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<br /> Q. Ae edditloxiel nt,cn�lh,�,Ylruator hereby g(vea ta nnd confere upca�anofleicry Qho right posrer and�lhorl¢y,di�3 tTi�on�n°nc°ef �(
<br /> n
<br /> 4�u�n`d7ruc4a W coYlact¢Tiie re�?a,is;uea nnd�:afita oQcaid proF::ty rc__;�rinJ un4��1��:.toi eho riuht,ti�loi�W nc�y d=fault by�il�±:,toz in Gayn�ent f.�
<br /> of eqy indebtedae�a eeYurerl hereby ar ia performanco of sny ugr�ement henunder,to rnAect e�nd retafn euch rer►te,lwucs�nd proflte ai tdey `
<br /> �"� beoom�du�end�y�ble.Upon�y euet►default,B�neftciaey a�sy rL any time without aaLlca,elther ia penon,by sQeat,or by a recetver to 6e
<br /> '�� appolnt�l by a cawt�and wdehout ee�rd to the�d�quaeY oF nny�xurlcy for che iadebteclnee�hereby�ecured�entar upoa and tate poes�ulon ��
<br />,_i�,� of uid propxity o:u�y p�rt Weraof,in his own e�ame aue Cor or othenrloe collect�uch ronte,i�uue�sad pmRW,includlnQ thao pes0 du�aad �,
<br /> uapdd,�ad appla of ssid property�t�he cAlleeti�on of r�uch r�enb,iuu�d p.Ata end the app ad a thereot u aforaald,�hall a cu»oe
<br /> '��� tiklna R�eaeu�
<br /> ; „� watva ony c:afuuL:or n�.4lw of dafcult h�rc��!^r or invrRdnte any nct doae�ureunnt to�uch noticn. �_
<br />-- ,.�.-•------��a�.».�,.....��H,ti.r�.+n.n�of any�ma�msnt contataed hx�eftt.
<br /> -.�I �i. Uf�RA 4�C«S:�S�b�'ShL�4T in Eiy;Wymmi ui�ur iuuauw�uaw�w.+�.r.......•.�� •» _
<br /> ell nuue recured�s+eby ih�ll immedixtelY beoome due�nd p�yable at the optioa of the 8aneflciuy. Yn�ucb event ann upon w�l��on r'.yn:,:�
<br /> _;,� of HeneBctacy,'ll�wtes�lull seU the hwt propertY.ia acaudence with the Nebraelce�'Dwt Ileede Act,at publia nuction to the 6iQlse�t bidder. _
<br /> MY psnoa exoept 14�ust�e�µy bfd at`hwtee'�ade. 'llruatee�A�11�PP1Y the pmaeed�ef the�ale eu folluws: (1)to the aspenie ot the�ale, --
<br /> `.}�� includtng a raanable 11vs4ee i Eee;(2)W the o6li�adoa�ecvmi by thie Deed oYZlrust;(9)the nuplu�,if aqy,ehsU be dis�rlDuted W the penon� _
<br />-�:.�'. aatit�ed thsreW.
<br />.:� g, T�vstee rltaU tleIIvar to the purc6FSCr at tha eale ite decd,without wArrnnty,which�hell�avey to the pui+chaeer the intere�t in tlte
<br />�� pmperty v�bieh Z4wwr httl or had che powar W oonvey at the time of hi�exeeudon otthis Deed of Teust,and such��he m�y hnve aequired
<br /> - thereaRer. Tnutee'�d.eed�hall�edte the fact��howtng that the�sle wae coadncted in complfanco witli e11 tho rcguirenonte of 1aFr end of thte
<br />- Deod of 71wt,wh{�ch recital ahall be prlms fade evidenca of euch compliance ead oonciwive evidence tberenf ia fnvor of bana dde purcheurs
<br />""•�"' ondencumbr�nce�forvane.
<br />-- --= 7. Z7�e Qower oP oale ooaf'�rced by thie Deed aF•xruot ta no�sn ezcluaiva remedy;Bu�tlIIctar��+u�ay cau�a thi:B�-d o4�ur.t ta�fore�l�d ._
<br />--� u a mo��,
<br /> - ° 9. Ia ths�wnt of t}u d�th�inc+PuitY�di�abillty or rNi�aation of Zlnut+�.H�n�Gci,uy as�Y�Apotnt in wrlttnY a�ucca�oe tsuotee�uid
<br /> --�� upon t1u reoocdi�o�sucA appoiniment ia the mastg�e reeoit;o oi ttie e�unty in ahieh t.hia D�d of'11n±�t!e revor�k+t,tIu suxewr teueta
<br />:-�� sLall b�wst�d�vlth all powen of the origIn�l tr�+stes. 'Y'he hwtee i�noL oblifed Co aMily nnY P�Y hento of peading ials under u►y otlser
<br />_-w� Deed of'h1�st or otaay uUoa or ptnoeedinQ ia whirl�RYuaWr,'l�tutee or BeneBciarY�b�116e a p�rt,y aalea�uch actlon oY prooeeding i�bmu�ht
<br />-.__� bythe'huQtee,
<br /> 9, Th1�Deed of'fY�wt appiie�to,{ntu+e�to the bensflt oF,�nd L bindic�not only oa Ws partie�hereW�but on theis hein,devL�e�,le�teM.
<br />�' admiai�tcaton,oucuton,�uxeeaon and aai�u. The teras Hene6ciary ehall meanr tho�older�nd o�vner of the aote�avred hereby,wheWer
<br />