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BOlDONC��I.EO�C�YW���QOC it fOIlOW3: <br /> — -�jt��vi i[tellr�il�?�a'e�"A�a7��atl L�te£�r� $�wrer ahsll�tly p�w!�du� - - _ --. <br /> -�� tbe p�lscipal of aed imerat m the debt evidenced b�t tbe Note and any ptepayment,aad t�te chsrges due�mder the Nate. _-- <br /> --- -=-�: 3. Fi�it fi�Ta�s a�i L�t�ea SubJ��sPPix�4w or w a arrittrn w�uver by Lader.Burrawet st�il =- <br /> - -- - = pay��sades aa tbe dsy mo�lY P�Y�arc due�mda thG Nate..�t6e Nate is p�id ia fuR,a.sum("Fands'7_� _ ___-- <br /> -�.�' wbie6 ms aaain uver tbis Seauiry Ias�ment as a tien on tLe�+apetty;tb)Y�Y <br /> �+:.,_,= (y yady c�a and a�es�ats. Y P�� <br /> - ��"� ' ia�hoid pryme�s a�c�o�nod ra�ao tbe Propettg.If-"a�,(c)YeuIY ba�d a P�opertY;,�a'+�p[etniwas;(�Ye�1Y _ <br /> ---�'��: iaad in�uaooe pnmiums.if aaY%ce)Y�Y��P�•if aay;aad tfl mY�W�Y�bY�O� - <br /> _ - - tQ i�eaaer:ie ia�ad�+e�h die prnvisioos of paag�ph tiat of tse�e,yment of mortg�ge insurmoe premiums.7bese � _ <br /> _�- i1a�acealted"E�xv�v Ieems."I�eadermay,at mY�me.oollect��F�ads in m acaou�not w exceod tLe u�a�o�mua <br /> ` '�� s tacTOw ar.cwnt under the foderal Ral <br /> -:;;�'_ - " wio�ot a te�de��ac s�edaaliY�eislod mort�e 1wn ma!►t°4°a�'C.��e*, <br /> �;�'•`��,< Estue S��Act of 1974 s amended fmm time t6�;32 U.S.C. �2601 u 3rq.("RESPA"),�nk�s , <br />�.::;'='� - <br />;,;..:��;�, - aoodier tmv Bai��pplies to tbe Famds sets a taaes amo�nt.If so,I�ra��aoaY,at a�ry time.cbllect aad tatd Fumid�in an <br /> �"�;%, � -: a�no�uu.oat w eiraod t6e 1a�a amouot.I.eader mty�the amamt of Fnads due aa t6e b�v�of curnat data aod ' <br /> ei <br /> ` ` te,uaa�bie�of�xpeadidQa of tut�e F.scrow Ite�or a�berwjse in acrard�aoe with applicabie iaar. <br /> . <. <br /> �,..�' 'The Faod�sdfII ba Ueld in sn auudqioa�hait depa�its�e inauM by�4 federsl ageocY•ia�onaawlilY•or euoity = <br /> `�� � - �- t-: <br /> '�.,�:�;::�,-��.'.. (ioclndia�Laider,if Lender a wch sn iasatutioo)or in aay Federal Aane Lan 8�.l�nder sh�11 sppiy t6e Fw�to- :. <br /> �F � • ps�t the Euro+v Itam.l�ndet miy eat chtt,e Bp[row�et for boWina aad�pplyias the Funds.aanually aa�lyzin�the esctow t•' , <br /> :,-":,,F.� t Barower irKenaK oa the Fwds aad Law pemtics I.ender = <br /> ��;..,:�:•. ao�oa�t.a ve�i[jn�d�e F.�ccow It�am.uda�Ix�der Prl► aK �ppl� � <br /> .: _,:;� ._ ', � � w,mdre�ucb a c6u�. How�eva.Leader m�y raquit�e 8orm+ver w pay�t ooe-t�me ch�r�e for an Independent real esate ';:,._- <br /> �_=---• %., !aw odmtwi�o.tlatas an apepneat ' ! .. .. <br /> , :�:;�'°*....� ._.� �c ieportiq��aria tred by Ire�Qer in camectjos�rllb tbi�lan.udas applicaWe P'nvt�d� - <br /> �'��'�i7'=_._:���� i�m�de a I�w roquiret in�ereM w 6e l.adec�i!aat be rsqaiced w pRy Harower aay idercst a prnia�s = <br /> -�--='��"`- - au the F��Le+�der au�Y Krae �vritin�.bowever.tA�t interest�11 be paid aa the Fwds.Lender�Il �� �- ' 'i_ <br /> , ;�� .� ,: • , � jive w Borrower.wilbaut cAu��nnwl�ccawlln{atthe Fuads.ahowin=crodlts Aed debits w the�wids and�he purpo�e � <br /> • . far whkh e�ch debit W tAe Funds was ntide.TAe Funds are pledged as addition�l aecurity for�l!sums secwrd by fhts Socurity � , . <br /> - -- . Listrwnent, - - - . . _ . � ...