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<br /> "6'roceeds")in conr�actlon avlth condomnatlon or other taking�1 tho Proparty or part thereof,or for conveyanc�li�Ilnu af cund�mrtat on.
<br /> Lenr�or e9z:�li bn cntltisd nt Itfl op21An to con�monce,appesr In and prosucuto In its o.�m nar��o any actlon ar pracendinDs,and shaA also '
<br /> bo ontittr,d to make eny ttim�promise or s[siilom�n4 In cnnnsctlon rlllh cuch tnlcln�or dama�o.In Iho ovcnt any portlon o}th�Proporty Is �_� '
<br /> so takon ar damag9d, Lender shall have the optlon In Ite sota and ubso�uto discretion, to appiy all such procaoda, after daductir�7 `,,,,�
<br /> tharetrvm s►I costs arn1 expensee Incucred by It In oonnectbn with such P�or.eed�,u(wn any Indebtedness securod here�by ens��n
<br /> order as Lsnder may doteri��lne,ar to appry all ouch ProceAd��efter such deductione,to the restoratlon o!the Property pon �
<br /> dltiona as Lender may detertnlne.Any appllcat�o+i o1 Pracsode to Indebtedneas shall not extend or postpano the due date of arry pay
<br /> mento ursder the Note,ar cure eny datauit thorsundor or hereunder.Any un6ppHed lunde shall be paid to TNStor.
<br /> 8.F:i��:'���::��%Y kn�=r•Upan th3 ecs:urrence of an Event ot Default hereunder,or H any act Is taken or lepal pmceeding [_._._
<br /> ,v,.�,�„ow,.pri wntct�materialiv aftscts l.ender's Interest In the Proper4y,Lender may fn ite own�dlscreti en�,bu�l�wiu�IO�u1 Ni��'lo��n�to�d�n�
<br /> --•....._.._. . . ..__ __
<br /> end without notice to or dsmanoi u��Tn��tar atYl Y.�lhUtlZ[Sia'?all1�i n�siu�iww m�r wnb...�..���....�..� __._..._ ` -
<br /> but(t�led to do and may slso cb enY other Act It deema necessary to protect the security hereof.Trustor shall,immediatatiy upon
<br /> demand therefor by Lender,pay ta Lender ali costa and expenses Ir�curred and eums expended by Lender In aonnectlon with the exer-
<br /> cise by Lender of the foregoing�lghts,tagether with interest thoreon at the dsfautt rate provlded in the Note,which ehall be adclsed to
<br /> the Indebtednese secured hereby.Lender shall noY Incur any Ilabillty becguse of anythlnfl(t may dc�or orr►it to do hereundsr.
<br /> 9.Hswirdou�trAat�H�t�.Trustor eiiall kesp tha Prop�rty In compllence wUh ail a�opllcebie laws,ordlnances end repul�tlons _
<br /> retatin�to Industdal hyglene or er�vironmental protectlon(callectively reterred to hereln ae"Enviranmentel Laws'�.Trustor shail keep
<br /> the Properly free trom all substances deemed to be i►azar�ous or toxlc und�r any Envlronmentel Lawa(collectively reterted to hereln
<br /> as"Hazardous M¢tedals').'P�ustor hsreby warrants and represents to Lender that there arQ no Hazsrdous Materiats on or under the
<br /> Properly.Tn�stcr hereby agreas to Indemnliy and hold hsrmless L.ender,its directors,o(flcers,employees end ege�nts,and any succ.�es-
<br /> sora to Lende�s interast,from and Ryatnst any and aii ctufma,uei��a�as,laaa��and(!�IIIHee�ri�ing in connectton with the pre8ence,
<br /> use,dispasal or tfansport of any Hazardouo Matedat�on,under,fram or at�ut the Property.THE FORE(iO1N0 WARRANTIES ANa
<br /> 10.Aa{QnrtNnts ot R�n4�.Trustor hereby assigna to Lender,and grante Lender a security Interest(n,all present,future and
<br /> atter arising rents,Issues and pr��ts of the PropeRy;provided thet Tn�sior shatl,until the occurrer+ce ot an Event of Default,hereander,
<br /> have the rl9ht to collect and retain such rents,issues and proftta as they become due and payebte.Upon the occurrence ot an Event of
