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<br /> and it� oxt�e+�sion� a distancc of One Hundred Six (�06.0)fe�t, to
<br /> tl��t,�rliac of said Vacatsd Evans Street, thencc de�lecttng rlght �
<br /> an�na�td• onrt n�neina lAUthESSiGYlY�WiR' �IC GCjIi,CIUIIC OF SaYV r
<br /> U/ �IM�I• w�w �.-���—'O � `_
<br /> Vsacca�tad Evans 5broet� a dlstance af One I�undred �nirty ^►wo -
<br /> (132.0) feet; thence deflecqng right 90°26'06" and running
<br /> southwesterly alcw�g the�outhGrly line of said Fract�onal Lot Une
<br /> (1),Fracttonal Block Two(2), Fvans Addition and its extension, a
<br /> distance of One Hundrod Six(106.0)f�t to t1�a so�uthv�►est cor�iep
<br /> of said Frdctional Lot One (1). Fracdonal 3ic�cY'f'wo t2). Bv�ts �--
<br /> Addit�on; th�►s,� defloctirig right 89°33'S4" and running
<br /> troethwesta'iy along ii�e we�i�+iy L',�af�i3��ic:ta�L�C3�!P(�), �-
<br /> Fcacticx�a!Block'�o C•t)�Evans AddlHon, and the westerly lirR of
<br /> s�id�-ac`���13.c:�(1�,�a2���at �ilock Seven(�,John W. _
<br /> Laznberts Addition,a distance of(Me Hundrexl'Thirty�vo(Z32.0)
<br /> feet,to the point of beginning and containing 0.321 acres more or
<br /> less;
<br /> dpsiies ta have subdivided As a sobdivisian the foregoing tract of land locate.�1 within the corpnrate
<br /> . limits of the GYty of Grand Island.Nebraslra+and h�Y submits w the Clty Council af such City
<br /> f„'„r�„tc�as nc+nvided bv law an a�curate maP and Plat of auch proposed subdivisic►s�. to be
<br /> --------r----- -� . -
<br /> . known as LINCOLN SUBDMSION� designadng explicitly the l4nd w be laid uut a��d
<br /> . paitioula�rly descril►ing the lots,eas�ements, and skreets belonging W such sul�division,with the lots
<br /> � designated by numb�x,easements by dimeaslom, and stre�ts by na�r�, and prc�poses to cause the
<br /> p�at of such�vlsion w}xn finallY aP�'ed bY th�e R��P1�"'ning Commission and the City
<br /> � Council ta be acbno�wkdgod by such awner,catlfiad as w aocuracy of survey by a r+egistcx�ed l�nd
<br /> � surveyor,and to contain a dodicadon of the easements to the use and bene�it of public utilities,
<br /> a�d of the stc�oct W t1�use of the gublic forever. In con�ideration of the a�:cep�nce pf 4he plat
<br /> ' of said i,INCOLN SiJADxVISION, the 5ubdivider i�ereby cons�nts and a8rees K'i��Ll�'°1
<br /> Grand IsLv�d�Nebraslca.that it wil1 instaU or provide at its expensc the following imgrovenner�ts:
<br /> �, 2
<br /> -�r-va�:�..�.....w,:�-., --_ •-.... '�`° ° ---
<br /> '"'��ii�;(W�fh.�rY' �/iF'�`' �� '&��"f�}�n:9�, .- — - �� _,�_
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<br /> � �pc 7RF�F9'_1nt�1 P`�Y t ••' � �.@�.
<br /> , . _ A.P YAW�. � ....:'�!�_ 1� •1 t�1��l'_ t'c.� `;�` ��9L _
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