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__ -_L. _"_ _. _ r.' _' . __"_ '__.�"' - _ <br /> _ ... -. - :2' . 'S, - ' _ F -� _�' —. . �_ . ... <br /> :. ' _ ._—� - ,. - --_-—.--_--. _. — ' _ _ _ — ___ <br /> [-. 4 ... . _. . ; . .. __' _ . . - . . - - �v,_�"" <br /> _ .. _ _ -. `r� �� � _ . . ' .._" ._ -._ <br /> '�i. F - �,', i_ . . 1 `_ --- _ ----`-�' , _ _ -- <br /> = � " ,._.i� .. .i - . .- . , . . . 'i _ . - . , ., . <br /> 1 • . . v . . . _ � ��� �� . <br /> � .c 1 S_ _—_ _ , . �. . ,• ' n <br /> . , . .� . : AD�i1sTABLE�tATE I�1D 9�� �, � .. <br /> . � < n.Y..4r�..�.�raet��sucyv�a- - . <br /> . . < , _ , <br /> � ' . . . � ' . APRIL - ' . _tt�9?_�. ' �� � <br /> _ _ . - - .s.��.�:n�rAYL81,A7'FlmEt(�a�BeUiis 4U s.�sx_d!7�� <br /> - �_=-�-�r--. <br /> sd it i�oa�AQated ieto aod sh��e dae�w a -- r�aF-�e�t�t--'� - - . -_:-._ <br /> Ldimeat•ydele�d�tt�iva+�rtkr�t�•��O�,a•7wtacare�ona*er'�Adi�t�bielwel�ote(tb�•�iJate•9+�� `, � <br /> lAYINQ�i lW1N A�60GAT10N OF 0lFANO 1SI.ANO 1lEdMfKA tt6t"IROQei'h M tUe a�e d�te�oo�rce6�i U�r , <br /> pcoaertydani6ediatLeSacuritYla�ts�ndioc�ts�da�: , ` . <br /> - 6tb.N iiifilE, GRAlii� ISlA{+�?. NE�6'88[t4 A[�D 23'!3 STARDUST'`LANE: GRAl1D ISl.AIi�, [1E 668Q� . <br /> t��►�) ' '. , .. • <br /> � ' 17i�MIe tNIN�/�'�7Y/�1iMllt�i�f ii�s i��!���ale�i 4�M�! , ' . <br /> . . ... , �q�.TW MMaiM�ir l�e iM��t�7 YaeA dt dn er�e�t M!we fi�e a�l <br /> air�ewWws�tit�Md■waureI�stO�:. , <br /> ADDPIIUI�IAL QOY�NNAN15.In addit�oo to t6e c+aKmnts aad sF�md�m tbe Se�vricY tus�mmt.Boao�et ud l�esder � <br /> turt6erooveaantaads{teea�foIIo�s: ' t�. <br /> _ A. II�lERE�I'lAlE ANQ MOKi1Q.Y lAY1�T�CHANC�B , <br /> 1Tie Note Dravida[a aa idtiai iatasst sate et �Ji.Section#o!tbe No[e Pcoe�des tor c�ae�es ia the imnat nte aod tUe <br /> x°- �pry0�yment..astoltows: . <br /> < <br /> — �„ INT�P�7'RATBAIVD!{(OMHLYPAYMEMCNANGES . � . <br /> - �t�1 �� � �AY . ,t9 93 ,anauntnudave�r <br /> - - . 1 TA`mon+est r.ce l.e�u par m.stcban�eao ihe rust asy or ,. � <br /> 2- mauMt6aat�a.E�hdaieonxniehmyintaatrare�nuldcb�a�eiscaifeds"chan�eD�te-" � <br /> :`i-. � <br /> " (� �tl�/1',R <br /> Bqtaptp{wlththe fint CUan>e Due.1nY iataat nUe wiU 6e basaA an au Ittdat.The"Indai"is tlk�redtly aver�/�syidd on Ua[ud Suus = <br /> '.';�. � 7�mg secmitia sd3waed to a caostaac rostucitY of t Yeu,as made avaiGtbte 6Y tbe Pe�d�at Reserre BaN.'I1K moa ra�eoc taQa fiyure �_ <br /> ,;���+.+ � � sa0abieasoftbedate4S4�ribefoteacl�Chsa�eDateb�lledihe"Currcntirdex.•• ==— <br /> c - <br /> I!tbe.I�is no ion�er sv�ahle.tLe Note HoWe�will c600se s oew ir�dai which is bas�d upon compuabk iefarceadon.'ibe Nate _- <br /> yotAerwSlldvemeuoticeotttdscNota. •��6°:_---_ <br /> ��y_— _ <br /> • r (Cl �iciM�tMq�s ' � '. '�`�,_`'-_ <br /> A" TNRFF pNt'1 fiNF HA1 F • --- <br /> � �; Hefc�is�t Clu�►Oaa.