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<br /> ;. '� � �.T,: �[=�Y .
<br /> � 9�,���y���� LOAN N0. 1 5 3 9 2 1 5 2 5 1
<br /> cJatca of tho monthly psymonte,whlch asA roforred to In Pareqraj�i�2,or c ange the arreount of such payments. Any
<br /> ouca3o procor�do ovor un amount raqu1Ped to pay All outotandin{�Indobtedness under the I�ote and this Socurlty
<br /> Inatrumeflt ehe�ll be palci to tho entity legally entltiod thareYo.
<br /> •. 9.Fe�le. Lender may coll6ct feos and chargea authorized by the Secretary.
<br /> Q,Ground�tor Accaler�tlon of Debi.
<br /> (�)DetAUit. Lender may,axcopt aa Ilmlted by regulatlone Issued b�r the Secretary In the case of paymont defaults, �
<br /> requlre Immedlate payment In full of all eums secured by this 8ecu��ry Instrument If; „
<br /> (f)Borrower dofauits by falling to pay In tull any monthly payment requlred by thla Securlty Inatrument prlor
<br />,_ s d 1 to or on tho du�date of the next monthly payment,or
<br /> /n►C....n�unr rJofnulfo hv lalllnn ��.w nar�nr��t thlrty days.to oertorm any other obllpetlons contain�d In thls _
<br /> . -=- - _ y ............. ..�.�.....__, ....... o, .
<br /> .� r �ecurity Instrument. ,
<br /> �`` (b)SAIe WRhout Credit Approvel. Lender ehall,If permltted by appiicable law and wlth the prlor epproval of the _
<br /> ••° `�'W` $earetary.requtre Immedlate p�yment In fuil of all the sums secured by this Security Inatrument if; „ . ,;.14=
<br /> (1)All or part o}the Property,or a beneflclal Interest In a trust owning all or part of the Property,Is aold or �
<br /> � otherwlse transferred(othor than by devise or descent)by the Horrower,and ;.:�,��_
<br /> � (Il)The Property Is not occupled by the purchaser or grantae ss his or her princtpal resldence�,or the _-_--°�-�
<br /> � purchaser or grantee does so occu�y the ProRerty but hls or her credit has noY been spproved In �'�e_;�•- ,
<br /> accordance with tho re ulrements of the Secreta �Y"�•'"`
<br /> 4 rY� ',=�':�`-;:_
<br /> :��� (c)No Walver.If circumstences occur that would permft Lender to requlre Immedlate payment In full,but Lender ,�;,.,.�:�
<br /> ,�, does not requir�su�f�payii�er�YS,Lender does not v�afvo its rlghts�rith respect to suhse�uent events. -��--�-'�'
<br /> � ,t � (d)Regul�tions of HUD Secret�r�. In many circumstancea regulations issued by the Secretary wlll Iimit Lender's �'t��� �:
<br /> rights,In the case of payment deia��lta,t�rsqulre Immedlate payment In full and foreclose If not pafd.This Securiry
<br /> � Instrument does not authorize acceleratlon or foreclosure If not permftted by regulatlons of the Secretsry. •`'•-� ,
<br /> �' (e)Mortgage Not Insured. Borrowor agrees that should thls Securf�y Instrument and the note secured thereby not =
<br /> be eliflible for insurance under the Natlonal Housing Act within s o D A Y S irom the date hereof,
<br /> Lender may,at fts option and notwithstanding enything In Paragraph 9, requtre Immediate paymss�t In full of�II
<br /> � � sums secured by thls Securfty Instrument.A written statement of any authorized agent of the Secretary dat�d
<br /> '�•�" subsequent to s o 0 A Y S from the date herenf,declining to Insure this Securlty Instrument end the
<br /> note secured theteby,shall be deomed conclusive proof of such IneligSbll(ty. Notwithstanding the foregoing,thls
<br /> optlan may not be exercised by Lendar when the unavaflability af Insurance Is solely due to Lender's fallura to remlt
<br /> a mortgage insurance premlum to the Secretary.
<br /> ' - 10.Relnstetem0nt. Borrovrer has a rlght to be reinstated ff Lender has requlred Immedlate payment In full because
<br /> �.�� � of Borrower's tallure to pay an amount due under the Note or this Security Instrument.This rfght applles even atter
<br /> �� foreclosure proceedings are Insttiuted.To reinstate the Securiry Instrument,Borrower shall tender In a lump sum all
<br /> amounts required to bring eorrawer's account current inciuciing,to�he exieni indy a�n uuiiynii'vii5��ars;;::or undsr
<br /> � this Securfty Instrumont,foreclasure coste and reasonable and customary attomeys'fees and expenses proRedy
<br /> assoclated wfth the foreciosure proceeding.Upon relnstatement by Borrower,this Securfry instrur�ent and the
<br /> abll�atlons that ft secures shall remaln fn effect as If Lender had not requlrod Immediate payment in full.However,
<br />-., . ., Lender Is not requlred to permft relnatatement H:(I)Lender has accepted reinstatement after the commencement of
<br /> foreclosure proceedings withln twa years immediately preceding the commencement of a current foreclosure
<br /> �'� " �� proceedUg, (11)relnstatement wlll precluda foreclosure on dtHerent grounds In the futuro,or(iil)retnstatement will
<br />;-g;1*-J� adversely affect the prlarity of the Ilen created by thls Securlty Instrument.
<br /> '':-=,��r=s ti.Burrower No!Aelassed;Forbe�rance by Lendc►r Not e Waiver. Extension of the time of payment or
<br /> -_=��--- modfHeation o}amortlzatlon of the sums secured by thls Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor In
<br />--:;�.;;;"'"r interest of Borrower shall not operate to relea�e the Ilabillty of the orlginal Sorrower or Borrower's successor in interest.
