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<br /> -:_ 'p�l���!►�o loeper be ror�ited.�t tbe opoon or L�ader�if m�t�e insu�o�o�e�a�C C�n me s�b�roc,oa to�t6eperiod
<br /> , IY�e�s�der t�q�&e�)Po►'ided bY a�!��PD���Y���0°�atiraiW�le aid is al�ined:8or�o�er aMil 0'a�►
<br /> ���aq�iro�to m�idaiq mo�t�e iaweaeae in e�ac1,a b puaide:loss nsave.�mtit t5e requiraoeat fia a�oKP�e ..
<br /> . _ anll.�ender ,
<br /> – -- _ _-.� _ -• -.. ____._._._..W_ _ �!� —- ---- --
<br /> ___ �� or larr: , ' - _
<br /> � !.I�ec'tbR.L�erifier ot ifa�mt t�y a�ke tratoa�Ma a�tcia upai m�`�Spcaw� Y- _ �6"'� ,
<br /> B�so�+�ar motice��e tnae of o�priot Ga m i�n s�eifyin8rnsontDtct�se far Me inspectioe. �
<br /> 1�.CNi�iio�.The p�ooei+ds of any awand.or claim for d�nt�es..dicxt�r uoasequeniat. ia ooaoection�tth anyr .
<br /> ' oopdqmo�tion ar ot6�t�Iciog of arry part of the P�opetty.�far rnrtveyaooe ia lieu of cadeanostian.are brnebY�f�� •
<br /> sh�ll De p�id w l.ender_ �
<br /> In tha eveK of a taql lalcie6 of th�PivpeRy.tbe proceeds sb�tt be appliod w t6e sums secared by tbis S�e�vrity 1ns�ument. -
<br /> � wtjetber or not tl�due.witb any exoess p�id to Somower. Ia the evrnt of a pn�tial talcing of t6e�opeitv in w6icb tbe fais ,
<br /> mrimt value ot tlwe Prnperty immedixetY befon the t�inng is oquat w a grca[er th�n t6e amoane of the swas secacod by this .
<br /> Secut�tg tn�ummt immediatdy befuce the�nlong.unkss IIormwer and i cnder atLenvise a�C iu�writin�.Wc sua�s sa�uced 6!► -
<br /> � t6is se�.,uny L�suumrn[shau 6e�educod bX the amu�c of 1De Pr+�caeas.mnrnpiicd.ny►die fql�awing�ction: c•)tLe toaa
<br /> y����s so�,yR¢inmedi�ty.6erwr the mtting.aiviia��+la ey tbj the f�ia rmrra v�tu�pc the Propert�► ;mmea;�tdy
<br /> befaae the tafong: Aay h�taroe sbaif be Qai�d to Bor�vwar. in thc eYrnt of a pa�iiai.talcing ot�tia:Propetty ia which tbe fair
<br /> m��oeC value ot ibe Pnopaty immedi�tNY beforc ide t�iang,is leas ihart.t6e amouix of 8rt surt�socuxed im�aediateiy btfrne We .
<br /> t�lcing.�nlas$o�nwer aod Lader ott�eswisc�oe in�rti6ng ot.qNess�pp[icaMe taw�othe�wise prm►ides.►Lc proceads sbsU ,
<br /> be appiied to Ue sua�s secaied 6y t6is Saeurity Inmument whetbee oc�tbe s�ws acr tM�dt�.°
<br /> �� U the�mperty is ab�rdoned by Bnr�owet.or if,after notice iky l.eoder to Sormwer that tbe oondemoor offecs W m�ke an
<br /> - �nracd or sdtie a claid►for dajaages,�..rmwer :�ils ta�e.c�.<�nd tn Lender within 30 days aR�r tbe date t�e notia is giveu.
<br /> isoder is�tharizod w oollect wd�pplyr tbe prnc�oedc,at its option�.eitba to restontian or nepair of the Prapaty ar ro the sums
<br /> - seeuted by t6is SecuritY In�ument,whd6er or not tbat dae. �
<br /> . Qnkss Lader aad Bomowa aherwise agtoe ia•vrriting-ar►Y �plic�tion af procoods w pcineipal shatl�na extend or
<br />__ ' postpone t6e due da�e of tise monthlY PaY�nfe�ed to in par�gr�ph.s 1 aad 2 or change Wt�nowrt of sach paymeots.
