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<br /> T•� Elorrcwar'p s�raw �ncaunt untS`r tM N�rtl FM�I FRt�lv BetU�nt Rrot�dura Aot of 1ai4�tt�rrNnQ�d kom lirrN ta tYrN, 12 U�B.C. �;-
<br /> ��41 d e^�.("iL�PA"�,�ales�cnGth�r�m�f'inl tf���se ta ths Fun��ssiy a i�eee��mnunL 11 so,6endw mey,�t!ny tfmo,ae�at utd •
<br /> hoki Fundo k��n wnaui�4 noi fo�u;:a�t���i::::r b:�at. 6as����!'-".^.sy t1t�Ert�►�I of 4�n�e du�an lho baaN of curt�nt data _.
<br /> A�_ �nd nuoMbM Ntin�tN o}�mdiqrra olluhxA Euarow I!�a othwarlN b ioeGrd�na wKh lpplfo�b7��w. (p _:.�.
<br /> 's=�- 7!N Fund� th�N ba Mld tr� �n EnOtMutbn whoM d��re w h�ur�6 by � NdM'rl �pwwY� h�Wm�ntal�y� a enttf► (InoludY►0 � �
<br /> a•�-;�� I.�nda, M L�dM k�uoh �n in�IMulion)or b �ny FW1r�1 Har.�LOSn B�nk. I.�ndK ihtM�ppy th�Fundo to pnY t1w E�arow lNms., F:
<br />-=:� L�da rtw�y no!oh�rp� Baroww lar holdYp rnd�pPN�tM Fund���r�nwMY�nalyrin0 tM Kcrow �oaounb a vKNyMW th�Eraow —
<br /> �°�� k�rr.��enwe !.:!nc!-r pr�q� P.�^rro�,er L�lere�t en the�unc�fnd�Na�t,l�kw�mka I.sndK ta mek�tuoh�ohirp�. Ha�vwM�l.�nd�� �;;:
<br /> nf�v nquh BorcowK to D�Y a a�tYn�olwp�fa an hdprnd�nt ntl wt��x nPaltq �MVb� uw!bY L�ncD�r In oonMO4ton wRh� �
<br />`� thi�b�s�uniK��ppiic�ION faw provioM ai�www., ts���::s�i cw..�,����w ct cr^�*^.�M�t����L!iR�fE9!FP U6�:;,:.:���:�. .J _
<br /> �neM nos�.nqurad�o vey eaaow.r.n� h�..�or amhc.on�na Fune.. eorrower.nd�«,aK nMy.are�n w�ho�nowwu,utia��
<br /> ,..'.•" inl�wt ah�N b� P+►Id on th� Fund�. Lond�r �MN OA� to eorrowa� wlEhout o►►�� �n annwl �ocountEn4 of Mis Fund�� ohawir� �.i
<br />;',.•�;� c�sdk�and d�blt� to th�Funde�nd tM P�Poa 1or which Mah drbR to th�FunW uns rrMd�. TM funth w pMdp�d a� �ddltbnal
<br /> --�.? t�cwky 1or aM wm�acund by MM 8�curly M�VurrNnt, �
<br /> --°=- N th�Fund� MW bY Undu woMd tM�nwun3�P��to b�hNd by�pPIA%ibl�kw�L�nda�h�M�oaount to Oarovwr fcr t?w