�heNae Hotder wriU a1wWe my neer interac rate bY�ddlnt �� <br />_ �s r ;�;��; �lb)to the Gnnent Irdex ud ramdinj to the Ae�rest 1/Eth oJ f�r►.snbject to tbe Iimia stated in SeMion�Oelaw. <br /> .`� - 'lhbroupdai.�asmtw�bemyae�viateratnteaatitthoaa�t�.'h�nieDr'ce.. ��!_-- <br /> ��—. <br /> T6e Nate ET�er'�?�en ddermiae tbe aimamt ot the monthty pi�yymezt tlnt woaid 6e safficimt to repsy ta.fdl tbe pdadP�1 I am �:-;:;� <br /> me <br />. `� .• �: . �-_� <br /> eapectadtoowconT�ac2�eDUeinsubsanttaltYaiw►lp�►YmentsbYdieAiaturitydateataiYnewinteratrate.7herautcottldscakulation ?�-=�.-._. <br />`.f,�;: ,-�'�'` 9 1hiYPsY�� . � �� -- <br /> �1116etLene�racnamioim moa t. ''� `'`: <br /> , r` •:�>�• <br />'`� � �D) I.i�il�MlftelrslRaMCY�a : . ..-i:�:i+r <br />� � w��, 0_0 �i a tas thsn �:• �_�°�-- <br /> . '�_,'�f���. , The iaterest rate { am rcquired to pay at the Arst ChAnYe Date w3ll not be grater than ` .� T� . ; .=s <br /> "'+` •''' 6-n_�ri.7' interat rate will never be incrr�;od or decrr�sed on any singk Chaage Date bY more[tr�s , <br /> - (�-�fran the rate of intercst 1 tave bern payinB fotthcpcecodtn8 tHelre months.The minimuro intercst rate on t*.�G�a wN never be = _ <br /> �� �_0 Mi and the ma�dmum iaterest ntewi0 never be8r�ter ttun 13_0-9�. , .; <br /> . ;: ffi, kif.featre0�lee((�es , . .� � ' � ---- <br /> `-y'`' . ,��:�-:`. ' My ueair aserest ate wllt become e[tccrtve on each Chan;e Date.t will paY!re amount ofmy new monthly paymeat heginnint on t�ct"irst . - <br /> '��;r�'.`° �''� tdace atksrx�e Chan�e Oate until the amount of my monthty p�yment chaa8es aEain. ' , � i,y . <br /> ' ' � ,�-r_ -..J_y.h IIIOfIthIYDiYt[I!!S tt,L. , . , <br /> . �s`':� ''�_`!'':, (� NifWClO�� k <br /> �1r ` * � .,��c.•.' . , <br /> � ` '{'he��r:�iolderw�I msil ordeliver to mea notiaobeforeeachChangaDate.'fie noilce will advise mPof: � <br /> - � .., �. . ,�'i` <br />• , ,_ '�ij thenewinteratrataonmylwnasottheChangeDxte: , . • <br /> ` (ii) theAntoantolmymontfUYpaymentfollqwlABt1►eChanY��te: `ff` <br /> . �` (1ii) �nyadditional rmtters wldch the Note Ha�dtr is reguired to disctose;aad � •'1 <br /> ,. (iv) theaddra�of theassxiallon you ooutd caMact regarding any questions about the adJustmcnt noUce. � <br /> • � <br /> ::±��:"'� • 11. CH11RfFB UElYB . �.� <br /> ''i `: ;'• , Unlfortn Covenant 4 of the Security Instrument is amenQed to read as toltaws: � <br /> � ��";'"�`: .:�.. 