�warciN of�ny ripht or
<br /> ��2. SuccsNOr��nd A�Wpna Bound; Joi�t�nd SewrM Ll�btilty; Co-MpnK�. na cowewnn .nd
<br /> �prwrt»nb o! thM Srcurky M�bunMnt �hul bind �nd ba�Mlt th� sucatoon �nd usipn� of Und�r �nd Banroww, wbls�t to tM
<br /> provalons ol P�ropnph 17.Borrovr�ts covwMnts�nd�prwin�nts th�b�joht�nd wwnl. My Barorwr who casi{N+� thk 8�cu�11Y
<br /> M�M�xn�nt but doa not rwcuM th� NoM: (a) Is co-ctpnb0 thk S�cudlY Msfni+Mrtt ony to rtarfp�pr. 0�►t� �d conv�ry th�t
<br /> Barow�'s MNnet N IM Po'op�tY und�ths 4�ma M.this 3�cur�I►Int6vmMM:(b)k twt MrsurMb obl0al�d to PaY tha sum�Ma►trd
<br /> by ihU 3�axitY In�MxrMn� md (c) �prNS th�t 6andK �nd �nY o1hK BartowK nry �prM to aKMnd� rtwdltY�/o�t�w a rr��r►r
<br /> .ocannod�on.w11+,ngra eo Mm+.a enM S�c�xitr in.run�nt a th.Na.wllbo�n a+.�c eorrow.r.con.�nc.
<br /> 1�. LOi11 Ch�f�f�. B tM lo� a�cwrd by thl�8�curkY ir►Nn�tl M aib1�to a I�w which ��ts rtMxinw�n lo�n Ch�rpe��
<br /> �d th�t Mw it Ih�ly in1Kp'Med �o ttut tM hMr�t a oth�r lo�n ctw�s coMcbd a!o b�o�eNd h connw�tbn wlth tM lorn
<br /> �pMd th�pKmN�d init�,thwr, (o) �ny such lo�n chuprs ah�t b�ndue�d by !h�enax�t n�cns�ry to neduc�tM ofwp�lo tM
<br /> PKmA1W Mm� afd(b)�nY wms Mt�WY coN�ct�d trom 6orcow�r rrhbh�a�d�d P�mNMa�nkt w1N b�nhmd�d to Borrow�r. Und�r
<br /> m�y choow to mYc�thN nwnd by nducNp tM prinoq� ow�d und�r tM Nob or by m�kinp � dinct pnyrrNr►t to Borrow�►. H�
<br /> -- rMund nduCM P��P�b th�n�1�x.Kion wiN W trMMd a�pv3i�l Prp�lmNn!wNhout ufY D��Mf'�t oh�undK tM Not�.
<br /> -�e, 14. NOt�Cl�. My noUa to Borrawwr provid�d Iw b thN S�c�xky InsWmeat ahaN b�pMn by d�Nwrinp k or by mrMinp! by
<br /> - flnt ct�sf m�N unl�s rppMabN I�w nqufrw us�af�nothsr mMhod. Th� notic;��haM b� dlnaMd to th� Property Addnts or�+Y
<br /> -�— oth�r�ddn�s BaroKw de�(pnaMs by notia to L.�r�dK. My notice to I.�ntMr ahal M pM� by flnt ci�ts ma1 to Undd� �dtln�f
<br /> = stabd h�nin or u+y oM�t addiwe L�ntN► dKtp�+�1s�bY notia t� Bortew�r. My notlo�P�'o�� In Mk S�c�xilY kuinxrwk shU
<br />-��i b�cfMn�d b h�w bMn plwn 10 8arow�►a I..�ndw wh�n p1+rN+u P��In Mi�PM�pnPA•
<br /> 1E�. Gowrnla� Law; Sewr�bflity. Thts s.c�xx�► M.wnwnt �tur b. aoz�sm.d by ce�rn� �ri end c� �w d �ne
<br />__Y;�:-�r1 �dbtbn h whkfi lh�Prop�ty k bcaMd. M tM ww�t that�ny provkbn o�ciruf�of Mf�8�curkY IntuurtMnt a!h�NoM confYcb
<br />—�f.3��
<br /> wkh ePD�C�bM kw� wch aonNct �h�N no!NNoI otMr Proviabn� of thft S�curitY In�trtrm�nt a ttw NoM whbh Can bo pM�n M�ot
<br /> - � wlthout th�conMicthp provMbn. To M!��d th�provMions of Mf�&cudry Initn�^t�nd tM NoM w d�ohnd to W wwnbM.
<br /> �+��.-"� Q��� �J J WI� ��..�L��Ir�uun�
<br />-_�.-�.-.rlr•�� ��� W��Ow���/Q�y� B�OwK{�A a QN��IXi�riOf11O111A0 00��m[fl�t�VA�tY Vt o�w vwnnn� ���w..w.�. �
<br />..-_•sG%:-�,�•
<br /> �: �- 17. Tr�ut�r o!th� Prnpsrty or� BanMcid Int�reat in Bwrow�r. it .M a �ny paR o� in. Pro�.rty or .nr
<br /> � Ht�t h k is wid or fr�ntfemd (or M a Mno9fcial InMn�t In Barow�r M eold or lnmterrsd�r►d BorrowK f� not� natunl pKSOn)
<br /> wkl�out UndK"o prior wrkhn contmt, l�ndu rrwy,�t ks op4lon,nqutn tr�a�e�v��e h lur ot�r�wns acund by ths� Soaurry
<br /> : ,�:„ tnstrun�►G How�vrr,thS�optlon sh�N not W ae�rais�d by I.�nd�r M�oarok�b prohbll�d by t�dKal i�w u a1 tM d�N of Mk�51�curNy
<br /> .. InstnirtNnt.
<br /> . k L�nd�r aacci�a thfe opttan,L�nd�r�haM glw BorrowrK notio�of�cc�Mr�tion.TM natb�that provid�a period M not leu thr►
<br /> - 30 d�ys kom tM d�M th� notic� Is deNvor�d or nw�Y�d wkhh which th� Baroxw mu�t p�y �1 �um� Hcurod by MM S�cudtY
<br /> „ . .. EnsbumonG M Bo+row�r NN�to P�Y M�w swn� Prior to th��Iration of thk pKiod�I.,�ndM m�Y hvok��ny rwrNdie�Permkled bY thk
<br /> _, f S�Ctxltl► MillurMnt wkhout turth�r notlC�or dlrtMad on BoROw�t. corm aope W�o
<br /> t .
<br /> ``^t� � �eot�
<br />.."• FtOZY.IMO(P/M) y
<br /> +��r�:i
<br /> ,1 iYi•
<br /> �e�
<br />