��.��.�.._- `' <br /> ; � . Uthe Fund�held by_Leader e�uxed the aa�o�uxs permit�od w be bdd by applicabie law.l,erider cb�U accaunt w Boaower � • - <br /> fa tbe excw Fuads ia�accord�ace with tl�e roquin�meati o!spptic�6le lsw.lf t6e amou�of the Funds betd by L�ender at � �-`�� <br /> . � � • aay dme is aat suff'icieat w py tl�e Fscmw Items whea dpe.Leoder msy so mdfy Borror�ver ia writing.aod.ia such c�e t . � � <br /> • Borrow+er sluU psy to Lender the aawunt neressary!w m�tre up the deficiency.Bocrawer�ail m�lce up tbe de6ciency ia ���—�--•- <br /> ' � � ao mo�e th�a twelve maathlY P�Y�s,at Leider s sok discralon. - � .� � . J— <br /> � ` <br /> �' . . UPon PnYmeat in full of All awa+socurod by this Secudry Insavmcnt,Lender shill pranpdy refund to Borrower �:.-�; <br /> , , aay Fuads heW by I.ender.If,wider psragraph 21.Lender sh�U acqaite or sell the properey.L e n d e r.Prior w t h e acquisidoa '_ i� <br /> ' a s�ie af d�e .ah�ll apply u►y Fuads beld by Leoder a!tbe pme of acquisitIon or sak as a cndit against the sums � . .; . . <br /> � �eca�od by thts'�ty Iastruaient, t • <br /> � • �• 3. A�liaitia�ot Ps'mts. Qdess applicabk law pmvides odxrwis�.all psymants raelvod by Lender under I .. , • <br /> n er <br /> . •.' ` puagraphs 1 ud 2 s6�11 be anY P�!►meat charges dae under the Nate;secand,w amouats psyable uader � . , ..�,' <br />___ pua�r�ph 2; iuterest dua:fourth,w principal due; and l�st,to any iate charges due ar�der the Note. ! , : <br /> � 4. Cirr�es;Liens. Horrower shall pay aU taaes,s«� u.cbuges,fiaes and impositions auributable to the � .. . ' <br /> •. . ptoperty whfi�h mary tttain priodty over t6is Secuf►ry lnswment,aa�teauhold pAyments or grouad rents,if any.Borrower ; ,`'�_ <br /> �� ' ": ;° .. ��< �P�Y�mbllg�dong in the m�nner providod in poragraph 2,ur a�aot paid in 11t�t�r,aaaower snau pay�em i , . <br /> �,�, <br /> . :-�;,�. �°��>;,,:,,' ao t6ne din�Y to tlree peraon owed pnyment.Borrowes shh��UU prar�ly.turnish to Leader�ll notias of aawants ta ba paid ; . - <br /> � `• • ' noder this p�t�,tapb.If Borrower m�lces tbeae PoY��Y+Homewer si�U promptl9 furt�W I.�etrder�eipta evidencta8 , . <br /> ��;�.�i:;:;. . , : <br /> ,,,;�.,,• , . : :•�.` � <br /> ' ���er sh�U pcanptty discharge any lien wh3ch has priority over tbis Securlry Iastrument uNess Boaower: (a) ; ..: <br /> � ' .' s�ras ia wridng to the pAyment of the obligatioa securod by the lien ia s maruxr accepta6le to Leader;(b)cont�su in good ; :',',�-.' , . <br /> �_ ' f�ith tLe lien by,or defends agaiast enforcetnent of the]iea in,lega3 praceedings wh3ch in the Leader's opirrian operau w ' � ,�.�, �� <br /> ., . . pteveat the eaforcernent oP the lien;or(c)secures from tdfe D�older of d�e lien an agreernent satisf�ctory to l.eQder snbor- � '�'` . .. <br /> . dia�aa the lkn W this Socudty Inctrument.If Ltnder de2esmines that any put of the Property is subj�ct to a�en whicA � . . u': �'°•` '� <br /> , . mty aadn yr�orlty over tdis Securlty I�uwment.Lender�uay glve Borrawer a notice ideatifyb►g the lien.Ho�tr s6aU i . - <br /> . '. � � , s�tisfy tLe Uen or t�k�e oae tsr more of the actimu set fmtlt above within 10 days of the giving of