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<br /> �. R�aQ:.ati�� a? �eswcr'� Pt�!t!� !t7 ty9:a Pec`�a�y. �f eano::�r h� co �rrem, th� oavr��ts en� fM�+±!±!�!te
<br /> � '•� oonutn�d In thb S�curqy Irtcwmont. a th��i��lo�l prccwdln,�tMf m�y�IQn1�Canty alloct Und�e�Ight� On th�Q:op�ty(�uah ec rv.sA�
<br /> e pracattllnp fn b��kruptoy,pralxte, tor cand�nx�etbn or Port�kurs or to�ntnnce bwe ar ra��i�tbn�),th�n Lenda+n�y da�d pey(or
<br /> wiifiWY� ii i1GCGieiu7l t0 (ii0irui ti�6�i`at�'r Ot Q i�P�-v�:.�G,id LGrid:-fo rbhto !�� tho Fro�ty. LC�I�°_!'C Mt!Sti18 fitay 6lOP1C� �9y619
<br />,n.:•:„.s•�� �ny sums t�cund by�flwi whtoh hu prkxNy owr thf� 8kuriPy Inttrtim�ct, spMarSnp in oouA,p�yhp nata+rabia attamey'�P�se�rtd � �::_�
<br />�-��Y x.,...,. ontKinp on lh�Prop�rty to n�lc�npaW. AMhewph L.�n�r rn�y t�ta�etton undrr thM pZrr�pnph 7, Und�r doM not haw to do �o. Q�
<br /> � �� My �mounU dflburasd by LM�d1r undM thN Pwapnph 7 sh�N blcomo ld�Abnal d�bt oi B�xroww NCUr�d by lhM `.�wurky Y. �M'
<br /> In�bummt. UnNta Barow�r �nd I.�ndK p� to oth�r � M �-
<br /> "=`':ji;.� MY�b th� �mounb �h�N bNt Nprs�t kom Ihi dnt� Q9
<br /> -� �^ � dkbun�ninl et th�Nol�nM�nd eh�l b�p�y�bk,wkh InMr�st,upon notia kom I.mdM to BortowK rp��thp p�yinml. ` � .�
<br /> � a. P.:�T.,���� l:2:�:7C;z�.O. tt Lc+�G:r r.wutrc3 �lctw;:,y� Luu;:,nc� ca a ccn�»'wn o� r,.�.'cLi� tho M__n c-^��r� by thh
<br /> � f..
<br />��r_r_r�/i� �r-
<br /> --_- e..�,..w u..a�.�+..�� n�.w.W.. ah.r NY �h.er+ermt,nr era,r�d m n�NWn 11w enorle� hs�xu�o� N MNot. M. lor �nf► rw�on� MN ,►�
<br /> -� ..�_..., ...___.._.... --••-•-• -•.- •
<br /> nwlp�p� Intursna cowP�nquVed bY UndK MPsN or oN� to b�In NNof� Bor►aw�r sh�N pay tt�pnmlurrN r�qulnd to obtab ; k .-
<br /> _r~�'�. �' covK� �ubahntMMy �quAni�nt to tM maq�p� Inwnu� prwbu�y b �fMct, at a ao�t tubstnntlrNy �qulwMn2 to th� a��t to b� ��r��
<br /> Barowrr of th� mo+fOW� Ineumc� pmrbuty In MNot�Irom sn �N�m�M mor��ps MYUnr �pprowd by LendK. II wb�turtl�IlY f4
<br /> ..��.��:�� �qub�Nnt matp,�p� Imunnw aowr�p M not awIW�M, BarnwM �haM pay to Undw o�oh month a sum �qwl to on♦tw�Mth o1 tM --
<br /> ':::1�. Y�Y�n0�bsuma pnmium bNq p�id by Barow�r wlwn tM insue�rfa aowr�MP�ad a au�d to b�h MMcat. L�ndK wW _.