<br /> Default,Lender may,etther In person or by agent,with or without bringing any action or pror,eeding,or by a recelvor appointed by a
<br /> couA end without regard to the adequacy ot its sea�rity,enter upon end take posseusion of tho Property,or any paR thereof,in It3 own
<br /> name or in tha name af the Trustee, and do anY aate wh�ch it deems necessary or des�reble to preserve the value,maricetabiltry or
<br /> rentabllity of the Property,or any part thereot or interest therein,or to Increase the tncome theretrom or protect the secudty hereof and,
<br /> with or without taking possesalon of the Praperty,sue tor or otherwise collect the rente,issues and profita thereof,Includinp ttwse past
<br /> due snd un�said,by notilying tenants to make paymente ta Lender.Lender may pp(sly rente,Issues and proflts,le�sa costs end expens-
<br /> es af operatton end collection Inci►�d�ng sttomey's 9eea,to any indebtedness secured hereby,all In such order as Lender may deter- ,
<br /> mtne.Yhe entednA uAOn end taking possession of the PrW�enY�the cN�e��On of auch rente,is�ues and profits,and the aPP�ic,etlon
<br /> theseof as atoresald shall not cure or waive eny oefa�it or notica oi uninuii i�a�our,r s os!a:".I afp AfZ�a�t done ire response to such
<br /> dctautt ar Fur�u�t to n��h notiCe ot det8ult ar1d, notwlthstanding tho continuance In possessfon of the property or the collection.
<br /> receipt and appl�caUon o1 rents,lssues or profita,Trustee end Lendor shall be entided to exereiso evaiy i�:p�.�'�'a���°��-��`-'
<br /> Loan Instruments or by!aw upon a:currence at any Event of Defauft,includfng without IimitaUon the�Ight to exercise tl�e power ot sele.
<br /> Further�Lendere dghts and remedles under thia paregreph shall be cumu!ative with,end In no way a Iimitatlon on,Londets dghts end
<br /> remedie&under any assipnment o}leasea and rdnts recorded against the Property.Lender,Trustee and tho rocefve�shali be Ilabte to
<br /> account only tor those rents actualry recelved.
<br /> t 1.�wnta of Drhuft.The tolbwing shall consUtute en Event of Detauit under thlE Deed of T►us�
<br /> (s)Fatlure to pay any Installment of principal or Interest of any othar sum secured hereby when due; ,
<br /> (b)A breach oi or defauft under any provlsbn contained in the Noie,this Deed oi Tast,eu►y of the Loen instrumenta,or any
<br /> other Iten or encumbrance upan the Property;
<br /> (c)A wdt of executlon or attachment or sny similar process shall be entored against Trustor which shall become a Uen on
<br /> the Property or eny portion thereof or interest thereln;
<br /> (d}There shall be tiled by or agalnat Yrustor or Borrower an acUon under arry present or future tederal,etate or other statute, �
<br /> law or regulatbn reiatinq to bank�uptcy,Insolvency or other rellef tor debiors;or there shall be appofnted any trustee,receiver or
<br /> IiquWator ot Tn�stor or Borrower or ot all or any part ot the Property,or the rents,Issues or profits Ihereof,or Trustor or Borrower
<br /> �hall make any general assignment tor the beneiit ot credltors; rt of or sny interast in the
<br /> (e)The sale,tranater,lease,easlgnment,corneyence or further encumbrence of all or eny pa
<br /> Properiy,efther voluntarily or involuntarily,without the express wdtten consent at Lender.provided thet Tn�stor sh��ll be pertnfi-
<br /> ted to oxecute a lease of the Pioperiy that�doea not contaln an opUon to purchase and the term of wh�h dnes not ezcoed one
<br /> � year,
<br /> (�qbar�donment of the Properiy;or .
