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<br /> . - 1 a � _u,d�. �, _ . . -
<br /> _ - . � � .. , ,`7�w� ;�C�-�3�--��'',r�`aa' n���` . .�.. ` _ _ .. —. .' _._. . ..
<br /> �• wi
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<br /> - � , - - ,- . , �/� f�l
<br /> . < . ��; . . . _ _ .
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<br /> — _T-�� ..:_... �.�__�=— _ac«:��,.,..,�,�.�t�ejr����an,mrm;�..a,:ec�ro■law_�rbiC�_�_*axi�iaum lan _ - - -
<br /> - , � �. , � --- - - - --
<br /> �_ ---
<br /> _cb�r��od tWt t�►is fm�1JY in�erp�ed so tivt ffie imetest b�adrer ivm ch�rtes oollested or wT Tco�,m aones�-- ,
<br /> -- � �rtl6 dre lo�n�xoeed tbd pormuttd timits.d�m:(s)say such W�o chu�c s1nU bt ceduced by the amoent nea,sssry to iGduo� - ----
<br /> �n rmiued limits v�l
<br /> � .. .
<br /> ; t�e c6�e w�petmit�ed 1i�and�(b)aty sums at�rsdy c�ollaaed from Hormv►+�r wliich exoxdcd ye .
<br /> ,- y�tr�liwded t�Hottv�rer.i.eadetm�y ct�oo�e to matce thit pefuad bY cti�ci�t6eP��o�ved tu�ier d�e Nate orby� _
<br /> ._.. __..�.__ ._ '
<br /> " . ___ a���to 8�et:If�refimd roduces prineip�l��ted�eticxi will be trr�ted'aa a p�t�al prepaYme!�t - . --
<br /> _ ' �P�►���the Nde., _ �� ,
<br /> _-= . = li. ZWfk+�s. AnY iwtice to Bocro�rer pcnvidedfor ia tbis Security l�neat sbsli 6e given tiy�dellvF�in�it or
<br /> � � by in�ilie�it by tittt cl�ss"m�ii unks�sppiic�bia taw roquias use of anather tnethod.The mtice slnll be directed,to tLe .
<br /> - , lrqppty Addreu or irr adkr addKSS BaaoMer desipMes b!►notice to Leeder.My notic�e w l.euder shall be given Ey
<br /> 14nt clw mril to I�adcr's aQdiess suted heoeln a�ey adiec addrcss t.ender desi�nala bY notice w Borrower.An�aotbe . .
<br />: , _ : prnvided tor in tUis Setutky t��+lt be deee�ed w iuve bae�jivai t�Ba�rower or Le�der wtrcn�iven�s provided � `
<br /> �� 1S��G�r�eis�,aw:Ser�*a4iYtx. This Sxurity Imt�rtxnt�it be�weroed tiy tedeeal Lw and the taw of d�e
<br /> - �� _ ' , juri�dictioa ia wbkh tAe PrapertY is located-to the.eveat du�t say proviswn or ciwse of Uus SocucitY imt��Na�� `,
<br /> coeHic4s wMh yqlicabk bw.sueh oantlict�U uot sfkct ed�tr prari�of this Securiry 1�uarumeni .
<br /> � - ,.da be�iven effecE�ri�out tha cooflictin�Pruvisia�-To this eod ttk provisions of this Secu�ry Instcument aad t6e Naoe .
<br /> ` ace dpcW�ed w.be seve�ble. of tl�a Note and of this Securiry It+suument• _ .