<br /> ''°°���'4� Lender shall not be requlred to commertce proceedingo agalnst any successor in Interest or refuse to extend tlme f4r
<br /> ` ,,'- `�
<br /> `7y��� payment or otherwlse modfiy amortlzatlon of the suma secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand
<br />-s..�.�..,..�.,
<br /> ������;�� made by the odginal Borrower or Borrower's successors In Interest.Any forb2arance by Lender In axerclsing any dght
<br /> ��.y��:�..,,;;,-,�-' or remeciy ehall not be a wahrer of or�reclude the exerclse of any rtght or remedy.
<br /> �_»,..._��� 12.Successon and Asaigns Bound;Jotrtt and Several Uabitftyr;Co-Sbnera. The covenants and agreements of
<br /> ��- this 5ecuriry Instrument shall bind and benofft the successors and assigns of Lender and Borro�rer,subJect tq the
<br /> -:.=�,f;' pravlslons of Paragmph 9.b.Borrower's covenants and agreements shatl be Jolnt and several.Any Borrower who
<br /> :� •�• s::.
<br /> ,.:_{.�,����� co-slgrts this Security Instrument but doos not execute the tVote: (a)Is co-slgning this Security Instrumont on y to
<br /> �t{ m o rt g a g e,g r a n t a n d c o n v e y t h a t B o r r o w e r's I n t e r e s t I n t h e Pro pe rt y undar the terms of this Secu�ty Instrument;(b)Is -
<br />-=°�1�'Y- -�__ n4t personally obllg�tad to paiy the et�ms secured by thls Security Instrument;and(c)agrees thet Lender and any other __ _
<br /> --`_=rr�.�--�,� Bonower may agree to extend,modify,fort�ear or make any accammodations with regard 4o tha torms otthls Sscurlty _
<br /> �- —�� In�trument or the Note without that Borrower's consent. _
<br /> :i���"��`.'`.:-:,� , 13. Notice�. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument sh�ll be glvsn by delivering It or by -
<br /> �,��;-f , malling ft by fir6t ctass mall unless appilcable law re�ulres use of anoiher method.The notice shall be directed to the �
<br /> ^ ;;��-�,a,y_ Property Address or any other eddress Borrower designates by notice to Lender.Any notice to Lender shall be gfven r___
<br /> ��,...�.�. �• by first class mall to Lender's&ddress steted hereln or any address Lender designates by notice to Borrower.Any noiice �'_W
<br /> =�.���' provided tor In thls 8ecurity Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when glven as t__�-
<br /> provided In thla paragraph. r==��
<br /> � � � 14. Goveminq Law;SevBreibfllh�. This Security Instrument shall be governed by Federal law and the law of the �T-� ,
<br /> Iu r f s d l e t l o n i n w h i c h t h e P r op e r t y i s l o c a t e d.In th e ovent that an y provislon or clause of this Security Instrument or tho ��:.�,_�
<br /> � Note conflicts wfth appltcable law, such confllct shall not affect other provisions�f this Securlty Instrument or the Note -
<br /> , � , whlch can be given effect without the conflicting provision.To this end the provlslons of this Securfry Instrumont and the "`•`� -
<br /> . ,a..:
<br /> Note are declared ta be severable. �'�'
<br /> �r 1b. Borrower'�Copy. Borrower shall be given one confonnsd copy of thls Securiry Instrument. '�`�=''�
<br /> ' 18.Atslgnmertt of Rente. Borrower unconditlonally assigns and transfers io Lender all the renfs and rdverwes of - - -
<br /> .,�.t.,,. � � the Prepetty.Borrower authnrizos Lender or Lender's agents to collect the rents and revonues and hereby directs each � - '
<br /> � ��• __� tenant of the Property to pay the rents to Lender or Lender's agents.However,prlor to Lender s notice to Borrower of �
<br /> - -
<br /> - - ` Borrower's breach of any covenant or agreement in the 5ecuriry Instrument,130ITOW9i s�aii coiiec[and recaive aiE�a���a
<br /> � � and revenues of the Property as trustee for the benetit of Lender and Borrower.This asslgnment of rents constftutes an . �
<br /> absdute assi�nment and n�t an asslgnment for addltlonal securfry only.
<br /> � If Lender givea notice of breach to Borrower:(a)all renis ieceived by Borrower shall be held by Borrower gs tru�tee
<br /> . for benefft of Lender only,to be applfed to the sums secured by the S�curity Instrument; (b)Lender shall be entitled to
<br /> callact and recolve all of the rents ot the Property;and(c)each tenant of the Property ehall pay sil rents due and unpaid
<br /> to Lender or Lendor's agent an Lender's written demand to the tenant.
<br /> � Bo�rowor has not executed any prlor asEignment of the rents and has not and wlli not perform any act that would
<br /> � � provent Lender from exerclsing Its rlghta under this P�ragraph 16. „
<br /> Lender shall not ba required to enter upon,take control of or malntain the Properry before or after giving notice of
<br /> breach to Borrower.Howaver,Lender or�judiclaily appo(nted recelver may do so at any tlme there Is a breach.Any
<br /> � appllcatlon of rents shall not cure or walve any default or Invalidate any other right or remedy of Lender.This
<br /> asslgnment of renta of the Property shall term{nate when R�e debt secured by the Securfry Instrument Is pafd In fuil.
<br /> FHAHEBRARtCADEEDOFTRUST �1 , � ' 'i " 6/9S
<br /> - ISC/FMDTNE//OG91/(G�95)•L PAOE 3 OF 4
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