<br /> '=-? ptCYi� FWiSii H 6GCOi�ii�1G3 M�h t4'A�:�9:5 C!4"¢�!"��L+!�1. H the�m�,nt o�th� Fund� Mtd bY I.�nd�r�!�nY tM� N not �
<br /> — wffbMnt to pay tM Escrow IMm�wMn dw,Landw rt�y w notly Borrowa(n wrkirq,�nd,b woh aa Borrow�r ohaN pay to Und�
<br /> --- th�wrwunt n�o�sury ta m�k�up tM dslfoMnoy. Bortow�r thaN m�k�up th�dNloUnoy In»o more th�n twNw monMb p�Y�b� wt
<br /> _� I.�nd�E toM dkontton. �
<br /> �P�Y�►t In IUA o}411 sums aound by thf�8�curltY Inthurt��t�L.�nda sh�N DromWN r�tunci to Borrow�r w►y Fund�hrtd by
<br /> � Lr���:t. {i�u�'id:*P:rG�r".�h 21�LCrtt.�•r Cli:9 C'�b Ct:�tlt0 FYe¢�ty�!�r!�t�C!k'r t0 t11e�c!!iftkion ot sab of tlt�PropMty.thtM `
<br /> =� �ppy�ny Fund�Mb by L�t►d�t�l Ns�tYrN of�oqubRbn or taN u a cndit�p�hst ttw�unw s�ctot�d CY thb S�wrlt�l Mtb'urtNnA =
<br />=—�., 3. AppllcaUon of P�ym�n�. UnMas�pplcabM kw provid�s oSh�twiN.�N pa�n�nb nCNwd by Und�r undrt p�rapnR�•
<br /> ��-=� 1 �nd 2 ah�N b��ppYod: lint,to�ny pnp�yrtNnt oh�rpK dw under th�Mob;s�cond,to �nwunts p�y�bN unda pu�pnph 2;thtrd
<br /> _-- to bM�wt dw:tourth�to prhop�l d�+�7�nd Wt�to�nr 1�l�oharpM dw undK th�Not�.
<br />- 4. Ch�l'Q�t;LDQriO. Borrovwr sh�M pay dl lax�, ut�srtNnri, chup�s, flMS �r►d hipotitfoni attrbutabM to tM RropKty
<br /> - - whbh rrNy��tt�b prbrky owr thM S�curky Msbum�nt� md Mawhoki p�ynwiriM av pround �b� R�nY. Borroww sh� pay tlNS�
<br />-_ _— obilatio�a In th�nw�n�r provld�d in p�nip��ph 2�or R not p�id b that m�nrNr�8arowsr�h�il p�y tFwm on drt»dir�ctb to ffie P�non
<br /> ow�d payment. Bortow�r s?�aM prompty iumith to L�nd�r�N notb�s af�nw�x�tt to b�p�fd undor MM p�nipr�ph. If BaROVax mYcM
<br /> tAss�Mlrm�nt�dYroly.8otrnw�r th�l PromWb qxnMh to L.�nd�r crc�plf M+ir�minp tM PiYm�nn• _
<br /> Barow�r�t�N promply �oh�rp��ny Mn vrhlaA has priaity owr thM SS�curih InslrurtMnt unNsf Bortoww:(���p'�M b wr#�p ta
<br /> w�.�,,,m.�» M�.�r+rs.►ion..dm.e bv en.r.n h .nr+�w�oo.a+.br to I.�ndM:ro)oonbsa In Qooa+ua+t�w 1.n ay� «d�b�a.