<br /> - 11.Eacroees'Not Reitated;Fa6arance By Leada'Not s Wst�a Extensian of the time for payment o'r modificuioa ,
<br /> � of��of tl�e sums secuiod by this Socuriry ieutrument granta!by i�der to aay succeswr in interest of Botrower s6a11
<br /> �;;. na opetate ta rele�se the fiability o6 the ariginal Borrower or Borrower's suecx.csors in mteast.Lender sbali rat be requitod W
<br />`.��';;, commence p[ooadings agaiost a�r succassor in interest or refuse to eatend time for payment or othenvise modify�mortizatlau
<br />���, �' of the sums saa�rod by this Sxurity Instnunent by reason of arty deman� made by tt�e original �orroviru or Borrower's
<br />--. suocessors in iMeres�. Any farbeaiance by Lender in eaercising.su►y►right or cemedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the
<br /> exercise af aag right or nemedy.
<br />- 1Z.Srooa�o�s aad A� Roaad;aoint aad Seven�t 1.iabUity:Co�as.The mvenants and agraments of-�tbis
<br /> Security I�ment sha!! bind and benefit the successors a�xi assiSns of Lendec ard Borrower. subject to the provisions of
<br /> � - P�S�Dh 17. Borrower's vovemants ard a� shall be joint and several. Any Bomnwer who co-signc thls Securiry
<br /> • Instnunent but daes noc execute the Note: (a)is cosi�g this Security Instiument�only to mortgage,grane and canvay tbat
<br /> BoRnwer's�tnterest in �he Aroperty under the tertns of t�s Security Instrument;(b)is not persot�a!!y obiigated to pay the sumc
<br />, ' secuced 6y�his Security Instrument:and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Boaower may agree to extend, modify,forbqt or
<br /> raaYe any acxomrnodations with regard to the terms af this Security Instcument or the Note without that Sorrawer's consent.
<br /> �rs 13.Loan Cba�ges.lf the loan secured by this Security Instrument is snbject to a law whIch sets maaimum ioan charges.
<br />� and that law i§fiaalty inaeiprete4 so that the interest ar:other laan charges coltected or to be colfected in wnnection with the
<br /> toan ezceed the petmitted 5�nits,then:(a)any such toan chnrge shal!be reduced by thc amount necessary to roducc the charge
<br />' � . to the permitted limit: and(b)any sums already colleaed fram Borrower which exceected permittod limits will be refundod to
<br />- Bonower. i.ender may choose co malce this refand by reducing the principa} owed under the Note or by making a dired
<br /> payment to Borrawer. If a refund reduces principal. the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment without any
<br /> • prepaymeat charge undertRe Note. .
<br />.. 14.Noti�es.My nauce to BormQer pravided fe�r in this Sec�lriry Instrument shall be given by deliyering it ar by mailing
<br /> it by lirst cla�ss.mail unless applicable[a�requires use of another method.The notice shall be directe4 to the Propetty Address
<br /> _ - or any at1�a�dress Borrower desigrrates by natice to Lender. Any noticc ta Lender shalt be given by first class mail tp; �
<br /> . L.endcr'sar�,t:ess stated heteln or any ather address Lender dcsignatcs by notice to Borrawer. Any notice provided far in this
<br /> - _ Security lnstrument shall bc decmed ta have bcen given to Borrawer or Lencler when givcn as pravided in this paragraph.
<br /> � . 15.GOYlrDIp$ I.f1Y; Serera611ity. This Security lnstrument shall bc governcd by federal law and the Iaw af'the
<br /> jurLsdictio�i;��which the Property is lacated. la the cvent that any provision nr clausc of this Securlty lnstrument or the Note
<br />_ conflicts�1�-applicable law.such wnflict shall not affect other�r�:isions af this Security Instre:snent�r the Note which c�s Be
<br /> � . � given ef°ec�without the canflicting prn�:5ion.To thls end the pro�isivns oi this Security In�trar.r.�nt and thc Note are dee;aad
<br /> . � r.o be severable. �
<br /> - t6.Sorrawet's Copy.Borrower shall bc given oae ccmfarmed rnpy nf We Notc und of thiy Security lnstrumenl.
<br /> • Form 8028 8180 '
<br /> � _���, PaBQ 4 0•�i
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