notia. � <br /> "' . , S. BuarA oe Pro�rqr Iae�rancs. Honower st�]}tcap t4�e 9mprovemeats naw eaisting or herafter esected oa ; <br /> � � . �. tLe Property�uured agai�ut lass by fire.hazards ineh�ded within the um�"extended wvemge"�nd any dher hazuds, , . <br /> , _ ''� iaclndins floods ar flaoding,for which Lender requires inswar�ce.7'his insurance shall be maintaitxd in the amaunu and •. � . <br /> � � � • ' ' for the periods that Lender requires.The Insurance carricr providing the insurance saall be chosen by Borrower subject to ; : , <br /> � � � l,ende:'s appraval which shall nos be unreasonably with4xTd.If Borrawes fails to maintain coverage descri6ed above,Lerde� , , , <br /> Leeder's option,obta�n coverago to protect Leader's rights in t6e Property in accardance with paragaph 7. <br /> • . 1 All lawriace polkks and nnew�ls shall be accepable to Lendes and sha11 include a standard mortgage clause.Lender <br /> . � ah�ll hive tho righe to hold the pollcles end anewals.Ii Lender requires,Borrower sha11 promptly glve to Lender a11 recelpts <br /> • � af paid pcemiums auid renewal nodees.ln the event oP loss.Bnnower sh�11 give prompt nodce to the insurance carrier and <br /> � Lender, L,ender may malce ptoof of loss if not made ptompQy by Borrower. <br /> Unla�+l.�nder and Bonower otherwise agree in wtiting,insurance procceds shall be applied to restoratinn or repair . <br /> , ' � � of the Properiy duniSed.if the restoration or rep�it is economically f�asible and Lcnder's securiry is nd lessened.lf tht ' <br /> � ; ..• � nswration ar_npair is not econamically feasiblo or Lender's secueity would be tessened.the l�curance proceeds sha11 be <br /> . i �pplied to tlie auma xeund by this Secudty►nstnunent,whether ar not�hen Que.with�ny excess paid to <br /> , ab�ndons the Pruperty,or does na answer within 30 days a noHce from Lender Ihai the insurance carrier has nffeced to <br /> � � . settla a claim.then Lender may collect the insuranoe proaeds.Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property <br /> ' � or to p�y sums aecur�by this Security lnswment.whether or not then due.The 30day period wiU begin when the naicc � <br /> � � �i given. � . <br /> . Unless Leader and Bartawer aherwise agree in writing,any appllcailon of proceeds to principal shall not catend _ <br /> �- or postpane the due Aate of the monthly paymeats refesred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the emoum af the payments. � <br /> If under pat�graph Z1 the Property is acqulred by Leeder.Borrower's rlght to any insurance policles and proce°�a resu28ng <br /> from dumge to tLe Property prlor to the acquisidon sha11 pass to Lendtr to the extent of the sums secured b�r t���,s Securiry � <br /> I - ' � 1�irumeat immediately prior w t1�e acqtrisidon. ' <br /> ,::;; � . <br /> .. f <br /> .. .•-:_�.�.:.. . .�:..,�.�....:. ::..... . . _ . � <br /> ._.�._ .---`- -•:_.�.__..�._._:...c;.--- _'- .. _ .. . . .� _. . . _ . . _.. . . _ . . .. . .. - - -`- --"--'- --' - - -._. <br /> : , � • Fone 7021 b/f0 IOage 1 oJS <br /> ... , . . , �-�:;.�'-��. - - - - .. .. - - <br /> - - � � � , � � , - :i <br /> � • -- <br /> . ; . - <. � . <br /> ' � <br /> - - <br />