<br /> . .-._�.y....... -' _'_ '_'�_" _
<br /> �rut.n�oro.n�N o+eh�wn in�t�pRl proo�w�w whton In ttN LmcMr•opr�bn opKaM tn p�w�ne an.Moro.m�nt a th� wnp or toI
<br /> — ..our�e ko� a» noa.r a a�. N�n r .a•«+,w+c s.a�t�o�ay ta�«ia+►woWanacria �so wn to thi. s.eurer Mstn„nw�+. 116�nc�x _
<br /> • d�MnnM�M lhM�ny prt M 1M Prop�ty M wl�ot b�Mn whbh nry MMN piiaNy OvM!hM 8�ourMY bsYu�W, L�ndM In�y plw
<br /> 6onow«.noao.aww�yr�o a,.wn. ea►www•n.r uti�►u�.am a Mk.a,.or n�on.a a�..oaon�+«bnh abow wkAM, to aaye
<br /> a aw p�+�a�oaoa
<br /> 6. Hwrd or Propwly Inwr�. eonow.r •n.N k.�o aw �nvrowwr�nro now «a.�w a n«wn� .nowd on e�w
<br /> Frov«e�►In.und.a�ac aN b�Ifn�n.mra. �ncbd.e w�hh aN Mnn •.ie�naa oowrw.'.nd.nr otMr n.s�M��InoMidMw nooar «
<br /> fbvdY�p, 4a whioh LM�d�r nquina NKax�na. ThM Inwr� N�Y b�rt�M�Y�d h th� �moix►f� �lor tM P«� Hwt I.�nd�
<br /> `. nquhs. 4M Mwrrfo�cer►Mr Drovidvip ths fnwnna �h�N b�ahown bp BaroM'�►�ubJ�at to L�ndw��pprovrcl whbh shW not !s�
<br /> � un�w�orMby wkbh�ld. M BorrowK NM to rn�fnlah cov�tp� dMOrb�d Wow.L�nd�r rtwy��t I.�nd�f� oplion�oW�h oorMtp� to
<br /> : proMOl Lmd��Aphb b ttN ProMRY h�ocord�na w�h p�rrpnph 7.
<br /> . A�Mwnna Potchs�nd nnhwaN�ha1 b��oc�pfabM to I.�ndr�nd thaY Includ�a�t�ndud morlpq�clwN. UndK�?�M Aaw
<br /> tM�ipM to hold th� poMcNs�nd rw�vwN. M Lrnd�r nq+ins�Borrowu sfwM D�omWN pN�to L�nd�►ry rsoN�ka M D�id prwnMir*w
<br /> nnd nnMwl nalbN. In th�wMK ol ba� Bortow�sh�N pMi Prompt nottu�to th� Ytwrra�o�rtNt w►d l.�ncf�r. L�ndK may n�fa
<br /> proW W low k not matM P�P�y bY Borrow�►
<br /> — unl��a+aK�nd aomow.r o�nerwtw.aw„w+*rp�hwrmc•v��sn.r b.K+ar.d w is.3or�tto�a hwr or en.i�rov�+r
<br /> d�w�wp�d,M th�nelonliai a aPad►b �conon�fc�My Ma�bN�nd L�nd�� swxxkY M not M�s�d. H th�t�sWrWbn a n�pair M raot
<br />. . - . - OONflpt11VMJ Iwrah� {77 l.ii�w i b'w'�.iwij 'viv'r�n�.~.r:4w....`"�w �' �'ti�.••�nw�wiww��Y 1llul���nn�11 IA !�filell MOIY� b11�M --
<br /> �OGfky 111{M{N11M1f� WhMHM Of fW! f1N11 dtM� W�1 N!y�M�pild 40 BOflOItl�7. 1� BOIfOW�f fbilldOfl� 11N ••�1^'•7� QT dOM ff1Jt
<br /> itqWN 1MNhM1 3O f�� � 1W11D� M'W�1 L�f1AK � th� NWfM10� C�ITIM IfY ONMrd M �MII�� Cl�hl� (M11 l�I1dM RNy' OON�CI f!M
<br /> YNUt� prooNd�. LMid�t tn�y uN th� prac� to nqY Or t�twr iM ProputY or eo WY w�M Mound bY MI� 8�a►r11Y
<br /> Ms1�wn�M,wh«Mr or not tMn dw. TM 30�d�.r p�fod wIN bph wtiMt tM notlo�k phan.
<br /> UnMa l.�nda�nd Borrow�r othKwb��prw In+ar11M�p�.�nY�PP�� �ProoNd�to P�WN sh�N not�ecMnd or Po�lpaM ttM _
<br /> dw a.b a�n.mon�+b v.ym«+�s niand to r, �npropn. 1 r+a Q «crwp. a».n+ouni a a+.a�r�«+a. M w,a�r wno►.� s�
<br /> — th�Ptopwty k wqul''b OY���� 8o[rOwwt rfpht h�r►Y luur�poNCMs md P�'������dan�to HN ProW�h M'�
<br />__---- to th� aoqukMlon th�M pw ro tandu to t!w �eA�m ot tlw wrtN ucund by Mk 8aurb knMar�M N�dybH P� b t!w
<br /> --- acquWtton.