<br /> (g)It Trustor(s noi an Indivfdual,the Issuance,sale,transter,essignment,conveyance ar encumbrance oi more than(if a
<br /> corporation)a total ot percent of tts Issued and outstanding stock,or pf a paRnersh�P)a tutal oi por-
<br /> cent of partnership Intereste,or(if a I{mited 1ia611ity company)a totat of — percent of the Ihnited Ilebility compa-
<br /> ny Intereats or vatlng righte dudng the pedod this Deeci of Trust remafns a Ilen on the prope fi�.
<br /> 12.Remadies;AccM�rNlon Upa�DNsult In the event of any Event o}Detautt Lender may,without notice except sa raquired
<br /> by taw,decSare all tndebtednesb cecured hereby to be due end payable and the eame shall thereupon bdcome due snd payeble wtth-
<br /> ou:any presentment,demand,proteat or natke of any kind.Thoreafier Len�er may: •
<br /> (a)Demand that Trustee exerclse ttie POWER OF SALE grantod hereln,and T�ustee ahall thereafter cause Trustor's Inter-
<br />= est�b'tExercfs�e any nd all� tahtshprpov ded br/n any of the oan Instrumonts oroby�lawnupon occunence of a�E ent o}
<br /> Detaulk end -
<br /> (c)Canrm�nce an actlon to toroclose thia Deed ot Trust ss a mortgage,eppoint a receiver,or speciflcalty ontorcA any o the
<br /> covonant8 hereot.
<br /> No remedy he►ata conterred upon or reserved io Truatba or L6ndar!�lnter.r+ad!e!�eYc��!s�ve at any other remedv here�in��i
<br /> Instn.�mente or by law provldod or permttted,but each shall be cumulative,shall be In additbn to every other remedy�
<br /> In the Loan lnstruments or now or hersatter existlnp at law or In equlry or by siatute,and mr�y be exerclsed concurcer�tly,IndepenaenUy
<br /> — or suc�sne`ry•
<br /> — 13.Trust�e.The Trustee may roslgn at any tlme w8hout cause,a��d Lender may at any rme ana wiinoui cause appo�ni a s�;�.
<br /> - cassor or substituto Trustes.Truetee shnll not be iiabte to any partyr,Inctudtng wiUwut IhnitaUon Lender,Borrowor,T�ustar or any pur-
<br /> � chaser of the Property,for eny loss or damage untess due to reckisss or wiliful misconduct,end shall not be requlred to take any actbn
<br /> In ConnectiQn w(th tfio entorcement of this Deed of Trust untess indamnitled,In�+rrlting,tor all costs,compen�aUon or exponses whtch
<br />-� may be associated therewith.In addit{on,7rusteo may become a purchaser at any sale of the Properry Uudicial or under the power of
<br /> _ snle granted herein);pc�stpone the aate of ail or any portlon ot the PropoRy,as provlded by law;or ssll the PropeRy ua a wholo,or in _
<br /> ,� soparete parcels or lots at Trustee'e dlscretion. _
<br /> tq,FN��nd Exp�na�s.In the event Trustee seils the Property by exercise of power ot saie,Tn�stee shall be entitied to appty
<br /> ^-'� any sele proceods flrst to payment ot all cas4s and expenses of oxen:ising power ot sale,inciuding ali 7n�steo's toes,and Londer's an� _
<br />�8� Trustee's attomey's tees, actuaity tncurced to extont permitted by app��cable Intiv.In the event Borrower or Truotar oxerctses any right _
<br /> N� provkled by law to cure an Event of Default,Lendor shalt bo entitied to recover trom 7NStor all costs and expen�es actualty Incurred ao _
<br /> - a resuit ot Tn�ator's detauit,{nctuding without Ilmltati�all Trustee'n and sttomey's tees,to the extent permltted by applicable law•
<br />� 16.Futun Advanc��.Upon requeat of EWnower,Lender may,at ite optlon,make additional and tuiure advances and read•
<br />��
<br /> vances to fiorrower.Such advances and readvances,with Interest thereon,shall be secured by thls Deed of Trust.At no tlme shatl the
<br />_:�
<br />-�7 _ _
<br /> �
<br />