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<br /> 7Y3tIF±iFiHR Wl'i�H ull ih�improvcmcnts �iow an c�rcaftcr crcctcd �n Oio�ro�f�y,wid all casemcnG�, appuftcnnncey,n�id
<br /> fixtures naw or hereatter a purt of th�pcop�;»y.A!7 re�lucement�ond addldons ehnll nlso be covereci by U�is Security Instrue�enY. =
<br /> AIl oF tha f�regoing is rcferrccl to in lhis Sccudty leatrumcnt es 1ho"Pxopcity."
<br />, BOR�tOW£sR CaVm1VANTS th�t Borcower!s Inw[ully sciscd nf tho cstato hcreby conveycd wtd has the right to grant end =.
<br /> convey tha ProQerty and that tho Propeny i� unencumbered, except for encumhrances of rocord. Honov�or warranta end will
<br /> dcfcnsl gcncraily thc UUc to thn Pmperiy agNnst nll clalme an�dennunds,subJcct to nny cncumbrances of recard.
<br /> 'ffiIS SECURI7'Y INSTRUMBNT combincs unlforrn covenants For nalional usc aaid non-uniform covcnants with llmited
<br /> VASL�!n�3 D�J)f�f!9�!lG��OI![O E�OPB�!!!�(4:�S uuuann xa:uriiy i�isuwiiuii iww�uutr�ic±u yiuuw`ey.
<br /> CJNIFORM COVBNAN'TS.Borrowar and L.cnder cavcnant ond agrec av follows: =
<br /> 1.Payment of Princtp�l�nd Irtierest;Prep�ymeM And Lote Chorgea. Borrowcr shuU pron�pdy pay when duo the _
<br />, principal of and lnurest on the debt evldenced by the Note und any prepayment and lato charges due under the Notc.
<br /> 2,t�'unds for Taxes and Insuraace. Subject to applicable iaw or to a written walver by Lender� Banower shall pay to -
<br />, Lcndcr on tho day monthly payments are due under thc Note,undl the Nots is paid In fu11,a sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly taxes
<br /> end assessments which may au�n priority over this SecurIry Inspument a9 a llen on�he Property:(b)yearly lca�ehold payments
<br /> or graund rents on iho Property,if any;(c)yearly hazard or property insurance premiums;(d)yearly flood insurance prcmi�uns,if
<br /> any;(e)yearly martgage lnsurence nremiums, tf any;end(�any sums payablo by Borrower to Lender,ln a�cordance with the
<br /> provisions of paragraph 8. in lieu of the payment of mongage insucactco premiums. These items are called "Escrow Items."
<br /> Lendu may,at any Nme,collect and hold Funds in an amount not W exec:ed the maximum emount u lea�der for a federally related
<br /> mortgago Icu�n mA,y r�,�nire for portower's cssrow��caont imder tha fe.toe�l Real Bstate S�ulement Frocedures Act of 1974 as
<br /> amended from dme t�time. 12 U.3.G Secdon?.U01 et seq. ("RBSPA")�unless anothcr law that applles to the Funds sets u Icsser
<br /> amount If so,Lendu may, et any tIma� collect end hold Funds in an emount not to exceed the lesser amaunt» Lender may
<br /> es�mate the amount of Funds due on tho basLs of current data and reasonable es�trr►ate,9 af expenditures of future Bscmw Items 6r
<br /> otherwjse in eccordance with applicablo law.
<br /> The f�c�;sds st�ll l�,hcld In an insdtutlan whose depnsitc�:�c insurcd by a fc�eral agcr.cy.insmsmentality,or entity(:ncluding
<br /> Lender.if I.�ender is such an insHtution)or in any Federal Kome 3.osn Benk.Lender shall epply the Funds to pay the Escrow
<br /> Items.Lendcr may not chnrge Bonower for holding and applying thc Funds,annually analyzing thc escrow account,or vcrjfying
<br /> . the Escrow Itema, unless Lendec pays Borrower interest on the Funds end epFlicable 1aw permits Lender to rtzalce such a charge.
