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<br /> DNd�tTiwt�raMdb�ttat►drr bsnxwx�ortn iMin�talBorrowasAaltnatoqraUtatrt�:�snymrxNr,�hb�ly
<br /> tuch wc�aNOrart�ap�Mbtxl�ndlime�QorD�Ym�rdOrall�+rirmodi�f��������S►��°��
<br /> py rwo�d ry�w+ds nndt bf►1����and 8orrow�'s succe��as in tnMcMt. �
<br /> - lp1 i,�y hwu�iK�ot�i sfNetlr�!At�Y d�Y�QM�lit61�ta tff�[�ap�rnt d snY a4�►�'�
<br /> - n�Wo��,andwifl�outail�ctln�lbtWe�a�oflhisDMddTruKupo�anYPa�dthsProprrtynottMnalh�Mo[o��
<br /> ��Ii�b�N��ry x�w��d i���Y«airra�"ot�hs�� hs�bi'�C�������nMb
<br /> or ncornKY•a cau�e n�rNMwd a nconreff�d at arry tim��t l�nd�r's optbe anY M�aR Pa�ar aN d fht Pirapr�ll.
<br /> (v}erc�a�w ai+�►o1Mr or aedWo�l s�axHf►tor any o0ltp�t�n n�rNn mMtioned a Iv+�m�sne canpo�ido�s or alh�r
<br /> . �rtanp�n�d wNfr d�blo�s in rel�Yon�NrN� .
<br /> (CI EMbMr��!LMNr livt s NYM�My torbM�anct by L�ndsr in exlfd�tiW as�Y�t►t or rsrt�edy h�t�urider.of
<br /> o�.rwts�dlad�d ly�.aMicabte l�w.�t na ee a wahnr of a preeG,de the euercits ot any sucn ri�t oe.rsm.d�r.�
<br /> pracurNrNMM inwranc�orth�paym�ntoi cucesaofher li�naorehac�s Elt t�nderahall not bsw wairerMl.�nd�arightb
<br /> iccM�raM th�nrhirlh o11he indrMeM�s s�cunM Oft this E?Md d Tiust She co+renaMS ac�aQresm�►b twr�in t7onr . .
<br /> �dj�oo�n aed A�M Ra�r�JaiM an0�w�ni ti�b�r:Capl�a�
<br /> ' tain�d MaN biad.and ths rbhts henunder sAal!inurs to.the capective wccessors ac�d assi9ns ot Lendsr snd Tru�f�r_A6
<br /> cor�n�nb�nd apn�rtNnb W Tru�ah�lt b�joint and severat The c�ptlons and headinQs ol'�e OWapnphs ot this Oeedd�
<br /> Tn,�aro 1ar co�t�anieoce only and ars not a bs u�ee to tM�pret or define ths vrovtsions t[erooE
<br /> (i)R�M��M�cw.Thsparlisshereb5►ro4wsqhatacopyotanYnodceotdefawtttiecaanderandscopyofanynotics
<br /> �d�at�h�rwndK b�maibd to e�ct�Wih►to this t)ssa ot Trust a!the addreas aet Mrll++ahove in the manner prauri0�d el►
<br /> applicabN iaw.6cc�pNa anY olAs�notice requlrad ucld�r spplicaM�Isw to be�i�►in anWher maan�r.any nolice providrd
<br /> ' torinlhis0�eddTn,�tst�fllM�ivenbymailUpsucAcloticeblfceMfiedmailaddresfedtaldecfnerparties.atB�saQQcaas�t
<br /> foitl�ibow.An�►�otic4 P���for in this t?eed ot Tru�t shail bs Mlschve upon m�ilinp in ths n�anner desiDnatid f��in.M .
<br /> T�wlor is more than one Pa�ab notlee sent t�ths sddre�s aet�oM rbo+ra ahail bs noliee to a11 such psnona
<br /> - 14��n-�end°r msy muc°or cauae to be mads reasonaDb entrias upan aed tnapectlons ot the Propsrry.Prrn►idsd
<br /> 1Mt LOnQar shall�hre Trustor noHce prlo►to any such inspecdOn specifyin��easonabte cause therofor re�a�d to Laide�'s
<br /> .. ' (nterost in fAs Pcoperry. � , _ .
<br />� (9) p�eonNy�nq.Upon payment of ait sums secured by this Oeed ot Truat I.ender sha0 requestTrustee to recomrey 1hs
<br /> propertyandahallwaendertdisD�eedofTrustandaUnotesevtdtncin�indeb�dnessseCUredbytA�sOeedofTiwtbTrusMe. _
<br /> TrwOes shili reeonvey the Propeity wlihout warranry-and withcut cha�e to tha person c►Perso�s te�aily eetNled the+eb
<br /> Trustar sQall psy all oas�of recorda�on.H any.