<br /> ' , : ��= ` ": if. Menwer s C� Horrower ah�it be�iven one confom�cd coPY
<br /> � - �" I7. T�a�er ot tre Pt�ert�.ur a De�eflcai IMee+eit is�aetowa. If all ar any pact of the Propetty or pal►
<br /> °'��°- �in ie u solc!a uaosfured(or if a beaeticiai ieterac in Borrower is sold or tcansferrod and Bormwa is not a nuwal
<br /> persoo)withaut Lender'�p�rior v4ritte�s cornak.l.ender may.at its optjan,nequin imm�iate WY��ie fuU of a11 sums _
<br /> equi
<br /> � ,. aecuted by tbis See�ritY 1�•Noweva.this aption.shatl not 6e exercised bY I.eqder if e�cercise is pnnlubite4 by f�deal =-
<br /> . _'.:'-.:.:: �w as ot d�e date af this Securiry lnabume�u. � ---
<br /> . �r;�'"' ,�-�. . Jf Leoder exereises tbis optioa,I�ender shaU glve Bocrowu natice of accekratioa.T6e mtice shall provide a period �"Y-
<br /> k ati
<br /> ' .., . . . of aot le�th�u 30 day�fram the d a t e t i i a n a t k e is delivercd or mailed witbia whicb Borrower must PaLender ina iavoke � �..r'.�. -
<br /> . , . by t63s Secunry Insuument.If Horrower fails to pay tl�eae sums prior to"ti�e expir�itioa of this penod, Y . ;
<br /> '., � any remcdies pertnit[od by this Security L�saumeat without further notice or demand on Borrorver. . ,� �
<br /> n �
<br /> _ . - li. aoeeo�e�s lti�t to Re�ate. If Boaower mats certaia cunditiarts,Basrawer shail have the right w�ve ;- __-�
<br /> . .' enfacement of this Security Inctmment discoatiaued�t any ti�e Pnor to the earlier of:{a)S days(or such other period ,�: -
<br /> • . • ' as applicabk law may spxi f y for reiastaumea t)b e foce s a l e o f t h e P r o p e n Y P���Y P�e r o f s a t e c o n�n e d m tlus � ,'.°
<br /> �'���'''�' `>t � Security Insuw�ent;or(b)eatry of a judgment eafo[ctng this Socuricy Inurumeat•Tho�e candmons are th�t Barrower: ���...,.:;;.:,i.
<br /> . . ` Insinunent and the Note as if no acceleratian had ''"'" - -
<br /> � ' ' • (s)PaYs Lender all sums which then would be due undet thla Socurity :;=,:`i���
<br /> ' ':�t�:::,,.,':;'�,-
<br /> - -, '� ��� occurrod:(b)cuns aay defa�lt of aay otber covenants or�greemen�s:ta)PaYs�ll eapeaces incu�d ia enforcing this Security • ..; �,
<br /> - - - . : InswmeM.inctu�ing,hut nat limited to,reasonable attocneys' fees;utd(d)taices such action as I.ender may reasonably . `�`�r
<br /> � requir�e ta asaffa that the lien of this Sec�uity Instn�mcnb 1.er�der's rights in the Propercy and Boc�ower's obligation to pay , '��'�
<br /> � - the sums seca�ed by this Securiry lnstrument shaU caarinne�nchuiged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower,this Security In- • � ' `
<br /> . . � � ,`...;
<br /> . ; suyment aad tl�e obli g adonssecared henby sha11 remain fully effecpve as if no acceloradon had occuned. However,this i , • • ,� ;: ;:.
<br /> , ' , .�_ ' right to teinspu shall not�pply in the casc oi accelera�on under paragrapl� 17. ,. �:
<br /> 'r,•,r F.
<br /> ,, 19. S�ie ot Nate;Cbsinge ot I.o�u�Servlar. 7'he Note or a partlal interest in thc Note(COgether witi�this Security . , ;,�1.���,
<br /> ;'� Inswmera)tcszg be suld one or more times without prior notice to Borrower.A sale may rest:i�'W a change in the entity ,.;;:,.,`�'
<br /> , , ..:i;J::. , (lmown as tfie"l.oan Servicer"�that collects monthlY WY�ta due under the Note and this S�riry Instrument.There '.;:'``;'_
<br /> .;�"'''•' � ' also may be one or more c.�anges of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the �ote.If there is a change of the Lo� �� .
<br /> )��:�•. � t." , , i_
<br /> :,`:��< :�,;t;;.;t„� Servicer.Boscauet wii3 be gi�an writtcn notice of the chaage in accardance wifi peragraph 14 above and applicable law. : ` ;!_:-
<br /> . ..`�,: '• Tbc nodce w�B 5tale ihe ueame and ad��tss Of the new Loan Servicet and the address tv whiCh�Sa3�eats shouid be tt�de. € , �_
<br /> . .:�;y.;;.t.• . .
<br /> • r,�:;,
<br /> .. 't'he notice w�afso conra:n any ot�ea infs�mation uired by appllcable law. _�`
<br /> • ' ' `� 'i''' ZO Aazasdous Sp6etances. S�.*aa�wer sharl�rwtl causa or permit the presence.use.dis�o��af, storage. or retease � . :��:�'�' '
<br /> � � of any Hazardous Subst�nccs an or in t3e Praperty.Borrower shaU not do.nor attn�r anyone ctse to do,anytbing affecting ; _- . ,
<br /> � • the prc�perty that is in violarion of any Environmental Law.The preadiag two sentenees shall not apply co the presenee, � :.