1,Ly�;Lkr.Bonowet shall pay all taxa.assasmenb,and otltu charges.Hnes.anA impoailions attrlbutabte to tht Properiy whtch may � r. w : <br /> `,#�����:�_:=`�=��� . utalr�a priorlry over this Socurity Instrumrnt.and leuthold payments oYground rents,if any,in�he manner provided under pusjrtDh Z hecoof <br /> '�:L;;;,°` • or,lf not paid in aucA m�king payment.when due.dircctty to�ho payee thereof.Bonower shall promptly fumish LenAn ; �'��' <br /> '�:`-��; '" �Il notias of amouna due undn shi�pat�raph,and in the event Borrower shall make payment dlrectty.Boaower sh�ll promptty furnlsh to ; "� <br /> E 1!•���l'••.. <br /> .� '-�`+i'� ' l,ender reeelpts evidenciltg auch paymenh. Borrower chalt promplty discharge any liea which ha�priorily aver thls SecuBty Instrument: .. �`°t'. <br /> , . • howeve�.Bonower shalt aot be requirtd to discharge any such lien so tong a�Borrawer:(a)shall agree 3n writing to the payment of tho • <br /> . .- • , abliptlon serured by sucb tkn ln ths maimer acceptabte to 4ender,tb)sha111n good talth contest such lien by.oe detend asain�t entoranxat of <br /> • � such lien in.leaal procadlnss whkh in the opinion of Lender operate to preveat�he enlorcement af th�tien ar tortdture of the Property ar any . • � <br />,. " � . � - part thereof;or(c)shall secure frem the holder oP such licn an agreement in a form gatistactory to Lender subotdinating such Ilra ta this <br /> �. Security Imtrumrnt. . <br /> " � ' �{��r deeermines Ihae all ar any pai�of tha Property fis sub9ect to a lien whlch may attaln a pHosity over�hls Security lastrument. <br /> � � . � ' Lender sfial!�ive Borrower a ttoHce ideflHiyins+uch lien.Bnrrowe�shal!catiafy such lien or taice one or more ot the aclions sel fonh abovo , , _ <br /> -� - - - �. - �ithletmdaysottheglviagaftheaoQce. � � .. . <br /> ' , � • �C. NOrIICE . ' <br /> ' . � � UNformCovmmtl�ottheSecudtylnstrumcntlsameaQedtoteadastollows: • <br /> � . • • 11, NNkt.FJCCept for any noNce required unQer appllcabie faw to be given in another manner.�n)anY natice to gottower provided tor in titi� . <br /> � 5ecudty lasuurtxnt sh�11 be aiven Ey dellverine it or by maiUna it by Crst ctats m�ll to 8auowu at 1he Property AEdress or at such other addres+ � <br /> ,.. . . ., � <br /> - -- • • ai 84s�oers msy dc�natt i+y nnHee t�l.mder a.QrovldM hrrein.and tb)anY notica to l.eadrr shall be given by_t'ust clus mail to 4ender'� . ; . <br /> �dress atated Aeceia or to such other address a�Lender may designate by notice ro gonnwer as Drov�ded herein,Any notice providei)for in�his - "--��-"� <br /> ' . '.: . , SecutitylnstrummtstudfbeQcemecitn6ave6ecnglventoUortawetorlertdrewhengireeinth�mannerdrslgmtedhetein. ' <br /> . .. .. . . <br /> . . �. . _ _._ _ .. . _ . • - - - - <br /> � . ' � � � ' . � _. _ <br /> _ . <br /> - - -- <br /> . ., �:.. . _ _.__-- _ _ <br />