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<br /> Unlc�othcnvise�grced in writinb,all iusuraiicc psocceds shall bc applicd to thc restorfition rir rcp�ir of thc Properry �,
<br /> or to the Secured Aebt,whel7ier or not then due,at I.creder's option Any applicutiun of procecds to pr�ncipal sh�ll not -:
<br /> extcnd or pastpone the duc dntc�f the scheduled payment nor change the amount of any payment.Any excess wilD be
<br /> patd to tlie Grantos. If thc 1'ruperty is acyuired by l..ender,(lrantor's rigi�t to 1ny insurance policies and proceeds
<br /> res►�lting from damage to the Property before the acquisition shail pass to Lender to th�extent of the 9ecured Debt
<br /> tmmediately Uefore the acqi�isition.
<br /> ?A. ESCROW FOR TAXr:S ANU II�ISi1ltAI�1C�.Unless otherwise provideS ii�n separate ageeement,Granlar will not �-
<br />' �aSC i�tjU�iCd LO F1iljl t0�fIG'SY StlAC!°[OT LB.Y?S WI!!►II�urt!t�E•r.i�i c5i.i uw. _
<br /> xl. F7NANCYAL REPORIS AND ADD17'IONAl.DOCUMENTS.Grantor will provide to Lender upon request,any
<br /> financial statement or informatlan L.ender riay deem rcasonably necessary.(3rantor agrees to sign,deliver,and filc
<br /> nny addltional dac��ments or certifications that I.ender may consider necessary to perfect,continue, and preserve '
<br /> Grantor's obli�ations under this 3ecurtty Instrument and I.ender's lien status on the Property.
<br /> under this Security Instrument at�e joint t�c►d individual. If Grantar signs this Security Instnunent but does n�t sign an
<br /> evidence af debt,Grantar does so only to mortgage Grantor's interest in the Property ta secure payment of the �-
<br /> Secvred Debt and Grantor daes not agree to be personally liable on the Secured Debt.If this Security Instrument �
<br /> �ecures a guaranty between Lender and Grantor, Grantor agrees to waive any dghts that may prevent Lender from
<br /> briaging any action or claim against Grantor or any party indebted under the obligation.'1'hese rights a►ay include,but
<br /> are nat limited to,any anti-deficiency or one-action laws.Grantor agrees that L.ender and any party to this Security
<br /> Instrument may extend,modify ox malse any chnnge in the tettnc of this Secudty Instrument or any evidence of debt _
<br /> without Grantor's cc�nsent Such a change will not release ir;�tor fro � tlie te,ms �f this �ecurity Instrument.The
<br /> duries and benefi�s of this Security Instruraent shall bind and benefit the successors anu assigns�f Grantor a�id Lcnder. •
<br /> 23. AI°PLICA.BLE LAW;SEVERA�ILITY;IIVT�RPRETA►Ti01V.'I1iis Secu�ity Instrument is governed by the laws of
<br /> the jurisdiction in which Lender is located,except to the extent othenvise required by the laws of the jurisdiction
<br /> where the Property is locaced.This Security Instrument is complete and fully integruted.This Security Instrument may
<br /> nat be amended or modified by oral agreement.Any section ia this Security[nstrument,attachments, or any
<br /> agreement related to the Secuxed Debt that confiicts with appGcable law will not be effective,unless that Iaw expressly
<br /> or unpliedly permits the variatians by written agreement.If any section of this Sec�uity Instrument cannot be enforced
<br /> according to its terms, that section wiU be severed and will not affect the enforccability of the remainder of this
<br /> Security Instrument.Whenever used,the singular shall include the plural and the plural the singnlar.The captions and
<br /> headings of the sections of this Security Instrument are for convemence only and are not to ba used to interpret or
<br /> ���t'i2:.2�IC ICIIiIo af Z��wCCitT2Sj'I'Lf7l22AC:'!I.TlAiP L^f thp wccn�rv in thic CPCnrif v TnctTUment.
<br />_ 24, SUCCRSSOR'I'RUSTEE.Lender, at Lender's option, may fron. time to time remove Trustee and appoint a
<br /> • successor trustec without any other formality than the decignation in writing. The successor trustee, wfthout
<br /> conveyance of the Property,shaU succeed to all the title,pawer and duties conferrecl upon Trustee by this Security
<br /> Instrument and applicable law.
<br /> 25. NOTYCE.Unless othcrwise required by law,any notice shall be given by delivering it�r by mailing it by fust class
<br /> mail to the aFpropriate party's address on p�ge 1 of tUis Security Instrument,or to any otuer address designated in
<br /> writing.Notice to one grantor will be deemed to be notice to aU grantors,
<br /> Zt►. WAIVEILS.Except to tlie extent prohibited by lav�,Grantor waives all upgraisement and homestead exemption rights
<br /> rclating to the Property.
<br /> 27. OTHF.R TERMS.If checked,the following are applicable to this Security Ynstrument:
<br /> {{� Y,ine of Crediw The Secured Debt includes a revolving line of credit provision.Although the Secured Debt
<br /> may be redaced to a cero balance,this Security Instrurt�ent will remain in effect until released.
<br /> ❑ Co�natruction L�an.This Security Instrument secures an obligation incurred for the constructi�n of an
<br /> impaousment on the Property.
<br /> � Fixturo F'ilin6.Grantor grants to Lender a security interest in all goods that Grantor owns now or in the
<br /> futute and that are or will become fixtures relnted to the Property.This Security Instrument suffices as a
<br /> fi►�ancii►g statement and any carbon,photographic or other reproduction may be Filed of record for purposes
<br /> of Article 9 of tl�e LJniform Commercial Code.
<br /> (� Riders.The �avenants and agreements of each af the riders checked belov�are incorporated ir►to and
<br /> supplement oud amend the terms of this 5ecurity Instrument. [Check all applicable boxesJ
<br /> ❑Condominium Rider ❑Planned Unit DeveloUment Rider ❑Other..........................................................
<br /> ❑ Additional Tenna.
<br /> _ SIGNATURE�By signing below,Grantor agrees to the terms and covenants contained iu this Security Instrument and in _
<br />-_ any atta m nts.Grantor also ac owledges receipt of a copy of this Security Instrument on the date stated on page 1.
<br />: �� ' / . �
<br />� � 1���F1�....OS/29/96 � ....../.................5/29/96
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<br /> � STATE OF..............................................................COUN'i'Y OF....................:....... �ss.
<br /> ' �������a���� Ti�is instrument was ackno�vled ed before me this....�`.�.TH...,.,..day of........MAI��.....:...........�....,,,.�.49�i:
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<br /> (Notury Public)
<br /> j � CEM�RALMUTARrSUtl�ilicbnslu ,
<br /> ��� SCOTT C.ISISSL�ER
<br /> e�� My Co�.CMA M+v�I.1991
<br />--- O t896[llnbn SyitMn�,Inc..SL Cbid.MN(1�BOp397•23l7)Fo�m RE�OT�hE PIO19� (�g8 4 0(-0) �
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