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<br /> . - _-- - - _ --�Ie� �pQGI�S D. '1'�0l�SON a�d �DI1�NB L. T80!lP50lt, �iusband a=sd � . ..
<br /> wife. ["SZtiitor"�r, uilder that Certaia Deed of Truat iII thE �
<br /> �_ �-�-- _ ._ QriQinil Psin�Pal awonae o� aliS � FIFTTY 'TqEWS111tD DOLLi1R5
<br /> . �r;i.�O,�OD.QOl.-st�id -date�-- t � -- , Y99�._ to be ent.��ed-irito---- -----
<br /> s --
<br /> � .at�o�4 Trustor, an�. DtT7tatE . BTJ�ts, i�tos�egt -Bank Hulldinq. P. o: ,
<br /> Hoz 2300 Grat�d 'i�lat�d, N�brsslu _ 668�2, t"Trustee"3. aud R�BBT ,
<br /> D. 3�pl�Sqt ind tl�0�t1C6 W. T�0!lQSCN.. husband and wife as joint <
<br /> . tenai►ts f"�nR��eiar��f► coveriaq tttie foliowin4-describsd
<br /> ,. . �r���� . . . . , , . .
<br /> ` Th� .we�t Half o! tHe Northw�est Q�urter tM�Ni�1�� o� � � ,
<br /> � - ` SectiaA Thirty-Pive t35), Town�h3p Zwelve (12�) Nortb,
<br /> � ���tanqs Thirteen E 13�, west of thi 6th P.M., Hutfalo • -
<br /> caanty, lt�brasks. � -
<br /> . . � , � . AL�1D . '
<br /> � The santhw�eat,Quarter of the Northeast Quarter �sw}1iE��
<br /> of Section �t�renty 120). Townshi� Tea (10) North, Ranqe �
<br /> . . 4t�elve t I2I. �iest of� the 6th P.M., �Aa11 Cow�►tY.
<br /> Nebraska. � . , �
<br /> � � hereby acknawledqe thait it is uaderstaod-tlrat ta} the Deed-of � -
<br /> Trust to be executed by Trustor is a Trust Deed and not a
<br /> inortqage, and tb) the power of. sale provided for ia the Deed� of
<br /> � Trust prvvides substaatially differeat riqhts and obliqations to
<br /> the Tsustor than a mortgaqe ia the eveat of a defauit or br�each .
<br /> ot obliqatfon. �.
<br /> Trustor acknowledqes that this Acknowled9meat was made prior . ::�
<br /> to t3�te execution of the Deed of �`a�ust. �
<br /> _ g�EC�p AND DELIVERED this �,� aay of �1 PR t�. , 1992.
<br /> � �' � ' .
<br /> . � DOUG D. TxOMPSON, rustor �
<br /> /� �,��+ .�
<br /> .. '� "� �yj.,,�„ � I aC �"�i�--�r� L_��rr�
<br /> �G "- �
<br /> DIA�7L�TE L. THOMPSON, Trustcr � � '
<br /> � S'��iTE OF NEBRASI(A . �.
<br /> � SS.
<br /> �01JNTY OF HAI,L 3 . . � �. .
<br /> � � The foreqoing instrument was acknawledged before me this '
<br /> �,,,L day of ���, 1992, by DOUaLAS D. THOMPSON and DIA�1tE �•
<br />- � �t3MPSON, husb !�id aad wife, for ��ae purPoses therein stated. � -
<br /> . � WITSaESS my hand and No�arial Seal at �i�is:� 7�'/�ws�
<br /> in said Cownty and State, the date oresaid. --
<br /> �� � _
<br /> Notary Public ���r�
<br /> My commission expire =
<br /> �� -
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