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N ~ <br />~ ~~ <br />~ ~~ <br />~ ~w~wrr <br />CJl ~~ <br />~ ~~ <br />Ul r~f~ <br />.,~.~ <br />wPrwrrrrrwrw <br />~~ <br />~^ <br />.uor'AS ~u•r <br />Ayy,„d <br />W. C . wl/pMYI/1J <br />w. I7,7 LN-fZ.4 W. <br />~, -- <br />4 <br />V w <br />r <br />c~~l <br />~ ~ ~, ~ ~'P~AI N?P~4, $~Q. 12 T 1 PN-A8W <br />~b I~~.~~m ~~ U?r`plrlPPsd ~ <br />~ k~ $ <br />a ~ ~ ~ . <br />~ = ~~ I <br />A ~ ~ ~ <br />w ~ <br />~~ x <br />~ I~ <br />,AACO•A J A <br />N, <br />SW. Cw. SMI/1 Ser. <br />f~l l~ ~R 9 W, <br />e~~y~q la',.zo~ <br />~7arISJ <br />7.076 Ac.) <br />(O.II31A •) <br />1~ I/4 S~tfian lino <br />1 <br />11 11 Nf. Cw. Sfl/4 Sec, ' <br />1 ~ 1 r7, /!iN-RAW, <br />1 ~ 1 rw~„w Ahmrolwn Cyp <br />1 ~ ~ 1 <br />ay 1 <br />~ O I <br />1 ~ 1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />111 ~ a <br />1 „; ~ <br />1 I <br />Ile ~ <br />~, ~ <br />d ; ~ ~ <br />r I <br />I <br />/ <br />r a I <br />rr ~~ 'O~ i <br />frfd'N fEvkar. q r <br />dF ,~ ,p r <br />r h r <br />r W / <br />r < r <br />rr / <br />r r <br />/ / <br />! r <br />r ~ <br />r <br />uy PoAAr w Wcy Irtrr Sfwdy Amd AOad <br />AIM;9/a~W1/~, hoc. >? Ti11V•R9W <br />~' Unp/iP1od <br />r <br />r <br />i <br />urv _y_9r's ,Ce,rt/flcate <br />1 hereby certHy Thal on July 12, 2010, 1 comp/sled an accurate survey of <br />'SHADY BEND SECONp SUDD/V1StON; In the Clly of Grand /s/and, Ha// Courtly, <br />Nebraska, as shown on the accompanying plat Iherao$ Iha/ /ha lots, blocks, <br />streets, avenues, of%ys, parks, commons and other grounds as comaload to <br />said subdlvislan as shown an /ha accompanying p/ol Iherav/ are well and <br />accurately slaked ol/ and morked,• Thal trop markers were placed al alt !ol <br />corners; lhol the dimensions at each /o/ are as shown on /he plat; that each <br />lal bears Its own number,• and That said survey was made wllh re/erence to <br />known and recorded monuments. <br />(S a/.~s.s1a ~ <br />ra, Daryl D. Sorge lrei, Reg,rLa~ld urveyor No. 578 <br />°,~h o s4o a~~~~' <br />~.~~ ~ <br />Approve nd accepted by Iha Clly o/ Crand Island, Nebraska, lhls .~.._ <br />day ol~~, 1010. <br />anon-~e~~~ <br />~ <br />x <br />'~ `~-ai <br />In 'r' <br />~ s <br />~+ _ <br /> it <br /> <br /> <br /> ~ <br />a <br />I ~ .. <br />b ,n u P. <br />• ctW.(iSA7d s~lauwolwa <br />CEW/E 0. 30r16ENflln <br />E~I+O~IN.Ia P01P <br />• No/ary Pu 'lc <br />SHA D 1' BEND SECOND S UBDI VI SI ~N <br />IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND NEBRASKA <br />RaCXWfLL AND ASSOC. L L C - CNCINfEAINC A SURVEYING - GRAND !BLAND, NfBRASBA SheslNo.l01/ <br />f~ <br />•-!nd toles 1/1" /ran P/pa round Unless Olherwlse Nolad <br />o--lndlcoles !/7" !ron P/pr w/Survsy Cop Pldcad Unloss 0/herwlse Noted <br />A-lndlcoles ACTUAL Dlsloncr <br />R-!ndlcolas RFCpRpEO Dlslance <br />All D/Alancq Shown On Curves An CNORD Dls/cnces <br />wC URVE tlA7A~• <br />Cwr+ A6. I L1.x Ah elm A6. J <br />r nr L61o oar Po <br />• <br /> ~_ <br />! " SASS ~ l " i4AJ9 / ~ r42f <br /> ~ <br />C • IpAl7~ C = ~SJI• C ~ 9M01 <br />A Iraq o/ land camprlsing all of Lols One (l) and Two (1), Shady Band <br />Subdlvlslon, an Addlllan to the Cify al Crand Island, Hall Courtly, Nebraska, Bald <br />tract con/a/ning 2.441 acres more ar less. <br />DedJc~~lon <br />KNDW ALL M£N BY THESE PRESENTS, lhal CRAIC 0. W000WARD and KAREN <br />W00DWARD, husband and wife, being Iha owners o/ the land described hereon, <br />have caused same to be surveyed, subdlvtdad, plalled and deslgna/ed as 'SHADY <br />BENp SECDND SUBDlV15lON' !n the Clly o/ Cmnd /stand, Nebraska, as shown nn <br />the accampanying plat (hereof, and do hereby dedlcale the eosemanls, 11 any, <br />as shown Thereon /or the /ocallan, conslrucl/on and malnlanance of public <br />sarvlce u11111/es, logelher w/1h /he rlghl a/ !ogress and egress !hereto, and <br />hereby prahlblling /ha planting of Iraes, bushes and shrubs, or p/acing other <br />obslrucllons upon, over, along or underneath the surlace al such eosemanls; <br />and Thal the /aregotng subdlvlslon as more parllcularly described !n the <br />dascrlpl/on hereon as appears on Ihls ptal !s made with Iha tree consent and <br />In accordance w//h the desires o/ the undersigned owners and proprlelors. <br />IN W/TNESS WNEI~"Or, we have anrxed our slgnaluras hereto, al Grand Island, <br />Nebraska, Ihls~E~day a/.~.~iA_/v _. 101D. <br />r' <br />c' ~ <br />"~'~kCra g D. Woodward Karen WoodA ward'~~~~ <br />Acknowledgement <br />Stale 01 Nebrosko <br />Courtly 0/ Na~~ ss , ' <br />On the-day of~% 2010, belore me, l r~~~Q s, n ru <br />a Notary Public wllhln and oI r said Courtly, personally appeared CRAIG <br />WOGDWARD and KAREN WOODWARD, husband and wile, and la me personally <br />known to be the ldenl/ca/ persons whose slgnaluras era al/lxed hereto, and lhal <br />each d/d acknowledge Iha execullon Ihereal to be his or her volunlory act and <br />deed. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOl; l have hereunto subscribed my name and o/!lxed my <br />olliclal seal at Grand Island, Nebraska, on the dale lost above wr1llen. <br />My cammisslon expirex._,Ec~A>a-n(,,/,~r~ili< <br />