<br /> — �. Ocap�ncy� �r�rwtbn� IlMlnt�narea �nd Prot�cUon at th� ProP�rt�►: Borrow�r's I.oan
<br />----- � App1�ONl9i9; L�M�hOid�. 6arow�r s1N�N 000uPY. �h.�nd ua tlN Prap�AY u BarovrK� prhrolp�l rrtidN� wilhh t�ty _
<br /> -- ' d.re.IM►a�.«�a+Ran a fhM e.«xl►r tn.w,neM ra .n.N oon�,. a 000�or�•P�P�1►.e eorr�+�.r.vrY,G�o.�n.w�noa ror a
<br /> -'•---_' ii�tri G�a y::+ G�:r :a �.: a! c�:;.���. w:�°s �� o�J!!��!! �"� !n wrNk+n, whbh cons�M sM�N not b� txx�a�bN
<br /> � wNhhWd�a unl���lln0 dlrou�+�1��xkt wh�h w MYond Barorrw�conlrol. Bort+o�wr N�aN not OManri d�rt�a Y�a� .
<br /> eM P�oP�h►�sMOw th�ProPeAY to d�fwbnM�ar conr+�ll w�ua on ths P�eP�tY. eo�ra��r�r�h�M b�b dKMik M�ny IorMi�x��cUon a
<br /> -� - - (�f�NQ�IQ�MRMtflK OMII Of LYl'M1�6 1�WQIM�INt t1 L�IfOR�p00fl A�n Nnpnwit oouio twuR n ivrww`�wi v�w�i r�vMws�v.vw....�... �
<br />_- ,_.-� mahchlty h�Wir tM Ihn CrMMA bY thw S�curRY Mukun�nt or L�nd�� ��c�xkY MMnst. 8ortovwr trNY Cuni wah � dKwM �nd �
<br />_ — nlnshM�as provW�d b puapraph 10, by cautMp tM aation or Proc�lhp to be dltanitwd wAA �ruNrg tfiat, In Lmd�r's pood IaMA _
<br />--- d�Mrmin�tton. Dno�dM IorNllun of ths 8orrow�� fr�law! (n tM Pro{�ty or oM�a mal�l Yry�MMn! o�dw Non crwMd by thr "
<br /> _ �,
<br /> ;`::�� ,sc„r�, �nswn+.n!ar �.«,wr, �.ouruy haro.e. Bon+o+w� et►aN alw W h d�Iwk M BarowK� durina tn. �o.n �ua�bn �roo.ah `=
<br /> .re c�,�. �' -
<br /> �;.r.i..�� yaw rt►oNrVly taN� or b�ccunE� hiovrtNtton or aUbrtMnt� to L.�ndK(or MINd ta provtd� l.�rttMr wkh �ny nrM►yl hionrNlbn j B �
<br />_`:'�`�'' oonn�cttan wNh tM I�n wkMnc�tf Dy th� NoN�hcWdln9.but not Nrtalt�d to�npns�nl�tlons concsminC Barowws xc+A+�Y of tM -:
<br /> u4., , PropKty�s �prho�al n�fdrt�. M thM 6«xuky MtfrtxtMnt w on � INi�hoW, Borrow�t sh�l comply wNh iN ttw provf�lon�of ttN �
<br /> i•:��,: •� I�s�. U Borrowu�cqutn� tw t+tM to tM PropKty,Sh� Ins�hotd�nd th� le�tNM ehW not mMq�unlns tIN Lmd�r aprN�to tM �.
<br />-,.�. a -
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