<br /> m� ��n�1 pro�t�;g�eudty A�i�nNnL Aa add�ional secur(ry ior the payment ot the Note.Truator hereb7l�rants �.•
<br />;,�,: LenOer undsr the IVebraaka Unilarm Commsrcial Code a aecurity irtterest tn ati fixtures.e0wprr�it and other per�oeat D��MRY
<br /> u�ed in connsction with the�eal atate or improvements loca�lhereon.and not otherwise decfared or deemed to be a psR M
<br /> - fhe r�el e���CUUrod hereby.This instrument ahali be ccr:�^'^uued aa a 3ecudty/iqreement urtder said CoQe.and the Lendsr
<br /> �a
<br /> - shall havs ail the►iphts and remedies ot a aecured partyr u�s��d Code in adQitio�to the ri�hts ancf remedies cre�t�d under
<br /> sa
<br /> and accordad the t.er►der pursuaM to fhis Qeedc�'Tcws�provtdea that Lende�s�ttyhb and remedies unda:ttsis parapraph shail —
<br /> . - be cumutativs witl�,and i�no way a Iimit�Hon cxG��deds ri�!?ts and remeE�s under any ether securilx���em0�1 si�ned by --
<br /> . - Barrower or Trustor. • . °�•'
<br /> � � ���.Trustor hereby waRants a:s�represents thai there Is rto Qefault undea the�u0visions of any
<br /> moR�a9e,deed of trust.�eaas vr•G�;:r��tase canL•acL describirtg all ar any par!of the P�opet�y,a other co�uacL inatrument or �-
<br /> apreement constitWnp a ilen or c!�:tr.s�brdnce�ainst all or any paR o!the Prope�ty(CO1teEtfvBt�,"Liena').exiaUn�as o11he
<br /> dats of thls Deed o1 Trusf.and that any ar.�a:axisting Liens remain unmod'rf•.ed excep!as cCr3c�OSaA ta Lender In Trustors �,
<br /> written C iac lo�ure o f l iena a rt d a n c umbrartces y*ovlded tor hereln.Trustor sfiatl timeiy pertann alt o3 Tnrstor's Obii�edon�. -•_
<br /> covenenb,representations and warranties und8r any and all exisitirt9 and tuture Liens,shait promptty fonvard W Lendel �,'_'
<br /> ot all notices of defautt sent in connectlon with any and all exi�:�rg or future Liens,and shali nat without Lenders prlof �tten ��
<br /> - conaent in any man�er modity the provisions of ar attow any f�,�^�re aCvance�under any exi3tl+sp or future Lisns. ' -
<br />- � � �ppNpqon ai psYm�nb.Ualessatherwise required by�.h•w sums paid to Lender hereunQer,including without limitatbn �.'.
<br />- . paymenis ot prtncipa�and interest,insuranee proceeds,condamnation proaeeds a�d rents and protits,abatl be applied by
<br /> ' Lender to the ama:r.�Gue and owing from T�ustor and 8orrower in aucb ordar as Lender in its sote discretian deema desirable.
<br /> I:_ . ' ` �pc���wrabif[�,ff any provision of this Deed ot Trust coniticts with appticable law or is declared imatid or otherwiee
<br /> - u�ser�roeable,such conflict oe•n.vaudiry shall not aNect the a!her provisons of this Oeed Of Trust or the tYote whieb can be
<br /> j' � _ �iverreffectwithouttheconllic�=�provision,andtothisendt:�provisionsoNhisOeedotSrustandtheNatearedactarediobe
<br /> aoverable. , :
<br />_ .- p?T�„Th��rms°T�+pr'"'�nd"Borroavxf"shall include both sinpular an0 pt�JraG,and when the Trustor and 8anower , _�
<br /> are tl►e aame person(s).Hw�e�s aa used��t'd�3 Oeed o!Trust shall be�nt�rChan�2abte. �,•,-
<br /> (m)powmNp Lfw.This 4xeed ot Trust s�~�:�be governed by the laws ci th�Stafa o`Nebraska. �:�;
<br /> Truato�has executed this OesO e�e Tr;�t as ot the date wNRen a��ve. ��•='
<br /> . �
<br /> . ��t! HAREER, IIiC. Trustor
<br /> BY: �� -� � ,
<br /> Sim N �� 7rustor Ptesic]ent
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