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<br />~ t/ f V 9 Y Ql' ra4 L' 6 r (~ f (C 8~ wx..u, ungmur Town
<br />l hereby cerll/y Ihaf on July 22, 7010, ! compleled on accurole survey o/
<br />'CRIMMINGER SUBDIVISION; In Iha Cfly of Grand Isfand, Nebraska, os shown on Iha
<br />accompanying plat fhereoh, that the lots, blacks, slreals, avenues, alleys, parks,
<br />commons and other grounds as conlafned In sold subdlvlslan as shown on /he
<br />accompanying plat Ihereol are well and accurolely slaked off and marked; Thal
<br />Iron markers were placed al all Iol corners; Thal the dimensions of each !ol are
<br />as shown on the plat; Thal each Iol boors its awn number; and Nrof sold survey
<br />was mode w!lh reference fo known and recorded manumenls.
<br />sRAtM
<br />d, ,... fo q r~ ~. ~~.e~---°
<br />Sqq/~8 $ orgy e~5 r~yor
<br />O4a'~a ~ ~~~_
<br />L1KAC-1-~-~/
<br />proved and accep/ed by the Clly of Crond /slond, Nebraska, fhls Z 8~day of
<br />~.. r.., 7010.
<br />an~co'fr
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<br />~ $" n
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<br /> •r Y Ld
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<br />J.~;g~l QBSCf/01(On
<br />:: A Irocl o/ land comprlsing all o/ Cals Five (5) and Slx (6) and
<br />y the Wesl Twenty One and Thlrly Hundred/hs (71.30) feet o/ Lol
<br />'~ 5even (7), a!I In Block Forty (40), Orlglnal Town of Grand Island,
<br />® Hal! Counly, Nebraska, sold Iracl conlalning 0.464 acres more or
<br />.: less.
<br />4
<br />Q~~Jcatlon
<br />husband and wile, 6a/ng the owners o/ the land described hereon, have caused
<br />same to be surveyed, subdlvlded, plalled and deslgno/ed as 'CRIMMINGER
<br />SUBDIVl5/ON' !n the Cily of Grand Island, Noll County, Nebraska, as shown on the
<br />accompanying plat (hereof, and do hereby dedlcafe the Basemen/s, 1/ any, as
<br />shown (hereon for the locallon, canslruclion and molnlenanca o/ pub!/c service
<br />ulililies, loge/her wllh the rlghl o/ ingress and egress Iherela, and hereby
<br />prohl6iling lha planling o/ /tees, bushes and shrubs, or placing olhar obslruclions
<br />upon, over, along ar underneath the sus/ace of such easements; and Thal the
<br />foregoing subdlvlslan os more parllcularly described !n the deacrlpllon hereon as
<br />appears on /his plat Is made wllh the /sae consent and !n accordance wllh the
<br />des/res of Iha undersigned owners and proprle/ors.
<br />1N WITNESS WHEREO>, we have a//fxed our sfgnalures hereto, al Grpnd Island,
<br />Nebraska, thls~,$~day o/ ~Lf,1~~, 70/0.
<br />~ ~ J ~
<br />nger r mm
<br />fl~..~L~.d m e n
<br />Stale 0l Nebraskans
<br />Counly O1 Hall
<br />On the Z~'` .day of ~u~~~, 20!0, bolero me, Carrle.5he
<br />a Notary Public within and /or sa/d Counly, persona/ly appeared 5AM CRMMINGER
<br />and XAY CR1MM/NGfR, husband and wile, and to ma persona//y known !o be Iha
<br />/denllcal persons whose slgnafures era al/ixed hereto, and Ihol each d!d
<br />ocknow/edge the execu/Ion !hereof l0 6e his or her volunlory act and deed.
<br />!N WITNESS WHEREOF, I hove hereunto subscribed my name and a/fixed my
<br />olfJciol sea! al Crond Island, Nebraska, on the dale last above wr11/en.
<br />My commisslon explres~j,~r 201'1
<br />~G(NLILLI fgrlaxwu d Isere
<br />~ C,VINfI $NErNIa
<br />Cawh LWrrr717019
<br />nlary u ' Ic eO
<br />S UBDI VI SI qN
<br />ASS
<br />Rv
<br />R A 5 H A Sheol No. l 0/ I
<br />