<br /> ��"�� acc�ph us��nd ntatn th� paYrt�U as � lota n�ww h Mw of mortp�pe intumc�. Lot� r�w PaYm�nts rtMY nq IonqM b� -
<br />�rti i.,i' rec;uketl� �t fh� option of UnaJK,M maig�gl intunnc�oo�M'� (in th� rnount and to►the P�d th�t L�ndM nqulrN)Fxo'�d�d bY
<br />;;�...�.,
<br /> -�-�._�I . �n hwrK vpprowd by Und�r �p�aln b�aon+N �v�IW�f��nd lo obt�twd. BorrowK �h�M p�y th� Pnmiums nquM�d to rrWhUh -
<br /> �'_-r.:.°yHi�.� mort� Inswanc� In Mhct�o►to provfd�� lot� r�aw�untY th�nquY�r�ont for muAp�p� hturu� �nd� In ocaord�nos wkh�ny
<br /> - �:�.� tKl:�:�c��s:�t!y!:�eye Berro� �d lenhr a��lk�.,rhh Ww. `--
<br /> _----= �. I�1t�p�Ctbn. �.�ndK a Its wMl may m�k� r�uon�bv mtriN upon �nd tns�oNon� of ttw Ptop�rb. L�ndM' th�M ptw -
<br /> � �� Borrow�►noiics�t f1w ttrrw ol or prior to an hsp�ctfon�clfyirp rw�orwbN awa 1or th�h�p�otion.
<br /> =�`� 10. CO:e�'C�af�tl��. Th� Frct:�s e} tr►y a•�:r�1 cr ckh Y.,r d:.�:�:a� d�at ar Can::�u�tk,l. !� Ccnrr_oikn r�rh eny _
<br />?-���'�� cond�nwiatton or ntMr takinp of�ny put ot th�PropKtY, a tor conwy�w b Mw of ooaid�rtw�atbn,ar� her�bY u�IpMd�nd shaN ba _�
<br /> -=r� p.a co i.«,a.t
<br />_._�;�� In ths rwnt of � total Wcinp of th� Prop�rty, th�procs�d� shaM b� �ppYW to th� ��n» s�cund Gy thls S�cu�lY Mshumrnt,
<br /> --— wh�tMr a r�ot th�n dw. wkh �ny �om�ss p�W to Borravwr. In tM wmt of�p�rtki alcinp of the Prop�ty In whfoh th�i�t r.rrlc�
<br />- =�'� wtlw of ti►� PropKty YnrtNdyt�ly brkr� tM t�khp R �qutl lo a prw1K than tM amount o} tha •uma Nound by this S�curky
<br /> --_- — MNrumM�t Nwrad�alNy bMar tM fakYp� unNss Bonbw�r�nd L�ndu olh�rwk��pn� in wrkhp� tt� sums Ncund by MM S�ou�ilY
<br /> .Y � Inshummt thaM W nduc�al by lh� �nount of th� proc«ds mukplf�d by ih� MNowinp fnctton: (�) th� to4�l �nwunt of th� w+rw
<br /> acund hun�d��ty bMor�th� Wcinp�dFvid�d bY(b) ttN Mlr mvk�t vdw of the Prop�ty ImrrNdt�Mq bMor�th�Wc�'�C.My barna
<br /> �-` thtM h� p�id to Borraw�r. M th��wnt oE 4 putyl Wcinp N th� Prop�ty In which th�Mir m�k�t wlw of th� Prc�ty h►nNdi�MN �,
<br /> ._ _— bNon t� akirq N Mu ttw� tM una,nt ot th�wrtN sawnd hwrMdi�Ml�r bNon th�tdctnp� unM�s BoROwK�nd l.�ndw othwwiw
<br /> --- �w b wrltinp a unNcs �ppNc�bb Yw oth�rwk� providu. Mc prooMdi thaM b� �ppM�d to th� wrtK �nd by thR S�curk�r
<br /> -- �nwen.m.nf Wlwhrr nr ne�t th�uyna �n rMn eh,..
<br /> � M th�Prop�ty f��b�ndon�d by Borrowu. a M,aIM►nolio�by Und�r to BoROwa that th�oondMma o(IMS to m�k��n awrrd or
<br /> ------_- ° MtN��o1�m for d�rMpvs.BarrowK Nt� to n�pond to Undw wNhh 30 daYa dM►tM d�M ih�nodor N Qww�. I.�ndw i� authorm�l �
<br /> W ao�Nct and�PPN th�prooNtl��at b op�bn�NtMr to nttaNtlon a npat of th�PropKty w W th�sums s�cw�d bY thit S�c►xkY
<br /> Imtrun►mt,wh�th�r or not tl�f du�.
