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<br /> �PPY��t 001-(i051G025 "-
<br /> ' D7L1{ aoQOOOOOOO �-
<br /> 1-4 FA�VIILY R.II)ER S�-�.�42`��
<br /> Asai,a,nmcnt ol Rents
<br /> ., ...e.nn a.. �_���_ �umu a.. ..e MaV 1996 anrl ia
<br /> ir��i-4�i�ry.�,,:• .,,..o,..M�.:«.. ...:;.. �
<br /> incorporatcd inw und shall bo dotmed W amcnd and supplerncnt tho Mortgage,DeG3 of Trust or Sccarity Doed(�he
<br /> "Security Instrument")of iho samo dato given by►,ho unduslgnod(the"Harrower")to secure�Borrawer's Note to
<br /> (the"L.erider")
<br /> of iha samc dnte and covecing the Property descdbed in the 5ecurlry Inatru�nent and loceted a�
<br /> [Prqnrty Ad�lm�ej
<br /> 1•4�A1N[1.Y COVENAIVTS. In oddition to the cover�ants and agrecments made in the Security Inswment,
<br /> Borrower and Y.endu furlher cnvenant and agroe es follows:
<br /> I�roPetty described in tise Securiry Instxument,ti►e folluwa►g ite+��s�n tu1d�1 w the Fru�,c:�ty descripdon,and rJwll
<br /> also constltuto the Property covaed by the Security Insttument:baildln�maG;rials. appliances a���good,s of every
<br /> natun whatsoevu now on c�reaftu located in,on.or used,or Inunded to 6o usod in wnnecdon with the Pmputy.
<br /> inGiading,but not limited w�those for the purposes of supplying or distributing headng,coollng,electrkity,gas.
<br /> water,air and light,fire prevendon and extingulshing apparacus,seGUr�ty and Acce.ss contml apparaws.plwnbing,
<br /> �1�Ut)Ss W81Ct�1WIU9�WA�.f` C105EL4�S�IIL'S�I8I1$C9r SIOVC9�[Cffl$�7A�OI9�l�Sf1WAShU9�dISpO5i1�.9�W8.Sf1ClS�I�USr
<br /> �..._'��^�1�..,� �:�itM,...o �n�,�e {,�mrla c erlwa rnrtuinc an�1 r��ri�in rtxlc:s�ft�.hrtl m�rnf[4 C�610l23;
<br /> ai�:.��o�%a u .. , ..r �w zrz.--�..r�-._.�_..-�--"_ -
<br /> panolling end attached floor covuings now or hereafter atteched to 1he Proputy. eU of which, including
<br /> rcpaacemena and addidons thereto,sfiaU be deemcd w be and remain a p�t of the Pmparty cova�ed by the Security
<br /> Instrumer�G All of the fongoing wge,ther with the Prope�ty described In tho Security Insuument(or the Ie��e1wW
<br /> estaco if thc Security Insuument is on a Icasehold) ere�ferrod to in Ihis 1�4 Family Rk1er and tt�e Socurity
<br /> Instrument as tho"Pltoperty."
<br /> B.USE OF PROPERTY;COMPLIANCE W1TH GAW. Borrowa sh�ll not seelc, agree to a mako a
<br /> chaage in the ux of tha Propaty or its zoning ciassificatlon,unkss I,et�der has agrad in wridng w the chuige.
<br /> Borcower sha11 comply with all laws, ordinances, reguls�ns and roquirenx,nts of any governmental body
<br /> ippliablG b fhC PaOperiy.
<br /> C.SUBORDITVATE LIENS. Except av peimitted by fodec�l.law.aorrower shall not albw�ny lien inferia
<br /> to the Secutity Instrvment to be pafxted s�galnst the Propeity without Let�der's ptbr writun petmis.4bn.
<br /> D.1itEIN'A'LOSS INSURANCE. Bamwa sf�all maintain inaurmce ogainst t+ent loss in addition W!ho od�ar
<br /> hazards for whkh insurence is roqulred by Unifonn Covenant 5.
<br /> E."BORROWER'S ItIGliT TO RE�IVSTA�'E"DELETED. Uniform Covcnant 18 i�rkkted.
<br /> F.BQRRQWE�t'5 OCCUPANCY. Unkss Lcntkt and Burrowa Whawise agrx in writi�g, the Cust
<br /> sentence in Unifam Govenant 6 conarning Horrowu's occupancy of the Pn�pezty is dek.ted. Al! raruiining
<br /> covc�u and�goednaits set forth in Un9form Covenei►t 6 shal!remain in effect.
<br /> �IULTIl�TATE 1•4 FAOAILY RIDER•F�nni�M�NFr�ddi�M�o Unlfonn In�irms►�nt Fonn 3170�103
<br /> P�p•t of 2
<br /> �•bY(i904).Ot VMP MORTQII�E KOAMB-(�00)6Z1-7201 innl�lr
<br /> I�Illliy IIIII�IINilll IIIIi��llil
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