<br /> Howevu, Lendu may rr,quIm Borrower bo pay a ono-time charge for en independent roal estaoe tsuc reporting service used by
<br /> L,endar in connxtion wIth this loan� unless appllcable law provides ntherwLse.Urtless an agreement is made or applicable!aw
<br /> _ roq_uires intercat to be uaid,L.cnder sball not be reauired to pay Borrowcr eny interest or earninAs on thc Funds.Botrower at►d
<br /> Lendcr may agra in wriHng,however.that int�erest shall bo paid on tho Funds.Lender shall give to Borrower.w[thaut charge,an
<br /> annual nccoundng of the Funds,showin&credits and debits to tha Hlinds and the purposa for which each debit to the Funds was
<br /> � made.The Funds are pledged as addItional securiry for all sums secured by this Securlry InsuumenG
<br /> If the Runds held by Lendu�xcced the amounts pumitted to be held by appUcable law,Lender si�all eccount w Borrower for
<br /> ' the ear,ess Funds in accordance with the requirements nf applicablo law.If the amount of the Tunds held by Lendu at eny tlmo is
<br /> not sufficient w p�y the Escrow Items when due,Lenda may so notify Sorrower in wrfting,a��d,in such case Bonowa shall pay
<br /> to Lcndu the emount nocc,4sary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no more than twtivc
<br /> monthly paymetiu.at Lender's sole discretion.
<br /> ' Upon payment In full of nll sums sec�red by this Secuary Insuument,Lec�der shall promptly refund W Borrower eny Funds
<br /> hcld by Lea�da.If.under parsgraph 21,Lender shail acqulre or sell the Property,Lendu,pdor to the acquisidon or rala of the
<br /> , Pro{x�rty,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisitlon or sale�as a credit against the sums secured by this
<br /> ; Socurity Inswmeat
<br /> 3.Applkatbe of Ps�ymeeta. Unless epplicable law provides otherwise,sill payments received by I.ender under paragraphs
<br /> � 1 and 2 shall be epplied:first,to any prepayment chsuges du��u►der the Noto;secund,oo amounts payable ander paz�qraph 2;
<br /> thicd,to inuxest due;fou�,to.�cipal due;and la4t,w any late charges due under ihe N�ote.
<br /> . 4.Char`es;Lkat. �otrowei`shnll pay all tanes,assessmenis. charges, Cuies and imposidons sttr3butable W the Ptopxty
<br /> which may guain priarity over this Security Insuument,and leasehold payments or gruund rents.if aay.Borrower shall pay thesc
<br /> obllgations in the manner provi@ed in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Sorrower shall pay theni on time direcdy to the
<br /> ' � person owal paymtnG Horrower ahall prompUy fi�mish to Lcnder aA nodces nf amounts to be psid nnder I��S paragraph. Uf
<br /> . Borrowsr makes these p�ymenta direcdy,Borrow�sball promptly furnish w I.endex receipts evidencing 1he payments.
<br /> , Boirower shall prompdy discharge any I�en wluch has priority over this Security tnsorumcnt unless Bomowu: (a)agrces in
<br /> � wriHng to the payrr�ent of tha obligation secored by tha llen in a manner acceptable w I.ender;(b)contests in good faith the lien
<br /> by. or defends against enfo�tement of the lien in. legal proceedinge which in the i.ende,r's opisiion op�rate to prevent the
<br /> enforccment of the licn; or(c)sec�u�es from the holder of thc lien an eg�ement satisfactory to Lcndcr subordL�ating tha lien to
<br /> this Secudty InstrumcnG tf Lcndcr detcrtnines tt�at any part of the Property is sabJect to a 13en which may auain priariry ovcr this
<br /> ; Security Instrument,Lender may give Bormwer a notice identitying thc Hen.Borrowrr shall sadsfy tha Hen or ta�co one or more
<br /> of tha mctions sca fanh above within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> .w� Form sosa vroo
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