<br /> Unha Und�r�nd Bortoww otM�wis�prw In wriciro8, �r►y�ppYe�tion of prooMds to prY�olpU�h�N not wWnd or Pot�ttr�
<br /> du�d�M ol th�monMy p�yn�nb�+eNind to In p��pnph�1 and 2 or ch�p th�amo��nt of woh p�ym�rtq.
<br /> 11. Borrowsr Not R�I�d: Forbw�nC�By L�ndK Not�WaivK. �ns�on w nw tim� ror �ym.nt a
<br /> modNlC�tfon o1 wx�rthutlor�of tt�wm�s�und by th�S�euNty k�tlruntMit pmNd by L�nd�r W�ny wca�tor h InMr�tt of Eotrowrr
<br /> thaM not op�raa to nMut�tha WbWY of th�ortpY�l Bortowir a Barowk� woowton b hMn�tL I.�fdK shaN not W nquind to
<br /> ----�-�--- comrtNrro.proe.rdi+w.what r,r suoo.s�a in hbn�t a nww to e�Mnd eYn.�a p.r+'�e a olnKwk.modlfy amatlratbn a aN
<br /> . wnK a�CUnd by thM 3�curky MslrunNnt by nuon of my d�nnd tn�d� by th� or(pt�l BoROrwt a Botraw�4 woo�sorJ h
<br /> hlM�att.My M�I�r�na by l.�ndrr N�nekha�ny rtpM a rw►�dy�hY not b�a wNwr of a pnolud�IM�roiM of 11ny r(pht or
<br /> ��Y.
<br /> 12. Su�c�or��nd A�NpM Bound; .�Int�nd Ssv�r�l Liabllity; Co-s1�nK�. rn� cov.�.nta .nd
<br /> . .prwnNns• a Mk S�cuAty Inswrn�m.h.1 eina .n�l n«iMR n�u woo.�.on �nd asstpns a L,�,dK «,d B«row.r� wbJ�,t eo tn.
<br /> provkions of�n�pnph 17.BarowM'�cowrwnt��nd�t� �h�N b�joht�nd e�vwrl.My earowrr who eo-alpn�lht�8�curb -
<br /> MstrumK►t but doM nct �wouM tM No�: (y ts coolpnY'+0 thk 8�curR�r M�bumMtt ony to mortp�� p�t, �nd comrhr tMt
<br /> eorrowtrs inn�wc In aw Prop.ry u�+dv u,.1�m.a mis s�curey In�+nrrNn�ro)M not arrson�►obtlprrd 10 par�t�.��em...c�,r.d
<br /> �_ hy t�• R.n�y N.►��r;.rte�e� .!rr..xu� I,.nefr .ne rnd otlMr eorrowr�v aan� to �Mnd. modlN. la1�w or mek��ny
<br /> - �ocannodNbn�wihh ip�rd to Mrnw of MN S�curN1�InsMUnhnt a tM Ploe�wkhout dNt Borrow��conNnt.
<br /> ia. LOMi CIfM�N. N th� fon acund by thw 6sourRy InsMw�M !s wbJ�c!to a Yw which Ntt mndmum lo�n ah�►pw� -
<br /> �rfd th�t Uw M Ifn�Ny InMrprw�d�o th�t tM InMnat a olhM lo�n e1f�+�t COMcMd a to 0�coNrcMd In Cor�allon wkA tM loin
<br /> : �oaa�d ti�p�nnitMd Nn�b,M�n;(a)ny wch lo�n clwp� shM b�ndua�d by tM�rtw�x�c n�a�ary to rodua tM chap� to tM
<br /> • p�n�tMd Mm1:Ynd N)r►Y wms�IrMdr CoMCMd Irom Baroww whioh�d pamNYd Nmk�w1N M rMxiO�d to Bonow�r. L�nda
<br /> mty ahoow to mek�thw �tund by nducNp lM pri�ctpN ow�d und�r tM NoM a by m�bctnp� dinot p�Y�t to BorrowK. H a
<br /> --- rWtrnd ndic�s pficpU,fh�nductlon w�b kwMd a��D�D�Yn+�wkhout enY PnP�Y�t oh�rp�undK Id�NoM. _
<br /> -
<br />