<br /> � . uso.or storage ex�t�e PrapertY of small$.rantities af Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to 4e approprlate � ' . :.,:,,_�
<br /> �-.;�,`'q to normal resi�c�ftial uses and to mainte�sce of the Froperty. i : ��y..;
<br /> ',.,,..;:. ._
<br /> .���=;::�% ve t�3�r writtrn naticc of any investigation.claim,dem�nd.i�awauit or other action by I ' . , ' .;..,
<br /> - .;,-_.,,: Bortowet aha11 prompifY gi �
<br /> .��•
<br /> ' •,.;r,;, any govenunenul or re�alatory agency or prlvate party involving the Praperty and any �1a�ardous Substance ar ; _ ,.'-:°:�.:.
<br /> ` .S!'.�,�.,. ;�.,:r5'�%,',F��� Envtronmental Law o!which Boaower has actaal Wtowledge. lf Borrawer learns.or is notifred by any govemmental or i � ''"�
<br /> . . regWawry authodty,th�t a�sy removal or other rertiWiatioa of any Hazardous Substance affecting the PropertS+�s nc�essary� � � , °. ' �
<br /> . ' �.�:"�.,;; Bonower shall promptly take all necessucy remedial acdons in accordance with Environmer.taG �.aw. I
<br /> • ', , As used in thls paragraph 20."E�azFUdaus Substances"are those substances detined as to�:or hazardous subs�ances � •
<br /> . ..,'.I. � � , hy Envlronnxatal law and the follow"sng substances:gasoline.kerosene,other flammable or tozic pearoleum ptoduets.toxie ; ,
<br /> � '�;�.;•• . ,p�cides aad berbicides,volaole soIvents,materiats cantaining asbestos or formaldehyde,and r�c�active snateciats.As � .
<br /> , . used in tla9 pungaph Z0."BnWronmenta!3aw"meaas feQeral laws and laws of'tl�e jurisd'rMion wtsereLhe Praperty is Icxated � • . , .
<br /> �' � , ;,� th�t rel�e�wlheifth,safery or environmont�l,pratection. ` . .
<br /> �
<br /> . :, - .
<br /> tt i
<br /> � 3 � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bonowcr and Lender funher cavenant sufd agrec as followa: � `
<br /> . . f ' , 21. Aaceleratioa;Rereedie�.Lende�sbaU 81ve notiee to Borrower prbr to accekRaUon tdlowieg Borrower•s �. �
<br /> • � bt+ae6 of aey oare�mt or a�eemeN in thb 5ecu�ily IrotrwneM(but no1 Prlor to�cekratbn under par�Rral�6�� . ,
<br /> : . ,.. nrk�aOplicabk bw pravide�otherwige).The notice shall specify:(a)the defaull.[b)the action reqWred to cure t6e
<br /> . dera�lN,(e)s d�e,not less tb�o 30 dsys from t6e dNe t6e eatice b�ree to Borrowee.6Y whlcb tde default must .. ,
<br /> � � ' be aurd:aed(�tlut failure b cuee the defwlt o0 or be[oK ihe.dat�speeltfed ie tLe nMke msy result in�ccekratbe , • � .
<br /> � ot the aumi secured by tLb Securky tMrument aed saie ot the P�+aperty.'11te aetiee sl�ll tee�leer intonn Sorrower
<br /> � � attl�e risbt to�e atte�aacekntbn an�l the rls6e to bslag s coud acNan to assert the ooa�existence ot a detauh - --
<br /> oe au�r ot6v deCe�e ot Horrowe�to accekatbn�nd s�te.lt tbe defauh b no1 cured oe u�before the d�te speciffed
<br /> ' . � Ltre iM1ae.�.eadee at W opNon msy=eqWre immedWe q9mta in tul!u!all smro secured by tbh Secudty Iastniment . .
<br /> � ' rrkLortl�efierd[�ad aed m�p ievaice tLe poa'er of a�ie aod as�dYer remt�tes Permttted by applicabk taw.I.ender .
<br /> . • s6�11 be eMitted to eoYec�all txperuts incuered In pne�uio�th�remedks provlded in N�ts para�capM Z1. includin�,
<br /> ,� ' b�na!Hmited to,rea�w�bie aetas�eya�'lee+aed coets of tkte eWdenee. .
<br /> � • . .,, . . .
<br /> ""'_'_".....:.::__.:�'��'� . .._�. . ... . _ . . . .
<br /> ._. . ._.-_. .-.. ' . .
<br /> i ' ': _ . _ . . . .._ . . y..... ' '_ _
<br /> � _ Folnff�l !l!i IDa%e4u/S -._-�—.__...._�-----_
<br /> . . °°a"� .
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